13,198 research outputs found

    On the Complexity of Random Quantum Computations and the Jones Polynomial

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    There is a natural relationship between Jones polynomials and quantum computation. We use this relationship to show that the complexity of evaluating relative-error approximations of Jones polynomials can be used to bound the classical complexity of approximately simulating random quantum computations. We prove that random quantum computations cannot be classically simulated up to a constant total variation distance, under the assumption that (1) the Polynomial Hierarchy does not collapse and (2) the average-case complexity of relative-error approximations of the Jones polynomial matches the worst-case complexity over a constant fraction of random links. Our results provide a straightforward relationship between the approximation of Jones polynomials and the complexity of random quantum computations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Can’t See the Wood for the Trees: The Returns to Farm Forestry in Ireland

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    working paperThe period 2007-2009 witnessed considerable variability in the price of outputs such as milk and cereals and this was compounded by a high degree of volatility in the price of inputs such as fertilizer, animal feed and energy. Previously, Irish farms have used the returns to off-farm employment as well as agricultural support payments such as the Single Farm Payment (SFP) and the Rural Environmental Protection Scheme (REPS) to protect their living standards against low and uncertain agricultural market returns. However, the downturn in the Irish economy has led to a reduction in the availability of off-farm employment and also the discontinuation of REPS. This may lead to an increase in afforestation on Irish farms, as forestry offers greater certainty through the provision of an annual premium in addition to the SFP. However, the decision to afforest represents a significant long-term investment decision that should not be entered into without careful economic consideration. The aim of this paper is to use the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis method to calculate the returns to forestry under alternative opportunity costs associated with conventional agricultural activities being superseded. The returns to forestry are calculated using the Forestry Investment Value Estimator (FIVE). These returns were then incorporated in the DCF model along with the returns to five conventional agricultural enterprises, which would potentially be superseded by forestry. This approach allows for the calculation of the Net Present Value (NPV) of three forestry scenarios

    Testing the Integrated Theory of Health Behaviour Change for Postpartum Weight Management

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    Aim.  This is a report of a correlational study to test the Integrated Theory of Health Behaviour Change within the context of postpartum weight self‐management including the impact of race/ethnicity and weight classification. Background.  Women experiencing childbirth face increasing challenges to manage their weight postpartum. Little is known about women’s weight self‐management during the complex physiological and psychosocial transition of the postpartum period. Methods.  Data were collected during the birth hospitalization and 4 months postbirth during 2005 and 2006. A quota sample of 250 postpartum women using two strata, race/ethnicity and prepregnant weight classification, were enrolled; 179 women completed the follow‐up survey. A survey questionnaire measured concepts from the Integrated Theory of Health Behaviour Change concepts, including knowledge and beliefs (self‐efficacy, outcome expectancy and goal congruence), self‐regulation skills and abilities, and social facilitation (social support and social influence) and the proximal outcome of weight retention. Factor analysis identified 5 factors consistent with the theoretical concepts that accounted for 47·1% of total survey variance. Results.  Model testing using path analysis explored the relationship among factors. The final model explained 25·7% of the variance in self regulation at 4 months, but did not explain weight retention. The contribution of select concepts to total variance was different for Caucasian and African American women, but not by weight classification. Conclusions.  Findings support use of theoretical concepts and relationships to understand postpartum weight self‐management. The different relationships among concepts in Caucasian and African American women should be considered in planning targeted postpartum weight self‐management interventions

    Integrated Navigation System: Not a Sum of Its Parts

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    Similar to the evolutionary process for living organisms, marine navigation systems are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated. Both by design and function, shipboard and shore-based navigation systems are no longer individual equipment components operating independently. Instead, the trend is toward integration, data fusion and synergy. One example of this are new Performance Standards being considered by IMO to achieve a “harmonized” presentation of all navigation-related information on the display of an integrated navigation system (INS). Unlike a dedicated display for ECDIS or radar, the new INS displays will be a task-oriented composite presentations that enable the mariner to configure the display for an operational situation by selecting specific chart, radar, radar plotting aids (ARPA) and AIS information that is required for the task-at-hand. This paper gives a brief overview of the trend toward the development of INS. In addition to a brief summary of IMO performance standards for navigation equipment/systems, specific mention is made about a BSH (Germany) report on the “Functional Scope and Model of INS.” A discussion is provided about the challenges of providing navigation safety information that goes beyond traditional boundaries of products and services. Currently, many agencies continue to produce individual products and services on a component basis. Hydrographic offices grapple with trying to provide multiple products and services for paper charts, raster navigational charts (RNCs) and electronic navigational charts (ENCs) while a same time, Coast Guard and Maritime Safety agencies focus on improving Aids-to-Navigation (AtoN), Vessel Traffic Services (VTS), AIS networks -- and more recently, port security. In some respects, the continued concentration on separate products and services represents an organizational reluctance to change. This in turn, results in a fragmented, sub-optimal approach to the safety-of-navigation caused by the inability to provide mariners with “seamless” information at reasonable cost. In particular, hydrographic offices must be willing to recognize that chart information can no longer be considered to be separate, individual products. When it comes to the provision and use of chart-related information for use in an INS, the focus needs to shift to what information is actually desired, how it will be provided, what other information it will be used with, and whether it is truly up-todate

    Sensory Ecology: See Me, Hear Me

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    SummaryThe animal world is replete with vibrant colours: these are often used as display signals and selection has solved a fundamental problem in information transfer by enhancing the detectability of these signals against the backgrounds on which they are perceived by the particular sensory systems of their receivers

    Aging-dependent effects of repetitive loading exercise and antioxidant supplementation on oxidative stress in skeletal muscle

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    Aging is associated with a reduced ability to buffer oxidants along with an increase in oxidant production, resulting in chronic oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a putative factor responsible for reducing function ability of skeletal muscle and increasing oxidative damage. The objective of this set of investigations was to evaluate the efficacy of reducing oxidative stress on improving muscle function the adaptive response of skeletal muscle to repetitive loading exercise in aging rodents. To achieve this objective, three methods of reducing oxidative stress were utilized; the antioxidant vitamins E&C were used to buffer oxidants, the nutraceutical resveratrol was used to inhibit oxidant production and the pharmacological agent allopurinol was used to attenuate oxidant production specifically through the inhibition of xanthine oxidase activity. This set of investigations show evidence that muscles from aged animals have high basal levels of xanthine oxidase, and this is further exacerbated by resistance exercise. Antioxidant treatment in aged rodents will reduce oxidative stress associated with both aging and exercise. Furthermore, an increase in xanthine oxidase activity is a major contributor to the oxidative stress associated with resistance exercise (i.e. repetitive loading). Modulation of exercise-induced oxidative stress will effect adaptation of the endogenous antioxidant system and different therapeutic methods of reducing oxidative stress in aged muscle produce slightly different results in muscle function. The results suggest that resistance training increases xanthine oxidase activity, which contributes to exercise-induced oxidative stress in muscles of aged mice. Furthermore, resistance exercise invokes a distinctive response in the endogenous antioxidant enzymes that differ from that typically observed with aerobic exercise

    A. Stanley Rand (1932–2005)

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    Tradiciones de combate con armas en América Latina y el Caribe: una visión hoplológica

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    [ES] Durante las últimas décadas ha resurgido el interés por las tradiciones marciales del Nuevo Mundo. La mayor parte de esta atención se ha centrado en las tradiciones africanas y en las tradiciones africanas de la diáspora, publicándose numerosos libros y artículos bien fundamentados en la investigación. Sin embargo, ha existido un interés mucho menos respecto a otras modalidades combativas traídas a las costas del Nuevo Mundo. Durante siglos, las comunidades inmigrantes han llevado consigo sofisticados sistemas combativos que aún perviven en nuestros días. Como parte de un proyecto hoplológico más amplio, este artículo busca identificar y documentar los diversos sistemas de combate armado aún existentes y practicados en América del Sur y el Caribe, que no se han transformado en meros pasatiempos deportivos o recreativos. Con pocas excepciones, estas artes continúan siendo enseñadas, practicadas y utilizadas en diversas situaciones informales para asegurarla propiedad o la reputación pública de los individuos, o como parte de una estrategia económica dela economía informal. En ocasiones, de forma paralela y superpuestaa estos objetivos más pragmáticos, estas artes también persisten como modos de preservar formas culturales de moralidad, ética y masculinidad más antiguas.[EN] Over the last few decades, there has been a resurgent interest in New World martial art traditions. The bulk of the attention has focused on African and African diasporic traditions. Many well-researched books and articles have resulted from thisfocus. Yet, there is much less interest regarding other combative modalities brought to the shores of the New World. For centuries immigrant communities have brought with them sophisticated combative systems that persist to this day. As part of a broader hoplological project, this article seeks to identify and document the diverse armed combative systems still extant and practiced in South America and the Caribbean that have not transformed into solely institutionalized sports or recreational pastimes. With few exceptions these arts continue to be taught, practiced, and used in a variety of informal situations to ensure one’s property or public reputation or as part of an economic strategy in the informal economy. At times paralleling and overlapping these more pragmatic goals, these arts also persist as a way of preserving older cultural moralities, ethics, and forms of masculinity.[PT] Nas últimas décadas, tem havido um interesse ressurgente nas tradições de artes marciais do Novo Mundo. A maior parte da atenção se concentrou nas tradições africanas, incluindo as de diáspora. Muitos livros e artigos bem pesquisados resultaram desse foco. No entanto, há muito menos interesse em relação a outras modalidades de combate trazidas para as costasdo Novo Mundo. Durante séculos, as comunidades imigrantes trouxeram consigo sistemas combativos sofisticados que persistem até hoje. Como parte de um projetohoplológico mais amplo, este artigo procura identificar e documentar os diversos sistemas de combate armado ainda existentes e praticados na América do Sul e no Caribe que não se transformaram apenas em esportes institucionalizados ou passatempos recreativos. Com poucas exceções, essas artes continuam a ser ensinadas, praticadas e usadas em uma variedade de situações informais para garantir a propriedade ou a reputação pública ou como parte de uma estratégica econômica informal. Às vezes, paralelamente e sobrepondo-se a esses objetivos mais pragmáticos, essas artes também persistem como uma maneira de preservar moralidades culturais mais antigas, ética e formas de masculinidade

    Moments When the Weak Gained Ground: Viral Video as a Curriculum of People

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    Author\u27s abstract: The public school curriculum has devolved into merely being a political football for the forces of the dominant culture, no longer even attempting to serve the People of the community or the students that the school ostensibly should serve. In the absence of a curriculum that is meaningful to People, another curriculum has spontaneously appeared outside of school via shared online media between social networks. This new curriculum, identified by a relatively wide viewership and its challenge to social injustice, oppressive conventions or hegemonic forces, is a curriculum of viral videos shared because of their meaning and cogence in the moment. This inquiry examines a number of these videos through a modified method of Critical Discourse Analysis that utilizes aesthetic analysis as its primary lens to attempt to determine meaning

    Gymnastics Skills Standards for Male Physical Education Majors at Dickinson State College

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    This study was undertaken to develop a standard .for the minimum level of proficiency in gymnastics skills for male physical education majors at Dickinson State College. To set the desired standard, a skill proficiency test in gymnastics had to be devised. This test was constructed in the following fashion. First, an instrument had to be designed which would secure from selected NAIA and NCAA gymnastics coaches and physical education instructors their opinions as to which skills in gymnastics male physical education majors should be able to perform. These data were collected by the use of a questionnaire. From the results of the questionnaire, the writer determined which gymnastics skills to use as test items. This test was then administered to seventy male physical education majors at Dickinson State College during the 1969-1970 ^school year and to twenty-three physical education majors during the 1970-1971 school year. The scores were totaled and recorded for each student according to the seven competitive areas of gymnastics. After these data were collected, group means and standard deviations were computed at the University of North Dakota computer center. From these norms a standard or minimum level of proficiency in gymnastics skills for male physical education majors at Dickinson State College was set at 30 on a table of standard scores