57 research outputs found

    Validation of questions-based STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) for Elementary School Teacher Education

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    This study was to validate questions based STEM for elementary school education students, they are categorized as quantitative descriptive. The product of this research was aimed at class 2019 elementary school education students of Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban (UNIROW). The research time was started from April 2020 to July 2020. These products have not been tested extensively because they have been hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic. The questions based STEM developed were essay questions consisting of pretest questions, practice questions, and posttest questions. Each question shows one of the STEM ability profiles. The validation results show that all aspects of the assessment have very good criteria. The aspect that got the highest percentage score was the content suitability aspect with a score percentage of 84.38%. While the aspect that got the lowest score percentage was the graphic aspect with a score percentage of 82.14%. The language aspect got a score percentage of 82.50%

    Central Coherence in Eating Disorders: A Synthesis of Studies Using the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure Test

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    Background: Large variability in tests and differences in scoring systems used to study central coherence in eating disorders may lead to different interpretations, inconsistent findings and between study discrepancies. This study aimed to address inconsistencies by collating data from several studies from the same research group that used the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (Rey Figure) in order to produce norms to provide benchmark data for future studies. Method: Data was collated from 984 participants in total. Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, recovered Anorexia Nervosa, unaffected family members and healthy controls were compared using the Rey Figure. Results: Poor global processing was observed across all current eating disorder sub-groups and in unaffected relatives. There was no difference in performance between recovered AN and HC groups. Conclusions: This is the largest dataset reported in the literature and supports previous studies implicating poor global processing across eating disorders using the Rey Figure. It provides robust normative data useful for future studies

    An Empirical Comparison of Consumer Innovation Adoption Models: Implications for Subsistence Marketplaces

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    So called “pro-poor” innovations may improve consumer wellbeing in subsistence marketplaces. However, there is little research that integrates the area with the vast literature on innovation adoption. Using a questionnaire where respondents were asked to provide their evaluations about a mobile banking innovation, this research fills this gap by providing empirical evidence of the applicability of existing innovation adoption models in subsistence marketplaces. The study was conducted in Bangladesh among a geographically dispersed sample. The data collected allowed an empirical comparison of models in a subsistence context. The research reveals the most useful models in this context to be the Value Based Adoption Model and the Consumer Acceptance of Technology model. In light of these findings and further examination of the model comparison results the research also shows that consumers in subsistence marketplaces are not just motivated by functionality and economic needs. If organizations cannot enhance the hedonic attributes of a pro-poor innovation, and reduce the internal/external constraints related to adoption of that pro-poor innovation, then adoption intention by consumers will be lower

    Indagine preliminare sulla possibile presenza di sostanza amiloide (AA) in prodotti lattiero-caseari bovini

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    Le amiloidosi sono un gruppo di patologie caratterizzate dalla presenza di depositi extracellulari di sostanza amiloide non solubile sottoforma di fibrille a struttura di \u3b2-sheet, positive alla colorazione Rosso Congo. Le amiloidosi sono patologie trasmissibili per diverse vie, inclusa la via orale, come dimostrato nei roditori. Il processo di trasmissione ricalca quello delle proteine prioniche, ed \ue8 pertanto ipotizzabile una trasmissibilit\ue0 fra specie. L\u2019SAA \ue8 una proteina di fase acuta che aumenta la sua concentrazione nel siero e nel latte in corso di risposta sistemica all\u2019infiammazione. In analogia con quanto \ue8 stato descritto per le patologie prioniche, la presenza di mastiti nella ghiandola mammaria aumenta la possibilit\ue0 di trasmissione delle patologie conformazionali, creando un ambiente adatto alla destabilizzazione strutturale delle proteine con formazione di \u3b2-sheet. I processi di caseificazione possono inoltre favorire la precipitazione di fibrille. D\u2019altra parte la presenza di proteasi del caglio e/o batteriche potrebbe essere sufficiente ad idrolizzare le fibrille e neutralizzarne l\u2019attivit\ue0 patogena. Scopo di questo lavoro \ue8 valutare l\u2019eventuale resistenza delle fibrille alla caseificazione. Il modello sperimentale prevede di simulare la formazione di sostanza amiloide nel latte aggiungendo fibrille bovine purificate da milza di animali con amiloidosi. Le fibrille sono state purificate mediante cicli di ultracentrifugazione e quantificate utilizzando un kit ELISA. L\u2019effettiva presenza di SAA \ue8 stata verificata mediante western blotting. Fibrille di AA, in concentrazione equivalente a quella rilevata in corso di risposta sistemica all\u2019infiammazione, sono state aggiunte al latte crudo utilizzato per la caseificazione. In questa fase preliminare \ue8 stato messo a punto un protocollo di estrazione delle fibrille di AA da tessuto bovino ed \ue8 stata valutata la concentrazione di tali fibrille mediante ELISA comunemente utilizzato nel siero e nel latte. La fase successiva prevede l\u2019estrazione e l\u2019analisi delle proteine dal formaggio dopo una settimana di stagionatura al fine di determinare la persistenza delle fibrille

    A relational perspective on women’s empowerment: Intimate partner violence and empowerment among women entrepreneurs in Vietnam

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    Research has mainly studied women’s empowerment assessing personal (e.g., self-esteem) or relational (e.g., decision-making) empowerment indicators. Women are not isolated individuals; they are embedded in social relationships. This is especially relevant in more collectivist societies. The current research provides a relational perspective on how husbands may hamper women’s empowerment by inflicting intimate partner violence (IPV) assessing women’s self-reported experience. We tested the link between self-esteem and experienced IPV on financial intra-household decision-making power among women entrepreneurs (N = 1,347) in Northern Vietnam, a collectivistic society undergoing economic development. We report two measurement points. As expected, self-esteem (and not IPV) was positively related to more power in intra-household decision-making on small expenditures, which are traditionally taken by women. However, IPV (and not self-esteem) was related to less decision-making power on larger expenditures, traditionally a domain outside women’s power. We test and discuss the directionality of the effects and stress the importance of considering women’s close relationship when investigating signs of women’s empowerment.</p