58 research outputs found

    Catecholamines of the adrenal medula and their morphological changes during adaptation to repeated immobilization stress

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    Changes of the adrenal medulla of rats were studied in the course of adaptation to repeated immobilization stress. An increase in the number of cells in the adrenal medulla was found in the adapted animals; this increase was confirmed by weight indices of the medulla and by cell counts per surface unit. Simultaneous karyometric measurements of the nuclei of adrenal medulla cells and an analysis of the catecholamine contents in the adrenals explain the increased activity of the adrenal medulla in the course of adaptation

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Předmětem této bakalářské práce je popsat vykonávanou činnost v rámci odborné praxe u společnosti VÍTKOVICE IT SOLUTIONS. Zde jsem byl jako programátor přidělen do oddělení vyvíjejícího integrované záchranné systémy. Mé působení bylo konkrétně zaměřeno na přepracování již existující aplikace zobrazující data zaznamenaná prostřednictvím dispečerského systému využívaným ZZS. Nejpodstatnější část bakalářské práce se věnuje popisem prováděných změn za účelem vytvoření lépe fungující aplikace, která má splňovat očekávané požadavky ze strany uživatele.The subject of this bachelor thesis is to describe the activities performed within the professional practice at company VÍTKOVICE IT SOLUTIONS. Here, as a programmer, I was assigned to the department developing integrated rescue systems. Specifically, my work was focused on reworking an existing application displaying data recorded through a dispatching system used by the EMS. The most important part of the thesis is devoted to the description of the changes made in order to create a better functioning application, which meets the expected user requirements.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Mjerenje protočne količine oštrom prigušnicom

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    Zadatak ovog rada jest razrada određivanja protočne količine oštrom prigušnicom za potrebe kontrolnih mjerenja i ispitivanja mjerila protoka. U radu je korištena mjerna oprema u Laboratoriju za procesna mjerenja. U radu je sistematiziran pregled metoda mjerenja protoka, zatim prikazana mjerna linija za mjerenje protoka oštrom prigušnicom te prikaz opisa postupka mjerenja. Rad se temelji na normi ISO 5167-2:2003 po kojoj smo proveli proračun mjerenja. U svrhu što bolje usporedbe rezultata, uveli smo dodatno mjerenje protoka pomoću ultrazvučnog protokomjera. U radu su tablično prikazana sva mjerenja, dijagrami kao i proračun mjerenja

    User Interface of System for Plagiarism Detection

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    Tato diplomová práce popisuje vývoj webové aplikace, která tvoří grafické uživatelské rozhraní systému pro odhalování plagiátů. Cílem této práce je návrh a implementace webové aplikace. Implementovaný systém poskytuje kontrolu plagiátorství u PDF dokumentů a zdrojových kódů psaných v prakticky libovolném programovacím jazyce. Zároveň byl systém specificky navržen tak, aby umožňoval uživatelům vytvářet kolekce souborů a v rámci těchto kolekcí umožňoval provádět kontrolu plagiátorství mezi nahranými soubory. K barevnému vyznačování plagiovaných částí PDF dokumentů byly použity textové anotace, jež jsou u programů určených k prohlížení PDF dokumentů dostupné. Použitím textových anotací lze barevně vyznačit plagiovaný text přímo v PDF dokumentech. Podobné barevné zvýraznění se pak používá i u zdrojových kódů. V práci jsou provedeny experimenty nad větší kolekcí závěrečných prací studentů Katedry informatiky.This thesis describes development of a web application that provides graphical user interface of a plagiarism detection system. The aim of this thesis is design and implementation of the web application. The implemented system provides plagiarism checking for PDF documents and source codes written in virtually any programming language. At the same time, the system was specifically designed to allow users to create collections of files and perform plagiarism checks among uploaded files of these collections. Text annotations were used to highlight plagiarized portions of PDF documents, which are available in PDF viewing programs. Using text annotations, plagiarised text can be highlighted directly in PDF documents. Similar type of highlighting is also applied for source codes. In this thesis, experiments are performed on a larger collection of thesis written by students of the Computer Science Department.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Rashladni sustavi u mljekarskoj industriji

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    Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi nezamjenjive su komponente u proizvodnom lancu hrane te njihova tehnologija proizvodnje i prerade svakodnevno zahtjeva velike količine rashladne i toplinske energije. U ovom radu projektirano je rashladno postrojenje s akumulacijom rashladne energije za dnevnu preradu 100 000 litara mlijeka. Postrojenje je smješteno na području grada Zagreba, a nazivno rashladno opterećenje postrojenja iznosi 850 kW. Radna tvar u sustavu jest R717 (amonijak). U uvodnom dijelu ovog rada opisana je tehnologija proizvodnje mlijeka te je zatim provedena analiza potrošnje rashladne energije u procesima prerade mlijeka. Na temelju proračuna kružnog procesa izvedeni su termodinački proračuni isparivača te evaporativnog kondenzatora. Na kraju rada proveden je proračun akumulacije mase leda tijekom noćnih sati kada je električna struja jeftinija. Uz rad će biti pridodana i shema spajanja spajanja i automatske regulacije i radionički crtež isparivača (Linde-ov tip)

    Epigenetic basis of Major depressive disorder

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    Veliki depresivni poremećaj (eng. Major Depressive Disorder; MDD) jedan je od najčešćih psihosomatskih poremećaja koji pokazuje izraženu tendenciju porasta, zbog čega se predviđa da bi do 2020. godine mogao postati drugi najveći zdravstveni svjetski problem. Klinička fenotipizacija depresivnog poremećaja vrlo je heterogena, što ukazuje na njegovu etiološku složenost. Mogući razlozi za ovakav ishod jesu ti što u etiologiji depresivnog poremećaja najvjerojatnije sudjeluje veliki broj gena s malim pojedinačnim doprinosom kliničkim fenotipovima. Rastući broj istraživanja u posljednjih 10-ak godina ukazuje na mogućnost da bi epigenetski mehanizmi regulacije genske ekspresije (međuovisne promjene obrazaca metilacije/demetilacije DNA molekule i acetilacije/deacetilacije histonskih proteina, te djelovanje različitih nekodirajućih molekula RNA), mogli imati ključnu ulogu u nastanku i liječenju ovog psihičkog poremećaja, kao poveznica između bioloških i ostalih čimbenika koji uzrokuju depresiju. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da mnogi antidepresivi koji se koriste u terapiji depresivnog poremećaja imaju direktni epigenetski učinak, čime se otvara potpuno novo poglavlje u razumijevanju patogeneze depresivnog poremećaja i učinkovitosti terapije antidepresivima. Također očekuje se i razvoj novih psihofarmaka čije bi se djelovanje temeljilo na epigenetskim modifikacijama visoko specifičnim za depresivni poremećaj, što bi omogućilo efikasniju terapiju i bolje praćenje učinka liječenja i eventualnih nuspojava.Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) represents one of the most common psychosomatic disorder and it reveals the strong increase tendency. So, it would be expect to become second major world health problem by the year 2020. The clinical phenotyping of MDD reveals great heterogenety of MDD what points to its etiological complexity. Probable cause for such outcome was due to large number of genes with minor solitary contribution to MDD etiology and clinic phenotypes. Increasing number of MDD research during last decade indicated that epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of genes expression (mutual changes in methylation/de-methylation of DNA and histone acetylation/de-acetylation patterns on the other side, as well as the role of different noncoding RNA molecules) might have the crucial role in pathogenesis and healing this mental disorder, since they were highlighted as probable link between biological and other MDD causing factors. Further, it was shown that most of usually utilized antidepressants used in MDD therapy had direct epigenetic effects what open completely new chapter in the appreciation of the MDD pathogenesis and antidepressant performance. Correspondingly, the development of new psychoactive drugs that should have epigenetic action mechanism highly specific for MDD would enable much efficient therapy as well as better monitoring of its results and possible side-effects

    Epigenetics and major depression disorder

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    Veliki depresivni poremećaj (MDD, od engl. Major Depressive Disorder) jedan je od najčešćih psihosomatskih poremećaja, sa snažnom tendencijom porasta broja oboljelih. Do 2020. godine mogao bi postati drugi najveći zdravstveni svjetski problem. Uzroci nastanaka bolesti, kao i klinička slika, vrlo su složeni. Ovakva složenost posljedica je aktivnosti velikog broja gena, od kojih svaki „pridonosi“ nastanku i izražaju bolesti s relativno malim udjelom. Sve veći broj rezultata mnogih studija upućuje na važnost epigenetičkih mehanizama regulacije aktivnosti gena, kao poveznicu bioloških i drugih čimbenika koji se povezuju s nastankom depresije. Većina istraživanja pokazuje uzročno-posljedičnu vezu između različitih bioloških i psihosocijalnih čimbenika, s jedne strane, te međuovisne promjene obrazaca metilacije/demetilacije molekule DNK i promjene koda histona, s druge strane. Sve je više podataka o značajnoj ulozi različitih nekodirajućih molekula RNK u nastanku depresivnog poremećaja. Konačno, pokazalo se da mnogi antidepresivi djeluju na epigenom. Ovaj učinak otvara potpuno novo poglavlje u razumijevanju patogeneze i epigenetičke podloge liječenja depresivnog poremećaja.Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) represents one of the most common psychosomatic disorders with a pronounced increasing incidence. It is expected to become the number two major world health problem by 2020. The causes of MDD as well as its clinical features are very complex. The probable reason for such complexity relates to a large number of genes, being involved in a condition where each gene makes only a minor contribution to the MDD etiology and clinic phenotypes. An increasing number of studies published during last decade have pointed out the importance of epigenetic regulatory mechanisms in affecting gene activity as well as constituting a possible link between biological and other factors related to MDD. Most of the studies have shown causality between different, MDD related biological and psycho-social factors. They have also described mutually controlled processes involved in the regulation of DNA methylation and establishment of histone code. There is a growing body of evidence on the significant role of non-coding RNA molecules in the ethiopathogenesis of MDD. Finally, it was shown that many antidepressive agents exert much influence on the epigenome. Such activity opens a new chapter in understanding the MDD pathogenesis and the basis for epigenome-reshaping related therapy

    The importance of the supervisory board in corporate governance in the Republic of Croatia

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    Nadzorni odbor je važan dio strukture u definiranom modelu korporacijskog upravljanja. U Republici Hrvatskoj nadzorni odbor, njegova uloga, odnos s glavnom skupštinom i upravom definirani su Zakonom o trgovačkim društvima. U diplomskom radu bit će prikazane ključne uloge i obilježja nadzornog odbora, veličina i struktura nadzornog odbora, organiziranost rada članova, područje rada efikasnog nadzornog odbora, te povezanost nadzornog odbora sa ostalim organima poduzeća. Diplomski rad će sadržavati istraživanje o ulozi, aktivnostima, broju članova te druga kvalitativna obilježja nadzornih odbora odabranog skupa poduzeća u Republici Hrvatsko

    Determination of fluid flow by orrifice plate measuring device

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    Zadatak ovog rada jest razrada određivanja protočne količine oštrom prigušnicom za potrebe kontrolnih mjerenja i ispitivanja mjerila protoka. U radu je korištena mjerna oprema u Laboratoriju za procesna mjerenja. U radu je sistematiziran pregled metoda mjerenja protoka, zatim prikazana mjerna linija za mjerenje protoka oštrom prigušnicom te prikaz opisa postupka mjerenja. Rad se temelji na normi ISO 5167-2:2003 po kojoj smo proveli proračun mjerenja. U svrhu što bolje usporedbe rezultata, uveli smo dodatno mjerenje protoka pomoću ultrazvučnog protokomjera. U radu su tablično prikazana sva mjerenja, dijagrami kao i proračun mjerenja.The task of this thesis is to determine the flow rates with orifice plate for the purpose of control measurements and tests of flow meter. In this thesis, the measuring equipment from the Laboratory for process measurement is used. The thesis gives systematic review of the methods of flow measurements, shows measurement line for flow measurement with orifice plate and gives the description of the measurement process. The thesis is based on ISO 5167-2:2003 on which we carry out calculation of measurement. In order to better compare results, we introduced additional flow measurement using ultrasonic flow meter. In thesis all measurements, diagrams and calculation of measurements are tabulated