1,190 research outputs found
Estudo biomecânico da artroplastia do cotovelo com prótese total não-constrangida iBP
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The influence of noise in the neurofeedback training sessions in student athletes
Considering that athletes constantly practice and compete in noisy environments, the aim was to investigate if performing neurofeedback training in these conditions would yield better results in performance than in silent ones. A total of forty-five student athletes aged from 18 to 35 years old and divided equally into three groups participated in the experiment (mean +/- SD for age: 22.02 +/- 3.05 years). The total neurofeedback session time for each subject was 300 min and were performed twice a week. The environment in which the neurofeedback sessions were conducted did not seem to have a significant impact on the training's success in terms of alpha relative amplitude changes (0.04 +/- 0.08 for silent room versus 0.07 +/- 0.28 for noisy room, p = 0.740). However, the group exposed to intermittent noise appears to have favourable results in all performance assessments (p = 0.005 for working memory and p = 0.003 for reaction time). The results of the study suggested that performing neurofeedback training in an environment with intermittent noise can be interesting to athletes. Nevertheless, it is imperative to perform a replicated crossover design.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Abundance and diversity of Heteropteran species in portuguese olive groves
The olive tree canopy is a habitat for phytophagous and predaceous Heteropteran specimens
whose biodiversity is important to be characterized. The aim of this world was to study the abundance
and diversity of Heteropteran specimens in Portuguese olive groves with different plant
protection systems (conventional. integrated protection and organic farming groves). Therefore,
data were obtained in olive groves located in the main olive Portuguese regions (Alto Alentejo and Trás-os-Montes). Sampling occurred in 1999, 2000, 2002 and 2003 and samples were obtained
through the beating technique, on a weekly or fortnight basis from March to November of each
year. The captured heteropteran specimens were identified to family level and, when possible, to
genera or species level. Experimental results showed that specimens belonged to six families that
were, for order of importance: Anthocoridae, Miridae. Lygaeidae, Tingidae, Penlalomidae and
Nabidae. Beneficial predaceous specimens like AntiJocoris sp. and Deraeocoris lutenscens
(Schilling, 1837) were the most abundant of the Anthocoridae and Miridae families, respectively.
These families were more abundant from the beginning to the middle of June which coincided with
the antophagou5 larval stage of the olive moth, Prays oleae (Bernard)
X-ray diffraction and in vivo studies reveal the quinary structure of Trypanosoma cruzi nucleoside diphosphate kinase 1: a novel helical oligomer structure
Trypanosoma cruzi is a flagellated protozoan parasite that causes Chagas disease, which represents a serious health problem in the Americas. Nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDPKs) are key enzymes that are implicated in cellular energy management. TcNDPK1 is the canonical isoform in the T. cruzi parasite. TcNDPK1 has a cytosolic, perinuclear and nuclear distribution. It is also found in non-membrane-bound filaments adjacent to the nucleus. In the present work, X-ray diffraction and in vivo studies of TcNDPK1 are described. The structure reveals a novel, multi-hexameric, left-handed helical oligomer structure. The results of directed mutagenesis studies led to the conclusion that the microscopic TcNDPK1 granules observed in vivo in T. cruzi parasites are made up by the association of TcNDPK1 oligomers. In the absence of experimental data, analysis of the interactions in the X-ray structure of the TcNDPK1 oligomer suggests the probable assembly and disassembly steps: dimerization, assembly of the hexamer as a trimer of dimers, hexamer association to generate the left-handed helical oligomer structure and finally oligomer association in a parallel manner to form the microscopic TcNDPK1 filaments that are observed in vivo in T. cruzi parasites. Oligomer disassembly takes place on the binding of substrate in the active site of TcNDPK1, leading to dissociation of the hexamers. This study constitutes the first report of such a protein arrangement, which has never previously been seen for any protein or NDPK. Further studies are needed to determine its physiological role. However, it may suggest a paradigm for protein storage reflecting the complex mechanism of action of TcNDPK1.Fil: Gómez Barroso, Juan Arturo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Biológicas de San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Biológicas de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Miranda, Mariana Reneé. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Pereira, Claudio Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Garratt, Richard Charles. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Aguilar, Carlos Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Biológicas de San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Biológicas de San Luis; Argentin
Innovation management in micro, small and medium-sized companies: a study in a Brazilian electro-electronic cluster
Innovation is an important way for corporations to increase their competitiveness. An analysis of the literature on innovation shows that almost all studies in that field keep focus on large companies. To overcome such gap, this paper focuses on the study of the Innovation Management in micro, small and medium-sized enterprise. The purpose of this study is to assess the most relevant factors related to Innovation Management of companies that compose the Electronic Valley, a cluster located in Brazil. The following dimensions regarding innovation will be herein analyzed: Strategy, Internal Processes, External Environment, Organization and Culture. Another indicator we considered is Innovative Performance, which was investigated based on data provided by the companies we analyzed. The quantitative research approached 41 corporations, approximately 28% of the general population. The regression analysis showed that the five dimensions of Innovation Management are directly associated with Innovative Performance; Culture is the most relevant variable
O ser humano possui perodos do dia em que se encontra mais ativo, com maior facilidade para o aprendizado. Se um indivduo conhecer seu cronotipo e os horrios pertinentes e mais adequados para estudar, poder distribuir tarefas dirias em favor da produtividade e qualidade de vida. Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar o perfil cronobiolgico dos acadmicos do 3 perodo matutino e noturno do curso de Educao Fsica da FAG e compar-los com suas mdias aritmticas. Para identificao dos cronotipos, aplicou-se questionrio proposto por HORNE e OSTBERG (1976), adaptado por CARDINALI (1992). Constatou-se que dos 25 acadmicos do perodo matutino, 8 (32%) tm seu cronotipo classificado como moderadamente matutino, 12 (48%) intermedirio, 5 (20%) moderadamente vespertino, ou seja, estes ltimos tm seu cronotipo em desacordo com o horrio de estudo. Dos 46 acadmicos do perodo noturno, 22 (47,83%) tm seu cronotipo classificado como intermedirio, 8 (17,39%) moderadamente vespertino, 16 (34,78%) moderadamente matutino e estudam em desacordo ao seu cronotipo. Analisando-se as mdias aritmticas dos 25 alunos do perodo matutino 5 (20%) tinham notas abaixo da media, sendo 1 deles moderadamente matutino, 2 intermedirios e 2 moderadamente vespertinos. Dos 46 acadmicos do perodo noturno, 5 (10,86%) apresentam notas abaixo da mdia, sendo 2 moderadamente matutino e 3 intermedirios. Atravs dos dados, concluiu-se que os indivduos que freqentam as aulas em horrios condizentes com o seu cronotipo podem apresentar uma maior produtividade, fato que contribuir para uma melhor aprendizagem e qualidade de vida
Determination of Essential and Toxic Elements in Cattle Blood: Serum vs Plasma
This study was designed to evaluate the influence of type of blood sample (serum or plasma) on essential and toxic element analysis in cattle. Paired plasma and serum samples (n = 20) were acid digested, and the concentrations of As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Li, Mg, Mn. Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr and Zn were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The study findings indicate that plasma and serum samples appear suitable and interchangeable for the determination of most of the essential and toxic elements in blood in cattle. The only exceptions are Cu and Se, the concentrations of which were significantly lower (40.9 and 29.9% respectively) in serum than in plasma. Some of the Cu in blood samples from bovine ruminants is known to be sequestered during clotting. However, further research on Se in ruminants and other animal species is warranted. Finally, the significantly higher Mn (9.9%) concentrations in serum than in plasma may have been caused by haemolysis of some samples. Special attention should be paid to preventing haemolysis of samples during collection and processing, in order to prevent overestimation of elements present at high concentrations inside erythrocytes (i.e., Fe, Mn and Zn)This study was supported by the Spanish Government (project code AGL2010-21026).
The authors thank the staff of Rede de Infraestruturas de Apoio á Investigación e
Desenvolvemento Tecnolóxico (RIAIDT) for analysing the samplesS
Utilização de placas protrusivas em tempo parcial no tratamento da dor e disfunção da ATM: estudo controlado de um ano
This study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of partial use of anterior repositioning appliances in the management of TMJ pain and dysfunction when compared to stabilization splints and a control group in a one-year follow-up. Sample was initially constituted by 60 patients, randomly divided into three groups: I- stabilization splints, II- repositioning splints and III- no treatment. The whole sample was evaluated by means of TMJ and muscle palpation, mandibular AROM, analysis of occlusal contacts, joint sounds inspection and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for one year; 52 patients composed the final sample. A significant (after 15 days) improvement in pain report (VAS) and palpation index was found for group II (pO objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a efetividade das placas oclusais reposicionadoras no controle de patologias intra-articulares da ATM, quando comparadas a um tratamento convencional (placa estabilizadora) e um grupo sem tratamento (controle). A amostra final constou de 52 pacientes portadores de sinais e sintomas de desordens intra-articulares da ATM, divididos, aleatoriamente em três grupos, de acordo com o procedimento empregado: grupo I (n=20), utilizou placa estabilizadora, grupo II (n=18) utilizou placa reposicionadora e grupo III (n=14), sem nenhum tratamento.Toda a amostra foi acompanhada durante um ano, sendo avaliada através de questionários anamnésicos, palpação muscular e da ATM, movimentação mandibular e detecção de sons articulares.Uma avaliação da condição oclusal também foi realizada nos diferentes períodos de exame. Os resultados demonstraram uma maior efetividade das placas reposicionadoras na redução inicial da dor relatada pelo paciente, assim como uma diminuição na sensibilidade a palpação na ATM.Todos os grupos mostraram-se semelhantes após seis meses de controle em relação aos sintomas, assim como em relação aos ruídos articulares. Os índices de palpação muscular mostraram-se melhor para todos os grupos, sendo que a oclusão também não se alterou significantemente. Baseado no acima exposto, conclui-se que a terapia de uso parcial das placas reposicionadoras constitui-se num meio efetivo de controle das patologias intra-articulares da ATM
Estudo comparativo das características sensoriais de carne de capão, galo, “frango do campo” e “frango comercial”.
A castração tem como objetivo promover o aumento do conteúdo em gordura intramuscular (Tor et al., 2002; Chen et al., 2005; Tor et al., 2005), melhorando o sabor, textura e suculência da carne (Chen et al.,
2005; Tor et al., 2005). Tal efeito tem melhorado sensorialmente a qualidade da carne (Miguel et al., 2008; Webb e O'Neill, 2008), tornando-a mais apreciada pêlos consumidores do que a carne de galos da mesma idade (Chen et al., 2005; Tor et al., 2005).
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo obter uma visão global e comparativa da carne de capões em relação aos galos, criados sob o mesmo sistema de produção.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Dentifrício fluoretado, vigilância sanitária e o SUS: o caso de Manaus-AM
OBJETIVO: Determinar o potencial anticárie dos dentifrícios distribuídos pelas unidades básicas de saúde (UBS) de Manaus-AM. MÉTODOS: Noventa e nove bisnagas de dentifrícios de quatro marcas comerciais foram coletadas de 7 de outubro de 2019 a 11 de outubro de 2019 em 16 UBS, que foram codificados por marca e UBS de origem. De acordo com a embalagem, os dentifrícios das quatro marcas e seus lotes foram formulados com monofluorfosfato de sódio (Na2FPO3) e a maioria (91%) tinha carbonato de cálcio (CaCO3) como abrasivo. Foram determinadas as concentrações de fluoreto total (FT = FST + Fins) e de fluoreto solúvel total (FST = íons F- ou FPO32-), para certificar se atendiam à Resolução ANVISA RDC Nº530 (máximo de 1.500 ppm de FT) e se tinham potencial anticárie (mínimo de 1.000 ppm de FST). As análises foram feitas com eletrodo íon específico. RESULTADOS: As concentrações (ppm F) de FT [média; desvio padrão (DP); n] encontradas nos dentifrícios A (1.502,3; DP = 45,6; n = 33), B (1.135,5; DP = 52,7; n = 48) e D (936,8; DP = 20,5; n = 8) foram próximas ao descrito na embalagem, 1.500, 1.100 e 1.000 ppm F, respectivamente. No dentifrício C, foi encontrada média de 274,1 ppm (DP = 219,7; n = 10) de FT, divergindo da concentração declarada de 1.500 ppm F. Em acréscimo, as cinco bisnagas do lote no 11681118 do dentifrício C não foram fluoretadas. Quanto ao FST, à exceção do dentifrício D (937,9; DP = 40,29), os demais apresentaram concentração inferior ao seu respectivo FT. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se problemas graves de quantidade e qualidade do fluoreto nos dentifrícios distribuídos pelo SUS em Manaus, mostrando a necessidade de vigilância desses produtos e ratificando a urgência da revisão da resolução ANVISA RDC Nº 530.OBJECTIVE: To determine the anticaries potential of toothpastes distributed by the primary health care public clinics (UBS) of Manaus, AM. Methods: Ninety-nine tubes of toothpaste from four commercial brands were collected from October 7, 2019 to October 11, 2019 in 16 UBS. They were assigned a code by brand and source UBS. According to the information on the packaging, the four brands and their batches were formulated with sodium monofluorophosphate (Na2FPO3) and most (91%) had calcium carbonate (CaCO3) as an abrasive. We determined the concentrations of total fluoride (TF = TSF + InsF) and total soluble fluoride (TSF = F ions- or FPO32-), to certify whether they were in compliance with Resolution ANVISA RDC No. 530 (maximum of 1,500 ppm TF) and whether they had anticaries potential (minimum of 1,000 ppm TSF). The analyses were performed with a ion- specific electrode. RESULTS: The concentrations (ppm F) of TF [mean; standard deviation (SD); n] found in toothpaste brands A (1,502.3; SD = 45.6; n = 33), B (1,135.5; SD = 52.7; n = 48) and D (936.8; SD = 20.5; N = 8) were close to those stated on the package, 1,500, 1,100 and 1,000 ppm F, respectively. In toothpaste C, we found a mean of 274.1 ppm (SD = 219.7; n = 10) of TF, which diverges from the declared concentration of 1,500 ppm F. In addition, the five tubes of lot no. 11681118 of toothpaste C did not contain fluoride. Regarding TSF, with the exception of toothpaste D (937.9; SD = 40.29), the others had a lower concentration than their respective TF. CONCLUSION: We found serious problems of quantity and quality of fluoride in toothpaste distributed by the SUS in Manaus, which shows the need for surveillance of these products and confirms the urgency of revising Resolution RDC No. 530
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