28 research outputs found

    Explaining arbitrage of CDS and Bond markets

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    The focus of this paper is the theoretical arbitrage relationship between the Credit Default Swaps and Corporate Bonds. We find that the arbitrage relationship tends to be violated, creating short term opportunities for traders. Results of VECM suggest that the difference in price of credit risk persists over time. This violation is explained by three sets of factors: 1) firm-specific credit risk proxies, 2) bond and CDS liquidity and 3) overall market conditions. Variables gain more explanatory power during the last financial crisis

    Future of Augmented Reality

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    Today virtual reality is very popular, but it is used mostly for entertainment. In future augmented reality referred to as the integration of digital information with the user's environment in real time will be the most popular thing in the world. Referring to these definitions, unlike virtual reality, which creates a totally artificial environment, augmented reality uses the existing environment and overlays new information on the top. By this way our life can become more interesting and informative. With the help of advanced AR technology (e.g. adding computer vision and object recognition) the information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes interactive and digitally manipulated information about the environment and its objects is overlaid in the real world

    «Reactional» information operations in cyberspace

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    The article investigates reaction-type information operations that can be used for misrepresentation, concealment or suppression of an information event in society and reviews an approach to their identification


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    The aim: to study the stages of primary and secondary biofilms formation by the leading pathogens in children with pyelonephritis on congenital hydronephrosis background depending on child’s age. Materials and methods. Venflons, catheters, urine were used as material for microbiological study. Identification of microorganisms was provided with MICRO-LA-TESTÒID kits. Isolates were tested for ability to form biofilms in Petri dishes with d=40 mm. The morphological structure of the biofilms was studied by scanning electron microscopy. Results: The study of structural and functional features of biofilms formation by leading pathogens of in children with pyelonephritis on congenital hydronephrosis background depending on child’s age revealed a number of features and patterns. In addition to the classical stages of biofilms formation as 3D structure there was found a dissemination of planktonic cells with the release of bacteria or loss of single fragments that spread throughout the body and attach to the substrate with the formation of a new or secondary biofilm. In children under 3 years it was shown that the cocci attachment to the substrate appeared faster than in gram-negative rods and had appearance of separate structures. The longest stage of primary biofilms formation in young children was the co-aggregation. Detecting an ability to colonize with the formation of a secondary biofilm in isolates established that the longest stage was re-adsorption and the shortest was re-aggregation, which lasted 2 hours in all detected pathogens. In middle-aged children, the duration of adhesion stage was reduced by 1-2 hours compared with it in young children. Conclusions. Scientific data about the stages of biofilms formation by microorganisms, causative agents of pyelonephritis in children was updated. Adhesion stage of isolates from elder children with pyelonephritis on background of congenital hydronephrosis underwent faster in the formation of secondary biofilms than in primary, and it formed the possibility for chronic process and the development of recurrences. The duration of each stage in biofilms formation by causative agents of pyelonephritis in children with congenital hydronephrosis depended on the age of the child and the properties of microorganism

    Дія антимікробних препаратів і світлодіодного випромінювання на добові біоплівки S. aureus та E. coli

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    Estimating the results of the antimicrobial action and the LED radiation on diurnal S. aureus and E. coli biofilms it has been found that under the complex effects using optical emission of the orange spectrum and β-lactam antimicrobial drugs the density of biofilms was 1.5 times higher than the control values; under the action of the drug from the group of fluoroquinolones levofloxacin and the orange LED emission spectrum the density of daily S. aureus biofilm was 42.8 times reduced, and E. coli decreased by 18.9 times compared to the control. When determining the impact of the green radiation spectrum together with β-lactam antimicrobial drugs on daily biofilms of multiresistant strains there is inhibition of the density of isolates biofilm of both S. aureus and E. coli compared to the control. In a complex application of levofloxacin and the green LED emission spectrum the destruction of daily biofilms of multiresistant isolates of S. aureus by 2.4 times and E. coli by 3.1 times has been determined compared to the control. The similar results have been reported in determining the ability of irradiated planktonic cells to form the secondary biofilms: the lowest density of the secondary biofilm is registered in application of the optical radiation of the violet spectrum in combination with levofloxacin: the density of the secondary S. aureus biofilm reduced by 52.4, and the density of the E. coli biofilm reduced by 39.3 times compared to the control. As a result of this study the possibility of using the incoherent optical radiation of the violet spectrum with levofloxacin, which is a photosensitizer and contributes to decrease in the proliferative activity and the ability to form biofilms of multiresistant isolates of S. aureus and E. coli and increase their antibiotics resistance, in the treatment of inflammatory processes has been substantiated.Оценивая результаты действия противомикробных препаратов и светодиодного излучения на суточные биопленки S. aureus и E. coli, было установлено, что под комплексным воздействием с применением оптического излучения оранжевого спектра и β-лактамных противомикробных препаратов плотность биопленок была в 1,5 раза выше контрольных значений, препарата из группы фторхинолонов левофлоксацина и светодиодного излучения оранжевого спектра наблюдалось снижение плотности суточной биопленки S. aureus в 42,8 раза; а E. coli – в 18,9 раза по сравнению с контролем. При определении влияния излучения зеленого спектра вместе с β-лактамными антимикробными препаратами на суточные биопленки полирезистентных штаммов наблюдается угнетение плотности биопленки изолятов как S. aureus, так и E. coli по сравнению с контролем. А при комплексном применении левофлоксацина и светодиодного излучения зеленого спектра установлено разрушение суточных биопленок полирезистентных изолятов S. aureus в 2,4 раза, а E. coli в 3,1 раза по сравнению с контролем. Аналогичные результаты были зафиксированы при определении способности облученных планктонных клеток образовывать вторичные биопленки: наименьшая плотность вторичной биопленки зарегистрирована при применении оптического излучения фиолетового спектра комплексно с левофлоксацином: плотность вторичной биопленки S.aureus снижена в 52,4 и в 39,3 раза – снижена плотность вторичной биопленки E.coli сравнению с контролем. В результате данного исследования обоснована возможность применения в комплексной терапии гнойно-воспалительных процессов низкоинтенсивного некогерентного оптического излучения фиолетового спектра с левофлоксацином, который является фотосенсибилизатором и способствует подавлению пролиферативной активности и способности к формированию биопленок полирезистентных изолятов S. aureus и E. coli и повышению их антибиотикочувствительности.Оцінюючи результати щодо визначення дії антимікробних препаратів і світлодіодного випромінювання на добові біоплівки S. aureus і E. coli було встановлено, що під комплексним впливом із застосуванням оптичного випромінювання помаранчевого спектра та β-лактамних антимікробних препаратів щільність біоплівок була у 1,5 рази вища за контрольні значення, препарату з групи фторхінолонів левофлоксацину і світлодіодного випромінювання помаранчевого спектра зниження щільності добової біоплівки S. aureus у 42,8 рази а E. coli – у 18,9 рази порівняно з контролем. При визначенні впливу випромінювання зеленого спектра разом з β-лактамними антимікробними препаратами на добові біоплівки полірезистентних штамів спостерігається пригнічення щільності біоплівки ізолятів як S. aureus, так і E. coli порівняно з контролем. А при комплексному застосуванні левофлоксацину і світлодіодного випромінювання зеленого спектра встановлено руйнування добових біоплівок полірезистентних ізолятів S. aureus у 2,4 рази, а E. coli у 3,1 рази порівняно з контролем. Застосування антимікробних препаратів і світлодіодного випромінювання фіолетового спектра призвело до зниження щільності добових біоплівок S. aureus у 17,4 рази при застосуванні амоксиклаву, у 13,4 рази при застосуванні цефтриаксону та у 42,8 рази в комплексі з левофлоксацином. Аналогічні результати були зафіксовані при визначенні здатності опромінених планктонних клітин утворювати вторинні біоплівки: найменша щільність вторинної біоплівки зареєстрована при застосуванні оптичного випромінювання фіолетового спектра комплексно з левофлоксацином: щільність вторинної біоплівки S. aureus знижена у 52,4 та у 39,3 рази – знижена щільність вторинної біоплівки E. coli порівняно з контролем. У результаті цього дослідження обґрунтовано можливість застосування у комплексній терапії гнійно-запальних процесів низькоінтенсивного некогерентного оптичного випромінювання фіолетового спектра з левофлоксацином, який є фотосенсибілізатором та сприяє пригніченню проліферативної активності і здатності до формування біоплівок полірезистентних ізолятів S. aureus та E. coli і підвищенню їх антибіотикочутливості

    Influence of the functional class of Paralympic cross-country sit-skiers on the effectiveness of competitive activity (on the example of the sprint distance)

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    Purpose: to determine the value of the functional classification and its influence on the result of the competitive activity of Paralympic cross-country sit-skiers. Material and methods: to solve the problems of the study, the data of 164 Paralympic cross-country sit-skiers were analyzed, including 98 men and 66 women, participants of the Winter Paralympic Games, namely: Sochi 2014 – 47 athletes (24 men and 25 women) PyeongChang 2018 – 61 men and 25 women), Beijing 2022 – 56 athletes (38 men and 18 women) with a functional class LW10-12 and are representatives of the sitting category, performing in the sprint ski race. During the study, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature and Internet sources, generalization of best practices, analysis of protocols and videos of competitive activity, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: changes were revealed in relation to representatives of different classes in the final round of the sprint ski race among athletes of the sitting category: Sochi 2014: men – LW10 – 1 and LW12 – 5, women – LW11 – 2 and LW12 – 4; PyeongChang 2018: men – LW11.5 – 1 and LW12 – 5, women – LW11 – 1 and LW12 – 5; Beijing 2022: men LW10 – 2, LW11.5 – 1 and LW12, women – LW10 – 1, LW10.5 – 1, LW11.5 – 1 and LW12 – 3. Conclusions: it has been proven that one of the topical issues in holding competitions among athletes with disabilities is the classification process aimed at fair competition between athletes, despite their individual functional capabilities; despite this, modern research proves that there are some factors that affect the result of competitive activity, but which are not taken into account by the classification system; the modern classification strategy is aimed at improving this process (percentage system), which helps to increase the competitiveness of representatives of all classes included in the sitting category

    Wavelet and fractal analysis based news spreading model

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    The aggression of Russian Federation in Ukraine has exposed a strategic problem, derived from unwillingness to fully oppose in the information confrontation. Media could do even more damage to country’s defense capabilities than military action. Spreading fake news can be used to misrepresent, distort, and create a negative image of an informational event in society, as well as instill fear, panic, or downplay achievements. Little attention is paid to such information operations and approaches to their detection. The paper deals with detection of such information effects using Exploratory data analysis, fractal and wavelet analysis, as well as factor structure analysis using neural networks for being defensive, understanding of methods and techniques used to attack in Informational Space is necessary

    The role of the surface chemistry on the performance of graphene-based biosensors

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    L'analyse clinique bénéficie dans le monde entier d'une variété de tests diagnostiques. L'intérêt pour le développement de nouveaux tests cliniques résulte d’une part du besoin de détecter de nouveaux analytes tels que les virus et les biomarqueurs, ainsi que d’une forte demande pour la réduction des coûts, de la complexité et des temps d'analyse excessif des techniques actuelles. Parmi les nombreuses possibilités disponibles aujourd'hui, les dispositifs de type « point-of-care » (PoC) incorporant du graphène et ses dérivés sont des acteurs de premier plan. Ce travail vise à étudier et à comparer le potentiel de l'oxyde de graphène réduit (rGO) et du graphène formé par dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD) pour les dispositifs PoC à transduction électrique et électrochimique. Le développement complet des biocapteurs, de la fabrication des transducteurs à base de graphène à la détection de molécules biologiques, est présenté. L'accent sera mis sur le choix des récepteurs greffés à la surface du graphène. Dans ce contexte, le greffage non-covalent de récepteurs utilisant différents ligands à base de pyrène ainsi que le greffage covalent via des sels de 4 - ((triisopropylsilyl) éthylényl) benzène diazonium seront démontrés et comparés. Les exemples de détection discutés sont basés sur la détection de la protéine de capside E7 du Papillomavirus humain (PVH) et sur le niveau de troponine cardiaque I (cTnI) associé aux maladies cardiovasculaires, dans différents échantillons biologiques.Mots clés: graphène, oxyde de graphène réduit, détection, électrochimie, transistors à base de graphène, chimie de surface.Clinical analysis benefits world-wide from a variety of diagnostic tests. The interest in the development of new clinical tests is not only driven by the demand to sense new analytes such as viruses and biomarkers, but also to reduce costs, complexity and lengthy analysis times of current techniques. Among the numerous of possibilities available today, point-of-care (PoC) devices incorporating graphene and its derivatives are prominent players. This work aims at investigating and comparing the potential of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and graphene formed by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) for electrical and electrochemical based PoC devices. The full biosensor manufacturing process from manufacturing of the graphene-based transducers to sensing biological molecules is described. A focus will be on the choice of the surface receptors anchored onto graphene material. In this context, non-covalent receptor attachment using different pyrene-based ligands and the interest of covalent attachement via 4-((triisopropylsilyl)ethylenyl)benzene diazonium salts will be demonstrated and compared. Sensing examples discusses are based on the detection of the E7 capsid protein of the human papillomavirus (HPV) and the level of cardiac troponin I (cTnI), associated with cardiovascular diseases, in different biological samples.Keywords: graphene, reduced graphene oxide, sensing, electrochemistry, field effect transistors, surface chemistry

    Le rôle de la chimie de surface sur la performance de biocapteurs à base de graphène

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    Clinical analysis benefits world-wide from a variety of diagnostic tests. The interest in the development of new clinical tests is not only driven by the demand to sense new analytes such as viruses and biomarkers, but also to reduce costs, complexity and lengthy analysis times of current techniques. Among the numerous of possibilities available today, point-of-care (PoC) devices incorporating graphene and its derivatives are prominent players. This work aims at investigating and comparing the potential of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and graphene formed by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) for electrical and electrochemical based PoC devices. The full biosensor manufacturing process from manufacturing of the graphene-based transducers to sensing biological molecules is described. A focus will be on the choice of the surface receptors anchored onto graphene material. In this context, non-covalent receptor attachment using different pyrene-based ligands and the interest of covalent attachement via 4-((triisopropylsilyl)ethylenyl)benzene diazonium salts will be demonstrated and compared. Sensing examples discusses are based on the detection of the E7 capsid protein of the human papillomavirus (HPV) and the level of cardiac troponin I (cTnI), associated with cardiovascular diseases, in different biological samples.Keywords: graphene, reduced graphene oxide, sensing, electrochemistry, field effect transistors, surface chemistry.L'analyse clinique bénéficie dans le monde entier d'une variété de tests diagnostiques. L'intérêt pour le développement de nouveaux tests cliniques résulte d’une part du besoin de détecter de nouveaux analytes tels que les virus et les biomarqueurs, ainsi que d’une forte demande pour la réduction des coûts, de la complexité et des temps d'analyse excessif des techniques actuelles. Parmi les nombreuses possibilités disponibles aujourd'hui, les dispositifs de type « point-of-care » (PoC) incorporant du graphène et ses dérivés sont des acteurs de premier plan. Ce travail vise à étudier et à comparer le potentiel de l'oxyde de graphène réduit (rGO) et du graphène formé par dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD) pour les dispositifs PoC à transduction électrique et électrochimique. Le développement complet des biocapteurs, de la fabrication des transducteurs à base de graphène à la détection de molécules biologiques, est présenté. L'accent sera mis sur le choix des récepteurs greffés à la surface du graphène. Dans ce contexte, le greffage non-covalent de récepteurs utilisant différents ligands à base de pyrène ainsi que le greffage covalent via des sels de 4 - ((triisopropylsilyl) éthylényl) benzène diazonium seront démontrés et comparés. Les exemples de détection discutés sont basés sur la détection de la protéine de capside E7 du Papillomavirus humain (PVH) et sur le niveau de troponine cardiaque I (cTnI) associé aux maladies cardiovasculaires, dans différents échantillons biologiques.Mots clés: graphène, oxyde de graphène réduit, détection, électrochimie, transistors à base de graphène, chimie de surface