1,807 research outputs found

    La diversidad mineral de la Tierra es única en el Universo

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    San Juan de la Cruz: místico y poeta

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    En el presente ensayo se da cuenta de la vida del poeta místico español San Juan de la Cruz. Se abordan elementos constituyentes de su poesía y de su quehacer religioso. Viuda religiosa y vida poética se funden para formar un ser con una visión muy particular de las cosas, esa visión queda inscrita en su poética

    The pantry house of espera. Historical, architectural and planimetric analysis

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    La Casa Cilla o Molino de los Diezmos de Espera esun edificio de estilo barroco que se construyó a finales del siglo XVIII para la recepción en especie de las rentas decimales, un impuesto derogado con la Ley de Desamortización de Madoz en 1855. La Casa Cilla de Espera es una de las más representativas de las 13 que se conservan en la provincia de Cádiz y la única que también funcionó como almazara. Organizada en torno a un gran patio central, también es de las pocas de Andalucía que ofrece la estructura completa. El conjunto, de planta rectangular y dos alturas, conserva todavía los antiguos graneros, la bodega, los almacenes de aceite, las oficinas y la antigua maquinaria en relativo buen estado. La Junta de Andalucía acordó declarar Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC), la Casa Cilla de Espera, publicado en el BOJA de 21 de Julio de 2009. Sobre el edifico, de gran envergadura e impronta urbanística para este pequeño municipio gaditano, se han encontrado escasos estudios y referencias bibliográficas, quizás debido a la poca y confusa documentación histórica encontrada, careciendo esta en cualquier caso de planos o documentos gráficos sobre su estado actual, labor esta que también aborda este artículo.The Pantry House Pantry or Mill of the Tithes is a baroque style building constructed at the end of the 18th century for the cash collection of the decimal rent, a tax repealed with the Madoz's Disentailment Law in 1855. The Pantry House of Espera is one of the most representative houses of the thirteen remaining in the province of Cadiz, and the only one that was also used as oil-mill (olive press). Organized around a central courtyard, is one of the few Andalucía houses that offers a full structure. The framework, which consist on a rectangular floor and double height, still preserves the old barns, the warehouse, the oil storages, the offices, and the former machinery in a relative good condition. The Andalucía Regional Government agreed to declare it an Asset of National Interest, The House Pantry of Espera, published in the BOJA (Official Newsletter of the Andalucía Regional Government) July 21, 2009. Few studies nor bibliographical references have been found about this building of great importance and emblem of the urban development of this small Cádiz municipality, probably due to the limited and confusing historical documentation which was lacking of planes or graphical documents about its current condition, labor that also approaches this article

    Internal branding at university: Do tenure and job security matter?

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    Universities, as educational service providers, must pay attention to their employees who are pivotal in delivering and communicating brand promise and service quality to the stakeholders. While branding initiatives most frequently focus on external stakeholders, internal branding efforts establish systems/processes and consequent employees’ behaviour that are consistent with external branding efforts. With a sample of 753 faculty members and researchers from a Spanish public University, the study aims to establish if employee tenure and job security have a significant relationship with employees’ brand commitment and employees’ brand supporting behaviour. An analysis of variance was carried out for testing the hypothesis. Differences were found according to tenure in employees’ brand commitment while job security did not impact significantly on employees’ brand commitment. In addition, a positive and significant relationship were found between employees’ brand supporting behaviour and tenure, but not for job security. For business practitioners, this research state that it is essential for service companies, such as universities, to use differing approaches to employees according to their organisational tenure as an important managerial implication.Retamosa, M.; Millán, Á.; García, JA.; Millán, M. (2020). Internal branding at university: Do tenure and job security matter?. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):493-500. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11092OCS49350030-05-202

    Image encryption system based on a nonlinear joint transform correlator for the simultaneous authentication of two users

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    We propose a new encryption system based on a nonlinear joint transform correlator (JTC) using the information of two biometrics (one digital fingerprint for each user) as security keys of the encryption system. In order to perform the decryption and authentication in a proper way, it is necessary to have the two digital fingerprints from the respective users whose simultaneous authentication is pursued. The proposed security system is developed in the Fourier domain. The nonlinearity of the JTC along with the five security keys given by the three random phase masks and the two digital fingerprints of the two users allow an increase of the system security against brute force and plaintext attacks. The feasibility and validity of this proposal is demonstrated using digital fingerprints as biometrics in numerical experiments.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Image quality and security through nonlinear joint transform encryption

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    A repressão às universidades e ao movimento estudantil argentino entre os golpes de Estado de 1966 e 1976

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    En este artículo analizamos la represión contra el movimiento estudiantil y sus aliados universitarios en Argentina, entre los golpes de Estado de 1966 y 1976. Conceptualizamos y periodizamos las modalidades represivas que observamos en fuentes primarias (documentos oficiales, prensa y testimonios) y secundarias, algunas surgidas de investigaciones propias, y otras de la literatura del campo. La conclusión de nuestro estudio de síntesis es que si bien siempre existieron prácticas represivas contra el movimiento estudiantil, estas experimentaron ciertas transformaciones durante la última etapa de la dictadura militar (1971-1973) (fundamentalmente mayor selectividad y clandestinidad) que se potenciaron durante el trienio peronista (1973-1976).This article analyzes the repression against the student movement and its university allies in Argentina, between the coups d’état of 1966 and 1976. We conceptualize and periodize the repressive methods that we saw in primary (official documents, press and testimonies) and secondary sources, some brought forth from our investigation, and others from literature in the field. The conclusion of this synthesis is that even if repressive practices always existed against the student movement, they experienced certain transformations during the last chapter of the military dictatorship (1971-1973) (primarily greater selectivity and secrecy) that strengthened during the peronist triennium (1973- 1976).Neste artigo analisamos a repressão contra o movimento estudantil e os seus aliados universitários na Argentina, entre os golpes de Estado de 1966 e 1976. Conceitualizamos e organizamos periodicamente as modalidades repressivas que observamos em fontes primárias (documentos oficiais, imprensa e testemunhos) e secundárias, algumas surgidas de investigações próprias, e outras da literatura dessa área. A conclusão do nosso estudo de síntese é que, se bem sempre existiram práticas repressivas contra o movimento estudantil, estas experimentaram algumas transformações durante a última etapa da ditadura militar (1971-1973) (fundamentalmente uma maior seletividade e clandestinidade) que se potenciaram durante o triênio peronista (1973- 1976).Fil: Califa, Juan Sebastián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana ; ArgentinaFil: Millán, Mariano Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana ; Argentin

    Fish behavioural studies to assure better farmed fish welfare

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    Oral session 3[EN] On-farm conditions directly influence fish behaviour. When assessing aquatic animals’ welfare standards, behaviour is one of the critical aspects to consider. This presentation will briefly describe a general view of Spanish aquaculture, some of the farmed fish’s most frequent behaviours (e.g., aggressiveness, appetite, distribution, gill ventilation frequency, swimming activity, etc.), and how scientific studies are needed to cover fish welfare

    Anti-Doping Knowledge of Students Undertaking Bachelor’s Degrees in Sports Sciences in Spain.

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    In Spain, students pursuing a career in athletic training, physical education, or scientific evaluation of sports enroll in a bachelor’s degree in sports sciences. This degree provides knowledge and skills in a broad array of sports settings and promotes research-based interdisciplinary knowledge. However, the student’s syllabus rarely includes specific academic training on anti-doping regulations or doping prevention. The purpose of this study was to assess the anti-doping knowledge of the students undertaking a bachelor’s degree in sports sciences in Spanish universities. One thousand two hundred and thirty-three bachelor students in sport science (907 males, 322 females, and 4 participants with non-binary sex) from 26 Spanish universities completed a validated questionnaire about general anti-doping knowledge. The questionnaire is an adapted version of the Play True Quiz of the World Anti-Doping Agency and contains 37 multiple-choice questions. The score obtained in the questionnaire was transformed into a 0–100-point scale. The questionnaire was distributed among students within each university by a faculty member and it was filled out online. Students obtained a score of 65.8 10.10 points (range = 32–92 points). There was an effect of the course in the score obtained (p < 0.001). Students of the first course (63.6 9.5 points) had lower scores than the remaining courses (p < 0.037) while the students of the fourth course obtained the highest scores (68.7 9.5 points; p < 0.019). The students with an itinerary on sports performance were the respondents with the highest anti-doping knowledge (67.2 10.2) points, followed by the students with an itinerary on health (66.7 9.5 points). The knowledge of basic anti-doping rules and doping prevention strategies of the bachelor students in sports sciences in Spain was suboptimal. Increasing doping prevention information in the syllabus of the bachelor’s degree in sports sciences is essential as these future professionals will directly work with populations at risk of doping.post-print1143 K