680 research outputs found

    Stellar masses and disk properties of Lupus young stellar objects traced by velocity-aligned stacked ALMA 13CO and C18O spectra

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    In recent ALMA surveys, the gas distributions and velocity structures of most of the protoplanetary disks can still not be imaged at high S/N due to the short integration time. In this work, we re-analyzed the ALMA 13CO (3-2) and C18O (3-2) data of 88 young stellar objects in Lupus with the velocity-aligned stacking method to enhance S/N and to study the kinematics and disk properties traced by molecular lines. This method aligns spectra at different positions in a disk based on the projected Keplerian velocities at their positions and then stacks them. This method enhances the S/N ratios of molecular-line data and allows us to obtain better detections and to constrain dynamical stellar masses and disk orientations. We obtain 13CO detections in 41 disks and C18O detections in 18 disks with 11 new detections in 13CO and 9 new detections in C18O after applying the method. We estimate the disk orientations and the dynamical stellar masses from the 13CO data. Our estimated dynamical stellar masses correlate with the spectroscopic stellar masses, and in a subsample of 16 sources, where the inclination angles are better constrained, the two masses are in a good agreement within the uncertainties and with a mean difference of 0.15 Msun. With more detections of fainter disks, our results show that high gas masses derived from the 13CO and C18O lines tend to be associated with high dust masses estimated from the continuum emission. Nevertheless, the scatter is large (0.9 dex), implying large uncertainties in deriving the disk gas mass from the line fluxes. We find that with such large uncertainties it is expected that there is no correlation between the disk gas mass and the mass accretion rate with the current data. Deeper observations to detect disks with gas masses <1E-5 Msun in molecular lines are needed to investigate the correlation between the disk gas mass and the mass accretion rate.Comment: Submitted to A&

    Grain growth in the envelopes and disks of Class I protostars

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    We present new 3 mm ATCA data of two Class I Young Stellar Objects in the Ophiucus star forming region: Elias29 and WL12. For our analysis we compare them with archival 1.1 mm SMA data. In the (u,v) plane the two sources present a similar behavior: a nearly constant non-zero emission at long baselines, which suggests the presence of an unresolved component and an increase of the fluxes at short baselines, related to the presence of an extended envelope. Our data analysis leads to unusually low values of the spectral index α1.13mm\alpha_{\rm 1.1-3mm}, which may indicate that mm-sized dust grains have already formed both in the envelopes and in the disk-like structures at such early stages. To explore the possible scenarios for the interpretation of the sources we perform a radiative transfer modeling using a Monte Carlo code, in order to take into account possible deviations from the Rayleigh-Jeans and optically thin regimes. Comparison between the model outputs and the observations indicates that dust grains may form aggregates up to millimeter size already in the inner regions of the envelopes of Class I YSOs. Moreover, we conclude that the embedded disk-like structures in our two Class Is are probably very compact, in particular in the case of WL12, with outer radii down to tens of AU.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Two-step growth mechanism of supported Co3O4-based sea-urchin like hierarchical nanostructures

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    The formation mechanism of Co3O4-based sea-urchin like nanostructures from Co-O-B layers is unveiled. In this process, promoted by oxidizing annealing, B plays a major role, inducing first a chemical reduction of Co and the formation of a metallic particle core. The growth of nano-needles from the particle surface occurs through outdiffusion and oxidation of Co from the metallic reservoir

    Organic farming of dairy goats in the Veneto region: feeding management and milk quality

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    The relationship between the quality of goat milk and the feeding management in organic farms located in the Veneto Region was evaluated. Five organic dairy goat farms with Alpine and Saanen breeds were considered. Samples of bulk milk and feeds were collected monthly and analysed for chemical composition. Milk fatty acids profile was also determined. All data were submitted by ANCOVA analysis using breed (B), time of sampling (ST) and B x ST as fixed effects and dry matter intake (DMI), dietary concentrations of crude protein (CPc), NDF (NDFc), starch (starchc), and use of grazing as linear covariates. Milk urea N was positively affected by DMI (r=3.64; P<0.05) and negatively by starchc (r=-5.91; P<0.05) and total bacterial count increased significantly (P<0.05) with the increase of CPc and starchc. DMI affected positively the milk fatty acid (FA) profile by increasing of PUFA (P<0.01), n-3 (P<0.001) and n-6 (P<0.05) acids and decreasing of SFA (P<0.05) levels in milk. Opposite effects on FA profile were observed by CPc, NDFc and starchc. The use of grazing only caused a significant increase (P<0.05) in the content of CLA in milk

    Protoplanetary disk masses from CO isotopologues line emission

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    One of the methods for deriving disk masses relies on direct observations of the gas, whose bulk mass is in the outer cold (T30T\lesssim30K) regions. This zone can be well traced by rotational lines of less abundant CO isotopologues, that probe the gas down to the midplane. The total CO gas mass is then obtained with the isotopologue ratios taken to be constant at the elemental isotope values found in the local ISM. This approach is however imprecise, because isotope selective processes are ignored. The aim of this work is an isotopologue selective treatment of CO isotopologues, in order to obtain a more accurate determination of disk masses. The isotope-selective photodissociation, the main process controlling the abundances of CO isotopologues in the CO-emissive layer, is properly treated for the first time in a full disk model (DALI, Bruderer et al. 2012; Bruderer 2013). The chemistry, thermal balance, line and continuum radiative transfer are all considered together with a chemical network that treats 13^{13}CO, C18^{18}O, C17^{17}O, isotopes of all included atoms, and molecules, as independent species. Isotope selective processes lead to regions in the disk where the isotopologues abundance ratios are considerably different from the elemental ratio. The results of this work show that considering CO isotopologue ratios as constants can lead to an underestimate of disk masses by up to almost two orders of magnitude if grains have grown to larger sizes. This may explain observed discrepancies in mass determinations from different tracers. The dependence of the various isotopologues emission on stellar and disk parameters is investigated. Including CO isotope selective processes is crucial to determine the gas mass of the disk accurately (through ALMA observations) and thus to provide the amount of gas which may eventually form planets or change the dynamics of forming planetary systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 16 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    Continuidade do Cuidado na Transição: Estratégias do Enfermeiro para Consolidação da Contrarreferência

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Enfermagem.O investimento em saúde para atendimento no contexto hospitalar, com ênfase em tratamento e recuperação, possuiu um alto gasto nos últimos anos. Para todos os usuários de saúde faz-se necessário o acompanhamento em saúde posterior ao atendimento hospitalar em serviço de menor complexidade tecnológica para controle da doença já instalada, identificação precoce de alterações e promoção da saúde. A continuidade do cuidado é uma ação fundamental para solucionar os problemas identificados após a alta pelo paciente, como a falta de informação sobre seu autocuidado, englobando ações que asseguram a qualidade da assistência à saúde durante a transferência de pacientes entre os serviços de saúde ou unidades de uma mesma instituição. O estudo tem como objetivo compreender a continuidade do cuidado, com ênfase nas estratégias utilizadas por enfermeiros para a transição do paciente com doenças crônicas não transmissíveis do hospital para o domicílio ou centros de saúde. É um estudo de caráter qualitativo que utilizou a análise temática, nele participaram 17 enfermeiros que foram selecionados de forma intencional no período de julho a setembro de 2018. O projeto foi submetido e aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, com protocolo de número 2.537.096. Do processo analítico dos dados emergiram três categorias que ilustram como se dá a continuidade do cuidado do hospital para o domicílio ou atenção primária à saúde, assim como os entraves enfrentados. Na primeira categoria é apresentado os principais obstáculos encontrados no momento em que o paciente recebe a alta e como os enfermeiros lidam com tais situações, como a falta de tempo pela alta demanda de cuidados requeridos pelos pacientes. Problemas como a alta hospitalar sem acompanhamento e a falta de padronização da alta hospitalar podem gerar consequências como a reinternação do paciente. A segunda categoria busca evidenciar as intervenções já realizadas pelos enfermeiros no momento de estabelecer a continuidade do cuidado iniciado no hospital. Para completar, a terceira categoria traz a comunicação como parte fundamental entre os serviços do sistema único de saúde para efetivar a continuidade do cuidado. Para isso é importante uma boa interação entre os profissionais da equipe multidisciplinar, o que muitas vezes se torna um desafio. O estabelecimento da continuidade do cuidado hospitalar enfrenta muitos obstáculos, para auxiliar sua efetivação é aconselhável a criação de um documento padronizado que auxilie o enfermeiro no processo de orientação para alta e encaminhe o paciente para seu centro de saúde de referência. Aponta-se a necessidade do fortalecimento da contrarreferência junto às instituições hospitalares, em especial na comunicação entre enfermeiros

    A construção turbulenta das hegemonias discursivas : o discurso neoliberal e seus confrontos

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    Orientador: João Wanderley GeraldiTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da LinguagemResumo: Partindo do pressuposto de que há um discurso em circulação na sociedade que indica que estamos vivendo um "Mundo Novd', este trabalho tem como eixo a análise deste discurso, que se apresenta e representa como homogêneo e retilíneo. Servindo-se de autores que tratam exaustivamente deste tema, como Alvin Toffler, Domenico De Masi e Darcy Ribeiro, apontam-se as condições de produção e a carga ideológica presentes nessa construção discursiva instaladora de hegemonia que se apresenta homogênea e única. A presença de um discurso novo exige a constituição de um sujeito também novo, processo aqui estudado a partir dos conceitos elaborados por Bakhtin, principalmente sua proposta de um sujeito fundado na alteridade e constituído pela linguagem em uso. Tendo em vista que tanto a linguagem quanto o sujeito se fundam no jogo que se dá entre a base material da organização social, fruto do trabalho humano, e sua sistematização ideológica, resultado da interação social, analisa-se o conteúdo de discursos que refletem a ideologia estabilizada e oficial - os que tratam da globalização e do neoliberalismo - e o conteúdo de discursos que refletem a ideologia instável e não-oficial - os de um movimento social organizado, MST - que vive no enfrentamento direto dos postulados e da prática neoliberal, em contexto local, e aqueles que emergem nas manifestações de protestos durante reuniões de líderes e dirigentes mundiais, e por isso ecoam nos meios de comunicação social, universalizando a circulação de seus dizeres concretamente locais, porque proferidos nos lugares em que se dão tais reuniões. Nesse complexo jogo social se busca, em última instância, analisar como se dá a relação entre linguagem, ideologia e sociedade, e como os discursos antagônicos se interpenetram e são constitutivos um do outroRésumé: A partir du présuposé qu'iI y a un discours en circulation dans Ia société qui indique que nous vivons dans un "Nouveau Monde", ce travail a comme axe I'analyse de ce discours, qui se présente et se représente comm e homogêne et rectiligne. En faisant usage d'auteurs qui traitent exhaustivement de ce thême, comme Alvin Toffler, Domenico De Masi et Darcy Ribeiro, on signale les conditions de production et Ia charge idéologique présentes dans cette contruction discoursive installateure d'hegémonie qui se présente homogêne et unique. La présence d'un discours nouveau exige Ia constitution d'un sujet aussi nouveau, procéssus ici étudié à partir des concepts élaborés par Bakhtine, surtout sa proposition d'un sujet fondé dans I'altéritée et constitué par le langage en usage. Ayant en vue que tant le langage comme le sujet se fondent dans le jeu qu'il y a entre Ia base matérielle de I'organisation sociale, fruit du travail humain, et sa systématisation idéologique, résultat de I'intéraction sociale, on analyse le contenu des discours qui reflêtent I'idéologie stabilisateure et officielle -- ceux qui traitent de Ia globalisation et du néolibéralisme - - et le contenu des discours qui reflêtent I'idéologie instable et nonofficielle -- ceux d'un mouvement social organisé,MST--qui vit dans I'affrontement direct aux postulés et à Ia pratique néolibérale, dans un contexte local, et ceux qui émergent dans les manifestations de protestation pendant des réunions des dirigeants mondiaux, et qui à cause de cela se répercutent dans les moyens de comunication sociale, universalisant Ia circulation de ses propos concrêtement locaux, puisque proférés dans les lieux ou se passent ces réunions. Dans ce complexe jeu social on cherche, en dernier ressort, analyser comment se présente Ia relation entre langage, idéologie et société, et comment les discours antagoniques s'entrepénêtrent et sont constitutifs I'un de I'autreDoutoradoDoutor em Linguístic

    High-throughput proteogenomics of Ruegeria pomeroyi: seeding a better genomic annotation for the whole marine Roseobacter clade

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The structural and functional annotation of genomes is now heavily based on data obtained using automated pipeline systems. The key for an accurate structural annotation consists of blending similarities between closely related genomes with biochemical evidence of the genome interpretation. In this work we applied high-throughput proteogenomics to <it>Ruegeria pomeroyi</it>, a member of the <it>Roseobacter </it>clade, an abundant group of marine bacteria, as a seed for the annotation of the whole clade.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A large dataset of peptides from <it>R. pomeroyi </it>was obtained after searching over 1.1 million MS/MS spectra against a six-frame translated genome database. We identified 2006 polypeptides, of which thirty-four were encoded by open reading frames (ORFs) that had not previously been annotated. From the pool of 'one-hit-wonders', <it>i.e</it>. those ORFs specified by only one peptide detected by tandem mass spectrometry, we could confirm the probable existence of five additional new genes after proving that the corresponding RNAs were transcribed. We also identified the most-N-terminal peptide of 486 polypeptides, of which sixty-four had originally been wrongly annotated.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>By extending these re-annotations to the other thirty-six <it>Roseobacter </it>isolates sequenced to date (twenty different genera), we propose the correction of the assigned start codons of 1082 homologous genes in the clade. In addition, we also report the presence of novel genes within operons encoding determinants of the important tricarboxylic acid cycle, a feature that seems to be characteristic of some <it>Roseobacter </it>genomes. The detection of their corresponding products in large amounts raises the question of their function. Their discoveries point to a possible theory for protein evolution that will rely on high expression of orphans in bacteria: their putative poor efficiency could be counterbalanced by a higher level of expression. Our proteogenomic analysis will increase the reliability of the future annotation of marine bacterial genomes.</p

    Two-dimensional electron crystals in single and double layers

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    We present results of Monte-Carlo simulations for finite 2D single and bilayer systems. Strong Coulomb correlations lead to arrangement of particles in configurations resembling a crystal lattice. For binary layers, there exists a particularly rich variety of lattice symmetries which depend on the interlayer separation dd. We demonstrate that in these mesoscopic lattices there exist two fundamental types of ordering: radial and orientational. The dependence of the melting temperature on dd is analyzed, and a stabilization of the crystal compared to a single layer is found.Comment: To be published in Contrib. Plasma Phys., 6 pages, 3 figures, uses cpp2e.cls (included