40 research outputs found

    Un sistema de análisis territorial para aplicaciones arqueo-geográficas

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    Los sistemas que aquí se presentan han sido desarrollados en el curso del proyecto de investigación “Aspectos socio-económicos del comienzo de la metalurgia en el Sureste de España (interior de la provincia de Murcia)” realizado por el Departamento de Prehistoria del Centro de Estudios Históricos (C.S.I.C.) entrelos años 1.986 y 1.989, y actualmente en curso de publicación. Se tratade una investigación extensiva en Arqueología del Paisaje, acerca de cuyos objetivos y planteamientos teóricos y metodológicos generales nos remitimos al primer volumen de memorias que pronto verá la luz.Peer reviewe

    Auxiliary Companies of the Horticultural Sector as a Competitiveness Element: The Case of Almeria (Spain)

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    The horticultural model of Almeria (Spain) based on the operation of greenhouses is an international reference and has been considered as an economic miracle. Alongside this agricultural development has been the deployment of the diverse productive activity of auxiliary companies. The objective of this article is to understand how these companies operate and analyze their factors of competitiveness, competing needs, and future competitive improvements, taking as reference four of the most important subsectors (machinery, greenhouse infrastructure, plastics, and seeds). The Delphi method was used and through a panel of experts the conditioning factors of each of the variables to be analyzed (factors, needs, and competitiveness improvements) was chosen. Of the 120 companies that were sent questionnaires, 72 participated. The sectors that make up the auxiliary companies are heterogeneous and therefore the results obtained have differed among them. The synergies between the greenhouse crops and the auxiliary companies are an example of diversification of productive activity that can be extrapolated to other production areas worldwide. The future of the auxiliary companies is linked to that of the intensive agriculture and the key variables must be underscored by competitiveness and sustainability

    Complementary Currencies: An Analysis of the Creation Process Based on Sustainable Local Development Principles

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    Complementary currencies are a reality and are being applied both globally and locally. The aim of this article is to explain the viability of this type of currency and its application in local development, in this case, in a rural mountain municipality in the province of Almería (Spain) called Almócita. The Plus, Minus, Interesting (PMI); “Flying Balloon”; and Strength, Weakness, Opportunity (SWOT) analysis methodologies will be used to carry out the study. Finally, a ranking of success factors will be carried out with a brainstorming exercise. As to the results, there are, a priori, more advantages than disadvantages of implementing these currencies, but the local population has clarified that their main concern is depopulation along with a lack of varied work. As a counterpart to this and strengths or advantages, almost all the participants mention the support from the Almócita city council and the initiatives that are constantly being promoted

    Functionalized Nanostructures with Application in Regenerative Medicine

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    In the last decade, both regenerative medicine and nanotechnology have been broadly developed leading important advances in biomedical research as well as in clinical practice. The manipulation on the molecular level and the use of several functionalized nanoscaled materials has application in various fields of regenerative medicine including tissue engineering, cell therapy, diagnosis and drug and gene delivery. The themes covered in this review include nanoparticle systems for tracking transplanted stem cells, self-assembling peptides, nanoparticles for gene delivery into stem cells and biomimetic scaffolds useful for 2D and 3D tissue cell cultures, transplantation and clinical application

    Analysis and Trends of Global Research on Nautical, Maritime and Marine Tourism

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    Tourism related to the sea and boating activities is becoming increasingly popular and revolves around a range of leisure, water sports, nautical or other maritime activities. This article studies the main scientific contributions in this area, bearing in mind the complexity of finding a suitable definition of this concept. Hence, the aim of this paper is to analyze the scientific production from 1986 to 2020 in impact journals of the terms “nautical tourism”, “maritime tourism” and “marine tourism” considering the following variables: number of documents, number of articles, period being studied, Hirsch citations and index. The results show an increasing trend in terms of both the number of published articles and citations publications from 2007 onwards and the review of the literature raises the need to define a new concept: “blue tourism”. Future trends in research include terms such as tourist ports, quality of websites and blue economy

    Rural Development from a Gender Perspective: The Case of Women Farmers in Southern Spain

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    This article analyses the contribution to local development by women workers in the fruit- and vegetable-handling sector in Almería (Spain) over the last five years (2015–2019). It is a continuation of research carried out during the period 2000–2014. Using data collected through surveys and focus groups, the aim is to ascertain if the results obtained in this analysis meet the condition of sustainability, i.e., whether the improvement in working women’s quality of life has been maintained over time, and whether these beneficial effects have multiplied. The results show that women workers in the fruit- and vegetable-handling sector are satisfied with their jobs and with the company they are working for. The existence of fixed-discontinuous employment contracts facilitates greater flexibility for women in terms of balancing work and family life. This main contribution of this study lies in extrapolating the sustainability of a local development model in regard to other initiatives that aim to increase women’s empowerment in the labour market

    PrevenciĂłn de las principales lesiones en la danza y mecanismos de producciĂłn

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    Dance is a form of art that requires of a big effort from those who practise it, as it makes use of very extreme body movements. The aim of this work is to get to know, through a bibliographic revision of the existing literature in this field, the different techniques and approaches that can be applied to prevent the most frequent mechanic injuries in dance, such as sprains, muscular breaks, fractures and sinew injuries mainly produced in ankles, knees, feet and back. The information was collected from scientific databases, such as PubMed, PeDro, Elsevier and other secondary sources. The keywords both in Spanish and English were: “baile”, “lesión”, “prevención”, “prevalencia”, “flamenco”, “danza”, “dance”, “injury”, “prevention”, “prevalence”, “common”, “frequent”, “lession”, “flamenco” and “ballet”. The majority of injuries occur in the lower extremities and are often related to muscular overload or weakness, rather than traumatisms. These injuries are commonly produced by a lack of technique or a wrong application of it, or even sometimes by the bad fitting-out of the room where the activity is being practised.La danza clásica y la española es una forma de arte que requiere de un gran esfuerzo por parte de quienes lo practican, ya que utiliza movimientos muy extremos del cuerpo. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido conocer a través de una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura existente, las distintas técnicas y abordajes que se pueden aplicar para prevenir las lesiones de tipo mecánico que aparecen con más frecuencia en este arte, como son los esguinces, roturas musculares, fracturas y lesiones tendinosas producidas sobre todo en tobillos, rodillas, pies y espalda. La información fue obtenida de bases de datos científicas, como PubMed, PeDro o Elsevier y otras fuentes secundarias. Las palabras claves tanto en español como en inglés han sido: “baile”, “lesión”, “prevención”, “prevalencia”, “flamenco”, “danza”, “dance”, “injury”, “prevention”, “prevalence”, “common”, “frequent”, “lession”, “flamenco” y “ballet”. La mayor parte de las lesiones se producen en los miembros inferiores y están relacionadas con la sobrecarga o debilidad muscular, más que a traumatismos. Estas lesiones también suelen estar provocadas por una falta de técnica o la aplicación errónea de la misma, o en ocasiones por mal acondicionamiento de la sala donde se practica

    Green Infrastructure and Water: An Analysis of Global Research

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    Green infrastructure (GI) is a nature-based solution that encompasses all actions that rely on ecosystems and the services they provide to respond to various societal challenges such as climate change, food security or disaster risk. The objective of this work is to analyze the state of the art and latest trends in research on GI related to the water cycle for the period 2002–2019. For this purpose, a bibliometric study is carried out taking as reference the two most important scientific databases, Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. The results show that, as of 2013, there is an exponential increase in the number of publications. This is due to the fact that significant regions of the planet, such as Europe, have adopted strategies aimed at promoting the use of GI since 2013. The keyword analysis points out that ecosystem services is the most relevant concept, which shows the capacity of these infrastructures to facilitate multiple goods and services related to the water cycle. New lines of research are opened up which are based on the analysis of other elements of GI related to water, such as groundwater

    Green Infrastructures and Grand Environmental Challenges: A Review of Research Trends by Keyword

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    This article aims to analyze research trends on the role played by green infrastructures as a tool seeking to address current environmental challenges, such as climate change, that put human well-being at risk. For this purpose, a bibliometric analysis was used on documents obtained from the WoS database, and selecting the combination of words “green infrastructures”, “ecosystem services”, and “climate change”. The results of this study point to the potential for Green Infrastructures to become a major strategic factor in addressing the global environmental and social challenges facing cities. The findings obtained are relevant to researchers, professionals, and others working on green infrastructure research as tools to address current global environmental problems, such as climate change, urban pollution, loss of biodiversity, or the risk of emergence of new epidemics or diseases

    Impact of blue economy sectors using causality, correlation and panel data models

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    IntroductionBlue economics research is a research field that is achieving more and more interest among international scientists. This study adds more knowledge as it aims to investigate the causal relationships between blue economic factors – living and non-living resources, ocean energy, port activities, shipbuilding and repair, maritime transport, coastal tourism, human development indicator, per capita income, fish capture, internal renewable water resources per capita, marine protected areas, greenhouse gas emissions and population density, all factors related to maritime activities – and the blue economy (BE) itself.MethodsIn order to reach these objectives, some special analytical and econometric methods are used. Among them the multivariate Granger causality theory, the correlation analysis and panel data techniques are employed. This set of methods helps us to study the complex set of relationships among the various factors related to the BE and their influence on per capita income (PCI) and economic growth. The data used to conduct this research were collected from the Eurostat, the E.U. statistical database. Several European countries and the span period 2010-2018 are used too.ResultsThe analysis showed evidence that per capita income is associated to other factors of the blue economy, that PCI (Granger) causes coastal tourism and population density, and that there are five other factors that positively influence PCI growth, namely, greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), maritime transport, nonliving resources and ports’ activities. This paper adds some new understandings to theory and calls the attention to society, in general, and the blue economics, in particular. For instance, if policymakers want to increase income per capita of these regions, they should take action on some variables such as human development indicator (HDI), greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, living resources, maritime transport and ocean energy. The results reveal that blue economy is a good alternative to promote both economic growth and PCI.DiscussionThe concerns that make up the blue economy, such as ocean energy, port activities, ship building and repair, maritime transport, coastal tourism, HDI, maritime fish capture, marine protected areas, and GHG reductionare good factors to stimulate economic growth. Among these, the most influencing are maritime transport, living resources and the production of ocean energy. This study adds knowledge to theory, innovates in the methods and techniques used, in the results discovered, in its discussion, and in the mixture of blue economic factors, too. As far as we know, it is one of the first papers that fills this gap in the literature regarding the more and more important blue economy