9 research outputs found

    Santa Klaus. Romanian presidential elections, moral revolt, and the anthropological discourse

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    The article explores possible explanations for the surprising outcome of the last Romanian presidential elections which ended in victory for Klaus Iohannis. What really changed between the two polling tours? What caused the wave of enthusiasm that influenced so dramatically the elections

    Updated European Consensus Statement on diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD

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    Background Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among the most common psychiatric disorders of childhood that often persists into adulthood and old age. Yet ADHD is currently underdiagnosed and undertreated in many European countries, leading to chronicity of symptoms and impairment, due to lack of, or ineffective treatment, and higher costs of illness. Methods The European Network Adult ADHD and the Section for Neurodevelopmental Disorders Across the Lifespan (NDAL) of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), aim to increase awareness and knowledge of adult ADHD in and outside Europe. This Updated European Consensus Statement aims to support clinicians with research evidence and clinical experience from 63 experts of European and other countries in which ADHD in adults is recognized and treated. Results Besides reviewing the latest research on prevalence, persistence, genetics and neurobiology of ADHD, three major questions are addressed: (1) What is the clinical picture of ADHD in adults? (2) How should ADHD be properly diagnosed in adults? (3) How should adult ADHDbe effectively treated? Conclusions ADHD often presents as a lifelong impairing condition. The stigma surrounding ADHD, mainly due to lack of knowledge, increases the suffering of patients. Education on the lifespan perspective, diagnostic assessment, and treatment of ADHD must increase for students of general and mental health, and for psychiatry professionals. Instruments for screening and diagnosis of ADHD in adults are available, as are effective evidence-based treatments for ADHD and its negative outcomes. More research is needed on gender differences, and in older adults with ADHD. (c) 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.Peer reviewe

    L'anthropologie et l'ethnologie en Roumanie. Historique et Ă©tat des lieux

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    Mihailescu Vintila. L'anthropologie et l'ethnologie en Roumanie. Historique et Ă©tat des lieux. In: Journal des anthropologues, n°52, Printemps – Ă©tĂ© 1993. Situations incertaines. pp. 43-46

    Temps et espace de la différence

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    The extreme difficulty of articulating, within a coherent system of thought, mankind and its differences is at the origin of this reflection : how can mankind in its surprising unity exist across human communities with all their startling differences ? The author studies the complex way in which references to space and time are called into service to clarify the construction of identity/difference. The example of village communities in Romania allows us to examine two typical cases of identity/difference behaviours : one in which social organization is based on family relationships construed over time ; and another in which this organization relies rather on territory and bonds of proximity. Three ideological constructions at the core of social sciences – the savage, the primitive, and the native – similarly display two patterns, contradictory in their principles and in terms of their articulation of space/time. The first pattern is grounded on the temporal axis ; on this model, the Other is the primitive. Any difference is transitory, becoming nothing more than a matter of unequal relative positioning on the vector of modernity. The second pattern relates to spatial repartition. In this case, the Other is the native and any difference becomes a matter of diversity by origin

    Territoires d'Europe

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    Cet ouvrage vient Ă  point nommĂ© Ă  l'heure du nouvel Ă©largissement de l'Union europĂ©enne et du dĂ©bat sur sa Constitution, laquelle avait inscrit la reconnaissance de la diversitĂ© au cƓur de son projet. Prenant appui sur l'Ă©vĂ©nement de la rencontre des deux Europes aprĂšs 1989 et sur la prise de conscience que les diffĂ©rences produites par 50 ans de rĂ©gimes opposĂ©s ne peuvent s'effacer, il examine les deux tendances inverses qui travaillent l'espace europĂ©en, celle du regroupement supranational et celle de la fragmentation, selon des processus de construction territoriale de durĂ©es inĂ©gales oĂč la question des identitĂ©s et de l'identitĂ© europĂ©enne se trouve posĂ©e. Historiens, philosophes, sociologues invitĂ©s par des gĂ©ographes interrogent ensemble les diffĂ©rences et pensent la coexistence hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne, Ă  partir de contributions approfondies sur les processus permanents de diffĂ©renciation et d'intĂ©gration. Ils s'intĂ©ressent en particulier aux diffĂ©rences porteuses d'interdĂ©pendance et de complĂ©mentaritĂ©s qui, dans une construction dĂ©mocratique, permettent de surmonter les obstacles pouvant surgir d'appartenances identitaires figĂ©es et trop monolithiques