21 research outputs found

    Genome-Wide Association Analysis and Genomic Prediction of Thyroglobulin Plasma Levels

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    Thyroglobulin (Tg) is an iodoglycoprotein produced by thyroid follicular cells which acts as an essential substrate for thyroid hormone synthesis. To date, only one genome-wide association study (GWAS) of plasma Tg levels has been performed by our research group. Utilizing recent advancements in computation and modeling, we apply a Bayesian approach to the probabilistic inference of the genetic architecture of Tg. We fitted a Bayesian sparse linear mixed model (BSLMM) and a frequentist linear mixed model (LMM) of 7,289,083 variants in 1096 healthy European-ancestry participants of the Croatian Biobank. Meta-analysis with two independent cohorts (total n = 2109) identified 83 genome-wide significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the ST6GAL1 gene ([Formula: see text]). BSLMM revealed additional association signals on chromosomes 1, 8, 10, and 14. For ST6GAL1 and the newly uncovered genes, we provide physiological and pathophysiological explanations of how their expression could be associated with variations in plasma Tg levels. We found that the SNP-heritability of Tg is 17% and that 52% of this variation is due to a small number of 16 variants that have a major effect on Tg levels. Our results suggest that the genetic architecture of plasma Tg is not polygenic, but influenced by a few genes with major effects

    Prinos suve mase lucerke u zavisnosti od sorte, faze razvića i otkosa

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    The main objective of this study was to assess dry matter productivity of different alfalfa cultivars depending on stage of maturity and cut, as well as the optimal time of harvest to achieve the maximum yield. Dry matter yield of alfalfa and red clover depended on all three factors and their interactions. The local variety of alfalfa, K 28, was more productive (from 6,8 to 2,3 t ha-1 from first to fourth cut, and from 3,4 to 5,5 t ha-1 from first to third stage of development) compared to US variety, G+13R+CZ (from 5,9 to 2,2 t ha-1 from first to fourth cut, and from 2,7 to 5,2 t ha-1 from first to third stage of development). The maximum yield of K 28 variety could be achieved by cutting alfalfa five times a year.Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi produktivnost različitih sorti lucerke u zavisnosti od faze razvića i otkosa, kao i optimalno vreme košenja radi postizanja maksimalnog prinosa. Prinos suve materije lucerke zavisio je od sva tri ispitivana faktora i njihovih interakcija. Domaća sorta lucerke je produktivnija (6,8 do 2,3 t ha-1 od prvog do četvrtog otkosa, odnosno od 3,4 do 5,5 t ha-1 od prve do treće faze razvića) u odnosu na američku (5,9 do 2,2 t ha-1 od prvog do četvrtog otkosa, odnosno od 2,7 do 5,2 t ha-1 od prve do treće faze razvića). Maksimalan prinos sorte K-28 mogao bi se postići kosidbom pet puta godišnje

    Stanje i problemi u proizvodnji kabaste stočne hrane u zapadnoj Srbiji

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    In order to improve forage production, through more efficient use of agricultural land, conducted a study of fertility and soil acidity, and the manner of its use in hilly and mountainous areas of the Municipality of Kosjerić. The largest number of sampled soil is acidic chemical reaction, very low the level of provision easily accessible phosphorus, which is a limiting factor in successful growing legume. Depending on the results and the production potential of the sampled area and the needs of local farmers, were applied technologies that will contribute to increased yield or biomass and changing botanical composition in terms of increased participation of legumes.U cilju unapređenja proizvodnje stočne hrane, kroz efikasnije korišćenje poljoprivrednog zemljišta, vršeno je ispitivanje plodnosti i kiselosti zemljišta, kao i načina njegovog korišćenja u brdskim i planinskim područjima Opštine Kosjerić. Najveći broj uzorkovanih zemljišta je kisele hemijske reakcije, veoma niske obezbeđenosti lako pristupačnim fosforom, što predstavlja ograničavajući faktor pre svega uspešnom gajenju leguminoznih biljnih vrsta. U zavisnosti od dobijenih rezultata i proizvodnog potencijala uzorkovanih zemljišta kao i potreba lokalnih farmera, primenjene su tehnologije koje će doprineti povećanju prinosa biomase ali i promeni botaničkog sastava u smislu povećanog učešća višegodišnjih krmnih leguminoza

    Floristički sastav i prinos biomase travnjaka Danthonietum calycinae pod uticajem đubrenja i kalcizacije

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    The aim of this study was evaluated change of botanical composition and dry matter yield influenced by different fertilizers (control, P60K60, N.60P60K60) and lime (without lime and 1000 kg ha-1 lime) of Danthonietum calycinae grassland type, in central part of Serbia. Nitrogen fertilisation treatments led to an increase of grass species, but also decreased plants from other families. Tretmant P60K60 with lime stimulated an increase of legumes in biomass in first and second year of investigation. Aplication of nitrogen increase forage yield in both years of investigation. Effect of P60K60 tretmans and lime on increasing dry matter yield was observed in second year.Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje uticaja đubrenja i kalcizacije na floristički sastav i prinos biljne zajednice Danthonietum calycinae, u centralnom delu Srbije. Ispitivani su tretmani đubrenja (kontrola, P60K60 i N60P60K60) i kalcifikacije (bez kreča i 1000 kg ha-1). Na tretmanina na kojima je unešen mineralni azot došlo je do porasta udela trava, a pada udela biljaka ostalih familija. Najpovoljniji uslovi za razvoj leguminoza bili su na tretmanima PK sa krečom, u obe godine istraživanja. Povoljan uticaj mineralnog azota uočen je već u prvoj godini, dok je unošenje fosfornih i kalijumovih đubriva dalo efekta na prinos tek u drugoj godini istraživanja

    Clinical decision-making style preferences of European psychiatrists : Results from the Ambassadors survey in 38 countries

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    Background While shared clinical decision-making (SDM) is the preferred approach to decision-making in mental health care, its implementation in everyday clinical practice is still insufficient. The European Psychiatric Association undertook a study aiming to gather data on the clinical decision-making style preferences of psychiatrists working in Europe. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional online survey involving a sample of 751 psychiatrists and psychiatry specialist trainees from 38 European countries in 2021, using the Clinical Decision-Making Style - Staff questionnaire and a set of questions regarding clinicians' expertise, training, and practice. Results SDM was the preferred decision-making style across all European regions ([central and eastern Europe, CEE], northern and western Europe [NWE], and southern Europe [SE]), with an average of 73% of clinical decisions being rated as SDM. However, we found significant differences in non-SDM decision-making styles: participants working in NWE countries more often prefer shared and active decision-making styles rather than passive styles when compared to other European regions, especially to the CEE. Additionally, psychiatry specialist trainees (compared to psychiatrists), those working mainly with outpatients (compared to those working mainly with inpatients) and those working in community mental health services/public services (compared to mixed and private settings) have a significantly lower preference for passive decision-making style. Conclusions The preferences for SDM styles among European psychiatrists are generally similar. However, the identified differences in the preferences for non-SDM styles across the regions call for more dialogue and educational efforts to harmonize practice across Europe.Peer reviewe

    Ordning och reda : En studie om människors känslor av sammanhang på arbetsplatsen

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    Syftet med den här studien var att försöka förklara utbrändhet genom att försöka förstå människors känslor av sammanhang på arbetsplatsen samt att försöka utröna vilka faktorer som behövs för att människor ska få känslor av sammanhang på arbetsplatsen. Studiens tolkningsmetod var hermeneutisk med kvalitativ design. Intervjuer gjordes med tre personer som arbetar inom ett vård- och omsorgsprojekt: en projektledare och två medarbetare. Vi har utifrån Giorgis analysmetod tolkat att arbetsklimat och socialt stöd, ledarskap, arbetsbelastning, tydlighet samt delaktighet är områden som är viktiga för att få en känsla av sammanhang på arbetsplatsen. Analysen av intervjupersonernas utsagor skedde utifrån Aaron Antonovskys salutogenetiska synsätt och hans begrepp KASAM - känsla av sammanhang. Resultaten visade att projektledarens och medarbetarnas känslor av sammanhang på arbetsplatsen är tillräcklig då de upplevde att arbetsklimat och socialt stöd, ledarskap, arbetsbelastning, tydlighet samt delaktighet var tillfredsställande på deras arbetsplats. Då dessa faktorer verkar hämmande för stress och utbrändhet på arbetsplatsen, dras slutsatsen att de intervjuade har en god arbetssituation med låg risk för stress och utbrändhet

    Correlation Between Cervical Cytology and Histopathological Cervical Biopsy Findings According to the Bethesda System / Stepen Korelacije Cervikalne Citologije Po Bethesda Klasifikaciji Sa Patohistološkim Nalazima Cervikalne Biopsije

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    Papa test je morfološki citodijagnostički test kojim se pomoću analize cervikovagnalne citologije otkrivaju predstadijumi i rani stadijumi karcinoma grlića materice

    Effect of Fertilization on Yield of Nardetum Strictae Meadow on Kopaonik

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    Effect of NPK fertilizer and limestone on forage yield on natural meadow Nardetum strictae on Kopaonik, during 2008-2010 was investigated. The following treatments were applied: N0P0K0 , N60P60K60, N90P60k60, N120P60K60, N0P0K0 + lime, N60P60K60 + lime, N90P60k60 + lime, N120P60K60 + lime. Results showed that application of NPK fertilizer, especially N, increase significantly forage yield in both year of investigation. Effect of lime on increasing meadow production was observed in second year. The highest dry matter yield in first year was obtained in treatment with N120P60K60 (4,01 t ha-1) and in second year in treatment with N120P60K60+lime (5,79 t ha- 1 ).U periodu 2008-2010 godine ispitivan je uticaj NPK đubriva i kreča na prinos prirodnog travnjaka tipa Nardetum strictae na Kopaoniku. Unošenje mineralnih hraniva je uticalo na značajno povećanje prinosa krme u obe godine istraživanja. Rezultati su pokazali da povećanje količine N, pri konstantnoj količini PK đubriva, dovodi do povećanja prinosa u obe godine. Međutim, primenom kreča povećanje produktivnosti prirodnog travnjaka utvrđen je tek u drugoj godini. Maksimalan prinos suve materije u prvoj godini postignut je na tretmanu N120P60K60 (4,01 t ha-1), a u drugoj godini na tretmanu N120P60K60+kreč (5,79 t ha-1 )

    Changes In QTc Interval Duration Among Heroin Addicts On Methadone Treatment

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    This paper aimed to collect and unite facts known about the effect of methadone treatment on QTc interval prolongation that could determine precipitating factors in the development of heart arrhythmias and their consequences (Torsade de Pointes and sudden cardiac death), and to raise the methadone treatment safety level