610 research outputs found

    Platinum/ceria/alumina catalysts on microstructures for carbon monoxide conversion

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    Platinum/ceria/alumina catalysts have been prepared by a sol–gel method and coated in the microchannels of stainless steel platelets. These catalysts are very active for the water-gas shift reaction between 300 and 400°C. Moreover, they are non-pyrophoric and thus well suited for the purification of hydrogen for PEM fuel cells. The obtained coatings show good adherence and catalytic activity. The influence of the amount of platinum and ceria as well as the effect of a binder on the catalytic performance has been investigated. The samples have been characterized before reaction by XRD, SEM and by N2 adsorption measurements. The kinetics, free from internal diffusion limitations, over these thin films have been described by a power law rate equation. An activation energy of 86 kJ/mol has been found and at 260 °C the TOF corresponds to 0.6 ± 0.1 s−1 for all investigated samples. The superior activity of the platelets compared to the powder samples is attributed to the diffusion limitations inside the powder pellets. Thus catalysts deposited on microstructured platelets lead to a better platinum utilization

    CO oxidation over nonstoichiometric nickel manganite spinels

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    Nonstoichiometric nickel–manganese spinel oxides, NixMn3−x ▭3δ/4O4+δ (1≥x≥0), have been synthesized by calcination in air of mixed oxalates at 623 K. These materials are shown to be highly reactive for CO oxidation, some conversion being observed at room temperature for the most active solid (x=1.0). The interaction of CO and O2 with these oxides has been studied by in situ IR spectroscopy under steady-state and transient reaction conditions. A detailed mechanism is proposed wherein CO reacts with coordinatively unsaturated cations to give carbonyl complexes which in turn react with surface oxygen activated on anionic vacancies. Adsorbed and gaseous CO2 also undergo much slower side reactions with lattice oxygen or surface hydroxide groups to give more stable hydrogen carbonate and carbonates species, which lead to catalyst deactivation. Marked effects of pretreatment are explained on the basis of the observed kinetics and the proposed mechanis

    Історична наука в УРСР як предмет дослідження в англо-американській історіографії

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    У статті відтворено образ історичної науки в УРСР у працях англо-американських учених другої половини ХХ – початку ХХІ ст. Вивчено еволюцію ролі та функцій трьох основних акторів історіографічного процесу в Радянському Союзі – влади, істориків та пересічних громадян. Визначено сталі та змінні компоненти у загальній схемі їх взаємодії.In the article the image of historical science in the Ukrainian SSR in the works of the Anglo-American researchers published during the second half of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first centuries is reconstructed. The modification of roles and functions of three main actors in Soviet historiographical process – power, historians and average citizens – is examined. The invariable and change components in the general pattern of its interaction are defined

    On the Synergistic Catalytic Properties of Bimetallic Mesoporous Materials Containing Aluminum and Zirconium: The Prins Cyclisation of Citronellal

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    Bimetallic three-dimensional amorphous mesoporous materials, Al-Zr-TUD-1 materials, were synthesised by using a surfactant-free, one-pot procedure employing triethanolamine (TEA) as a complexing reagent. The amount of aluminium and zirconium was varied in order to study the effect of these metals on the Brønsted and Lewis acidity, as well as on the resulting catalytic activity of the material. The materials were characterised by various techniques, including elemental analysis, X-ray diffraction, high-resolution TEM, N2 physisorption, temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) of NH3, and 27Al MAS NMR, XPS and FT-IR spectroscopy using pyridine and CO as probe molecules. Al-Zr-TUD-1 materials are mesoporous with surface areas ranging from 700–900 m2 g−1, an average pore size of around 4 nm and a pore volume of around 0.70 cm3 g−1. The synthesised Al-Zr-TUD-1 materials were tested as catalyst materials in the Lewis acid catalysed Meerwein–Ponndorf–Verley reduction of 4-tert-butylcyclohexanone, the intermolecular Prins synthesis of nopol and in the intramolecular Prins cyclisation of citronellal. Although Al-Zr-TUD-1 catalysts possess a lower amount of acid sites than their monometallic counterparts, according to TPD of NH3, these materials outperformed those of the monometallic Al-TUD-1 as well as Zr-TUD-1 in the Prins cyclisation of citronellal. This proves the existence of synergistic properties of Al-Zr-TUD-1. Due to the intramolecular nature of the Prins cyclisation of citronellal, the hydrophilic surface of the catalyst as well as the presence of both Brønsted and Lewis acid sites synergy could be obtained with bimetallic Al-Zr-TUD-1. Besides spectroscopic investigation of the active sites of the catalyst material a thorough testing of the catalyst in different types of reactions is crucial in identifying its specific active sites