25 research outputs found

    Serbian gynecologists' and pharmacists' beliefs about emergency contraception

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    Emergency contraception (EC) in Serbia is available in two products: Levonorgestel, which has nonprescription status, and Ulipristal acetate, which is a prescription-only medicine. Considering their dispensing statuses, gynecologists and pharmacists are health care professionals (HCPs) with the widest impact on EC use. Yet little is known about their beliefs and practices regarding these medicines. We surveyed 166 gynecologists (during October 2012-October 2013) and 452 community pharmacists (during January-April 2014). Results showed significant differences between these two groups, suggesting that provision of EC to users may be inconsistent. Gynecologists were more convinced than pharmacists that EC would reduce the abortion rate (86% versus 53%, p lt .001). However, they were more concerned than pharmacists that easy access to EC would cause less regular contraceptive use (66% versus 29%, p lt .001) and risky sexual behaviors, including initiating sexual activity at a younger age (37% versus 19%, p lt .001) and having more sexual partners (33% versus 12%, p lt .001). Additionally, more pharmacists than gynecologists (12% versus 2%, p lt .001) said they would not provide EC to anyone under any circumstance, even to victims of sexual assault. These results indicated a need for reevaluating and establishing official guidelines for dispensing practices.This is peer-reviewed version of the following article: Milosavljevic, J.; Bogavac-Stanojevic, N.; Krajnovic, D.; Mitrovic-Jovanovic, A. Serbian Gynecologists’ and Pharmacists’ Beliefs about Emergency Contraception. Women Health 2017, 57 (4), 508–519. [https://doi.org/10.1080/03630242.2016.1176099

    Differences in MB-COMT DNA methylation in monozygotic twins on phenotypic indicators of impulsivity

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    Epigenetic modifications of the membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase (MB-COMT) gene may affect the enzymatic degradation of dopamine, and consequently, human behavior. This study investigated the association between membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNA methylation (DNAm) differences in 92 monozygotic (MZ) twins with phenotypic manifestations of cognitive, behavioral, and personality indicators associated with reward-related behaviors and lack of control. We used pyrosequencing to determine DNAm of the regulatory region of membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase in saliva DNA. Results of intrapair differences in the percentage of membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNAm at each of five CpG sites show that there are associations between phenotypic indicators of lack of control and membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNAm differences on CpG1, CpG2 and CpG4, suggesting the common epigenetic patterns for personality traits, cognitive functions, and risk behaviors


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    Spondiloartritisi (SpA) grupa su upalnih reumatskih bolesti koje dijele zajednička etiopatogenetska, radiološka i klinička obilježja. Te su bolesti znatan teret za bolesnika i za društvo. Posljednjih godina dogodile su se velike novosti u klasifi kaciji, dijagnostici i liječenju SpA. Stoga je Hrvatsko reumatološko društvo Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora ažuriralo prijedlog primjene bioloških lijekova (referentnih ili biosličnih) i novouvedenih ciljanih sintetskih molekula u algoritam liječenja odraslih bolesnika sa SpA. Prijedlog preporuka usklađen je s preporukama uglednih europskih i drugih međunarodnih organizacija iz ovog područja. Nadamo se da će standardizirani, sveobuhvatni i aktualni pristup u ispunjavanju kriterija, odabiru lijekova, praćenju i evaluaciji ishoda koji smo primijenili u cijelom spektru bolesnika sa SpA pomoći kliničarima i drugim zainteresiranima u postizanju optimalnih rezultata liječenja ovih bolesnika.Spondyloarthritis (SpA) is a group of infl ammatory rheumatic diseases that shares common etiopathogenetical, radiological, and clinical features. Th ese diseases represent a considerable burden both for the individual patient as well as for society. In the last few years important novelties have been introduced in the classification, diagnosis, and treatment of SpA. Th erefore, the Croatian Society for Rheumatology of the Croatian Medical Association has updated its proposal for the use of biologic drugs (reference or biosimilar) and introduced targeted synthetic drugs in the treatment algorithm for adult patients with SpA. Th e proposed recommendations are largely in accordance with those of renowned European and other international organizations in this field. We hope that a standardized, comprehensive, and up-to-date approach to the fullfilling criteria, drug selection, monitoring, and outcome evaluation that we applied in the full spectrum of patients with SpA will aid clinicians and other interested parties in reaching optimal treatment outcomes for these patients


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    Reumatoidni artritis sustavna je upalna reumatska bolest koja, osim zglobova, zahvaća i unutarnje organe, kožu, osjetilni i živčani sustav, a znatno povisuje i rizik od kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Posljednjih godina znatno se promijenio pristup u dijagnostici i liječenju bolesnika s reumatoidnim artritisom. Rana dijagnoza i pravodobno započinjanje liječenja sintetskim i biološkim lijekovima iznimno su važni da bi se spriječile ireverzibilne posljedice ove teške bolesti. Hrvatsko reumatološko društvo Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora u skladu s novijim spoznajama u reumatologiji obnovilo je preporuke za liječenje reumatoidnog artritisa.Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic infl ammatory rheumatic disease that primarily aff ects joints, but may also aff ect inner organs, skin, as well as the sensory and nervous systems. Additionally, patients with rheumatoid arthritis have an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Over the last years the approach to management of rheumatoid arthritis has been signifi cantly changed. Early diagnosis as well as early onset of treatment with synthetic and biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs is now considered to be of utmost importance to prevent irreversible damage in this serious illness. Th e Croatian Rheumatological Society of the Croatian Medical Association has updated the recommendations for management of rheumatoid arthritis in line with the most recent advances in the fi eld

    Differences in MB-COMT DNA methylation in monozygotic twins on phenotypic indicators of impulsivity

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    Epigenetic modifications of the membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase (MB-COMT) gene may affect the enzymatic degradation of dopamine, and consequently, human behavior. This study investigated the association between membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNA methylation (DNAm) differences in 92 monozygotic (MZ) twins with phenotypic manifestations of cognitive, behavioral, and personality indicators associated with reward-related behaviors and lack of control. We used pyrosequencing to determine DNAm of the regulatory region of membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase in saliva DNA. Results of intrapair differences in the percentage of membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNAm at each of five CpG sites show that there are associations between phenotypic indicators of lack of control and membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNAm differences on CpG1, CpG2 and CpG4, suggesting the common epigenetic patterns for personality traits, cognitive functions, and risk behaviors

    Happiness around the world: A combined etic-emic approach across 63 countries.

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    What does it mean to be happy? The vast majority of cross-cultural studies on happiness have employed a Western-origin, or "WEIRD" measure of happiness that conceptualizes it as a self-centered (or "independent"), high-arousal emotion. However, research from Eastern cultures, particularly Japan, conceptualizes happiness as including an interpersonal aspect emphasizing harmony and connectedness to others. Following a combined emic-etic approach (Cheung, van de Vijver & Leong, 2011), we assessed the cross-cultural applicability of a measure of independent happiness developed in the US (Subjective Happiness Scale; Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999) and a measure of interdependent happiness developed in Japan (Interdependent Happiness Scale; Hitokoto & Uchida, 2015), with data from 63 countries representing 7 sociocultural regions. Results indicate that the schema of independent happiness was more coherent in more WEIRD countries. In contrast, the coherence of interdependent happiness was unrelated to a country's "WEIRD-ness." Reliabilities of both happiness measures were lowest in African and Middle Eastern countries, suggesting these two conceptualizations of happiness may not be globally comprehensive. Overall, while the two measures had many similar correlates and properties, the self-focused concept of independent happiness is "WEIRD-er" than interdependent happiness, suggesting cross-cultural researchers should attend to both conceptualizations

    The structure of the lexical personality descriptors in Serbian language

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    Two studies, both originating from a larger psycholexical study in Serbian language, are presented here. Two questionnaires, Lexi and PL have been constructed in the psycholexical study. The questionnaires differ by the formulation of their respective items: while the items of the Lexi contain adjectives, the items of the PL are in the form of statements. The first study presented in this paper examines the latent structure of the Lexi questionnaire, while the second one deals with the latent structure of the PL. In both studies, principal component analysis was applied, and the number of components to be retained in the analysis was determined according to the Scree criterion. Also, Promax rotation was applied in both studies. Seven components which were extracted in the first study have been interpreted as Negative Valence, Negative Emotionality, Aggressiveness, Conscientiousness, Positive Emotionality, Positive Valence and Openness to Experience. The content of these dimensions is obviously similar to the dimensions of Tellegen and Waller’s Big Seven model. In the second study, five components were extracted, and interpreted as Sociability, Anxiety, Aggressiveness, Activity and Impulsivity. The content of the dimensions extracted in the second study corresponds with the dimensions of Marvin Zuckerman’s Alternative Five - Factor Model

    Evaluation of Big Five model in Serbian culture by FIBI questionnaire

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    The main purpose of this study was to evaluate personality dimensions, proposed by Big Five model, in our culture, by the use of the questionnaire FIBI, developed on the basis of the psycho lexical study of personality descriptions in Serbian language (Smederevac, 2000). There were 627 subjects in the study (407 females and 220 males), aged 17 to 77, and the inventory UKL7 (Smederevac, 2000) and the Big Five Inventory (BFI; John, Donahue, Kentle, 1991; John, Srivastava, 1999) were applied. The FIBI inventory was created from UKL7 by exclusion of evaluative items, items of probable artificial factor Emotional control and items with poor psychometric properties were excluded. Final solution with 69 items demonstrated solid psychometric properties. The construct validity of the FIBI has been assessed by examination of its relationship to the Big Five Inventory and results showed that scales Conventionality and Extraversion in those two inventories differ in content. Subscale Conventionality in FIBI was highly related to subscale Consciousness in BFI and showed no significant correlation to Openness to Experience of the BFI. The content of the FIBI's Extraversion scale includes positive self-evaluation, assertiveness and activity. Indicators of sociability, usually considered as dominant (or at least very important) markers of extraverted behavior, were omitted from the FIBI Extraversion scale. These content differences justify application of the emic approach in the personality psychology research. Although there are some other available instruments based on Big Five, FIBI represents product of our cultural background and seems to be worth of further examination and improvement

    Typological approach to the dimensions of evaluating others

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    This study examined the latent structure of interpersonal evaluation space from both dimensional and typological points of view, considering typological approach to be a complement of the dimensional. The Interpersonal Evaluation Questionnaire (containing 72 items, with 5-degree Likert scales, measuring the desirability of behaviour and personal characteristics of other people) was administered to the sample of 398 respondents of both sexes, aged 15 - 61. According to the Scree criterion, 8 principal components were extracted, which were interpreted as communicativeness, good manners, aggressiveness, self - love, leadership, kindness, reserve and intrusiveness. Second-order analysis singled out two factors, the first one representing the evaluation of the characteristics usually perceived as positive in social interaction, and the second one representing the evaluation of characteristics which make communication between equals difficult. Although the dimensions of interpersonal evaluation do not fit the circumplex structure, their content is similar to the content of Wiggins' dimensions. Using Ward's method of hierarchical cluster analysis, assuming that the evaluation of others reflects both basic personality structure and the characteristic pattern of personality processes, three prototypical personality organizations were identified: the group oriented towards power, the group oriented towards affiliation and the hostile group. The differences between the results of this study and the results obtained by self - estimation were determined by the evaluative nature of the process of estimating others

    Latent structure and construct validity of the reinforcement sensitivity questionnaire

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    The Revised reinforcement sensitivity theory contains three basic systems: Behavioral inhibition system (BAS), Behavioral activation system (BIS) and the Fight/ Flight/ Freeze (FFF) system. In this model, BIS is a system for detection of potential conflict or threat, and FFFS differs three basic patterns of reaction to actual or perceived danger. In Study 1, which was aimed at the examination of the latent structure of the RSQ, was conducted on a sample of 472 participants of both genders. The best - fitting model suggests that, at the top level of hierarchy, three dimensions exist, which are analogous to the BIS, BAS and FFF. The last dimension contains three subordinate dimensions, which represent the subsystems of the FFF. Study 2, in which 203 subjects participated, was aimed at examination of the relations between the dimensions of the Revised reinforcement sensitivity theory and dimensions of the PEN model. Confirmatory factor analyses of the RSQ and EPQ-R dimensions revealed that the best-fitting model comprised three latent dimensions, the first one being analogous to the BIS - Neuroticism, the second one to the BAS - Extraversion, and the third to the Aggressiveness- Psychoticism. The structure of the latent dimensions is in accordance with the expectations. The results state that fear and anxiety (which neurophysiological distinction is emphasized by Gray), are substantively similar on the behavioral level. Also, the results suggest that the Freeze dimension is probably closer to the BIS system than to the FFF