146 research outputs found

    Domain integral formulation for 3-D curved and non-planar cracks with the extended finite element method

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    The computation of stress intensity factors (SIFS) in curved and non-planar cracks using domain integrals introduces some difficulties related to the use of curvilinear gradients. Several approaches exist in the literature that consider curvilinear corrections within a finite element framework, but these depend on each particular crack configuration and they are not general. In this work, we introduce the curvilinear gradient correction within the extended finite element method framework (XFEM), based only on the level set information used for the crack description and the local coordinate system definition. Our formulation depends only on the level set coordinates and, therefore, an explicit analytical description of the crack is not needed. It is shown that this curvilinear correction improves the results and enables the study of generic cracks. In addition, we have introduced a simple error indicator for improving the SIF computed via the interaction integral, thanks to the better behavior of the J-integral as it does not need auxiliary extraction fields.This work has been carried out within the framework of the research projects DPI2007-66995-C03-02 and DPI2010-20990 financed by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. The support of the Generalitat Valenciana, Programme PROMETEO 2012/023 is also acknowledged.González Albuixech, VF.; Giner Maravilla, E.; Tarancón Caro, JE.; Fuenmayor Fernández, FJ.; Gravouil, A. (2013). Domain integral formulation for 3-D curved and non-planar cracks with the extended finite element method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 264:129-144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2013.05.016S12914426

    Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Coronavirus Infection in Pigs, Argentina

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    We describe an outbreak of vomiting, wasting, and encephalomyelitis syndrome in piglets in Argentina, caused by porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis coronavirus (PHE-CoV) infection. Diagnosis was made by epidemiologic factors, pathologic features, immunohistochemistry, reverse transcription–PCR, and genomic sequencing. This study documents PHE-CoV infection in South America

    A three-scale domain decomposition method for the 3D analysis of debonding in laminates

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    The prediction of the quasi-static response of industrial laminate structures requires to use fine descriptions of the material, especially when debonding is involved. Even when modeled at the mesoscale, the computation of these structures results in very large numerical problems. In this paper, the exact mesoscale solution is sought using parallel iterative solvers. The LaTIn-based mixed domain decomposition method makes it very easy to handle the complex description of the structure; moreover the provided multiscale features enable us to deal with numerical difficulties at their natural scale; we present the various enhancements we developed to ensure the scalability of the method. An extension of the method designed to handle instabilities is also presented

    Locally equilibrated stress recovery for goal oriented error estimation in the extended finite element method

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    [EN] Goal oriented error estimation and adaptive procedures are essential for the accurate and efficient evaluation of finite element numerical simulations that involve complex domains. By locally improving the approximation quality, for example, by using the extended finite element method (XFEM), we can solve expensive problems which could result intractable otherwise. Here, we present an error estimation technique for enriched finite element approximations that is based on an equilibrated recovery technique, which considers the stress intensity factor as the quantity of interest. The locally equilibrated superconvergent patch recovery is used to obtain enhanced stress fields for the primal and dual problems defined to evaluate the error estimate.This work was supported by the EPSRC grant EP/G042705/1 "Increased Reliability for Industrially Relevant Automatic Crack Growth Simulation with the eXtended Finite Element Method". Stephane Bordas also thanks partial funding for his time provided by the European Research Council Starting Independent Research Grant (ERC Stg Grant Agreement No. 279578) "RealTCut Towards real time multiscale simulation of cutting in non-linear materials with applications to surgical simulation and computer guided surgery". This work has been carried out within the framework of the research project DPI2010-20542 of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain). The financial support of the FPU program (AP2008-01086), the funding from Universitat Politecnica de Valencia and Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2012/023) are also acknowledged.González Estrada, OA.; Ródenas, J.; Bordas, S.; Nadal, E.; Kerfriden, P.; Fuenmayor Fernández, FJ. (2015). Locally equilibrated stress recovery for goal oriented error estimation in the extended finite element method. Computers and Structures. 152:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruc.2015.01.015S11015

    The role of rock joint frictional strength in the containment of fracture propagation

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    The fracturing phenomenon within the reservoir environment is a complex process that is controlled by several factors and may occur either naturally or by artificial drivers. Even when deliberately induced, the fracturing behaviour is greatly influenced by the subsurface architecture and existing features. The presence of discontinuities such as joints, artificial and naturally occurring faults and interfaces between rock layers and microfractures plays an important role in the fracturing process and has been known to significantly alter the course of fracture growth. In this paper, an important property (joint friction) that governs the shear behaviour of discontinuities is considered. The applied numerical procedure entails the implementation of the discrete element method to enable a more dynamic monitoring of the fracturing process, where the joint frictional property is considered in isolation. Whereas fracture propagation is constrained by joints of low frictional resistance, in non-frictional joints, the unrestricted sliding of the joint plane increases the tendency for reinitiation and proliferation of fractures at other locations. The ability of a frictional joint to suppress fracture growth decreases as the frictional resistance increases; however, this phenomenon exacerbates the influence of other factors including in situ stresses and overburden conditions. The effect of the joint frictional property is not limited to the strength of rock formations; it also impacts on fracturing processes, which could be particularly evident in jointed rock masses or formations with prominent faults and/or discontinuities