1,351 research outputs found

    Non-linear shear model for R/C piers

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    The work presented has been developed within the Prenormative Research in support of EuroCode 8 (PREC8) programme of the European Commission. The EuroCode 8 (EC8) are the provisional European standards for the design of civil engineering structures in seismic prone areas. This programme included experimental test on a series of bridge structures that have been tested under Pseudo-Dynamic conditions. Experimental tests were carried out to study the behaviour of bridge piers under cyclic loading. The results from these tests underlined the need to improve an existing fiber model to represent the non-linear behaviour of structures where the influence of the shear forces is not negligible. Thus, a strut-and-tie formulation coupled with the classic fibre model for flexural forces was developed. This formulation is based on the analogy of a R/C structure damaged with diagonal cracking with a truss made of concrete diagonals and steel ties. The model is applied to a set of bridge piers tested at the ELSA laboratory and the results are compared with the experimental response.JRC.DG.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    Analysing Symbolic Regression Benchmarks under a Meta-Learning Approach

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    The definition of a concise and effective testbed for Genetic Programming (GP) is a recurrent matter in the research community. This paper takes a new step in this direction, proposing a different approach to measure the quality of the symbolic regression benchmarks quantitatively. The proposed approach is based on meta-learning and uses a set of dataset meta-features---such as the number of examples or output skewness---to describe the datasets. Our idea is to correlate these meta-features with the errors obtained by a GP method. These meta-features define a space of benchmarks that should, ideally, have datasets (points) covering different regions of the space. An initial analysis of 63 datasets showed that current benchmarks are concentrated in a small region of this benchmark space. We also found out that number of instances and output skewness are the most relevant meta-features to GP output error. Both conclusions can help define which datasets should compose an effective testbed for symbolic regression methods.Comment: 8 pages, 3 Figures, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Kyoto, Japa

    Multicriteria analysis as a better tool for the selection of public projects alternatives

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    It is the duty of a State to stimulate nation's economy and social welfare, using their limited funds. This is the general purpose of the so-called public projects. The demand for these investments continues to increase, but not always they fulfil that purpose, quite the opposite. In the current economic context, it becomes urgent to revert this scenario. Often, this poor outcome can be traced to a wrong decision on the project to implement. This is possibly the decision with the greatest impact on the whole project lifecycle. Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is still the dominant tool for project selection, but the increasing interest in intangible and non-monetized parameters, opened the door for other better fitting tools like Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). This paper presents a critical analysis on the traditional approaches to the selection of these projects, pointing out directions for governments and other public entities to make better and more informed decisions about the projects to implement. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/202

    Computational musicology: An Artificial Life approach

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    Abstract — Artificial Life (A-Life) and Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) provide a variety of new techniques for making and studying music. EA have been used in different musical applications, ranging from new systems for composition and performance, to models for studying musical evolution in artificial societies. This paper starts with a brief introduction to three main fields of application of EA in Music, namely sound design, creativity and computational musicology. Then it presents our work in the field of computational musicology. Computational musicology is broadly defined as the study of Music with computational modelling and simulation. We are interested in developing A-Life-based models to study the evolution of musical cognition in an artificial society of agents. In this paper we present the main components of a model that we are developing to study the evolution of musical ontogenies, focusing on the evolution of rhythms and emotional systems. The paper concludes by suggesting that A-Life and EA provide a powerful paradigm for computational musicology. I

    Ecologia e conservaçao de Alouatta guariba clamitants cabrera, 1940 em floresta ombrófila mista no estado do Paraná, Brasil

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    Os bugios (Gênero Alouatta Lacépède, 1799) são animais sociais e apresentam grandes variações na composição sexo-etária de seus grupos. Alouatta guariba clamitans Cabrera, 1940 por sua vez apresenta grupos pequenos (2-13 indivíduos). Essas composições, todavia, são dinâmicas no espaço e no tempo. As áreas de vida de uma espécie podem variar em relação ao tamanho do grupo, à categoria trófica a que esta pertence e com relação à produtividade do habitat. Associando as informações da biologia e ecologia básica da espécie pode-se inferir a respeito de seu estado de conservação. Os trabalhos de longo prazo que mostram aspectos de sua dinâmica populacional são raros e da mesma forma são os estudos sobre área de vida e uso do espaço por bugios-ruivos em Floresta Ombrófila Mista. Além disso não se tem um conhecimento exato sobre o status e a conservação deste táxon no Estado do Paraná. Diante dessas considerações foram formulados os objetivos deste estudo. O trabalho se deu na Chácara Payquerê, Município de Balsa Nova, Estado do Paraná, Sul do Brasil. A área é inserida na Floresta Ombrófila Mista e faz parte da APA da Escarpa Devoniana (25°29’S e 49°39’W). O trabalho de composição e dinâmica de grupos foi conduzido de fevereiro de 2002 a junho de 2004, identificando grupos, registrando sua composição sexo-etária e sua dinâmica. As classes sexo-etárias utilizadas foram as mesmas propostas por MENDES (1989). Durante um ano (setembro de 2003 a agosto de 2004) foram estudadas as áreas de vida e o uso do espaço diferenciado por dois grupos de A. g. clamitans, um em floresta primária alterada e outro em floresta secundária. As áreas de vida foram obtidas pelo método do esquadrinhamento. Para se coletar dados a respeito do uso do espaço vertical se utilizou o método de varredura instantânea com intervalos de 10 minutos (ALTMANN, 1974). Utilizando-se o número médio de indivíduos por grupo e o tamanho médio da área de vida encontrou-se a densidade populacional, multiplicando este número pela área total do remanescente obteve-se uma estimativa populacional. Foram identificados cinco grupos na área de estudo, no decorrer dos três anos, as médias de suas composições foram: 6,33 indivíduos/grupo; 1,47 machos adultos/grupo; 0,46 machos subadultos/grupo; 2,2 fêmeas adultas/grupo; 1,13 juvenis II/grupo; 0,8 juvenis I/grupo e 0,27 infantes/grupo. Quanto à dinâmica dos grupos registraram-se: 11 nascimentos; 25 mudanças de categoria etária; 5 indivíduos transeuntes (três fêmeas adultas e 2 machos adultos); 1 morte ou desaparecimento e a quebra de um grupo em dois. A taxa de natalidade encontrada foi de 0,72 infante por fêmea adulta (ano de 2003). A composição dos grupos deste estudo mostrou-se congruente a outros grupos descritos na literatura. Ocorreu uma proporção média de 1,5 fêmea adulta por macho adulto. A presença de indivíduos transeuntes de ambos os sexos corrobora a idéia de que no gênero Alouatta machos e fêmeas migram. As áreas de vida não foram significativamente diferentes e apresentaram uma média de 16,75ha. Quanto ao uso do espaço horizontal, o grupo de floresta primária mostrou uma maior homogeneidade que o grupo de floresta secundária. As áreas nucleares foram de 2 e 1,75ha, para o grupo de floresta primária e de floresta secundária respectivamente. Em relação ao uso vertical do espaço foi mais diferenciado. Quanto ao critério altura os bugios da floresta primária apresentaram uma média de 20,38m ± 6,3, já na mata em regeneração observou-se uma média de 11,58m ± 5,2. No critério substrato, o mais utilizado pelos dois grupos foi galho (65,6 e 69,9%) seguida pelo uso da ramada (34,3 e 29%) para os grupos de floresta primária e secundária respectivamente. Já para o critério estrato florestal a maior utilização sem dúvida é do dossel (97,3 na floresta primária e 97,7% na floresta secundária). A. g. clamitans utilizou os dois estágios de sucessão de forma muito similar, nos vários critérios avaliados, respeitando as diferenças impostas pelo ambiente. Mostrando-se bem adaptado ao ambiente em regeneração. A densidade de bugios-ruivos foi 0,38 indivíduos por hectare, com uma estimativa populacional de 266 animais para toda a área do remanescente, distribuídos em 48 grupos. A população deu indicações de estar em crescimento, talvez ligada a ocupação da floresta secundária. Aparentemente a população estudada está bem conservada, porém o desmatamento e a caça ilegal podem comprometer a sobrevivência dos bugios em longo prazo. Esta é uma população significativa de A. g. clamitans que merece ser conservada. O remanescente florestal do Bugre pode ser efetivamente conservado através da criação de uma Unidade de Conservação de uso mais restritivo. Palavras-chave: bugio-ruivo, Alouatta fusca, ecologia populacional, Floresta com Araucária, área de vida, uso do espaço, exigência espacia

    Pancreas angiosarcoma : case report of a rare cause of abdominal pain

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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IJS Publishing Group Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)Introduction: Pancreas angiosarcoma is a very aggressive malignant neoplasm. The symptoms are nonspecific and it is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage, which confers a poor prognosis. Presentation of case: We present a 56-year-old woman with abdominal epigastric pain and nausea. The abdominal CT-scan showed a 7 cm mass within the head of the pancreas and the pathology and immunochemistry analysis were positive for pancreas angiosarcoma. Intra-operatively the tumor was irresectable. Discussion: Pancreas angiosarcoma is an extremely rare neoplasm with non-specific diagnosis. The histology has a wide range of presentations and immunohistochemistry is required. The surgery appears to be the only effective treatment. Conclusion: We report the seventh case of pancreas angiosarcoma in the English literature. Despite it's irresectability, the patient was asymptomatic two months after surgery, initiating chemotherapy with paclitaxel, with good tolerance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prenatal maternal psychic development and fetal behavior: an interacting reality

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    Psychological development during pregnancy and along transition to parenthood stood under scientific attention during the second half of the twentieth century. Research yielded data suggesting that human adaptation to the reproductive steps of the life cycle is very important in our quest for quality of life. Namely, studies of maternal prenatal emotions revealed the existence of a relationship between, on one side, pregnant women psychological functioning and, on another side, obstetric health, labor and delivery vicissitudes, newborn’s health and behavior, etc. Recently studies about prenatal stress showed how important intrauterine experiences can be for babies’ development. Interventions dedicated to prevent negative consequences induced by maternal stress should be organized as early as possible in human life. In this sense, it is argued that positive aspects reinforcement, both in the mother and in the baby as well as in family functioning, should be seen as the major focus in relational strategies assumed by professionals operating in this field

    A defensive “stand-by reaction” at critical moments of the reproductive life cycle

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    Investigation about the psychological experiences of the reproductive life cycle showed that in critical moments special reactions may happen. These reactions seem to be defensive in nature, are set in motion in order to promote some kind of emotional protection and are performed in two opposite directions: a) a decreasing of the contact with aggressive impulses and b) an increasing of the use of rationalization and denial of frustrating situations. Examples of those rearrangements were observed at samples of: 1) pregnant women in obstetric high-risk consultation, 2) infertile couples waiting for infertility consultations and 3) pregnant women waiting for amniocentesis results. These data seem to be in accordance with the classical psychological points of view: a) gestation should be considered as a period of protection, b) during pregnancy a “primary maternal preoccupation” (Winnicot, 1958) emerges leading to the mobilization of all resources available for pregnant women and c) along gestational development psychological changes show how flexible maternal functioning may become. What was not expected is that in the absence of pregnancy, infertile couples should behave very similarly to what it is observed when pregnancy is in danger or when medical problems about the mother’s or the baby’s health arise in the horizon. Due to its “freezing” consequences upon emotional development we propose that this kind of reaction will be designated as “stand-by reaction”.