
Analysis on the Implementation of Integrated Antenatal Care Program to Pregnant Women with Malaria in Tobelo Primary Healthcare Center of North Halmahera District, North Maluku Province


Antenatal care to pregnant women with malaria was a part of an integrated antenatal care; thisantenatal care was focused on managing pregnant women with malaria through early detection,treatment and prevention of malaria and its complication. Objective of the study was to analyzethe implementation of an integrated antenatal care and malaria service to pregnant women, andthe analysis included communication, disposition, availability of resources and bureaucracystructure aspects in Tobelo primary healthcare center (puskesmas), Tobelo district, NorthHalmahera district, North Maluku province. This was an observational study with qualitativeapproach. Selection of informants was conducted using purposive sampling. Data were collectedthrough in-depth interview. Content analysis was applied in the data analysis. Results of thestudy showed that integrated antenatal care and malaria service to pregnant women were not performed properly by midwives. They did not perform the service according to the guideline onthe management and prevention of malaria on pregnant women. This was caused by insufficientnumber of midwives, no clear standard operating procedure (SOP), and a number of midwiveswho had not attended in the training on prevention and management of pregnant women withmalaria. Communication among people who provided information on the integrated antenatalcare to pregnant women with malaria was conducted throughthe leader. The number ofmidwives who implemented integrated antenatal care and malaria service was still insufficient.Disposition of midwives\u27 attitude was shown by willingness and eagerness in socializingintegrated antenatal care and malaria service. However, midwives were still reluctant in givingOAM due to past experiences about the dead of pregnant women with malaria and OAMtreatment. Standard operating procedure was not formulated. Training had been performed;however, not all midwives had been trained

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    Last time updated on 19/08/2017