1,188 research outputs found

    Effect of β-hydroxybutyric acid, parity, and body condition score on phenotype and proliferative capacity of colostral mononuclear leukocytes of high-yielding dairy cows

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    In neonatal calves, the ingestion of colostrum is imperative for preventing infectious diseases. Investigations into the transfer of passive immunity of cattle have primarily focused on the importance of colostral immunoglobulins, with a recent increase in focus on understanding the role of colostral leukocytes. The main objective of the present study was to measure the influence of parity, body condition score, serum nonesterified fatty acids, and serum beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations of periparturient cows on phenotype and mitogen-and antigen-induced proliferative capacity of bovine colostral leukocytes. Holstein-Friesian cows (n = 141) were intramuscularly vaccinated at 60 and 30 d before the expected parturition date with a tetanus toxoid vaccine. Of these 141 animals, 28 primiparous and 72 multiparous cows were sampled immediately. after parturition. Colostrum mononuclear cell populations were identified by flow cytometry using bovine cluster of differentiation markers, and the proliferative capacity of these cells was determined using a H-3-thymidine proliferation assay. Under-conditioned cows had a significantly higher percentage of colostral macrophages than normal-conditioned animals, whereas over-conditioned cows had significantly more colostral B-lymphocytes. Serum beta-hydroxybutyrate was significantly associated with higher numbers of colostral T-lymphocytes and macrophages. Heifers had significantly higher mitogen- and antigen-induced proliferation of their colostral leukocytes than third parity or older cows. In conclusion, body condition score, parity, and serum beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration of periparturient high-yielding dairy cows were shown to influence the number of colostral macrophages or the mitogen-and antigen-induced proliferation of colostral leukocytes, possibly influencing the cellular immunity of the newborn calf

    Risk factors for Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Campylobacter occurrence in primary production of leafy greens and strawberries

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    The microbiological sanitary quality and safety of leafy greens and strawberries were assessed in the primary production in Belgium, Brazil, Egypt, Norway and Spain by enumeration of Escherichia coli and detection of Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) and Campylobacter. Water samples were more prone to containing pathogens (54 positives out of 950 analyses) than soil (16/1186) and produce on the field (18/977 for leafy greens and 5/402 for strawberries). The prevalence of pathogens also varied markedly according to the sampling region. Flooding of fields increased the risk considerably, with odds ratio (OR) 10.9 for Salmonella and 7.0 for STEC. A significant association between elevated numbers of generic E. coli and detection of pathogens (OR of 2.3 for STEC and 2.7 for Salmonella) was established. Generic E. coli was found to be a suitable index organism for Salmonella and STEC, but to a lesser extent for Campylobacter. Guidelines on frequency of sampling and threshold values for E. coli in irrigation water may differ from region to region

    PIXE and ToF-SIMS analysis of streaker samplers filters

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    This paper presents methodological innovations introduced in the characterisation of urban aerosol collected in Italy in a recent campaign. Two complementary ion beam analysis (IBA) techniques were used to analyse Nuclepore filters used in continuous streaker samplers to collect airborne particles in four Italian towns. Na to Pb elemental concentrations were obtained by particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE), while time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) produced, on the same samples, time trends for several elements and molecular fragments. In addition, light attenuation measurements were used as a tracer for black carbon. The data produced by these three techniques was merged into a unique data set to address the characterisation of particulate matter sources. Correlations between elemental concentration trends (PIXE) and relative trends for molecular fragments (ToF-SIMS) and black carbon (light attenuation) have been studied by cluster and principal component analysis

    The association between blood glucose level and cognitive dysfunction among acute traumatic brain injury in Manado, Indonesia

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    Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a public health challenge. TBI contributes to chronic physical impairment and also disrupt mental and personality aspects. Cognitive dysfunction is influenced by multiple factors, including blood glucose level. The objective of the study was to analyze the association between blood glucose level and cognitive dysfunction among TBI patients.Methods: A hospital-based observational study was conducted with cross-sectional design for six months period. Population of research were all of TBI patients treated at the emergency unit. Eligible sample were obtained with total sampling technique. Dyslgycemia was defined as random blood glucose level outside the range of 80-200mg/dl; cognitive dysfunction was defined as MMSE score <26. Statistical analysis with SPSS version 17.0 was employed. Chi square test and odd ratio were executed, p value <0,05 were regarded as significant level.Results: Majority of the 124 patients was male (75.8%), in 21-30 age group (20.7%), mostly due to RTA, specifically from motorcycle-related accident. Most of the motorcyclist (56,5%) were not using helmet. Unconsciousness was in 65.8% sample. Seizure was found in 3.9% of total patients; almost half of patients had history of headache (40.8%). Vomit was found in 30.3% of patients. Vertigo or dizziness post-trauma was in 3.9% patients; almost one third of patients had history of alcohol consumption (30.3%). Majority (65.8%) were in GCS 13-15. Proportion of dysglycemia and cognitive dysfunction were 4.8% and 14.5% consecutively. Odd ratio analysis revealed that dysglycemic group have 3 times higher risk to develop cognitive dysfunction, but the association was statistically not significant.Conclusions: The association between random blood glucose level and cognitive dysfunction among acute traumatic brain injury was statistically not significant

    PCR detection of Burkholderia multivorans in water and soil samples

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    Background: Although semi-selective growth media have been developed for the isolation of Burkholderia cepacia complex bacteria from the environment, thus far Burkholderia multivorans has rarely been isolated from such samples. Because environmental B. multivorans isolates mainly originate from water samples, we hypothesized that water rather than soil is its most likely environmental niche. The aim of the present study was to assess the occurrence of B. multivorans in water samples from Flanders (Belgium) using a fast, culture-independent PCR assay. Results: A nested PCR approach was used to achieve high sensitivity, and specificity was confirmed by sequencing the resulting amplicons. B. multivorans was detected in 11 % of the water samples (n = 112) and 92 % of the soil samples (n = 25) tested. The percentage of false positives was higher for water samples compared to soil samples, showing that the presently available B. multivorans recA primers lack specificity when applied to the analysis of water samples. Conclusions: The results of the present study demonstrate that B. multivorans DNA is commonly present in soil samples and to a lesser extent in water samples in Flanders (Belgium)

    Analysis on the Implementation of Integrated Antenatal Care Program to Pregnant Women with Malaria in Tobelo Primary Healthcare Center of North Halmahera District, North Maluku Province

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    Antenatal care to pregnant women with malaria was a part of an integrated antenatal care; thisantenatal care was focused on managing pregnant women with malaria through early detection,treatment and prevention of malaria and its complication. Objective of the study was to analyzethe implementation of an integrated antenatal care and malaria service to pregnant women, andthe analysis included communication, disposition, availability of resources and bureaucracystructure aspects in Tobelo primary healthcare center (puskesmas), Tobelo district, NorthHalmahera district, North Maluku province. This was an observational study with qualitativeapproach. Selection of informants was conducted using purposive sampling. Data were collectedthrough in-depth interview. Content analysis was applied in the data analysis. Results of thestudy showed that integrated antenatal care and malaria service to pregnant women were not performed properly by midwives. They did not perform the service according to the guideline onthe management and prevention of malaria on pregnant women. This was caused by insufficientnumber of midwives, no clear standard operating procedure (SOP), and a number of midwiveswho had not attended in the training on prevention and management of pregnant women withmalaria. Communication among people who provided information on the integrated antenatalcare to pregnant women with malaria was conducted throughthe leader. The number ofmidwives who implemented integrated antenatal care and malaria service was still insufficient.Disposition of midwives\u27 attitude was shown by willingness and eagerness in socializingintegrated antenatal care and malaria service. However, midwives were still reluctant in givingOAM due to past experiences about the dead of pregnant women with malaria and OAMtreatment. Standard operating procedure was not formulated. Training had been performed;however, not all midwives had been trained

    Detentiebeleving van strafrechtelijk gedetineerden zonder verblijfsrecht

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    __Abstract__ The detention experiences of male criminal foreign national prisoners without legal residence receive little attention in penological literature. A qualitative study amongst 30 prisoners with and 16 prisoners without legal residence in the penitentiary institution Tilburg shows that contacts with the social network and the preparation of the reintegration in society are (more) complicated for foreign national prisoners without legal residence. Besides, communication with the staff is more difficult for this group. These factors have negative impact on their detention experiences. The results show that both deprivation and importation theory apply to foreign national prisoners without legal residence. However, importation aspects - especially the lack of legal residence - may substantially and systematically increase the deprivation and result in additional exclusion and isolation mechanisms for this pa

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepedulian Konsumen terhadap Sayuran Aman Residu Pestisida

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    Permasalahan adanya kandungan pestisida pada sayuran merupakan masalah yang cukup serius dan harus segera ditangani oleh semua pihak yang berkepentingan, karena sudah menjadi isu global. Untuk tujuan tersebut telah dilakukan suatu penelitian yang bersifat studi pendasaran dengan tujuan untuk  mengkaji tingkat kepedulian konsumen terhadap residu pestisida serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya, khususnya  pada buah tomat. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Juni 2003 di Kota Bandung, menggunakan metode survei. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan mewawancarai 162 orang responden yang dipilih dengan menggunakan metode pengambilan contoh berklaster. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepedulian konsumen terhadap adanya residu pestisida pada buah tomat dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor motivasi konsumen, pengetahuan konsumen, serta persepsi konsumen terhadap risiko. Sementara itu, pengetahuan konsumen dipengaruhi oleh informasi yang diterima konsumen serta tingkat pendidikan formal konsumen. Tingkat kepedulian konsumen di Kota Bandung masih dapat ditingkatkan, dengan cara memberikan informasi yang lebih intensif mengenai residu pestisida serta bahayanya terhadap kesehatan.Since it is global issue, the problem of pesticide residue on vegetables has become more serious and needs immediate attention from all related parties. With regards to this concern, a baseline study was carried out to assess consumers awareness of pesticide residue and factors that may influence this awareness, especially on tomato. A consumer survey was conducted in May-June 2003 in Bandung. Data were collected from interviewed with 162 respondents who were selected by using cluster sampling method. The results showed that consumers’ awareness of pesticide residue on tomatoes was influenced by motivation, knowledge, and consumers’ perception on risks.  Knowledge was influenced by information received and the level of formal education attended.  The level of consumers’ awareness in Bandung could still be increased by providing information on pesticide residue and its danger on health more intensively

    Finite size scaling of current fluctuations in the totally asymmetric exclusion process

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    We study the fluctuations of the current J(t) of the totally asymmetric exclusion process with open boundaries. Using a density matrix renormalization group approach, we calculate the cumulant generating function of the current. This function can be interpreted as a free energy for an ensemble in which histories are weighted by exp(-sJ(t)). We show that in this ensemble the model has a first order space-time phase transition at s=0. We numerically determine the finite size scaling of the cumulant generating function near this phase transition, both in the non-equilibrium steady state and for large times.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure


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    Pendahuluan: Cedera Kepala merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat global, sebagian besar disebabkan oleh kecelakaan lalu lintas. Mayoritas penelitian cedera kepala berfokus pada keluaran motorik, komplikasi dan kematian. Masih sedikit informasi mengenai disfungsi eksekutif dalam hubungan dengan kadar glukosa darah pada kasus cedera kepala. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara kadar glukosa darah sewaktu dengan kejadian disfungsi eksekutif pada pasien cedera kepala akut. Metode: Penelitian di disain potong lintang berbasis rumah sakit yang dilakukan selama 6 bulan di instalasi gawat darurat (IGD) RSUP Prof. R. D. Kandou. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh pasien cedera kepala/CK yang dirawat pada fase akut. Sampel penelitian didapatkan sebanyak 76 orang setelah memenuhi kriteria penyertaan. Disglikemia bila kadar GDS dibawah 80 mg/dl (hipoglikemia) atau diatas 200 mg/dl (hiperglikemia). Disfungsi eksekutif jika didapatkan nilai diluar normal pada tes TMT-A dan B. Dilakukan analisis data univariat dan bivariat. Hubungan antar variabel dianalisis dengan uji chi square dan analisis odd ratio menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS. Batas kemaknaan ditetapkan jika p<0,05. Hasil: Mayoritas cedera kepala terjadi pada laki-laki (80,3%). Usia dibawah 21 tahun merupakan segmen yang terbanyak (31,6%). Onset sampai 3 jam sejak kejadian saat tiba di RS sebesar 38,2%. Gejala penurunan kesadaran sebesar 65,8%. Sebagian besar kasus tergolong cedera kepala ringan (65,8%). Proporsi kejadian disglikemia adalah 3,9%. Proporsi gangguan fungsi eksekutif adalah sebesar 28,9%. Pada kelompok disglikemia didapatkan proporsi disfungsi eksekutif sebesar 33,3%, sedangkan pada non-disglikemia sebesar 28,8%. Pada uji statistik didapatkan OR 1,23 (95% CI 0,10 – 14,39), p=0,86. Simpulan: Tidak didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara kadar glukosa darah sewaktu dengan kejadian disfungsi eksekutif pada cedera kepala akut.Kata kunci: Kadar Glukosa Darah, Disfungsi Eksekutif, Cedera KepalaABSTRACTIntroduction: Head injury is a global public health problem, commonly due to traffic accidents. Researches on head injury are mostly focused on motoric outcome, complication and mortality. There is lack of study about executive dysfunction among the victims, especially in relationship to blood glucose level. The objective of this study was to analyze the association between random blood glucose level and executive dysfunction in acute head trauma. Method: This was a hospital-based cross-sectional study for a-six-months period of research at local provincial tertiary hospital. Study population were head injury patients admitted to hospital in acute phase. We recruited consecutively 76 samples based on specific inclusion criteria. Dysglycemia was defined as random blood glucose was below 80 mg/dl (hypoglycemia) or above 200 mg/dl (hyperglycemia). Executive dysfunction was defined as abnormal score on TMT-A and B. We applied Chi square with Odd Ratio (OR) analysis to reach statistical conclusion. P-value less than 0,05 were significant. Result: Most of the patients were male (80,3%). Majority of cases were in group age of less than 21 years old (31,6%). Almost half of the patients (38,2%) were reach hospital within 3 hours after the accident. Most of them with unconsciousness as chief complaint (65,8%). Mild head injury were 65,8% of all cases. We found proportion of dysglycemia was 3,9%. Executive dysfunction was 28,9%. Among dysglycemic patients, we found the proportion of executive dysfunction was 33,3%, while in non-dysglycemia group executive dysfunction was 28,8%. In statistical analysis, we found OR 1,23 (95% CI 0,10 – 14,39), p = 0,86. Conclusion: There was no significant association between blood glucose level and executive dysfunction among head injury due to traffic accidents.Keywords: Executive Dysfunction, Dysglycemia, Glucose Level, Head Traum
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