108 research outputs found

    Assisted fertilization outcome assesment using ovarian reserve tests

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    Uvod: Optimizacija i individualizacija kontrolisane ovarijalne hiperstimulacije postaje sve značajnija, pa se brojna ispitivanja bave identifikacijom kliničkih parametara koji mogu da utiču na ovarijalni odgovor, kao i da povećaju efikasnost i bezbednost primenjene stimulacije. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitivanje mogućnosti predviđanja ovarijalnog odgovora i ishoda asistirane fertilizacije na osnovu biomarkera funkcionalne ovarijalne rezerve, kao i identifikacija onog koji bi imao preciznost nezavisnu od primenjenog protokola stimulacije. Metodologija:Prospektivna kohortna studija je obuhvatila 363 pacijentkinje u postupku asistirane fertilizacije u okviru Nacionalnog programa na Klinici za ginekologiju i akušerstvo Kliničkog centra Srbije. Svima su određeni starost, indeks telesne mase, uzrok i vrsta infertiliteta. Broj antralnih folikula i vrednosti AMH, Inhibina B, FSH, LH, estradiola, progesterona i testosterona u serumu su mereni drugog dana ciklusa pre započinjanja stimulacije. Broj i kvalitet dobijenih oocita i embriona i stope biohemijskih i kliničkih trudnoća su korišćeni za evaluaciju prediktivne mogućnosti ovih biomarkera. Rezultati: Pokazano je da su starost ispitanica, broj antralnih folikula, vrednost AMH i odnos FSH/LH prediktori broja dobijenih oocita kao i stope trudnoća. Dodatno, broj antralnih folikula je bio najvažniji paramtar koji je uticao na broj dobijenih oocita i stopu trudnoća, nezavisno od primenjenog protokola stimulacije..

    Maize genebank collections as potentially valuable breeding material

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    Vancetovic J., S. Mladenovic Drinic, M.Babic, D. Ignjatovic Micic and V.Andelkovic (2010): Maize genebank collections as potentially valuable breeding material. - Genetika, Vol. 42, No. 1, 9 - 21. Characterization and evaluation of the genetic resources provide breeders with valuable information on an effective utilization of the genetic resources in breeding programs. In this paper we present the results of different research programs aimed at identification of superior genotypes among MRI gene bank accessions, regarding stress tolerance (drought and herbicides), better nutritional quality (phosphorus) and specific traits (cytoplasmic male sterility - CMS). Fifty-two genotypes were identified as a potential source for drought tolerance. Considering herbicide tolerance only genotypes with resistance to the Pivot were found. Within 100 sources of CMS in the collection S cytoplasm was identified as the predominant type. Phytate analysis of 60 maize populations identified three groups of populations with low (8), intermediate (25) and high (27) phytate content. The results of these researches, which are a part of pre-breeding activities, will be included in MRI breeding programs, with the aim of developing new genotypes with improved traits important in commercial maize breeding and seed production

    Miokardni mostovi - prospektivna forenzička autopsijska studija

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    Introduction When the coronary artery, located subepicardially, submerges into the myocardium and appears again subepicardially after a short intramural course, it represents an embedded coronary artery, while the part of the myocardium above is a myocardial bridge. Objective We investigated the frequency of the embedded left coronary artery (LAD) in the autopsy material considering the descending branch of the LAD to be the most important one in the nourishment of the myocardium and myocardial bridges to be the most frequent in its area, as well as clinically important. Methods A prospective autopsy study of 975 cases was performed, including both, natural (21.33%) and violent (78.67%) deaths. The sample consisted of 74.56% males and 25.44% females. In order to discover myocardyal bridges and their characteristics, the hearts were examined by both transverse cuts and longitudinal openings of the LAD. Results Myocardial bridge was found in 78 cases (8.00%), more commonly in males (9.35%) than females (4.03%). The average length of the myocardial bridge was 21.85±16.10mm and thickness 3.744±1.48 mm. The common localization of the myocardial bridge was the proximal half of the LAD (89.74%). The upper part of the artery, proximal to the bridge, was a common site of atherosclerotic changes. Myocardial bridge was found in 12.50% of natural deaths, but in 13.38% out of all cases of sudden cardiac deaths. Conclusion Therefore, the presence of the myocardial bridge by itself is not predominant, but it is certainly a contributing factor to a sudden cardiac death.Uvod 'Poniruća koronarna arterija' je pojam koji se odnosi na slučaj kada koronarna arterija - inače lokalizovana subepikardno - ponire u miokard i ponovo se pojavljuje subepikardno, posle kratkog puta kroz mišić, pri čemu se mišić iznad nje naziva 'miokardni most'. Cilj rada Istraživali smo učestalost poniruće descendentne grane leve koronarne arterije u autopsijskom materijalu imajući u vidu da je ona najvažnija u ishrani srčanog mišića, da najčešće ponire u srčani mišić i da je vrlo značajna i s kliničkog aspekta. Metode rada Urađena je prospektivna autopsijska studija 975 slučajeva prirodnih (21,33%) i nasilnih smrti (78,67%). Uzorak je obuhvatio 74,56% osoba muškog i 25,44% ženskog pola. Radi otkrivanja miokardnog mosta i analize njegovih osobenosti, nishodna grana leve koronarne arterije otvarana je uzdužnim i poprečnim obdukcionim rezovima. Rezultati Miokardni most je utvrđen u 78 slučajeva (8,00%), češće kod muškaraca (9,35%) nego kod žena (4,03%). Prosečna dužina miokardnog mosta bila je 21,85±16,10 mm, a debljina 3,744±1,48 mm. Najčešća lokalizacija miokardnog mosta bila je u predelu proksimalne polovine descendentne grane leve koronarne arterije (89,74%), a aterosklerotske promene su najčešće ustanovljene ushodno od miokardnog mosta. Miokardni most je postojao u 12,50% slučajeva prirodnih smrti, odnosno u 13,38% slučajeva tzv. naprasnih srčanih smrti. Zaključak Postojanje miokardnog mosta nije predominantni činilac za pojavu naprasne srčane smrti, ali je njegovo postojanje faktor rizika za njen nastanak

    Public knowledge on karst and protected areas: A case study of Tara National Park, Serbia

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    The aim of this paper is to present the results of our research on the knowledge and awareness of visitors and residents about karst and protected areas (PAs). The research was carried out in the Tara National Park (NP) in western Serbia, which includes karst landscapes. By conducting surveys with visitors, local population, and National Park employees, as well as interviews with local key persons, NP key persons and external experts, we got a deeper understanding of the issues related to knowledge on karst and PAs. We also investigated whether local people or visitors knew the values of karst landscapes in general and how they were informed or learned about the Tara NP. In addition, we also analysed the content of these topics in school curricula and textbooks in Serbia. We concluded that the awareness about the researched topics is unsatisfactory at present thus it should be raised to a higher level, both in the case of local people and in the case of visitors. One of the most significant ways to improve the current level is through formal, non-formal, and informal education.The paper is a result of the project funded by the Research, Development and Innovation Office Hungary (NKFIH) K124497 and supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development, the Republic of Serbia. We thank all respondents who participated in the survey, as well as the Tara NP authorities (management) and Nikola Tomić for logistical support. Also we thank the reviewers for helping us to improve the paper

    Integrisan pristup u poboljšanju tolerantnosti kukuruza na sušu

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    Drought is one of the most serious a biotic factors limiting crop production worldwide. Prediction of climate change increases the need of better adaptation and breeding for improved drought tolerance in crops. Maize is one of the most sensitive crops to drought, despite of the fact that it is a C4 plant, with high photosynthetic rate and relatively low transpiration rate. In Serbia drought severely decreased maize grain yield, particularly in the last decade. A major task for breeders is to create drought tolerant maize that will successfully cope with negative consequences of global warming are facing scientists today. Enhancing the tolerance of maize has been elusive in terms of conventional plant breeding. Interdisciplinary approaches tried to understand and dissect the mechanism of drought tolerance, but with limited success. Modern genomics and genetics, together with advances in phenotyping and knowledge in physiology and breeding are expected to reveal genes and pathways that confer drought tolerance.Suša je jedan od najznačajnijih abiotičkih faktora koji ograničava biljnu proizvodnju širom sveta. Projekcije klimatskih promena povećavaju potrebu za boljom adaptacijom useva i oplemenjivanjem na poboljšanu tolerantnost prema suši. Kukuruz je jedan od najosetljivijih useva na sušu, uprkos činjenici da je C4 biljka, sa visokom brzinom fotosinteze i relativno niskom brzinom transpiracije. U Srbiji, suša značajno utiče na smanjenje prinos zrna kod kukuruza, posebno u poslednjoj deceniji. Zbog toga je glavni zadatak oplemenjivača stvaranje kukuruza tolerantnog na sušu koji će se uspešno nositi sa negativnim posledicama globalnog zagrevanja. Dalje poboljšanje tolerantnosti na sušu kod kukuruza je postalo vrlo ograničeno metodama konvencionalnog oplemenjivanja. Interdisciplinarnim pristupom se pokušava bolje proučiti i raščlaniti mehanizam tolerantnosti na sušu, ali je uspeh dosta limitiran. Od moderne genomike i genetike, zajedno sa dostignućima u fenotipskoj oceni, kao i saznanjima iz fiziologije i oplemenjivanja se očekuje da otkriju gene i procese koji su uključeni u tolerantnost na sušu

    Identifikacija vrsta roda Tilletia rep-PCR fingerprinting tehnikom

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    Analyzing 167 non-processed seed samples of wheat, it was found that 145 samples (86.8 %) were contaminated with Tilletia species, while 22 (13.2 %) samples were not contaminated. By using rep-PCR fingerprinting technique, it was found that DNA isolates of T. tritici originated from Serbian wheat samples had 80 % similarity with positive control for T. tritici. One isolate shared similarity of 60% with T. tritici, T. controversa and T. laevis. It was supposed that this isolate belongs to T. bromi. Isolate of T. laevis shared a similarity of 70 % with isolates of T. tritici and T. controversa, while T. walkeri was more than 10 % similar with T. tritici, T. controversa and T. laevis. Although T. controversa and T. tritici had high percent of genetic similarity, they were clustered separately. Our results suggest that rep-PCR fingerprinting could be a useful tool for monitoring presence of morphologically similar Tilletia species in wheat production areas.Istraživanjem kontaminiranosti uzoraka semena pšenice teleutosporama Tilletia vrsta, utvrđeno je da je od 167 uzoraka nedorađenog semena pšenice, bilo kontaminirano 145 (86,8%), dok su 22 uzorka (13,2%) smatrana nekontaminiranim. Identifikacija Tilletia vrsta izvršena je rep-PCR fingerprinting tehnikom. Izolati prikupljeni na teritoriji Republike Srbije identifikovani su kao T. tritici, s obzirom da su sa pozitivnom kontrolom imali genetičku sličnost veću od 80%. Jedan od izolata koji je vodio poreklo iz opštine Apatin bio je oko 60% genetički sličan sa izolatima T. tritici, T. controversa i T. laevis. Pretpostavljeno je da pripada vrsti T. bromi. Genetička sličnost izolata T. walkeri i vrsta: T. tritici, T. laevis i T. controversa, iznosila je nešto više od 10%. Genetička sličnost T. tritici, T. controversa i T. laevis bila je oko 70 %. I pored visokog procenta genetičke sličnosti između T. controversa i T. tritici, napravljena je razlika među njima, što rep-PCR fingerprinting tehniku čini veoma podesnom za praćenje prisustva morfološki sličnih Tilleria vrsta prilikom kontrole kvaliteta semena pšenice

    Simulating of Top-Cross system for enhancement of antioxidants in maize grain

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    Blue maize (Zea mays L.) is grown for its high content of antioxidants. Conversion of yellow and white to blue maize is time consuming because several genes affect blue color. After each backcross selfing is needed for color to be expressed. In order to overcome the problem of time and effort needed for conversion to blue kernel color, we have set a pilot experiment simulating a Top-cross system for increasing antioxidants in maize grain. The idea is to alternately sow six rows of sterile standard quality hybrid and two rows of blue maize in commercial production. Five commercial ZP hybrids were crossed with a blue pop-corn population. Xenia effect caused by cross-pollination produced blue grain on all hybrids in the same year. Chemical analyses of the grains of five selfed original hybrids, five cross-pollinated hybrids and selfed blue popcorn pollinator were performed. Cross-fertilization with blue popcorn had different impact on antioxidant capacity and phytonutrients, increasing them significantly in some but not all crosspollinated hybrids. Popcorn blue pollinator had higher values for all the analyzed traits than either selfed or crosspollinated hybrids. Selfed vs. pollinated hybrids showed significant difference for total antioxidant capacity (p lt 0.1), total phenolics and total yellow pigments (p lt 0.01), with the increase of total phenolics and decrease of total yellow pigments in pollinated ones. Total flavonoids showed a little non-significant decrease in pollinated hybrids, while total anthocyanins were not detected in selfed yellow hybrids. Blue maize obtained this way has shown good potential for growing high quality phytonutrient genotypes

    Stakeholders’ Attitudes toward Protected Areas: The Case of Tara National Park (Serbia)

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    This paper represents a case study examining attitudes of various stakeholders about Tara National Park (NP) (Serbia), identifying also the factors that shape these attitudes. The survey method was applied to a sample of 405 respondents (197 community members and 208 visitors). In addition, 15 interviews with specific key actors (NP executives and local key persons) were performed. The research confirmed the presence of different types of conflicts among stakeholders, mostly between the NP and the local population (primarily farmers) associated with land use in agriculture and the ban on the construction of facilities. The community recognizes tourism as the highest priority, unlike the NP leaders and visitors, who emphasize protection and conservation (especially biodiversity) as the primary goals of future NP development. The opinions of the local population are divided concerning support for the existence of the NP and the importance of it as a part of the national heritage. Most of them do not recognize the economic benefits resulting from the proclamation of the NP and do not see themselves as participants in the decision-making process. The findings also reveal that visitors strongly support tourism development and activities following the principles of nature protection. This category of respondents is only partly affected by the fact that this area has been declared a NP. The analysis shows that certain socioeconomic factors considerably influence the opinions of both community and visitors. Results suggest that future actions should be aimed at improving the coordination of various stakeholders, especially the NP and the community, through different social mobilization activities. Stimulating small businesses and providing incentives for agriculture and nature tourism development could be a useful step forward.This research has been supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office Hungary (NKFIH) K124497 project and by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbi

    Karst Geoheritage of Tara National Park (Serbia) and Its Geotouristic Potential

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    By the example of Tara National Park (NP), we present how the geoheritage can and should be presented in a NP where the primary role is played by biology. Tara NP has a rich geoheritage, especially its karst phenomena, which include gorges (e.g. the 1000-m-deep Drina Gorge), plateaus with dolines, dry valleys, and uvalas as well as springs and travertines. In addition, ophiolites also enrich the geoheritage; hence, the area has a high geodiversity. Large reservoirs of the territory provide an opportunity to study the anthropogenic impact on hydrology and geomorphology. After presenting the geoheritage elements of the area, we examine the views and knowledge of local people and visitors about karst and geotourism with the help of a questionnaire survey. The results show that local residents support the further development of tourism, but geotourism is a rather new concept for them. On the contrary, tourists are more familiar with geotourism. Among the development perspectives, tourists support those that involve only minor environmental changes, that is in agreement with NP policy. Finally, we formulate some suggestions about geotourism development in the area. First, we outline some plans for new geo-educational trails and viewpoints. Second, we highlight the possibility to increase the geo-content of some already existing programs (e.g. boat tours). Third, we emphasize that geotourism of Tara should be connected to neighbouring areas. A new geopark is already under planning, which would include the area of Tara NP as well.Open access funding provided by Eötvös Loránd University. This research has been supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office Hungary (NKFIH) K124497 project and by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia