121 research outputs found

    Comunidades nectónicas en substratos fangosos del estuario del Tajo (Portugal): distribucción y pautas alimenticias

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    Mudflats are an important component of estuaries, where they may occupy large areas and provide feeding and nursery grounds for many fish and bird species, as in the Tagus estuary. However, knowledge on their role and functioning is still expanding. Spatial and temporal dynamics of nekton assemblages in a mudflat of the Tagus estuary were evaluated to determine their role in the estuarine functioning. Feeding activity and daily rations of the most important nekton species are also analyzed. Two intertidal mudflat areas (upper and lower) were sampled, as well as the adjoining subtidal area. Sampling was conducted every two months, during a yearly cycle. A 24 h sampling cycle was conducted to investigate daily feeding patterns and determine daily rations. Crangon crangon, Carcinus maenas, Palaemon longirostris, Palaemon serratus and Pomatoschistus microps dominated the nekton community. A marked seasonal pattern was noticed with the highest densities recorded in spring and summer, corresponding to recruitment episodes of these species. Highest biomass values were recorded in the subtidal zone, while the highest densities were recorded in the intertidal zone. The mudflats seem to play an important role in the dynamics of the Tagus estuary, acting as a feeding and nursery areas for several nektonic species.Los substratos fangosos son componentes importantes de los estuarios, donde pueden ocupar amplias zonas y proporcionar alimento a las áreas de nursery de muchos peces y aves, como en el estuario de Tagus. Sin embargo, el conocimiento sobre su papel y funcionamiento es aún escaso. Se estudiaron la dinámica espacial y temporal de las comunidades bentónicas en una zona fangosa del estuario de Tagus, determinando su papel en el funcionamiento del estuario. Asimismo, se analizó la actividad alimenticia y las raciones diarias de las especies principales del nekton. Se muestrearon dos áreas fangosas intermareales (superior e inferior), así como las zonas submareales adyacentes. Los muestreos se realizaron cada dos meses durante un año. Se realizó un ciclo de 24 h para investigar las pautas alimenticias y determinar la ración diaria. Crangon crangon, Carcinus maenas, Palaemon longirostris, Palaemon serratus y Pomatoschistus microps dominan la comunidad nectónica. Se observa una pauta estacional clara, con las densidades más altas en primavera y verano, que corresponden a los episodios de reclutamiento de las especies mencionadas. Las biomasas más elevadas se obtuvieron en la zona submareal, mientras las densidades mayores se midieron en el intermareal. Los fondos fangosos del estuario de Tagus parecen jugar un papel importante en su dinámica, actuado como áreas de alimento y nursery de diversas especies nectónicas

    Infection characteristics of a trematode in an estuarine isopod: influence of substratum

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    The estuarine isopod Cyathura carinata is a second intermediate host to microphallid trematodes, which use mud snails Hydrobia spp. and shorebirds as respectively first intermediate and final hosts. To identify processes responsible for infection patterns observed in C. carinata, a short-term microcosm experiment was conducted with both macroinvertebrates and one of their common parasites – Maritrema subdolum. Fine sand collected from two different shallow water sites was used to test if sediment type could affect infection rates. After 7 days at 25 °C, C. carinata from the substratum with the highest proportion of particles µm were more surface active and obtained significantly more M. subdolum individuals than isopods from the other sediment type. No parasite-induced effects on the hosts were found during this short-term experiment. The distribution pattern of microphallid cysts and mesocercariae inside the isopods revealed that M. subdolum cercariae primarily penetrated through the pleopods and afterwards located themselves in the middle-posterior region of the host’s body. Even if it was not possible to identify the factor responsible for the observed infection patterns (cercariae production and/or host behaviour), the results of this experiment indicate that small-scale factors, such as differences in substratum and associated features, may have considerable impact on infections of host populations

    Influence of sex and age on PCBs accumulation in the commercial fish Chelon labrosus

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    Thicklip grey mullet, Chelon labrosus, is an important commercial fish species and has been studied worldwide. However, no recent studies have been made regarding polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in wild C. labrosus. Due to that, the concentration of 13 PCBs congeners was measured in muscles and livers, of males and females, of C. labrosus of different ages, allowing the estimation of PCB bioaccumulation throughout the species lifespan, in the Mondego estuary, a southern European temperate estuary. Male muscle sample concentrations ranged from 32 to 96 ng g− 1 (lipid wt.) and in females from 32 to 62 ng g− 1 (lipid wt.). In male liver sample concentrations ranged from 106 to 158 ng g− 1 (lipid wt.), while female concentrations ranged from 88 to 129 ng g− 1 (lipid wt.). The most abundant congeners presenting higher percentages in all samples were CB 138, 153 and 180. No significant differences were found between the concentrations in both sexes, but muscle and liver PCB concentrations in males tended to increase with age whereas in females concentrations remained stable throughout the species lifespan. Significant differences were found between concentrations in muscle and liver

    Balanço de nutrientes no braço sul do estuário do rio Mondego

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    Na sequência de estudos realizados no domínio da análise de vulnerabilidade da costa litoral portuguesa, entendeu-se pertinente desenvolver um programa de investigação sobre o braço sul do estuário do rio Mondego visando, fundamentalmente, os seguintes aspectos: caracterização das marés, caudais fluviais e descargas de fontes poluidoras; modelação hidrodinâmica do sistema; avaliação do balanço anual de nutrientes; análise da vulnerabilidade deste sistema à eutrofização. Neste trabalho procedeu-se à modelação do sistema utilizando um modelo de qualidade unidimensional (DUFLOW) e os dados existentes. A não adopção, nesta fase, dum modelo multidimensional deve-se não só à não simultaneidade das medições dos parâmetros nos vários pontos de amostragem, mas, sobretudo, ao objectivo do presente trabalho: estimar o balanço de nutrientes neste sistema estuarino

    Disposition of a Glucose Load into Hepatic Glycogen by Direct and Indirect Pathways in Juvenile Seabass and Seabream

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    In carnivorous fish, conversion of a glucose load to hepatic glycogen is widely used to assess their metabolic flexibility towards carbohydrate utilization, but the activities of direct and indirect pathways in this setting are unclear. We assessed the conversion of an intraperitoneal glucose load (2 g.kg−1) enriched with [U-13C6]glucose to hepatic glycogen in juvenile seabass and seabream. 13C-NMR analysis of glycogen was used to determine the contribution of the load to glycogen synthesis via direct and indirect pathways at 48-hr post-injection. For seabass, [U-13C6]glucose was accompanied by deuterated water and 2H-NMR analysis of glycogen 2H-enrichment, allowing endogenous substrate contributions to be assessed as well. For fasted seabass and seabream, 47 ± 5% and 64 ± 10% of glycogen was synthesized from the load, respectively. Direct and indirect pathways contributed equally (25 ± 3% direct, 21 ± 1% indirect for seabass; 35 ± 7% direct, 29 ± 4% indirect for seabream). In fasted seabass, integration of 2H- and 13C-NMR analysis indicated that endogenous glycerol and anaplerotic substrates contributed an additional 7 ± 2% and 7 ± 1%, respectively. In fed seabass, glucose load contributions were residual and endogenous contributions were negligible. Concluding, direct and indirect pathways contributed equally and substantially to fasting hepatic glycogen repletion from a glucose load in juvenile seabream and seabass

    Electrochemical production of syngas from CO2 at pressures up to 30 bar in electrolytes containing ionic liquid

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    ABSTRACT: Electrochemical CO2 reduction in a reactor that can operate up to 100 bar and 80 degrees C, with a configuration similar to that of an alkaline electrolyser, for hydrogen production suitable to be used industrially is reported for the first time. The effect of pressure on the co-electrolysis of CO2 and water was studied. The successful scale-up from a previously reported batch process to electrodes of ca. 30 cm(2) geometrical area (30-fold factor) that combines the use of pressure and an ionic liquid-based electrolyte is presented. Also for the first time, the potential of the system under study to achieve high conversions of CO2 to avoid a purification step of syngas from unreacted CO2 is shown. An inexpensive commercial foil of the common metal zinc was employed. A semi-continuous operation yielded syngas productivities in the range of 0.02-0.04 mmol cm(-2) h(-1) at ca. -1.2 V vs. QRE Ag/Ag+. When an electrolyte consisting of 90 wt% H2O and 10 wt% 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate was used, selectivities for CO in the range of 62% to 72% were obtained at 10 bar pressure, whereas selectivities of 82% were obtained at 30 bar pressure. H-2/CO ratios in the range of 1/1 to 4/1 at 10 bar pressure suitable for the synthesis of a variety of fuels, such as hydrocarbons, methanol, methane and chemical building blocks, were observed. An energy efficiency of 44.6% was calculated for a H-2/CO ratio of 2.2 suitable for the synthesis of methanol.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Electrochemical CO2 reduction at room temperature and mild pressures

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    ABSTRACT: Carbon capture and utilization technologies (CCU) and electrolytic hydrogen production are closely interconnected technologies and necessary for a sustainable energy system. This work describes the development of a process for room temperature co-electrolysis of CO2 and water to produce syngas, at mild pressures. The influence of several parameters in the performance of the process is reported.N/

    Effects of dietary carbohydrate on hepatic de novo lipogenesis in European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.)

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    Farmed seabass have higher adiposity than their wild counterparts and this is often attributed to carbohydrate (CHO) feeding. Whether this reflects a reduction in fat oxidation, increased de novo lipogenesis (DNL), or both, is not known. To study the effects of high CHO diets on hepatic TG biosynthesis, hepatic TG deuterium (2H) enrichment was determined following 6 days in 2H-enriched tank water for fish fed with a no-CHO control diet (CTRL), and diets with digestible starch (DS) and raw starch (RS). Hepatic fractional synthetic rates (FSRs, percent per day-1) were calculated for hepatic TG-glyceryl and FA moieties through 2H NMR analysis. Glyceryl FSRs exceeded FA FSRs in all cases, indicating active cycling. DS fish did not show increased lipogenic potential compared to CTRL. RS fish had lower glyceryl FSRs compared with the other diets and negligible levels of FA FSRs despite similar hepatic TG levels to CTRL. DS-fed fish showed higher activity for enzymes that can provide NADPH for lipogenesis, relative to CTRL in the case of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and relative to RS for both G6PDH and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. This approach indicated that elevated hepatic adiposity from DS feeding was not attributable to increased DNL

    Feathers as a tool to assess mercury contamination in gentoo penguins: Variations at the individual level

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    Feathers have been widely used to assess mercury contamination in birds as they reflect metal concentrations accumulated between successive moult periods: they are also easy to sample and have minimum impact on the study birds. Moult is considered the major pathway for mercury excretion in seabirds. Penguins are widely believed to undergo a complete, annual moult during which they do not feed. As penguins lose all their feathers, they are expected to have a low individual-variability in feather mercury concentration as all feathers are formed simultaneously from the same somatic reserves. This assumption is central to penguin studies that use feathers to examine the annual or among-individual variation in mercury concentrations in penguins. To test this assumption, we measured the mercury concentrations in 3–5 body feathers of 52 gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) breeding at Bird Island, South Georgia (54°S 38°W). Twenty-five percent of the penguins studied showed substantial within-individual variation in the amount of mercury in their feathers (Coefficient of Variation: 34.7–96.7%). This variation may be caused by differences in moult patterns among individuals within the population leading to different interpretations in the overall population. Further investigation is now needed to fully understand individual variation in penguins’ moult

    Mercury levels in Southern Ocean squid : variability over the last decade

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    Authors acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for the Science and Technology (FCT) through a PhD grant to José Seco (SRFH/PD/BD/113487). Acknowledgments are due also to the Integrated Program of SR&TD ‘Smart Valorization of Endogenous Marine Biological Resources Under a Changing Climate’ (reference Centro-01-0145-FEDER-000018), co-funded by Centro (2020) program, Portugal 2020, European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund, for personal funding to J.P.Coelho. The IUF (Institut Universitaire de France) is acknowledged for its support to P. Bustamante as a Senior Member. This research was also within José Xavier strategic program of MARE (MARE - UID/MAR/04292/2013). GAT, GS and SF were supported by the Ecosystems programme at the British Antarctic Survey.The concentrations of total and proportions of organic mercury were measured in tissues of 355 individuals of 8 species of Southern Ocean squid (Alluroteuthis antarcticus, Bathyteuthis abyssicola, Filippovia knipovitchi, Galiteuthis glacialis, Gonatus antarcticus, Kondakovia longimana, Psychroteuthis glacialis and Slosarczykovia circumantarctica). Squid were caught around South Georgia (Scotia Sea) during 5 cruises, between the austral summers of 2006/07 to 2016/17 to evaluate temporal changes in bioaccumulation and tissue partitioning. Total mercury concentrations varied between 4 ng g−1 and 804 ng g−1 among all tissues. Net accumulation of mercury in muscle with size was observed in A. antarcticus, B. abyssicola and P. glacialis, but no relationship was found for S. circumantarctica and lower concentrations were observed in larger individuals of G. glacialis. Muscle tissues had the highest mercury concentrations in the majority of species, except for F. knipovitchi for which the digestive gland contained highest concentrations. In terms of the percentage of organic mercury in the tissues, muscle always contained the highest values (67%–97%), followed by the digestive gland (22%–38%). Lowest organic mercury percentages were found consistently in the gills (9%–19%), suggesting only low levels of incorporation through the dissolved pathway and/or a limited redistribution of dietary organic mercury towards this tissue. Overall, results are indicative of a decreasing trend of mercury concentrations in the majority of analysed species over the last decade. As cephalopods are an important Southern Ocean trophic link between primary consumers and top predators, these changes suggest decreasing mercury levels in lower trophic levels and an alleviation of the mercury burden on higher predators that consume squid.PostprintPeer reviewe