10 research outputs found

    Structural and hemodynamic characteristics of atherosclerotic plaques in carotid arteries with relation to endovascular manipulation during carotid artery stenting.

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    Ischemická cévní mozková příhoda (CMP) patří mezi nejčastější příčiny mortality, morbidi- ty a invalidity ve vyspělých zemích. Jednou z příčin ischemické CMP je aterosklerotické postižení karotických tepen. Karotická endarterektomie je efektivní metoda léčby těchto pacientů. Karotický stenting (CAS) je moderní alternativou chirurgické léčby a obě metody by měly být voleny v závis- losti na selekci pacientů. Přitom zejména CAS v posledních letech zaznamenává výrazný rozvoj, čemuž přispívají nové znalosti týkající se cerebrovaskulárního řečiště a složení aterosklerotických plátů. V naší práci jsme se zaměřili na pacienty indikované k CAS a pomocí dostupných metod jsme vyšetřovali charakteristiky a chování aterosklerotického plátu a zároveň hemodynamiky cereb- rovaskulárního řečiště, včetně vztahů k manipulaci s plátem v průběhu výkonu. Hlavní část práce zahrnuje pacienty vyšetřované transkraniální dopplerovskou ultrasonogra- fií umožňující hodnotit tok v hlavních nitrolebních tepnách a detekovat mikroembolizace během CAS. U vhodných kandidátů byla preprocedurálně vyšetřena cerebrovaskulární rezerva (CVR) po- mocí apnoického testu a zhodnocení toku v oftalmických tepnách. V případě procedury využívající k cerebrální ochraně dočasný jednostranný uzávěr karotického řečiště byly poté při CAS hodnoceny...Atherosclerotic diseases including stroke are the leading causes of morbidity, mortality as well as disability in industrialized countries. Carotid endarterectomy was long considered the stan- dard approach for the treatment of atherosclerotic carotid disease, one of major causes of stroke. Over time, carotid artery stenting (CAS) has evolved as an alternative approach and is considered equivalent to surgical treatment in selected patients. Particularly in the last years, CAS has gained attention with the increasing knowledge regarding atherosclerotic plaque and cerebrovascular flow. In our study, we focused on patients undergoing CAS and evaluated structural and hemodynamic characteristics of atherosclerotic plaques together with relation to endovascular manipulation. The major part of the study includes transcranial doppler ultrasound evaluation which is able to detect flow in major cerebral arteries as well as to detect microembolizations of atherosclerotic particles during CAS. In eligible patients, we investigated the usefulness of cerebrovascular reserve (CVR) testing to predict severe hemodynamic changes in ipsilateral middle cerebral artery induced by temporary carotid occlusion during proximally protected CAS. CVR was tested by means of a breath-holding test and ophthalmic artery flow...2nd Department of Medicine - Clinical Department of Cardiology and AngiologyII. interní klinika - klinika kardiologie a angiologie 1. LF UK a VFN1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Structural and hemodynamic characteristics of atherosclerotic plaques in carotid arteries with relation to endovascular manipulation during carotid artery stenting.

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    Atherosclerotic diseases including stroke are the leading causes of morbidity, mortality as well as disability in industrialized countries. Carotid endarterectomy was long considered the stan- dard approach for the treatment of atherosclerotic carotid disease, one of major causes of stroke. Over time, carotid artery stenting (CAS) has evolved as an alternative approach and is considered equivalent to surgical treatment in selected patients. Particularly in the last years, CAS has gained attention with the increasing knowledge regarding atherosclerotic plaque and cerebrovascular flow. In our study, we focused on patients undergoing CAS and evaluated structural and hemodynamic characteristics of atherosclerotic plaques together with relation to endovascular manipulation. The major part of the study includes transcranial doppler ultrasound evaluation which is able to detect flow in major cerebral arteries as well as to detect microembolizations of atherosclerotic particles during CAS. In eligible patients, we investigated the usefulness of cerebrovascular reserve (CVR) testing to predict severe hemodynamic changes in ipsilateral middle cerebral artery induced by temporary carotid occlusion during proximally protected CAS. CVR was tested by means of a breath-holding test and ophthalmic artery flow..

    WITHDRAWN: Near-infrared spectroscopy characterization of internal carotid artery restenosis after endarterectomy

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    SLICE Seismic lithospheric investigation of Central Europe

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    Projekt SLICE má za úkol zkoumat hlubinnou stavbu středoevropské oblasti a jeho cílem je přispět k výzkumu stavby zemské kůry a svrchního pláště v oblasti Českého masivu a jeho styku se sousedními tektonickými jednotkami. Pro studium hlubinné stavby je využívána seismická refrakční metoda, kdy se registrují seismické vlny generované uměle vyvolanými odpaly a posléze je zjišťována rychlost šíření seismických vln v různých hloubkách. Tyto údaje pak zprostředkovaně poskytnou informace o strukturních vlastnostech měřeného prostředí až do oblasti svrchního pláště. Je popsáno propojení refrakčních experimentů ALP 2002 a SUDETES 2003 na našem území

    SLICE Seismic lithospheric investigation of Central Europe

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    Projekt SLICE má za úkol zkoumat hlubinnou stavbu středoevropské oblasti a jeho cílem je přispět k výzkumu stavby zemské kůry a svrchního pláště v oblasti Českého masivu a jeho styku se sousedními tektonickými jednotkami. Pro studium hlubinné stavby je využívána seismická refrakční metoda, kdy se registrují seismické vlny generované uměle vyvolanými odpaly a posléze je zjišťována rychlost šíření seismických vln v různých hloubkách. Tyto údaje pak zprostředkovaně poskytnou informace o strukturních vlastnostech měřeného prostředí až do oblasti svrchního pláště. Je popsáno propojení refrakčních experimentů ALP 2002 a SUDETES 2003 na našem území

    Computed tomography versus invasive coronary angiography:design and methods of the pragmatic randomised multicentre DISCHARGE trial

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    Objectives: More than 3.5 million invasive coronary angiographies (ICA) are performed in Europe annually. Approximately 2 million of these invasive procedures might be reduced by noninvasive tests because no coronary intervention is performed. Computed tomography (CT) is the most accurate noninvasive test for detection and exclusion of coronary artery disease (CAD). To investigate the comparative effectiveness of CT and ICA, we designed the European pragmatic multicentre DISCHARGE trial funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union (EC-GA 603266). Methods: In this trial, patients with a low-to-intermediate pretest probability (10–60 %) of suspected CAD and a clinical indication for ICA because of stable chest pain will be randomised in a 1-to-1 ratio to CT or ICA. CT and ICA findings guide subsequent management decisions by the local heart teams according to current evidence and European guidelines. Results: Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) defined as cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction and stroke as a composite endpoint will be the primary outcome measure. Secondary and other outcomes include cost-effectiveness, radiation exposure, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), socioeconomic status, lifestyle, adverse events related to CT/ICA, and gender differences. Conclusions: The DISCHARGE trial will assess the comparative effectiveness of CT and ICA. Key Points: • Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. • Invasive coronary angiography (ICA) is the reference standard for detection of CAD. • Noninvasive computed tomography angiography excludes CAD with high sensitivity. • CT may effectively reduce the approximately 2 million negative ICAs in Europe. • DISCHARGE addresses this hypothesis in patients with low-to-intermediate pretest probability for CAD.</p

    Computed tomography versus invasive coronary angiography: design and methods of the pragmatic randomised multicentre DISCHARGE trial

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    Objectives More than 3.5 million invasive coronary angiographies (ICA) are performed in Europe annually. Approximately 2 million of these invasive procedures might be reduced by noninvasive tests because no coronary intervention is performed. Computed tomography (CT) is the most accurate noninvasive test for detection and exclusion of coronary artery disease (CAD). To investigate the comparative effectiveness of CT and ICA, we designed the European pragmatic multicentre DISCHARGE trial funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union (EC-GA 603266). Methods In this trial, patients with a low-to-intermediate pretest probability (10–60 %) of suspected CAD and a clinical indication for ICA because of stable chest pain will be randomised in a 1-to-1 ratio to CT or ICA. CT and ICA findings guide subsequent management decisions by the local heart teams according to current evidence and European guidelines. Results Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) defined as cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction and stroke as a composite endpoint will be the primary outcome measure. Secondary and other outcomes include cost-effectiveness, radiation exposure, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), socioeconomic status, lifestyle, adverse events related to CT/ICA, and gender differences. Conclusions The DISCHARGE trial will assess the comparative effectiveness of CT and ICA