10,687 research outputs found

    El conflicto de géneros en la tradición sociológica

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    [Abstract] The article consists of two parts. The first one rebuilds the reception of gender conflict and feminist movements of the XIX century in sociological tradition. Basically, we document the thesis that both consensual and conflictive approaches in Sociology ...represented by Comte, and Marx and Sin1mel, respectively... has igno... red such a conflict, either naturalizing it or making it invisible. Part two shows SOlne of the concepts and theoretical approaches from which contemporary Sociology analizes ...and makes visible... this conflicto[Resumen] El artículo está dividido en dos partes. En la primera se reconstruye la recepción del conflicto de géneros y los movimientos feministas del XIX en la tradición socio.. lógica. En general se trata de documentar la tesis de que la sociología, tanto desde su enfoque consensual COIUO en el enfoque conflictivo ..representados por COlute por un lado y Marx y Sünmel por otro... ha ignorado dicho conflicto, o bien naturalizándo... lo, o bien invisibilizándolo. En la segunda parte se exponen algunos de los concep... tos y enfoques teóricos desde los que la sociología contemporánea aborda y hace visible y estudiable este conflicto

    La revolución sexual de los sesenta: una reflexión crítica de su deriva patriarcal

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    The paper undertakes a critical review from a feminist standpoint of the so called Sexual Revolution in the sixties. In first place, the contributions of significant authors such as Kate Millet and Sulamith Firestone are reconstructed. These two authors already highlighted the patriarchal and capitalist bias of the new sexual normative and stated that a 'halfway' liberation could mean women's bodies being treated even more as objects and commodities. Secondly, this article describes the hard struggle for redefining sexuality that took place after the 80's. The constitution of an anti-pornography and anti-prostitution front and its defeat by the new neoliberal view of sexuality; and it finally claims for the return to a critical approach regarding some of the present consequences of the patriarchal drift of the sexual revolution.El artículo plantea una revisión crítica y desde el punto de vista feminista de la llamada revolución sexual de los años sesenta. En primer lugar se reconstruyen las aportaciones de dos autoras tan centrales como Kate Millett y Sulamith Firestone. Estas dos autoras pusieron ya de manifiesto los sesgos patriarcales y capitalistas de la nueva normativa sexual y mantuvieron que una liberación “a medias” podía suponer una mayor cosificación y mercantilización de los cuerpos de las mujeres. En segundo lugar se relata la dura lucha por la redefinición de la sexualidad que tuvo lugar a partir de los años ochenta: la constitución de un frente antipornografía y antiprostitución y su derrota por la nueva visión neoliberal de la sexualidad. Por último se reivindica la vuelta a una visión crítica de algunas de las consecuencias actuales de la deriva patriarcal de la revolución sexual

    La construcción de un marco feminista de interpretación: la violencia de género

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    The aim of this article is to explain a double process – the rejection of the justification of violence against women and the construction of a new frame to interpret such violence. Historically the feminist movement has played the most important part in the development of this viewpoint. Firstly, I begin from a standpoint which adopts the new theories concerning social movements. These theories examine the role of social movements in creating new frames from which to interpret reality. Secondly, I outline the patriarchal interpretation of violence against women and I explain the steps involved in the construction of a new feminist frame of interpretation. Finally, I will look at some of the academic studies that have helped to legitimate the feminist view of violence against women and at how the new feminist frame has spread within Spain.El objetivo de este artículo es reconstruir un doble proceso, el de deslegitimación de la violencia contra las mujeres y el de elaboración de un nuevo marco de interpretación de la misma. Este proceso se ha realizado históricamente desde el feminismo. En primer lugar partimos de las nuevas teorías sobre los movimientos sociales, teorías que investigan su dimensión como constructores de nuevos marcos de interpretación de la realidad. A continuación exponemos la visión patriarcal de la violencia contra las mujeres y ofrecemos una reconstrucción del nuevo marco feminista de interpretación de «la violencia de género». Por último se exponen algunas de los estudios académicos que contribuyen a legitimar la visión feminista de la violencia contra las mujeres y se señala el proceso de difusión del nuevo marco en nuestro país

    El legado de Simone de Beauvoir en la genealogía feminista: la fuerza de los proyectos frente a “La fuerza de las cosas”

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    This article explores Simon de Beauvoir's place in feminist genealogy. It presents the philosopher who inherited Enlightenment feminism and went on to challenge the great hegemonic traditions of her time, Marxism and Psychoanalysis in order to reveal human androcentrism. Her book The Second Sex became the key that opened a feminist perspective on the whole human experience. She unlocked the private sphere as a new arena of research and politicisation. Moreover, she criticised patriarchal culture from an astounding interdisciplinary approach. Finally, this article analyses her militancy in the feminist movement.Este artículo reflexiona sobre el lugar de Simone de Beauvoir en la genealogía feminista. Presenta a la filósofa que tras recoger el legado del feminismo ilustrado polemiza con las grandes corrientes hegemónicas de su tiempo como el marxismo y el psicoanálisis para desvelar el androcentrismo del ser y la existencia humanas. La obra El segundo sexo se convierte en la llave que abre la perspectiva feminista a la totalidad de la experiencia humana, tanto por la apertura de la esfera de lo privado como nuevo ámbito de investigación y politización como por el asombroso carácter interdisciplinar de su impugnación crítica a la cultura patriarcal. Por último también se analiza su militancia en el movimiento feminista

    A Portuguese bank and the job demands-resources model: shedding light on regional differences through a mixed-methods approach

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    The Job Demands-Resources model describes the relations between work characteristics and outcomes, proposing a health impairment process and a motivational process. This work expands upon previous research on this flexible model by using a mixed-methods approach within one Portuguese private bank, and by testing hypotheses regionally. Study 1 consisted of twenty-five interviews conducted in Alentejo that allowed the identification of new job demands and resources related to customer contacts and bank secrecy. In study 2, questionnaires were applied on a national level (N=476), in order to confirm if the findings in Alentejo occurred throughout the country. Nine hypotheses were tested to investigate the mediating role of professional satisfaction, and the moderating role of bank secrecy, support from colleagues and support from supervisors on stress and sleeping difficulties. Results show that professional satisfaction mediates the relationships between performance goals and positive customer contacts on stress, and bank secrecy moderates the relation between customers’ misbehavior and stress. The results further suggest that both support from colleagues and supervisors moderate performance goal impacts on stress and sleeping difficulties, and support from supervisors moderates the impact of customer contacts after work on stress as well. The hypothesized moderating role of both kinds of support on the relation between customers’ misbehavior and stress was not supported, as well as support from colleagues as a moderator of the relation between customer contacts after work and stress and sleeping difficulties. Practical implications and limitations are discussed, and future research possibilities are offered.O modelo Job Demands-Resources descreve as relações entre características de trabalho e efeitos, propondo um processo de health impairment e um processo motivacional. Este trabalho expande a investigação já desenvolvida sobre este flexível modelo através de uma abordagem mista num banco privado português e pelo teste de hipóteses regional. O estudo 1 consistiu em vinte e cinco entrevistas no Alentejo que permitiram a identificação de novas exigências e recursos relacionadas com contactos com clientes e sigilo bancário. No estudo 2, foram aplicados questionários a nível nacional (N=476), de forma a confirmar se as descobertas no Alentejo se verificam em todo o país. Foram testadas nove hipóteses para investigar o papel mediador da satisfação profissional e o papel moderador do sigilo bancário, apoio dos colegas e apoio dos supervisores no stress e dificuldades em dormir. Os resultados mostram que a satisfação profissional medeia as relações entre objetivos de desempenho e contactos positivos com os clientes e o stress, e o sigilo bancário modera a relação entre o mau comportamento dos clientes e o stress. Os resultados sugerem ainda que tanto o apoio dos colegas como dos supervisores moderam o impacto dos objetivos de desempenho no stress e dificuldades em dormir, e que o apoio dos supervisores modera também o impacto dos contactos dos clientes depois do trabalho no stress. O papel moderador de ambos os tipos de apoio na relação entre o mau comportamento dos clientes e o stress não foi confirmado, assim como o apoio dos colegas enquanto moderador da relação entre os contactos com clientes depois do trabalho e o stress e as dificuldades em dormir. São discutidas as implicações práticas e limitações, e são oferecidas possibilidades futuras de investigação

    Upper bound solutions of ring compression test

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    El presente trabajo aborda una particularización del proceso de forja, estudiando la deformación de un anillo. El conformado plástico se realiza mediante el empleo del Teorema del Límite Superior y siguiendo el modelo de Bloques Rígidos Triangulares para calcular la carga mínima necesaria para deformar plásticamente la pieza. Se establece la pieza a deformar como un anillo de geometría determinada por el denominado Ensayo de Compresión de Anillo (Ring Compression Test) bajo su configuración canónica, justificándose asimilar el proceso a uno de deformación plana. Se plantea desde una nueva perspectiva el estudio del radio neutro (radio a partir del cual el material de la pieza fluye en sentidos contrarios), elemento clave en la solución del problema.Universidad de Málaga, C.E.I. Andalucía Tec

    Novedades para la flora briofítica española

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    Se da a conocer el hallazgo de Atrichum crispum (James) Sull., Dicranella staphylina Whitehouse, Ditrichum pusillum (Hedw.) Britt en Navarra, como novedades para la brioflora española. Se aporta Dicranella schreberiana (Hedw.) Hilp. ex Crum & Anders. como cita interesante. Summary: Atrichum crispum (James) Sull., Dicranella staphylina Whitehouse, Ditrichum pusillum (Hedw.) Britt are recorded as new for the Spanish bryophytic flora. Dicranella schreberiana (Hedw.) Hilp. ex Crum & Anders. is also recorded

    Bacterial Ligase D preternary-precatalytic complex performs efficient abasic sites processing at double strand breaks during nonhomologous end joining

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    Abasic (AP) sites, the most common DNA lesions are frequently associated with double strand breaks (DSBs) and can pose a block to the final ligation. In many prokaryotes, nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) repair of DSBs relies on a two-component machinery constituted by the ring-shaped DNA-binding Ku that recruits the multicatalytic protein Ligase D (LigD) to the ends. By using its polymerization and ligase activities, LigD fills the gaps that arise after realignment of the ends and seals the resulting nicks. Here, we show the presence of a robust AP lyase activity in the polymerization domain of Bacillus subtilis LigD (BsuLigD) that cleaves AP sites preferentially when they are proximal to recessive 5'-ends. Such a reaction depends on both, metal ions and the formation of a Watson¿Crick base pair between the incoming nucleotide and the templating one opposite the AP site. Only after processing the AP site, and in the presence of the Ku protein, BsuLigD catalyzes both, the in-trans addition of the nucleotide to the 3'-end of an incoming primer and the ligation of both ends. These results imply that formation of a preternary-precatalytic complex ensures the coupling of AP sites cleavage to the end-joining reaction by the bacterial LigDMinistry of Science, Innovation and Universities [BFU2017-83900-P AEI/FEDER UE to M.V.]; institutional grants from Fundacion Ramón Areces and Banco ´ de Santander to the Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ocho