115 research outputs found

    Formulating the strategy of prevention and control of crisis in Ministry of Education in Tehran

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    Organizational crisis provides conditions that cause the routine activities to face temporary or pretty permanent pauses. Crisis consists of the situation that interacts with the discipline of main system or final part and distracts its stability. There are different factors in the occurrence of organizational crisis that considering them can help avoiding such crisis. The crisis in the organizations is more because of the internal environment insufficiency and the lack of managerial success for facing or causing crisis and their prevention, identification of the factors causing crisis is significant in the first step and accordingly, the formulation of the related strategies, decision making and its implementation in the organization. Since most of the problems of Ministry of education and crisis are inter-organizational, and up to now there is no initial pattern for identification of the factors and defensive strategies within this organization, the goal of this research is to identify the general indicators of prevention from causing the crisis to formulate the technical strategies in Ministry of Education. This survey research is based on simple-random sampling. The total population were 180 workers, managers and the specialists of central staff of Ministry of Education, among whom, 120 individuals were selected based on Cochran formula. The prevention indicators and crisis control have been prioritized via AHP method. The results of the research indicated that the situation of this organization is located in defensive zone. Finally, some recommendations were declared regarding this approach

    Formulating the strategy of prevention and control of crisis in Ministry of Education in Tehran

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    Organizational crisis provides conditions that cause the routine activities to face temporary or pretty permanent pauses. Crisis consists of the situation that interacts with the discipline of main system or final part and distracts its stability. There are different factors in the occurrence of organizational crisis that considering them can help avoiding such crisis. The crisis in the organizations is more because of the internal environment insufficiency and the lack of managerial success for facing or causing crisis and their prevention, identification of the factors causing crisis is significant in the first step and accordingly, the formulation of the related strategies, decision making and its implementation in the organization. Since most of the problems of Ministry of education and crisis are inter-organizational, and up to now there is no initial pattern for identification of the factors and defensive strategies within this organization, the goal of this research is to identify the general indicators of prevention from causing the crisis to formulate the technical strategies in Ministry of Education. This survey research is based on simple-random sampling. The total population were 180 workers, managers and the specialists of central staff of Ministry of Education, among whom, 120 individuals were selected based on Cochran formula. The prevention indicators and crisis control have been prioritized via AHP method. The results of the research indicated that the situation of this organization is located in defensive zone. Finally, some recommendations were declared regarding this approach

    Formulating the strategy of prevention and control of crisis in Ministry of Education in Tehran

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    Organizational crisis provides conditions that cause the routine activities to face temporary or pretty permanent pauses. Crisis consists of the situation that interacts with the discipline of main system or final part and distracts its stability. There are different factors in the occurrence of organizational crisis that considering them can help avoiding such crisis. The crisis in the organizations is more because of the internal environment insufficiency and the lack of managerial success for facing or causing crisis and their prevention, identification of the factors causing crisis is significant in the first step and accordingly, the formulation of the related strategies, decision making and its implementation in the organization. Since most of the problems of Ministry of education and crisis are inter-organizational, and up to now there is no initial pattern for identification of the factors and defensive strategies within this organization, the goal of this research is to identify the general indicators of prevention from causing the crisis to formulate the technical strategies in Ministry of Education. This survey research is based on simple-random sampling. The total population were 180 workers, managers and the specialists of central staff of Ministry of Education, among whom, 120 individuals were selected based on Cochran formula. The prevention indicators and crisis control have been prioritized via AHP method. The results of the research indicated that the situation of this organization is located in defensive zone. Finally, some recommendations were declared regarding this approach


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    Abstract. The aim of this study is to investigate the Impact of the implementation of the (teaching childrenphilosophy) programon creativity development of sixth-grade elementary school students in Tehran's Fourth District. This research was carried out using a semi-experimental method and using the design of the preliminary and final tests with the control group. The statistical population of this study was all sixth-grademale students of the fourth district of Tehran in the academic year of 2018-2019. Of them, 60 students were selected by cluster multistage sampling. (30 in control and 30in experimental groups). After conducting the training course, Abedi's creativity test was used in order to collect data and toanalyze the data, student’s t-test method was used for dependent groups. In general, the findings of this study confirmed the validity and reliability of the philosophy program for children in creativity development and its four main components: Fluency, elaboration, Originality,and flexibility.Keyword: Creativity, philosophy for children, the research community, creative thinking

    The Effect of Life Skills Training Based on the Holy Quran on the Negative Emotions, Life Quality and Life Orientation of Patients with Breast Cancer in Tehran

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: Cancer is the fourth most common chronic disease that has a negative effect on patients’ normal life and mental health. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of life skills training with Quranic approach on negative emotions, the quality of life and orientation toward life in patients afflicted by Breast Cancer in Tehran.Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest and control group design. The statistical population included all women with breast cancer selected from those referring to Kasra hospital in Tehran. Based on the specified criteria for inclusion in the study and DASS, WHOQ-26 and LOT-R, life quality and orientation to life, patients with the highest scores were selected by convenience sampling and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups (n1=n2=15). The experimental group received eight 60-minute sessions of therapeutic intervention one session a week, while the control group received no intervention. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). In this study, all the ethical considerations have been observed and no conflict of interest was reported by the authors.Results: The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in reducing the negative emotions such as anxiety, depression and stress (P<0.05). The results further showed that there was a significant difference in quality of life scores and life orientation between the two groups (P<0.05).Conclusion: Life skills training based on the Holy Quran combined with standard medical care had a beneficial effect on the psychological indicators and health of cancer patients and decreased their negative emotions.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Ekhtiary Sadegh M, Imani Naeini M, MirzaMohammadi MH. The Effect of Life Skills Training Based on the Holy Quran on the Negative Emotions, Life Quality and Life Orientation of Patients with Breast Cancer in Tehran.Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2020; 5(4): 7-19. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i4.18886

    Study of wear resistance and nanostructure of tertiary Al2O3/Y2O3/CNT pulsed electrodeposited Ni-based nanocomposite

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    Electrodeposition of tertiary Alumina/Yitria/carbon nanotube (Al2O3/Y2O3/CNT) nanocomposite by using pulsed current has been studied. Coating process has been performed in nickel sulphate bath and nanostructure of the obtained compound layer was examined with high precision figure analysis of SEM nanographs. The effects of process variables, i.e. Y2O3 concentration, treatment time, current density and temperature of electrolyte have been experimentally studied. Statistical methods were used to achieve the minimum wear rate and average size of nanoparticles. Finally the contribution percentage of different effective factors was revealed and confirmation run showed the validity of the obtained results. Also it has been revealed that by changing the size of nanoparticles, wear properties of coatings will change significantly. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis have confirmed smooth surface and average size of nanoparticles in the optimal coating.Вивчено електроосадження методом імпульсного струму потрійного композиту на основі вуглецевих нанотрубок, алюмінію та ітрію оксидів. Покриви наносили у нікелесульфатній ванні, а наноструктуру отриманого складного шару досліджували методом комп’ютерного аналізу знімків, одержаних на електронному мікроскопі. Вплив змінних параметрів процесу, зокрема, концентрації Y2O3, часу обробки, густини струму та температури електроліту вивчали експериментально. Для мінімізації впливу відхилень швидкості зношування та середнього розміру наночастинок на аналіз експериментальних даних використовували статистичні методи. Встановлено процентний вклад різних факторів і виконано підтверджувальний розрахунок, який показав достовірність одержаних результатів. Також виявлено, що зміна розміру наночастинок та зносотривкість покривів матиматимуть значною мірою однаковий тренд.Изучено электроосаждение методом импульсного тока тройного композита на основе углеродных нанотрубок, алюминия и иттрия оксидов. Покрытия наносили в никельсульфатной ванне, а наноструктуру полученного сложного слоя исследовали методом компьютерного анализа снимков, полученных на электронном микроскопе. Влияние изменяющихся параметров процесса, в частности, концентрации Y2O3, времени обработки, плотности тока и температуры электролита изучали экспериментально. Для минимизации влияния отклонений скорости изнашивания и среднего размера наночастиц на анализ экспериментальных данных использовали статистические методы. Установлен процентный вклад разных факторов и проведен подтверждающий расчет, который показал достоверность полученных результатов. Также установлено, что изменение размера наночастиц и износостойкость покрытий имеют в значительной степени одинаковый тренд

    Content Analysis of the Concept of Addiction in High School Textbooks of Iran

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    Background: This research sought to determine how well the causes of addiction, addiction harms, and prevention of addiction have been noticed in high school textbooks.Methods: We used descriptive method to select the main related components of the addiction concept and content analysis method for analyzing the content of textbooks. The study population comprised 61 secondary school curriculum textbooks and study sample consisted of 14 secondary school textbooks selected by purposeful sampling method. The tools for collecting data were “content analysis inventory” which its validity was confirmed by educational and social sciences experts and its reliability has been found to be 91%. About 67 components were prepared for content analysis and were divided to 3 categories of causes, harms, and prevention of addiction. The analysis units in this study comprised phrases, topics, examples, course topics, words, poems, images, questions, tables, and exercises.Findings: Results of the study showed that the components of the addiction concept have presented with 212 remarks in the textbooks. Also, the degree of attention given to any of the 3 main components of the addiction concept were presented as follows: causes with 52 (24.52%) remarks, harm with 89 (41.98%) remarks, and prevention with 71 (33.49%) remarks.Conclusion: In high school textbooks, little attention has been paid to the concept of addiction and mostly its biological dimension were addressed while social, personal, familial, and religious dimensions of addiction have been neglected

    Assessment of neurobehavioral disorders in workers exposed to organic solvents in a publication house

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    Background: Organic solvents are known as a group of organic compounds, widely used in industry and to which many workers are exposed. Neurotoxicity is one of the most important complications of the chronic exposure to the solvents and may causes neurobehavioral disorders in workers. We have studied the frequency of neurobehavioral disorders in workers exposed to organic solvents in one of the publishing houses in Tehran. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 510 workers of a publishing house, having been employed at least a year before the research, were selected to be studied. Among them, 345 workers had been exposed to organic solvents and the other (165 workers) had not. Data were collected using a questionnaire. This questionnaire included demographic and occupational information, and the Swedish Q16 questionnaire. Variables included age, duration of employment, working shift, and smoking. Then we compared both groups in terms of neurobehavioral disorders, using statistical methods. Results: The mean score of the Swedish Q16 questionnaire in the exposed group (4.8±4.4) was significantly higher than the non-exposed group (3.2±3.1) (p=0.001). According to the questionnaire score, the frequency of neurobehavioral disorders in the exposed group was 38 and in the non-exposed group was 22 (p=0.001). We estimated that the frequency of neurobehavioral disorders in the exposed group was significantly higher than the non-exposed group (p<0.05) using regression analysis and removal of the confounding factors. Conclusion: This study shows that the frequency of the neurobehavioral disorders in the exposed group is significantly higher than the non-exposed group

    Chemical composition and antimicrobial activities of the essential oil from Myrtus communis leaves

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    Abstract: Nosocomial pathogens are associated with increased hospital stay lengths and mortality rates. Increasing resistance to antibiotics makes the treatment of these infections more difficult. Novel antimicrobial compounds derived from natural sources may be useful for addressing antiobiotic resistance. The objective of this study is to determine the chemical composition and antimicrobial activities of essential oils from Myrtus communis L. (Myrtaceae) leaves against pathogens causing nosocomial infections. The chemical composition of essential oil from M. communis leaves was analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The antimicrobial activity of the essential oil against bacteria and fungi was evaluated by broth micro-dilution as per the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) methods. GC-MS analysis revealed that the major constituents of the essential oil were α-pinene (39.2 %), 1,8-cineole (22.0 %), and linalool (18.4 %). The essential oil exhibited antimicrobial activity against all Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria with MICs in the range of 0.5-32 μL/mL and 8-64 μL/mL, respectively. MICs for the tested clinical and standard fungi were in the range of 0.03-16 μL/mL. The essential oil exhibited strong antibacterial and antifungal activities against all the causative agents of nosocomial infections examined, particularly against strains with antibiotic resistance. The essential oil from M. communis leaves is a potential source of novel antimicrobial agents for the treatment of nosocomial infections