129 research outputs found

    Recognizing Turkey’s Anti-Rule of Law System

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    Cultural Intelligence in the School

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    A wide range of research, including Scribner's cultural psychology, work by Rogoff and Lave on daily and situated cognition, and the notion of funds of knowledge (Moll et al.), has demonstrated that all people have cultural intelligence which allows them to address and resolve many problems in daily life. In the same vein, the study of successful educational actions within the framework of the INCLUD-ED project reveals that more types of intelligence must be included in schools if educators are to respond successfully to the educational demands of highly heterogeneous classrooms. Using two case studies of community-based educational projects in Spain, this article shows how it is essential to recognize the cultural intelligence of all students in order to connect learning in classrooms with life outside school and thus provide meaning and a context for school knowledge

    Colaboración entre centros de investigación europeos: El ejemplo del IMPACT-EV

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    Desde España se han coordinado muchos proyectos de los programas marco de investigación científica europea; disponemos ya en todas las ciencias ejemplos muy positivos de cómo organizar la colaboración entre centros de investigación europea. Este artículo expone la experiencia de uno de ellos, en la segunda sección, incluye elementos muy concretos y prácticos de optimización de la citada colaboración que no suelen encontrarse por escrito. Previamente, se dedica la primera sección al objetivo general del proyecto ya que sitúa el contexto del trabajo conjunto y también los debates actuales en relación al próximo programa marco, cuya primera versión pronto se hará pública. En la tercera y última sección, se abordan nuevas aportaciones para lograr el éxito de esos procesos colaborativos

    A sampling-guided unsupervised learning method to capture percolation in complex networks

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    The use of machine learning techniques in classical and quantum systems has led to novel techniques to classify ordered and disordered phases, as well as uncover transition points in critical phenomena. Efforts to extend these methods to dynamical processes in complex networks is a field of active research. Network-percolation, a measure of resilience and robustness to structural failures, as well as a proxy for spreading processes, has numerous applications in social, technological, and infrastructural systems. A particular challenge is to identify the existence of a percolation cluster in a network in the face of noisy data. Here, we consider bond-percolation, and introduce a sampling approach that leverages the core-periphery structure of such networks at a microscopic scale, using onion decomposition, a refined version of the kk-core. By selecting subsets of nodes in a particular layer of the onion spectrum that follow similar trajectories in the percolation process, percolating phases can be distinguished from non-percolating ones through an unsupervised clustering method. Accuracy in the initial step is essential for extracting samples with information-rich content, that are subsequently used to predict the critical transition point through the confusion scheme, a recently introduced learning method. The method circumvents the difficulty of missing data or noisy measurements, as it allows for sampling nodes from both the core and periphery, as well as intermediate layers. We validate the effectiveness of our sampling strategy on a spectrum of synthetic network topologies, as well as on two real-word case studies: the integration time of the US domestic airport network, and the identification of the epidemic cluster of COVID-19 outbreaks in three major US states. The method proposed here allows for identifying phase transitions in empirical time-varying networks.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Life before the passport : People with a refugee background navigating everyday life, temporalities and subjectivities between refugeehood and citizenship

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    Tutkin väitöskirjassani sitä, miten Turussa, Suomessa asuvat pakolaistaustaiset ihmiset määrittelevät ja elävät arkielämänsä ajallisuuksia pakolaisuuden ja kansalaisuuden välillä. Viittaamalla “pakolaistaustaisiin ihmisiin” tarkoitan ihmisiä, jotka tuntevat ja kokevat pakolaisuutta. Väitöskirjallani on kaksi tavoitetta: tutkin sitä, miten pakolaistaustaiset ihmiset käyttävät toimijuuttaan jopa ennen heidän oikeudellisen statuksensa virallistamista sekä asetan pakolaistaustaisten ihmisten elämän oleskelulupien, passien ja oikeudellisen kategorisoinnin sortavien käytänteiden edelle. Maahanmuuttoa ja kansalaisuutta koskevat järjestelmät aiheuttavat ajallisia epäoikeudenmukaisuuksia pakolaistaustaisten ihmisten elämään. Empiirisen tutkimuksen ja autoetnografisten pohdintojen avulla vastaan seuraaviin tutkimuskysymyksiin: Mitkä ovat eri pakolaistaustaisten ihmisten yleiset tavoitteet ja heitä koskevat ajallisuudet? Mitä nämä ajallisuudet merkitsevät heidän kotoutumiseensa ja subjektiivisuuksiinsa Suomessa? Mitä metodologisia merkityksiä väitöskirjallani on? Teoretisoin pakolaisuutta ja kansalaisuutta keskenään muodostuvina käsitteinä, aika-tilallisen jatkumon puolina. Ihmiset kulkevat tällä jatkumolla eri suuntiin elämänsä eri ulottovuuksissa (oikeudellinen status, työllistyminen, perhe-elämä, rodullistaminen). Metodologiassani tukeudun keskusteluihin etiikasta pakkomuuton tutkimuksessa sekä feministisessä ja kriittisessä maantieteessä. Tuon tutkijoiden inhimillisyyden akateemisen työn ytimeen. Väitöskirjani tulokset osoittavat, että pakolaistaustaiset ihmiset toteuttavat poliittista toimijuuttaan riippumatta heidän oikeudellisista statuksistaan. Tutkimukseni haastaa kotoutumisen lineaariset ajallisuudet ja valaisee sitä, miten valtio pyrkii erottamaan pakolaistaustaisten ihmisten subjektiivisuudet toisistaan, vaikuttaen heidän arkipäiväänsa Suomessa ja muuallakin. Lopuksi, väitöskirjani osoittaa, miten jotkut tutkijat eriyttävät akateemisen tutkimustyönsä inhimillisyydestä ja aktivismista. Tutkimustulokseni perusteella kutsun tutkijoita pohtimaan omaa sijaintiaan ja subjektiivisuuksiaan vastustamaan metodologista nationalismia ja epäoikeudenmukaista maahanmuuton hallintaa.In this PhD dissertation thesis, I explore how people with a refugee background living in Turku, Finland, define, live and perform their everyday temporalities between refugeehood and citizenship. I focus on people who identify as experiencing or having experienced refugeehood. The thesis has two aims: to study how people with a refugee background practise their agency even before officialising their legal status, and to re-centre these people’s lives vis à vis the tyranny of “papers” and legal categorisations. Migration and citizenship regimes perpetrate temporal injustices in the lives of people with a refugee background. Through empirical studies and autoethnographical reflections, I examine three research questions: What are the common priorities and temporalities of people with a refugee background? What do these temporalities imply for migrants’ integration and subjectivities in Finland? What are the methodological implications of this thesis? I theorise refugeehood and citizenship as the two mutually constitutive sides of a spatio-temporal continuum along which people move through various dimensions of their lives (legal status, employment, family life, racialisation). I build on discussions on ethics in forcedmigration research and from feminist and critical geographies to re–centre researchers’ humanity in academic work. The results show that people with a refugee background practise political agency regardless of their legal status. My research challenges the linear temporalities of integration, revealing how the state segregates the subjectivities of people with a refugee background, affecting their daily lives in Finland and beyond. Lastly, my work suggests that some researchers segregate their academic work from their humanity and activism: I invite researchers to reflect on their situatedness and subjectivities to resist methodological nationalism and unjust immigration regimes

    EFL Teacher’s Understanding on the Implementation of Project-Based learning

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    The Merdeka Curriculum, the latest curriculum in Indonesia, adopts student-centered learning in the classroom context. Specifically, one of teaching approaches promoted in this curriculum is Project-Based Learning (PBL). However, discussions regarding the extent to which teachers understand PBL have not been much studied. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the teachers' understanding on the PBL implementation. To achieve this aim, qualitative in the form of case study design was employed, conducted in one of junior high schools in West Java, involving an English teacher as a research participant. The data in this study were obtained from semi-structured interviews completed by observation and documentation. These results confirmed that the teacher already understood the general notion, goals, and stages in implementing PBL; however, there was still a problem striming specifically in time management in which the teacher had difficulties in determining the time to implement PBL and P5 (Project penguatan profile pelajar Pancasila) in the same time. &nbsp

    Sociological Theory from Dialogic Democracy

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    Despite the long dialogical tradition both in Eastern and Western societies, in recent years the social dialogical turn is more and more evident in many domains of life. Citizens increasingly demand to have a saying in the seeking of solutions for their problematics, and advocate for a more democratic approach to science that fosters the inclusion of all voices and enhances the agency of citizens in social transformation. Therefore, global scientific research is progressively more oriented towards co-creation as a means to ensure social impact. In this context, social theory can provide the theoretical foundations to better address the societal challenges of concern, as well as the mechanisms to properly design research oriented to produce social impact, such as communicative methodology, and to monitor and evaluate such impact. Social theory would then serve its ultimate goal: to contribute to the improvement of societies. Sociology was born as part of the democracies to provide citizens with elements of analysis that would make it possible for them to make their decisions with the prior evidence of the consequences of each option. After a process of democratization, we return to the original sense, but now in a more democratic situation

    Sociological Theory from Dialogic Democracy

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    Despite the long dialogical tradition both in Eastern and Western societies, in recent years the social dialogical turn is more and more evident in many domains of life. Citizens increasingly demand to have a saying in the seeking of solutions for their problematics, and advocate for a more democratic approach to science that fosters the inclusion of all voices and enhances the agency of citizens in social transformation. Therefore, global scientific research is progressively more oriented towards co-creation as a means to ensure social impact. In this context, social theory can provide the theoretical foundations to better address the societal challenges of concern, as well as the mechanisms to properly design research oriented to produce social impact, such as communicative methodology, and to monitor and evaluate such impact. Social theory would then serve its ultimate goal: to contribute to the improvement of societies. Sociology was born as part of the democracies to provide citizens with elements of analysis that would make it possible for them to make their decisions with the prior evidence of the consequences of each option. After a process of democratization, we return to the original sense, but now in a more democratic situation

    Plurality and equality in the Learning Communities

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    Objeto: Presentar evidencias empíricas del éxito generado gracias a los tipos de organización del centro y el aula en las comunidades de aprendizaje (CA). Diseño/metodología/enfoque: El presente artículo se basa en 1) literatura científica de referencia en revistas indexadas en el Journal Citation Reports sobre el tipo de participación de las familias de migrantes y minorías culturales y su efecto en la educación de sus hijos e hijas; y en 2) la recogida de testimonios de familiares de origen migrante o pertenecientes a minorías culturales Aportaciones y resultados: Se presentarán evidencias empíricas sobre cómo los tipos de gestión y organización de la participación de las familias en el aula y la escuela de CA maximizan la pluralidad de voces y contribuyen a mejorar los resultados de los niños y niñas de los grupos sociales más desfavorecidos. Limitaciones: La complejidad para conseguir un clima de diálogo igualitario ideal en el marco de las técnicas de investigación comunicativas. Implicaciones sociales: El artículo incide en el hecho que las actuaciones basadas en evidencias científicas consiguen la transformación educativa y social, contribuyendo a responder a los objetivos de Europa 2020. Originalidad / Valor añadido: Cómo implementando determinadas formas de organización del aula y la escuela basadas en la inclusión de la pluralidad de voces aportan evidencias de la mejora en la gestión del centro y de la transformación de las relaciones con la comunidad.Purpose: To present empirical evidence of the success generated as a result of the types of organization of the centres and the classrooms in the CA. The inclusion of the plurality of voices of families from very different origins allows for an education that based on the plurality and diversity manages to achieve a greater equality in the results of all children. Design/methodology: The present article is based on 1) review of the scientific literature in journals selected in the Journal Citation Reports about the types of participation of migrant families and from cultural minorities and their effect on the education of their children; and 2) on the collection of testimonies of migrant and cultural minority families through qualitative techniques. Findings: Empirical evidence is presented about how the types of management and organization of the families' participation in the classroom and the school of Learning communities maximize the plurality of voices (migrant and cultural minority families) and contribute to improve the results of the children of the social groups who are most underprivileged and who obtain a greater improvement in the results levelling them with those of the mainstream society. Research limitations/implications: Complexity to achieve a climate of ideal egalitarian dialogue in the framework of the communicative research data collection techniques. Social implications: The article emphasizes the fact that evidence based actions achieve social and educational transformation, contributing to respond to the objectives of Europe 2020 to achieve more inclusive societies. Originality/value: How through implementing certain forms of classroom and school organization based on the inclusion of the plurality of voices, we contribute evidence of the improvement of the management of the center and the transformation of the relations with the community, beyond the educational success.Peer Reviewe

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap korban pemutusan hubungan kerja dihubungkan dengan pasal 153 Undang-Undang no. 6 tahun 2023 tentang Cipta Kerja : Studi kasus di Disnakertrans Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Perlindungan hukum mengupayakan perlindungan kepada subjek hukum dalam bentuk peraturan hukum. Peraturan mengenai Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja terdapat dalam pasal 153 Undang-Undang No. 6 Tahun 2023 Tentang Cipta Kerja. Kasus Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja sejak disahkannya UU Cipta Kerja ini tidak kunjung menyusut dan masih terhitung banyak. Sementara Perlindungan Hukum terhadap pekerja tidak sebanding dengan kasus kasus yang ada. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum terhadap Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja yang dialami oleh pekerja/ buruh di wilyaha provinsi jawa barat dan juga membandingkan antara Undang-Undang No. 13 tahun 2003 tentang ketenagakerjaan dengan Undang-Undang No. 6 Tahun 2023 Tentang Cipta Kerja dalam melindungi Hak Pekerja/ Buruh terhadap kasus Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja serta mengetahui kendala apa saja yang terjadi saat melaksanakan Perlindungan Hukum terhadap pekerja yang di PHK sejak berlakunya UU No. 6 Tahun 2023 Tentang Cipta Kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Perlindungan Hukum yang dijabarkan oleh Philipus M. Hadjon yang diutamakan dalam melakukan perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja yang diputus hubungan kerjanya. Teori perlindungan hukum ini berisi pencegahan terjadinya pelanggaran hukum itu sendiri dengan konteks untuk melindungi para pekerja/ buruh dari Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja yang tidak sah dan bermasalah. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif yang dilaksanakan dengan mengumpulkan bahan hukum dan dihubungkan dengan studi lapangan yang bertempat di Disnakertrans Provinsi Jawa Barat. Pendekatan Penelitian menggunakan yuridis empiris dengan melakukan penelitian terhadap data sekunder dan studi lapangan lalu dihubungkan dengan data primer. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Perlindungan Hukum sedang diupayakan oleh pihak Disnakertrans Provinsi Jawa Barat berpedoman dengan Undang-Undang dan SOP yang mereka miliki. Akan tetapi perlindungan hukum yang didapatkan oleh pekerja tidaklah optimal dan hasil dari perbandingan antara Undang-Undang No. 13 tahun 2003 dan UU No. 6 Tahun 2023 menunjukkan bahwa UU No. 6 Tahun 2023 Tentang Cipta Kerja lebih menguntungkan Pengusaha daripada Pekerja itu sendiri. hal ini berdampak kepada kendala perlindungan hukum yang dimana dampak yang ditemukan muncul karena pengusaha mempunyai sedikit kebebasan dalam memutus hubungan kerja dampak dari UU Cipta Kerja itu sendiri. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh Pihak Disnakertrans Provinsi Jawa Barat hanya sebatas Fasilitator dan Pengawasan