1,094 research outputs found

    Chip morphology evaluation on turning of 316L stainless steel using laser surface textured WC-Co cutting tools

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    Euro Powder Metallurgy 2023 Congress & Exhibition, 1 - 4 Outubro 2023. Lisboa, Portugal.During machining processes, a large amount of heat is generated, especially in the cutting zone, due to the deformation of the material and to the friction of the chip along the surface of the cutting tool, resulting in, a wear increase and consequent reduction of tool life. Surface texturing can help improve these tools tribological performance by increasing their load carrying capacity, providing a more efficient lubricant supply at the tool-chip interface and reducing the tool-chip contact area. In this context, the fabrication of cross-hatched micropatterns on WC-Co cutting tools by laser surface texturing of green compacts is proposed, aiming to improve these tools performance and life. This work is focused on evaluating the morphology of the chip obtained when turning 316L stainless steel with tools textured with different cross-hatched micropatterns, these findings being benchmarked against conventional cutting tools and correlated with the tool wear. For such purpose, morphological characterization using optical and scanning electron microscopy was used

    Measuring the understandability of WSDL specifications, web service understanding degree approach and system

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    Web Services (WS) are fundamental software artifacts for building service oriented applications and they are usually reused by others. Therefore they must be analyzed and comprehended for maintenance tasks: identification of critical parts, bug fixing, adaptation and improvement. In this article, WSDLUD a method aimed at measuring a priori the understanding degree (UD) of WSDL (Web Service Description Language) descriptions is presented. In order to compute UD several criteria useful to measure the understanding’s complexity of WSDL descriptions must be defined. These criteria are used by LSP (Logic Scoring of Preference), a multicriteria evaluation method, for producing a Global Preference value that indicates the satisfaction level of the WSDL description regarding the evaluation focus, in this case, the understanding degree. All the criteria information required by LSP is extracted from WSDL descriptions by using static analysis techniques and processed by specific algorithms which allow gathering semantic information. This process allows to obtain a priori information about the comprehension difficulty which proves our research hypotheses that states that it is possible to compute the understanding degree of a WSDL description.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Visualización de software: conceptos, métodos y técnicas para facilitar la comprensión de programas

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    La Comprensión de Programas es una disciplina de la Ingeniería de Software cuyo principal objetivo es facilitar el entendimiento de los sistemas. Un aspecto importante involucrado en la Comprensión de Programas es la Visualización de Software (VS). La VS es una disciplina de la Ingeniería del Software que provee una o varias representaciones visuales de la información de los sistemas permitiendo una mejor compresión de los mismos. Dichas representaciones (también conocidas como vistas) no son fáciles de construir porque se deben tener en cuenta muchos factores cognitivos y de implementación. Los primeros son importantes porque sirven como puente cognitivo entre los conocientos que posee el programador y los conceptos usados en el sistema que se pretende comprender. Los segundos adquieren importancia porque la implementación de los puentes cognitivos es compleja y requiere de herramientas adecuadas para su concretización en una herramienta de comprensión. Este artículo presenta una línea de investigación que estudia la Visualización de Software, una componente fundamental para la Comprensión de Programas. Dicha línea aborda principalmente el estudio y elaboración de: Estrategias de Visualización, Vistas y Herramientas de Visualización, entre otras tantas temáticas importantes referentes a Visualización de Software. Todas las temáticas mencionadas previamente son basales en Comprensión de Programas y son brevemente descriptas a lo largo de este artículo

    Additive manufacturing of embedded thermocouples in WC-Co cutting tools for cutting temperature measurement

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    A publicar em PowderMet2023, 18 - 21 jun. 2023, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, USADuring machining processes, a large amount of heat is generated due to deformation of the material and friction of the chip along the surface of the tool, especially in the cutting zone. This high temperature strongly influences tribological phenomena and adhesion, tool wear, tool life, workpiece surface integrity and quality, chip formation mechanisms and contribute to the thermal deformation of the cutting tool, leading to high operating costs and reduction of the end product quality. In this sense, being able to assess the cutting temperature in real time, at various points of the cutting tool during machining processes, is of utmost importance to effectively optimize cutting parameters and the cutting fluid flow adequately, for minimizing heat generation, temperature and consequently wear, allowing to increase tool life. This work proposes the fabrication of embedded additively manufactured type K and type N thermocouples by laser powder bed fusion for real time cutting temperature measurement. Processing parameters optimization was performed to obtain a dense and continuous thermocouple with no significant defects and the additively manufactured thermocouples were tested in comparison to a conventional thermocouple. The obtained results show that this approach is effective to produce embedded thermocouples in WC-Co cutting tools capable of measuring cutting temperature, which will allow a real time optimization of the cutting parameters, namely cutting speed, feed and depth of cut, during in-service time, thus enhancing tool performance and life.This work was supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) through the grant 2020.07155.BD and by the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030353 (SMARTCUT) and PTDC/EMEEME/1442/2020 (Add2MechBio). Additionally, this work was supported by FCT national funds, under the national support to R&D units grant, through the reference projects UIDB/04436/2020 and UIDP/04436/2020. Finally, this work was also developed within the scope of the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020, UIDP/50011/2020 & LA/P/0006/2020, financed by national funds through the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC)


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    The introduction of exotic species and the consequences of the permanence of these invaders is increasingly being studied. The specie Callithrix penicillata were introduced of Atlantic forest, occupying the area of other callitrichids, such as C. aurita. The association between native and exotic primates can result competition, which constitute a threat to the native specie. Through the observation of occurrence of callitrichids at National Park of Serra dos Órgãos and the evaluation of the perception of the residents around the National Park, we supply suggestions to the introduced fauna management in Preservation Units and to the preservation of native primate species. Populations of C. aurita free from invasion must be encounter and protected and populations off C. penicillata and hybrids must be removeA introdução de espécies fora da sua área natural e as conseqüências de sua permanência são cada vez mais estudadas. A espécie Callithrix penicillata foi introduzida na Mata Atlântica, ocupando a área de outros calitriquídeos, como C. aurita. A associação entre primatas nativos e exóticos pode resultar em competição, constituindo uma ameaça à espécie nativa. Através da observação da ocorrência de calitriquídeos no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos e da percepção dos moradores do entorno, fornecemos sugestões para o manejo de fauna introduzida em Unidades de Conservação e para a conservação de espécies nativas de primatas. Populações de C. aurita livres de invasão devem ser encontradas e protegidas e as populações de C. penicillata e híbridos devem ser removidas

    A seleção e controlo de qualidade dos materiais na construção em taipa

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    A construção em taipa tem atraído bastante atenção nos últimos anos devido à sua elevada sustentabilidade. Contudo, não é um material normalizado, pelo que a sua utilização em Portugal precisa ser suportada pela normalização internacional disponível. Este artigo apresenta a abordagem geral considerada nestes documentos para selecionar e avaliar a adequabilidade dos solos para construir em taipa, e discute a necessidade de controlo de qualidade deste material


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    This study aimed to analyze production of knowledge on school Physical Education (PE) in everyday life. The sample included Education and PE journals contained in PE webqualis from 2010 to 2012, totaling 63 journals and 697 articles. The main topics discussed included didactic diagnosis and professional training. Less evident topics were school violence and public policies. Elementary education was the most often studied among school cycles, and Brazil’s Southeast region was the one which produced the most articles. We came to the conclusion that aspects making up the school everyday life require more detailed attention because of their complexity. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la producción de conocimiento sobre el cotidiano de la Educación Física (EF) escolar. La muestra fue compuesta por las revistas científicas del área de Educación y de la EF presentes en el sistema Webqualis de la EF en el período 2010-2012, en un total de 63 revistas y 697 trabajos. Los principales temas encontrados fueron: diagnóstico didáctico y formación profesional, y los menos frecuentes fueron: violencia en la escuela y políticas públicas. La enseñanza fundamental fue el ciclo de escolarización más investigado y la región Sudeste de Brasil la que más trabajos produjo. La conclusión es que los aspectos constitutivos del cotidiano escolar merecen más profundización por su complejidad. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a produção do conhecimento sobre o cotidiano da Educação Física (EF) escolar. A amostra foi constituída pelos periódicos da Educação e da EF constantes no webqualis da EF no triênio 2010-2012, totalizando 63 periódicos e 697 artigos. Os principais temas abordados foram: diagnóstico didático e formação profissional, sendo menos evidenciados: violência na escola e políticas públicas. O ensino fundamental foi o ciclo de escolarização mais pesquisado e a região Sudeste a que mais produziu artigos. Concluímos que os aspectos constitutivos do cotidiano escolar merecem maior aprofundamento devido à sua complexidade.

    Combining ability of recombined F4 papaya lines: a strategy to select hybrid combination

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    The growing demand for quality of papaya by the domestic and international markets requires the development of genotypes that are capable of incorporating traits, such as high yield and fruit quality. This study estimated the genetic parameters and the specific combining ability of F4 papaya lines crossed to the SS-72/12 tester to identify genotypes with higher genetic value for hybrid production. We evaluated 169 treatments consisting of 62 topcross hybrid combinations, 97 F5 lines, and 10 controls in a 13 × 13 lattice design with five replicates and two plants per plot. The following traits were evaluated: plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD), first-fruit insertion height (FFIH), number of marketable fruits (NMF), number of deformed fruits (NDF), number of fruitless nodes (NFN), average fruit weight (FW), and yield (YLD). Differences p < 0.05 were found in most traits evaluated. The specific combining ability estimates indicate that hybrids formed by the cross between SS-72/12 tester and the following lines are promising, considering the multiple traits: UCLA08-088, UCLA08-101, UCLA08-071, UCLA08-014, UCLA08-025, UCLA08-028, UCLA08-122, UCLA08-055, UCLA08-026, and UCLA08-092. These hybrids meet the demands for domestic and international markets and may be available to producers as new papaya cultivars

    Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome: association of operative treatment with foam sclerotherapy

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    The Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome is the association of hemangioma, venous ectasia, and hypertrophy of the affected body segment. We report the case of a 39-year-old male followed-up since 1993 due to onset of symptoms in the left lower limb. He was treated only with the use of elastic stockings and general measures. Over the years, he had worsening of venous stasis, of bone hypertrophy, and of skin hyperpigmentation. Color-coded Doppler ultrasonography of the lower limbs showed patency of the deep venous system, venous overflow, segmentar insufficiency of the greater saphenous vein with signs of thrombophlebitis, and insufficient tributary veins. In order to improve venous stasis, ligation of the left sapheno-femoral junction and retrograde foam sclerotherapy (polidocanol 3%) with resection of tributary veins were performed. The patient was discharged in the first postoperative day and has been followed as an outpatient, presenting significant improvement of the symptoms.A Síndrome de Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber representa a associação de hemangiomas planos, ectasias venosas e hipertrofia do segmento corpóreo afetado. Apresenta-se o caso de um paciente de 39 anos, sexo masculino, seguido desde 1993 no serviço da Disciplina de Cirurgia Vascular da Escola Paulista de Medicina (UNIFESP), por quadro inicial da síndrome em membro inferior esquerdo. O paciente foi tratado apenas por elastocompressão e medidas gerais. Neste período, ele evoluiu com piora da estase venosa, da hipertrofia óssea e da hiperpigmentação de pele. Na ultrassonografia Doppler colorida venosa dos membros inferiores havia perviedade do sistema venoso profundo, hiperfluxo venoso, insuficiência segmentar de veia safena magna com sinais de tromboflebite e tributárias insuficientes. Indicou-se, para a melhora da estase venosa, ligadura da junção safeno-femoral esquerda e escleroterapia (polidocanol 3%) retrógrada da mesma, com exérese das ectasias venosas. O paciente recebeu alta hospitalar no primeiro dia pós-operatório e atualmente está em acompanhamento ambulatorial com melhora significativa dos sintomas.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL


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    In the context of managerial changes and proposals for the public administration, the marketing can contribute to the strategic interaction between the state and the citizen. This paper seeks to develop this relationship taking as priority social democratic ideals and presenting the vision of the social-democracy of public management. The goal is to understand how the public marketing can contribute to the consolidation of the proposals of the managerial reform of the state. We understand that the public marketing is an activity in which the needs of society are identified in order to offer or expand services provided by a set of institutions, regardless of who holds the political offices. Thus, the public marketing can help promote citizenship, reduce social inequalities, encourage responsibility, accountability and value the participatory nature of the population. These macro objectives can be addressed through actions aimed at the internal image of the Brazilian public administration, research on needs, desires and interests of the citizens aiming at benefiting the transparency and the control through communication actions, and strengthen the commitment to the public interest through the relationship.No contexto de mudanças e propostas gerencialistas para a administração pública, o marketing pode contribuir de forma estratégica com a interação entre o Estado e o cidadão. Neste trabalho, busca-se desenvolver essa relação, tomando como prioritários os ideais democráticos e sociais presentes na visão da social-democracia da gestão pública. O objetivo é entender como o marketing público pode contribuir com a consolidação das propostas da reforma gerencialista do estado. Entendemos que o marketing público é uma atividade na qual as necessidades de uma sociedade são identificadas, a fim de ofertar ou expandir serviços prestados por um conjunto de instituições, independentemente de quem ocupa os cargos políticos. Dessa forma, o marketing público pode ajudar a promover a cidadania, a reduzir as desigualdades sociais, a favorecer a responsabilidade, a permitir a responsabilização e a valorizar o caráter participativo da população. Esses macro-objetivos podem ser contemplados por meio de ações voltadas para a imagem interna da administração pública brasileira, de pesquisas sobre as necessidades, desejos e interesses do cidadão, visando a beneficiar a transparência e o controle por meio de ações de comunicação e a fortalecer o compromisso com o interesse público por meio do relacionamento