100 research outputs found

    The formation of young B/PS bulges in edge-on barred galaxies

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    We report about the fact that the stellar population that is born in the gas inflowing towards the central regions can be vertically unstable leading to a B/PS feature remarkably bluer that the surrounding bulge. Using new chemodynamical simulations we show that this young population does not remain as flat as the gaseous nuclear disc and buckles out of the plane to form a new boxy bulge. We show that such a young B/PS bulge can be detected in colour maps.Comment: 2 pages, 5 figures, to appear in IAU Symposium 245, Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges, M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula, and B. Barbuy (eds.), Oxford, 16-20 July 200

    Metallicity of high stellar mass galaxies with signs of merger events

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    We focus on an analysis of galaxies of high stellar mass and low metallicity. We cross-correlated the Millenium Galaxy Catalogue (MGC) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) galaxy catalogue to provide a sample of MGC objects with high resolution imaging and both spectroscopic and photometric information available in the SDSS database. For each galaxy in our sample, we conducted a systematic morphological analysis by visual inspection of MGC images using their luminosity contours. The galaxies are classified as either disturbed or undisturbed objects. We divide the sample into three metallicity regions, within wich we compare the properties of disturbed and undisturbed objects. We find that the fraction of galaxies that are strongly disturbed, indicative of being merger remnants, is higher when lower metallicity objects are considered. The three bins analysed consist of approximatively 15%, 20%, and 50% disturbed galaxies (for high, medium, and low metallicity, respectively). Moreover, the ratio of the disturbed to undisturbed relative distributions of the population age indicator, Dn(4000), in the low metallicity bin, indicates that the disturbed objects have substantially younger stellar populations than their undisturbed counterparts. In addition, we find that an analysis of colour distributions provides similar results, showing that low metallicity galaxies with a disturbed morphology are bluer than those that are undisturbed. The bluer colours and younger populations of the low metallicity, morphologically disturbed objects suggest that they have experienced a recent merger with an associated enhanced star formation rate. [abridged]Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, in pres

    Clumpy Disc and Bulge Formation

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    We present a set of hydrodynamical/Nbody controlled simulations of isolated gas rich galaxies that self-consistently include SN feedback and a detailed chemical evolution model, both tested in cosmological simulations. The initial conditions are motivated by the observed star forming galaxies at z ~ 2-3. We find that the presence of a multiphase interstellar media in our models promotes the growth of disc instability favouring the formation of clumps which in general, are not easily disrupted on timescales compared to the migration time. We show that stellar clumps migrate towards the central region and contribute to form a classical-like bulge with a Sersic index, n > 2. Our physically-motivated Supernova feedback has a mild influence on clump survival and evolution, partially limiting the mass growth of clumps as the energy released per Supernova event is increased, with the consequent flattening of the bulge profile. This regulation does not prevent the building of a classical-like bulge even for the most energetic feedback tested. Our Supernova feedback model is able to establish a self-regulated star formation, producing mass-loaded outflows and stellar age spreads comparable to observations. We find that the bulge formation by clumps may coexit with other channels of bulge assembly such as bar and mergers. Our results suggest that galactic bulges could be interpreted as composite systems with structural components and stellar populations storing archaeological information of the dynamical history of their galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS - Aug. 20, 201

    GalPak3D: A Bayesian parametric tool for extracting morpho-kinematics of galaxies from 3D data

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    We present a method to constrain galaxy parameters directly from three-dimensional data cubes. The algorithm compares directly the data with a parametric model mapped in x,y,λx,y,\lambda coordinates. It uses the spectral lines-spread function (LSF) and the spatial point-spread function (PSF) to generate a three-dimensional kernel whose characteristics are instrument specific or user generated. The algorithm returns the intrinsic modeled properties along with both an `intrinsic' model data cube and the modeled galaxy convolved with the 3D-kernel. The algorithm uses a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach with a nontraditional proposal distribution in order to efficiently probe the parameter space. We demonstrate the robustness of the algorithm using 1728 mock galaxies and galaxies generated from hydrodynamical simulations in various seeing conditions from 0.6" to 1.2". We find that the algorithm can recover the morphological parameters (inclination, position angle) to within 10% and the kinematic parameters (maximum rotation velocity) to within 20%, irrespectively of the PSF in seeing (up to 1.2") provided that the maximum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is greater than ∌3\sim3 pixel−1^{-1} and that the ratio of the galaxy half-light radius to seeing radius is greater than about 1.5. One can use such an algorithm to constrain simultaneously the kinematics and morphological parameters of (nonmerging) galaxies observed in nonoptimal seeing conditions. The algorithm can also be used on adaptive-optics (AO) data or on high-quality, high-SNR data to look for nonaxisymmetric structures in the residuals.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted to publication in AJ, revised version after proofs corrections. Algorithm available at http://galpak.irap.omp.e

    Properties of simulated Milky Way-mass galaxies in loose group and field environments

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    We test the validity of comparing simulated field disk galaxies with the empirical properties of systems situated within environments more comparable to loose groups, including the Milky Way's Local Group. Cosmological simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies have been realised in two different environment samples: in the field and in environments with similar properties to the Local Group. Apart from the environments of the galaxies, the samples are kept as homogeneous as possible with equivalent ranges in last major merger time, halo mass and halo spin. Comparison of these two samples allow for systematic differences in the simulations to be identified. Metallicity gradients, disk scale lengths, colours, magnitudes and age-velocity dispersion relations are studied for each galaxy in the suite and the strength of the link between these and environment of the galaxies is studied. The bulge-to-disk ratio of the galaxies show that these galaxies are less spheroid dominated than many other simulated galaxies in literature with the majority of both samples being disk dominated. We find that secular evolution and mergers dominate the spread of morphologies and metallicity gradients with no visible differences between the two environment samples. In contrast with this consistency in the two samples there is tentative evidence for a systematic difference in the velocity dispersion-age relations of galaxies in the different environments. Loose group galaxies appear to have more discrete steps in their velocity dispersion-age relations. We conclude that at the current resolution of cosmological galaxy simulations field environment galaxies are sufficiently similar to those in loose groups to be acceptable proxies for comparison with the Milky Way provided that a similar assembly history is considered.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, abstract abridged for arXiv. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The UV, Lyman α, and dark matter halo properties of high-redshift galaxies

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    We explore the properties of high-redshift Lyman alpha emitters (LAEs), and their link with the Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) population, using a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation that takes into account resonant scattering of Lyα photons in gas outflows. We can reasonably reproduce the abundances of LAEs and LBGs from z≈3 to 7, as well as most UV luminosity functions (LFs) of LAEs. The stronger dust attenuation for (resonant) Lyα photons compared to UV continuum photons in bright LBGs provides a natural interpretation to the increase of the LAE fraction in LBG samples, XLAE, towards fainter magnitudes. The redshift evolution of XLAE seems however very sensitive to UV magnitudes limits and equivalent width (EW) cuts. In spite of the apparent good match between the statistical properties predicted by the model and the observations, we find that the tail of the Lyα EW distribution (EW≳100 Å) cannot be explained by our model, and we need to invoke additional mechanisms. We find that LAEs and LBGs span a very similar dynamical range, but bright LAEs are ∌4times rarer than LBGs in massive haloes. Moreover, massive haloes mainly contain weak LAEs in our model, which might introduce a bias towards low-mass haloes in surveys which select sources with high-EW cuts. Overall, our results are consistent with the idea that LAEs and LBGs make a very similar galaxy population. Their apparent differences seem mainly due to EW selections, UV detection limits, and a decreasing Lyα to UV escape fraction ratio in high star formation rate galaxie

    The mass-metallicity relation of interacting galaxies

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    We study the mass-metallicity relation of galaxies in pairs and in isolation taken from the SDSS-DR4 using the stellar masses and oxygen abundances derived by Tremonti et al. (2004). Close galaxy pairs, defined by projected separation r_p < 25kpc/h and radial velocity Delta_V < 350 km/s, are morphologically classified according to the strength of the interaction signs. We find that only for pairs showing signs of strong interactions, the mass-metallicity relation differs significantly from that of galaxies in isolation. In such pairs, the mean gas-phase oxygen abundances of galaxies with low stellar masses (Mstar ~< 10^9 Msun/h) exhibit an excess of 0.2 dex. Conversely, at larger masses (Mstar >~ 10^10 Msun/h) galaxies have a systematically lower metallicity, although with a smaller difference (-0.05 dex). Similar trends are obtained if g-band magnitudes are used instead of stellar masses. In minor interactions, we find that the less massive member is systematically enriched, while a galaxy in interaction with a comparable stellar mass companion shows a metallicity decrement with respect to galaxies in isolation. We argue that metal-rich starbursts triggered by a more massive component, and inflows of low metallicity gas induced by comparable or less massive companion galaxies, provide a natural scenario to explain our findings.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Photometric and dynamic evolution of an isolated disc galaxy simulation

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    We present a detailed analysis of the evolution of a simulated isolated disc galaxy. The simulation includes stars, gas, star formation and simple chemical yields. Stellar particles are split in two populations: the old one is present at the beginning of the simulation and is calibrated according to various ages and metallicities; the new population borns in the course of the simulation and inherits the metallicity of the gas particles. The results have been calibrated in four wavebands with the spectro-photometric evolutionary model GISSEL2000 (Bruzual & Charlot 1993). Dust extinction has also been taken into account. A rest-frame morphological and bidimensional photometric analysis has been performed on simulated images, with the same tools as for observations. The effects of the stellar bar formation and the linked star formation episode on the global properties of the galaxy (mass and luminosity distribution, colours, isophotal radii) have been analysed. In particular, we have disentangled the effects of stellar evolution from dynamic evolution to explain the cause of the isophotal radii variations. We show that the dynamic properties (e.g. mass) of the area enclosed by any isophotal radius depends on the waveband and on the level of star formation activity. It is also shown that the bar isophotes remain thinner than mass isodensities a long time (> 0.7 Gyr) after the maximum of star formation rate. We show that bar ellipticity is very wavelength dependent as suggested by real observations. Effects of dust extinction on photometric and morphological measurements are systematically quantified.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures (13 in eps, 3 in jpg format). Accepted for publication in A&

    The length of stellar bars in SB galaxies and N-body simulations

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    We have investigated the accuracy and reliability of six methods used to determine the length of stellar bars in galaxies or N-body simulations. All these methods use ellipse fitting and Fourier decomposition of the surface brightness. We have applied them to N-body simulations that include stars, gas, star formation, and feedback. Stellar particles were photometrically calibrated to make B and K-band mock images. Dust absorption is also included. We discuss the advantages and drawbacks of each method, the effects of projection and resolution, as well as the uncertainties introduced by the presence of dust. The use of N-body simulations allows us to compare the location of Ultra Harmonic Resonance (UHR or 4/1) and corotation (CR) with measured bar lengths. We show that the minimum of ellipticity located just outside the bulk of the bar is correlated with the corotation, whereas the location of the UHR can be approximated using the phase of the fitted ellipses or the phase of the m=2 Fourier development of the surface brightness. We give evidence that the classification of slow/fast bars, based on the ratio R = Rcr/Rbar could increase from 1 (fast bar) to 1.4 (slow bar) just by a change of method. We thus conclude that one has to select the right bar-length estimator depending on the application, since these various estimators do not define the same physical area.Comment: Major revision, A&A in pres

    Understanding the escape of LyC and Lyα photons from turbulent clouds

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    Understanding the escape of Lyman continuum (LyC) and Lyman alpha (Lya) photons from molecular clouds is one of the keys to constraining the reionization history of the Universe and the evolution of galaxies at high redshift. Using a set of radiation-hydrodynamic simulations with adaptive mesh refinement, we investigate how photons propagate and escape from turbulent clouds with different masses, star formation efficiencies (SFEs), and metallicities, as well as with different models of stellar spectra and supernova feedback. We find that the escape fractions in both LyC and Lya are generally increasing with time if the cloud is efficiently dispersed by radiation and supernova feedback. When the total SFE is low (1% of the cloud mass), 0.1-5% of LyC photons leave the metal-poor cloud, whereas the fractions increase to 20-70% in clouds with a 10% SFE. LyC photons escape more efficiently if gas metallicity is lower, if the upper mass limit in the stellar initial mass function is higher, if binary interactions are allowed in the evolution of stars, or if additional strong radiation pressure, such as Lya pressure, is present. As a result, the number of escaping LyC photons can easily vary by a factor of ∌4\sim4 on cloud scales. The escape fractions of Lya photons are systemically higher (60-80%) than those of LyC photons despite large optical depths at line centre (τ0∌106−109\tau_0\sim10^6-10^9). Scattering of Lya photons is already significant on cloud scales, leading to double-peaked profiles with peak separations of vsep∌400 km s−1v_{\rm sep}\sim400\,{\rm km\,s^{-1}} during the initial stage of the cloud evolution, while it becomes narrower than vsep≀150 km s−1v_{\rm sep} \le 150 \, {\rm km\,s^{-1}} in the LyC bright phase. Comparisons with observations of low-redshift galaxies suggest that Lya photons require further interactions with neutral hydrogen to reproduce their velocity offset for a given LyC escape fraction
