122 research outputs found

    Cost-effectiveness and minimum requirements of nZEB for residential buildings under the new Spanish Technical Building Code

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    This paper evaluates a parametric analysis towards compliance with the nZEB standard, which in Spain is defined by the latest update of the Technical Building Code. This regulation is critically assessed regarding its ability to promote the concept of cost optimization, promote renewable energy sources and minimize primary energy consumption in the residential sector. To this end, a virtual building was defined and multiple designs were evaluated using DesignBuilder software. A set of 170 alternative scenarios was established and parametrically evaluated for five cities representing the five climatic zones of inland Spain (Bilbao, Burgos, Seville, Madrid and Almeria). The results were evaluated focusing on cost-cost effectiveness and primary energy consumption values for the different scenarios, evaluating them in relation to the minimum requirements set by the regulation. The great potential of photovoltaic energy is highlighted, which allows negative values to be obtained for the two Equivalent Uniform Annual Costs due to the cost avoided through self-consumption. This fact makes the optimal designs tend to electrification, specifically through air and ground source heat pumps. It is worth mentioning that the new Code has only established a minimum target for renewable self-consumption in the residential sector, which should be reinforced in future updates.The project leading to these results has received funding from “La Caixa” Foundation under the project code LCF/PR/SR20/52550013

    The Open Data Potential for the Geospatial Characterisation of Building Stock on an Urban Scale: Methodology and Implementation in a Case Study

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    Energy renovation in buildings is one of the major challenges for the decarbonisation of the building stock. To effectively prioritise decision making regarding the adoption of the most efficient solutions and strategies, it is imperative to develop agile methods to determine the energy performance of buildings on an urban scale, in order to evaluate the impact of these improvements. In this regard, the data collection for feeding building energy models plays a key role in the accuracy and reliability of this issue, and the significant increase in recent years of available data from open data sources offers great potential in this respect. Thus, this study focuses on proposing a systematised and automated method for obtaining information from open data sources so as to obtain the most relevant geometric and thermal characteristics of residential buildings on an urban scale. The criteria for selecting the parameters to be obtained are based on their potential use as input data in different energy demand models aimed at assessing the energy performance of the building stock in a given area and, eventually, to evaluate the potential for improvement and the mitigation of different strategies. Geometric characterisation relies on obtaining and processing open data from cadastres to extract envelope surfaces categorised by orientation through QGIS (Free and Open Source Geographic Information System). For thermal characterisation, an automated process assigns different parameter-based information obtained from cadastral data, such as the year of construction. Finally, the applicability of the method is demonstrated through its implementation in the case study of Bilbao (Spain). The obtained results show that, although additional data should be collected when a detailed analysis of a building or building cluster has to be carried out, the existing open data can provide a first approximation, providing a first global view of the building stock in a region. It demonstrates the usability of the proposed method as an effective way to obtain and process these relevant data.The work presented in this paper was carried out within the EnePoMAP Project that was funded by “La Caixa” Foundation under the project code LCF/PR/SR20/52550013. The recruitment of the Author Cristina Villanueva-Díaz was funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU. The author Milagros Álvarez-Sanz is benefiting from the financial support of the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), through the Vice-Rectorate of Research’s Personnel Research Training Program (2020). The publication fees of the paper were funded by the organisation of the 14th edition of the International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Architecture and Urbanism (EESAP 14), through a prize awarded to the material of this publication in recognition of the best communication submitted to the congress

    Reflexiones sobre un tema polémico : la resolución de problemas

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    online resource (54 p.)Libro ElectrónicoUno de los aspectos más importantes de la enseñanza de la Matemática , donde es mayor el índice de fracaso de los estudiantes, es el de la resolución de problemas. Es por ello que, desde hace algún tiempo, figura como una de las principales líneas de investigación didáctica. Así pues, tal como muestra la vasta bibliografía al respecto, un importante número de investigadores en los últimos decenios, han presentado sus propuestas de intervención pedagógica para modificar la situación de manera positiva y afrontar el reto que representa el enseñar y aprender a resolver problemas matemáticos. En estos estudios, se considera la resolución de problemas como una tarea compleja en la que intervienen múltiples variables - de tarea, de contexto, estratégicas, personales, y otras – las cuales tienen impacto sobre el proceso de resolución de problemas.La resolución de problemas: un reto para la educación matemática contemporánea. 4 ¿Cómo favorecer el desarrollo el desarrollo de habilidades en la resolución de problemas?. 19 Algunas consideraciones de interés sobre la incidencia de las matemáticas y las ciencias en la resolución de problemas. 25 Las técnicas participativas, el trabajo grupal y la resolución de problemas. 40 ¿Cómo evaluar la resolución de problemas en clases? 4

    Programación neuroinmunolingística como eje transversal espiritual en organizaciones vivas con rostro humano

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    This article analyzes neuroimmune linguistic programming as a transversal spiritual axis in living organizations with a human face. It is based on the theories of Punset (2010), Koenig, et al. (2001) and ODonnel (2000), among others. Methodologically, it was framed in a qualitative, documentary paradigm with a bibliographic design. Findings show studies revealing that what employees want most in their work is a feeling of love and care and some connection between their work and their larger purpose in life. From the perspective of neuroimmune linguistic programming, spirituality can be seen as a management tool for motivation in the XXIst-century leader. It helps to create a better atmosphere in the workplace. It is a vision of positive, optimistic life that improves self-esteem, serving as a transversal, spiritual axis in living organizations with a human face.  El presente artículo analiza la programación neuroinmunolinguistica como eje transversal espiritual en organizaciones vivas con rostro humano. Se fundamenta en las teorías de Punset (2010), Koenig, et al. (2001), ODonnel (2000) entre otros. Metodológicamente estuvo enmarcado en el paradigma de corte cualitativo documental, y diseo bibliográfico. Sus hallazgos evidencian que existen estudios que revelan que lo que los empleados desean más en sus trabajos es un sentimiento de amor y cuidado y alguna conexión entre su trabajo y su propósito mayor en la vida. Desde la perspectiva de la PNIL la espiritualidad se puede ver como una herramienta gerencial de motivación para el líder del siglo XXI. Ayuda a una mejor atmósfera en el lugar de trabajo. Es una visión de vida positiva, optimista que mejora la autoestima comportando ser eje transversal espiritual en organizaciones vivas con rostro humano. &nbsp

    Estudio intercultural de la inteligencia emocional y variables psicoeducativas a través del surveymonkey

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    This intercultural study searches to analyse the relationship between emotional intelligence and psychoeducational varibales in young and teenager Spanish and Peruvovian people. We use the new techonologies for assess a simple of 1074 high school students from Spain and Peru by an online system application SurveyMonkey for recovering the information of every self report. This application le tus code and digitalize the data, and after to analyse data through 21.0 version SPSS. We included the General Data Questionnaire (CDG) bult by the team; the TMMS-24 for assess emotional intelligence; and the personality NEO-FFI questionnaire. Results show statistical significative differences in the majority of variables in favour of Peru, exaplaining those results to motivational level of the students. Related with the genre, we can say tha women have higher emotional perception and men higuher emotional comprehension, in line with other studies. When we consider the educational level, the Elder students reach higher marks in self-eficacy and in solve strategies, as the haigher expertice with the school tasks. Finally, the knowledge about the intelligence, the emotions and the emotional intelligence are not related with high levels in openess, emotional perception and clarity, as we expected. We discuss the results to the light of educational implications.Este estudio intercultural busca analizar la relación de la inteligencia emocional, variables psicoeducativas en jóvenes y adolescentes Españoles y Peruanos, utilizando las nuevas tecnologías. En una muestra de 1074 alumnos de colegios e institutos de España y Perú utilizando el sistema on-line Survey Monkey para la cumplimentación de todos los cuestionarios, facilitando la codificación e informatización de los datos para la realización de análisis estadísticos, presentadas como evidencias empíricas en este estudio. Se utilizó el cuestionario de datos generales (CDG) elaborado ad hoc por el equipo de investigación, el TMMS-24 que mide la inteligencia emocional percibida, el cuestionario de estrategias de aprendizaje y motivación (CEAM) y finalmente el de personalidad (NEO-FFI). Los resultados indican diferencias significativas en la mayoría de las variables a favor de Perú, atribuyendo estos resultados al grado de motivación que presentaban los estudiantes peruanos. Respecto al género podemos destacar que las mujeres puntúan más alto en percepción emocional y los varones en compresión emocional como lo prueban en diversos estudios. Al tomar en cuenta el curso, los alumnos superiores puntúan más alto en autoeficacia y estrategias de solución. Finalmente el tener conocimiento de lo que es la inteligencia, las emociones y la inteligencia emocional no está relacionado con altos puntajes en apertura, percepción y claridad emocional como se esperaba. Se discuten los resultados a la luz de las implicaciones educativas

    Estudio del cáncer de vejiga en el área sanitaria II de la provincia de Zaragoza: datos epidemiológicos, anatomoclínicos y modelo predictivo de evolución clínica durante el periodo 1994-2003

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    INTRODUCCION El tumor vesical, dentro de los tumores del aparato genitourinario, es el segundo más frecuente en hombres, y con alta prevalencia lo que conlleva un grave problema de salud pública. Se han presentado estudios del área sanitaria III de la provincia de Zaragoza en los que se evidencia que es el tumor urológico más frecuente durante 20 años por encima del cáncer de próstata y equiparándose a zonas con las tasas de incidencia más elevadas del mundo de una región de Italia. OBJETIVOS Y METODOLOGÍA Los objetivos se basan en comprobar si nuestra área sanitaria (II de Zaragoza) presenta una alta incidencia de tumor vesical mediante el cálculo de tasas de incidencia ajustadas a la población europea. Caracterizar la población seleccionada mediante análisis de las principales variables clínicas y anatomo-patológicas. Determinar y cuantificar la importancia del hábito tabaquico en la presentación del tumor vesical realizando un estudio caso-control. Encontrar y comprobar un modelo predictivo basado en modelos de riesgos proporcionales de Cox respecto a la recidiva, progresión y supervivencia cáncer específica de los pacientes afectos de tumor vesical para poder decidir una pauta de actuación posterior. RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES Nuestras tasas de incidencia de tumor vesical son similares a las del área sanitaria Hl de Zaragoza, siendo de las más altas de España, superiores a la media europea y a las de cáncer de próstata. La edad media de presentación del tumor vesical es de 69 años y la mayoría son varones, siendo casi 3 partes superficiales en el momento del diagnóstico. El riesgo de padecer cáncer vesical por el hábito tabaquico es 2,6 veces superior. La edad más avanzada al diagnóstico es un factor independiente de elevado riesgo de recidiva, progresión y menor supervivencia cáncer específica. La multifocalidad tumoral al diagnóstico es un factor independiente de riesgo de recidiva. La existencia de recidiva tumoral antes de los 3 meses es un factor independiente de elevado riesgo de progresión y menor supervivencia cáncer específica. El modelo de riesgos creado para la recidiva tumoral presenta un buen ajuste de las variables, no así el de progresión y supervivencia cáncer específica

    A primary healthcare information intervention for communicating cardiovascular risk to patients with poorly controlled hypertension: The Education and Coronary Risk Evaluation (Educore) study-A pragmatic, cluster-randomized trial

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    PURPOSE: Uncertainty exists regarding the best way to communicate cardiovascular risk (CVR) to patients, and it is unclear whether the comprehension and perception of CVR varies according to the format used. The aim of the present work was to determine whether a strategy designed for communicating CVR information to patients with poorly controlled high blood pressure (HBP), but with no background of cardiovascular disease, was more effective than usual care in the control of blood pressure (BP) over the course of a year. METHODS: A pragmatic, two-arm, cluster-randomized controlled trial was performed. Consecutive patients aged 40-65 years, all diagnosed with HBP in the last 12 months, and all of whom showed poor control of their condition (systolic BP ≥140 mmHg and/or diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg), were recruited at 22 primary healthcare centres. Eleven centres were randomly assigned to the usual care arm, and 11 to the informative intervention arm (Educore arm). At the start of the study, the Educore arm subjects were shown the "low risk SCORE table", along with impacting images and information pamphlets encouraging the maintenance of good cardiovascular health. The main outcome variable measured was the control of HBP; the secondary outcome variables were SCORE table score, total plasma cholesterol concentration, use of tobacco, adherence to prescribed treatment, and quality of life. RESULTS: The study participants were 411 patients (185 in the Educore arm and 226 in the usual care arm). Multilevel logistic regression showed that, at 12 months, the Educore intervention achieved better control of HBP (OR = 1.57; 1.02 to 2.41). No statistically significant differences were seen between the two arms at 12 months with respect to the secondary outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to usual care, the Educore intervention was associated with better control of HBP after adjusting for age, baseline SBP and plasma cholesterol, at 12 months.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation via the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Subprograma de Proyectos de Investigación en Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias y Servicios de Salud (PI 09/90354), and the Fundación de Investigación e Innovación Biomédica en Atención Primaria (FIIBAP). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscriptS

    Hepatitis a among men who have sex with men in Barcelona, 1989-2010: insufficient control and need for new approaches

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Men who have sex with men (MSM) are a known group at risk for hepatitis A and outbreaks among this group are frequent. In Barcelona, vaccination for MSM has been recommended since 1994. In 1998 a vaccination campaign among preadolescents was implemented and an immunization program in gay bathhouses began in 2004. Objective: to asses the incidence of hepatitis A in adults in Barcelona from 1989 to 2010 and to evaluate the outbreaks among MSM including all genotypes involved.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All cases of acute hepatitis A among young adults notified to the Public Health Agency of Barcelona from 1989 to 2010 were included for analyses. We calculated the annual incidence rate and the incidence ratio male-to-female (M:F) as a marker for MSM. Spearman's coefficient was used to evaluate trends. We also evaluated the outbreaks among MSM and compared their characteristics using Chi-squared and ANOVA test. Fragment amplification of the VP1/P2A region was used for genetic analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The median annual incidence for the period of study was 4.7/100000 among females and 11.7/100000 among males. The rate of hepatitis A for adult woman decreased over time (Spearman' coefficient = -0.63, <it>p </it>= 0.002), whereas there was no decrease for adult men (Spearman' coefficient = 0.097, <it>p </it>= 0.67). During the study period the M:F ratio increased (Spearman' coefficient = 0.73, <it>p </it>< 0.001).</p> <p>Three large outbreaks among MSM were detected. When comparing outbreaks, there was a decrease in the percentage of bathhouse users (from 47% to 19%, <it>p </it>= 0.0001) and sex workers (from 6.5% to 0%) while the percentage of HIV infected individuals did not change significantly (range: 21%-28%, <it>p </it>= 0.36). The isolated strains were closely related to those circulating in Europe.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Annual incidences remain high among MSM without tendency to decrease. More strategies which effectively reach the whole MSM community are needed.</p

    Primary care randomized clinical trial: manual therapy effectiveness in comparison with TENS in patients with neck pain

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    This study investigated effectiveness of manual therapy (MT) with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to reduce pain intensity in patients with mechanical neck disorder (MND). A randomized multi-centered controlled clinical trial was performed in 12 Primary Care Physiotherapy Units in Madrid Region. Ninety patients were included with diagnoses of subacute or chronic MND without neurological damage, 47 patients received MT and 43 TENS. The primary outcome was pain intensity measured in millimeters using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Also disability, quality of life, adverse effects and sociodemographic and prognosis variables were measured. Three evaluations were performed (before, when the procedure ?nished and six months after). Seventy-one patients (79%) completed the follow-up measurement at six months. In more than half of the treated patients the procedure had a clinically relevant ?short term? result after having ended the intervention, when either MT or TENS was used. The success rate decreased to one-third of the patients 6 months after the intervention. No differences can be found in the reduction of pain, in the decrease of disability nor in the quality of life between both therapies. Both analyzed physiotherapy techniques produce a short-term pain reduction that is clinically relevant.Ministerio de SanidadInstituto de Salud Carlos II