451 research outputs found

    Introducción a la historia económica

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    Este documento de trabajo introduce y presenta la historia económica como una asignatura global y de largo plazo. Uno de los principales objetivos de la historia económica como disciplina académica es el estudio comparativo del desarrollo económico y social. En este sentido, el bienestar económico en algunas regiones (Norteamérica, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Europa o Japón) es considerablemente mayor que en otras (Oriente Medio, India, China, África sub-Sahariana, Pacífico). Entonces, ¿qué explica esta divergencia en bienestar? Hasta bien entrado el siglo XVII no se observan grandes diferencias en el bienestar económico de Eurasia. Sin embargo, hoy nos preocupamos por la desaceleración económica occidental mientras somos testigos de un crecimiento económico rápido en Asia, ¿por qué? ¿qué determinó la posición inicial de cada economía. Con este breve documento pretendemos iniciar al estudiante en la disciplina de la historia económica y motivar el estudio de esta asignatura para comprender mejor la actual economía mundial.Este documento está orientado a potenciales alumnos o personas interesadas en el estudio de la historia económica

    Valoración de derivados financieros

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    En el trabajo se intenta explicar la modelización de la dinámica de la ETTI y su importancia. Se realiza una descripción de la ETTI mediante un modelo en tiempo continuo determinista y la introducción al modelo estocástico. Finalmente se expone una aplicación empírica del modelo determinista y sus conclusiones, utilizando datos de los tipos de interés de EEUU.Departamento de Economía AplicadaGrado en Economí

    A novel methodology for the assessment or wave energy opions at early stages

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    276 p.El aumento de la proporción de generación de electricidad a partir de fuentes renovables es clave para garantizar un sistema energético totalmente descarbonizado y luchar contra el cambio climático. La energía undimotriz es un recurso abundante pero, al mismo tiempo, es la menos desarrollada de todas las tecnologías renovables. El marco de evaluación común desarrollado en la tesis se basa en principios sólidos de ingeniería de sistemas y abarca el contexto externo, los requisitos del sistema y los criterios de evaluación. Se puede aplicar a diferentes niveles de madurez tecnológica y capta los aspectos cualitativos relacionados con las expectativas de las partes interesadas. El enfoque novedoso guía las decisiones de diseño a lo largo del proceso de desarrollo para la gestión adecuada del riesgo y la incertidumbre, y facilita la selección y evaluación comparativa de la tecnología undimotriz a diferentes niveles de madurez de manera controlada. Los métodos propuestos en esta investigación brindan información valiosa para enfocar los esfuerzos de innovación en aquellas áreas que tienen la mayor influencia en el desempeño de la tecnología. La incorporación de estrategias de innovación eficaces en el desarrollo de la energía undimotriz ayuda a gestionar la complejidad del sistema y canalizar la innovación hacia mejoras útiles.Tecnali

    Comprenc el que llegeixo? De la valoració de la pròpia comprensió a l'ús d'estratègies de lectura.

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    Malgrat que sovint són tractades d'una manera genèrica, les dificultats que troben alguns estudiants a l'hora de comprendre els textos (i que els converteixen en lectors febles) poden situar-se en components diversos dels que intervenen en la comprensió. En aquest article ens ocupem de dos d'aquests components o processos íntimament vinculats: supervisió i control de la lectura. Ambdós són imprescindibles per a la consecució d'una lectura autoregulada i útil als propòsits del lector, especialment quan aquests fan referència a l'aprenentatge

    Essays on marriage and female labour

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    Along the process of economic development, marriage patterns have gradually changed. Nonetheless, we still observe contrasting differences across regions. This thesis first examines those differences, and questions what determines those marriage patterns. The answer to this will be the economic role of women within a society. In this regard, we explore the relationship between gender differences in labour participation and marital outcomes across regions and over time. To do so, we use ethnographic evidence and country-decade data. Moreover, we reconcile distinctive literatures in an attempt to answer our main research question. The focus of the thesis lies within two specific issues regarding marriage patterns: (i) marital systems, namely polygyny and monogamy, and (ii) the spousal age gap. First, we examine the relationship between female labour participation and polygynous unions. Then, we concentrate on monogamy to explore the spousal age gap. In addition, we discuss our main findings and its implications for the long run. Whether societies have followed a similar path but at different speeds throughout history is our last topic of discussion

    Managing the last mile of the supply chain for spare parts

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    En este trabajo se analiza el diseño de la cadena de suministro en la última milla para las piezas de repuesto que usan los consumidores en las actividades de reparación que llevan a cabo ellos mismos. Se distribuyó una encuesta entre consumidores holandeses para identificar los métodos de entrega preferidos y las características de los pedidos. Los resultados indican que existe un deseo general entre estos consumidores de realizar actividades de reparación ellos mismos y prefieren la entrega directa de las piezas de repuesto. En cuanto a las características de los pedidos, depende de características coyunturales tales como la edad o lo críticas que sean las piezas

    Writing a synthesis versus reading: strategies involved and impact on comprehension

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    Little evidence is available regarding the differential impact of reading versus reading and writing on multiple source comprehension. The present study aims to: (1) compare the inferential comprehension performance of students in reading vs. reading/synthesis conditions; (2) explore the impact of performing the tasks on paper vs. on screen with Read&Answer (R&A) software; and (3) explore the extent to which rereading, notetaking, and the quality of the written synthesis can explain student's comprehension scores. For the students in the synthesis condition, we also examined the relationship between the quality of the synthesis they produced and the comprehension they achieved. 155 psychology undergraduates were randomly assigned either to the reading (n=78) or to the reading/synthesis condition (n=77). From this sample, 79 participants carried out the task with the Read&Answer software, and 76 solved the task on paper. All the students took a prior knowledge questionnaire, and read three complementary texts about the conception of intelligence. Students in the reading condition answered an inferential comprehension test, whereas students in the synthesis condition were asked to write a synthesis before taking the same test. Results show no differences in comprehension between students in the four conditions (task and media). There was no significant association between rereading and task condition. However, students in the synthesis condition were more likely to take notes. We found that two of the categories for the quality of the synthesis, textual organization and accuracy of content had an impact on inferential comprehension for the participants who wrote it. The quality of the synthesis mediated between student's prior knowledge and inferential comprehension

    Applying International Power Quality Standards for Current Harmonic Distortion to Wave Energy Converters and Verified Device Emulators

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    The push for carbon-free energy sources has helped encourage the development of the ocean renewable energy sector. As ocean renewable energy approaches commercial maturity, the industry must be able to prove it can provide clean electrical power of good quality for consumers. As part of the EU funded Open Sea Operating Experience to Reduce Wave Energy Cost (OPERA) project that is tasked with developing the wave energy sector, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) developed electrical power quality standards for marine energy converters, which were applied to an oscillating water column (OWC). This was done both in the laboratory and in the real world. Precise electrical monitoring equipment was installed in the Mutriku Wave Power Plant in Spain and to an OWC emulator in the Lir National Ocean Test Facility at University College Cork in Ireland to monitor the electrical power of both. The electrical power generated was analysed for harmonic current distortion and the results were compared. The observations from sea trials and laboratory trials demonstrate that laboratory emulators can be used in early stage development to identify the harmonic characteristics of a wave energy converter.This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 654444 (OPERA project

    Mixed care for elderly people in spain and france: a comparative analysis

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    The aim of this paper is to make a comparative analysis of the factors influencing the receipt of mixed care in over 65’s in France and Spain who receive informal care. As a data source we used the SHARE w4 for 2011. We applied binary logistic regression models for the analysis of the factors predicting the use of mixed care. The main results are gender is a significant factor in Spain but not in France. The income and the receipt of additional regular state subsidies or benefits increase the use of mixed care in both countries. Our findings suggest that the dynamics of spatial proximity to their social network are different. In France the social network is more dispersed in the territory, while in Spain it tends to be concentrated within less than 1 km. It was confirmed that mixed care is an additional complement for those receiving informal care

    Regional income inequality in France : what does history teach us?

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    This paper studies regional income inequality in France since mid-nineteenth century. Given the dominant role played by Île-de-France and the city of Paris, which inspired the publication of “Paris et le désert française” (Gravier, 1947) and a debate on regional development in the aftermath of World War II, France seems an ideal scenario to examine the dynamics of regional income. In doing so, we first document the existing evidence before and after the development of national accounting. Using different approaches, several studies have produced regional (département, NUTS3) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) estimates from 1840 to 1930. Thus, our first contribution is to present these findings, assess the appropriateness of each methodology, and address potential concerns. The comparison of existing estimates for 1861-1930 raises some doubts about the pattern of regional inequality followed since 1861 to 1911. Hence we present new estimates for 1860-1930 based in the Geary and Stark (2002) method. In short, our estimates sum up new evidence in favour of an incessant decline in regional inequality since mid 19th up to 1930 and turn down the hypothesis of a potential U-shaped pattern in France since mid 19th century to nowadays. Additionally, we found that the use of nominal relative wages could overestimate the level or regional income inequality