894 research outputs found

    Se il \"kane\" non ringhia. Correlati percettivi, cognitivi e comunicativi nell'analisi dei fenomeni sinestesici e fisiognomici

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    ItIl fenomeno delle sinestesie acustiche costituisce un settore di studio interdisciplinare della psicologia contemporanea. Il presente contributo teorico intende esplorare in particolare gli sviluppi più recenti della ricerca e dei metodi impiegati nell'ambito: a) della psicologia della percezione e della cognizione, con riferimento a recenti studi condotti in ambito sperimentale, al fine di individuare mappe percettive articolate delle associazioni tra stimoli di diversa natura; b) della psicologia della comunicazione, con riflessioni critiche rispetto alle potenzialità fonosimboliche della sostanza sonora, alla sua valenza in quanto "sistema comunicativo" condiviso, grazie ad evidenze fornite da ricerche interculturali. La sinestesia svolgerebbe altresì importanti funzioni nell'acquisizione delle competenze rappresentazionali e comunicative sia a livello ontogenetico che filogenetico, costituendo una fase di transizione verso forme di comunicazione più convenzionalizzate. Viene discusso, inoltre, il contributo delle componenti fonosimboliche rispetto alladecodifica dell'esperienza emotiva. In questo contesto particolare attenzione è rivolta agli aspetti acustici di definizione di pattern di comportamenti sottesi a specifici domini emotivi.EnAcoustic synesthesia is an interdisciplinary domain of contemporary psychology. The present theoric work intends to analyze the most recent developments of researches and methods in two differents directions: a) the psychology of perception and cognition, in order to characterize configuration of semantic links between different perceptive domains; b) the psychology of communication, with considerations about phonosymbolic characteristics of sound and its function as "communicative system". Acoustic synesthesia is considered an important acquisition in ontoand filo-genethic perspective for the rapresentational and communicative skills development. Recent applications about emotional experience and physiognomic perception are discussed too. Acoustic profiles of different emotions and thier patterus are analyzed, in order to compare innate and learned elements of physiognomy

    Web addiction in the brain: Cortical oscillations, autonomic activity, and behavioral measures

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    Background and aims Internet addiction (IA) was recently defined as a disorder tagging both the impulse control and the reward systems. Specifically, inhibitory deficits and reward bias were considered highly relevant in IA. This research aims to examine the electrophysiological correlates and autonomic activity [skin conductance response (SCR) and heart rate] in two groups of young subjects (N = 25), with high or low IA profile [tested by the Internet Addiction Test (IAT)], with specific reference to gambling behavior. Methods Oscillatory brain activity (delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma) and autonomic and behavioral measures [response times (RTs) and error rates (ERs)] were acquired during the performance of a Go/NoGo task in response to high-rewarding (online gambling videos and video games) or neutral stimuli. Results A better performance (reduced ERs and reduced RTs) was revealed for high IAT in the case of NoGo trials representing rewarding cues (inhibitory control condition), probably due to a “gain effect” induced by the rewarding condition. In addition, we also observed for NoGo trials related to gambling and video games stimuli that (a) increased low-frequency band (delta and theta) and SCR and (b) a specific lateralization effect (more left-side activity) delta and theta in high IAT. Discussion Both inhibitory control deficits and reward bias effect were considered to explain IA

    Emotion Regulation in Schizophrenia: A Pilot Clinical Intervention as Assessed by EEG and Optical Imaging (Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy)

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    Previous research on Schizophrenia (S) revealed anomalies in brain responsiveness during emotion processing, as shown by neuroimaging and electroencephalography (EEG) measures. Nonetheless preserved capacities to explicitly evaluate the emotional significance of affective stimuli in term of valence have been found. The present study applied functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) and EEG to explore the spatial and temporal expressions of emotion processing in the brain before (T0) and after (T2) an emotional Neurofeedback (NF) training of patients, assigned to the control or the experimental group. Explicit measures revealed correct identifications of stimuli emotional valence before (T0) and after (T2) the treatment, while implicit measures (EEG and fNIRS) showed a modulation and increased competencies only after the NF (T2), with more balanced prefrontal activity

    Decisional impairments in cocaine addiction, reward bias, and cortical oscillation “unbalance”

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    A vast amount of research has suggested that subjects with substance use disorder (SUD) might have difficulty making advantageous decisions that opt in favor of a longer-term, larger reward than an immediate, smaller reward. The current research explored the impact of reward bias and cortical frontal asymmetry (left lateralization effect) in SUD in response to a decisional task (Iowa Gambling Task). Fifty SUD participants and 40 controls (CG) were tested using the Iowa Gambling Task. Electrophysiology (electroencephalography) recording was performed during task execution. We measured left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex power activity. Behavioral responses (gain/loss options); frequency band modulation (asymmetry index) for delta, theta, alpha, and beta band; and cortical source localization (standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography) were considered. The SUD group opted in favor of the immediate reward option (loss) more frequently than the long-term option (gain) when compared to the CG. Secondly, SUD showed increased left-hemisphere activation in response to losing (with immediate reward) choices in comparison with the CG. The left hemispheric unbalance effect and the “reward bias” were adduced to explain the decisional impairment in SUD

    Autonomic synchrony induced by hyperscanning interoception during interpersonal synchronization tasks

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    According to previous research, people influence each other’s emotional states during social interactions via resonance mechanisms and coordinated autonomic rhythms. However, no previous studies tested if the manipulation of the interoceptive focus (focused attention on the breath for a given time interval) in hyperscanning during synchronized tasks may have an impact on autonomic synchrony. Thus, this study aims to assess the psychophysiological synchrony through autonomic measures recording during dyadic linguistic and motor synchronization tasks performed in two distinct interoceptive conditions: the focus and no focus on the breath condition. 26 participants coupled in 13 dyads were recruited. Individuals’ autonomic measures [electrodermal: skin conductance level and response (SCL, SCR); cardiovascular indices: heart rate (HR) and HR variability (HRV)] was continuously monitored during the experiment and correlational coefficients were computed to analyze dyads physiological synchrony. Inter-subject analysis revealed higher synchrony for HR, HRV, SCL, and SCR values in the focus compared to no focus condition during the motor synchronization task and in general more for motor than linguistic task. Higher synchrony was also found for HR, SCL, and SCR values during focus than no focus condition in linguistic task. Overall, evidence suggests that the manipulation of the interoceptive focus has an impact on the autonomic synchrony during distinct synchronization tasks and for different autonomic measures. Such findings encourage the use of hyperscanning paradigms to assess the effect of breath awareness practices on autonomic synchrony in ecological and real-time conditions involving synchronization

    Brains in Competition: Improved Cognitive Performance and Inter-Brain Coupling by Hyperscanning Paradigm with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Hyperscanning brain paradigm was applied to competitive task for couples of subjects. Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) and cognitive performance were considered to test inter-brain and cognitive strategy similarities between subjects (14 couples) during a joint-action. We supposed increased brain-to-brain coupling and improved cognitive outcomes due to joint-action and the competition. As supposed, the direct interaction between the subjects and the observed external feedback of their performance (an experimentally induced fictitious feedback) affected the cognitive performance with decreased Error Rates (ERs), and Response Times (RTs). In addition, fNIRS measure (oxyhemoglobin, O2Hb) revealed an increased brain activity in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in post-feedback more than pre-feedback condition. Moreover, a higher inter-brain similarity was found for the couples during the task, with higher matched brain response in post-feedback condition than pre-feedback. Finally, a significant increased prefrontal brain lateralization effect was observed for the right hemisphere. Indeed the right PFC was more responsive with similar modalities within the couple during the post-feedback condition. The joined-task and competitive context was adduced to explain these cognitive performance improving, synergic brain responsiveness within the couples and lateralization effects (negative emotions)

    Sociol Health Illn

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    The association between education or income and mortality has been explored in great detail. These measures capture both the effects of material disadvantage on health and the psychosocial impacts of a low socioeconomic position on health. When explored independently of educational attainment and income, occupational prestige - a purely perceptual measure - serves as a measure of the impact of a psychosocial phenomenon on health. For instance, a fire-fighter, academician or schoolteacher may carry the social benefits of a higher social status without actually having the income (in all cases) or the educational credentials (in the case of the fire-fighter) to match. We explored the independent influence of occupational prestige on mortality. We applied Cox proportional hazards models to a nationally representative sample of over 380,000 US workers who had worked at any time between 1986 and 1994 with mortality follow up through 2002. We found that occupational prestige is associated with a decrease in the risk of all-cause, cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory-related mortality after controlling for household income and educational attainment. We further investigated the question of whether the effects of prestige are moderated by sex and broader occupational groupings. Prestige effects operate in white-collar occupations for men only and within service occupations for all workers.R01 OH003915/OH/NIOSH CDC HHS/United StatesR010H003915/PHS HHS/United States2016-08-19T00:00:00Z22443309PMC499136

    Antioxidant activity in a set of sorghum landraces and breeding lines

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    Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L) is becoming an increasingly important crop in the developed world especially as a cereal grain option for patients with celiac disease, being also characterized by a high level of bioactive compounds. It is a good source of phenolic compounds, including phenolic acids, flavonoids and condensed tannins, that express antioxidant capacity and potential health benefits. A group of 210 sorghum genotypes was evaluated in terms of physical parameters and resulted to be characterized by a wide range of 1000-seeds weight (6.93 - 42.67 g) and kernel colour. A sub-set of 121 samples were selected by near infrared spectroscopy for chemical analyses, and revealed a wide range of variability for total antioxidant capacity (6.89 - 172.02 mmol TE kg-1 dm-1), phenols (0.60 - 20.73 g GAE kg-1 dm-1), condensed tannins (0 - 28,362.63 ÎĽg CE g-1 dm-1) and flavonoids (0 - 8,138.22 ÎĽg CE g-1 dm-1). A high negative correlation was observed between antioxidant compounds and the colour parameters L* and b*; on the contrary, correlation of the same parameters with a* was low and positive. The results of these preliminary analyses highlighted genotypes characterized by light-coloured grains (white or yellow), large seeds, high antioxidant properties but absence of condensed tannins, all traits which make them suitable for food industry
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