13 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Effects of Torrefaction Temperature and Residence Time on the Fuel Quality of Corncobs in a Fixed-Bed Reactor

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    Biomass from agriculture is a promising alternative fuel due to its carbon-neutral feature. However, raw biomass does not have properties required for its direct utilization for energy generation. Torrefaction is considered as a pretreatment method to improve the properties of biomass for energy applications. This study was aimed at investigating the effects of torrefaction temperature and residence time on some physical and chemical properties of torrefied corncobs. Therefore, a fixed-bed torrefaction reactor was developed and used in the torrefaction of corncobs. The torrefaction process parameters investigated were the torrefaction temperature (200, 240, and 280 °C) and the residence time (30, 60, and 90 min). The effects of these parameters on the mass loss, grindability, chemical composition, and calorific value of biomass were investigated. It was shown that the mass loss increased with increasing torrefaction temperature and residence time. The grinding throughput of the biomass was improved by increasing both the torrefaction temperature and the residence time. Torrefaction at higher temperatures and longer residence times had greater effects on the reduction in particle size of the milled corncobs. The calorific value was highest at a torrefaction temperature of 280 °C and a residence time of 90 min. The energy yield for all treatments ranged between 92.8 and 99.2%. The results obtained in this study could be useful in the operation and design of torrefaction reactors. They also provided insight into parameters to be investigated for optimization of the torrefaction reactor

    Implementing decision support tool for low-back pain diagnosis and prediction based on the range of motions

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    Low-back pain (LBP) is a complex health problem requiring accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. However, the current decision support system (DSS) for LBP only considers the patient’s pain intensity and treatment suitability, which may not lead to optimal outcomes. This paper proposes a novel DSS that combines machine learning (ML) and expert input to classify LBP types and provide more reliable and personalized recommendations. We used an open-source dataset to train and test various ML models, including an ensemble model that combines multiple classifiers. We also performed data analysis and feature extraction to enhance the model’s predictive power. We developed a prototype tool to demonstrate the model’s performance and usability. Our results show that the ensemble model achieved the highest accuracy of 92.02%, followed by random forest (RF) (91.01%), multilayer perceptron (MP) (91.01%), and support vector machine (SVM) (87.88%). Our findings suggest that ML can help LBP specialists diagnose and treat LBP more effectively by learning from historical data and predicting LBP categories. Our DSS can potentially improve the quality of life for LBP patients and reduce the burden on the healthcare system

    Shotgun cholanomics of ileal fluid

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    In this study we have developed a rapid method for the shotgun analysis of bile acids in intestinal fluid. The method is semi-quantitative, and requires little sample preparation. Bile salts might contribute to the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease. In a pilot study we demonstrate the method by analysing the bile acid content of ileal fluid from seven Crohn's disease patients and three healthy controls. The dominant bile acids observed were di and/or trihydroxycholanoates, di- and/or trihydroxycholanoylglycines, di- and/or tri-hydroxycholanoyltaurines, monosulphated dihydroxycholanoates and monosulphated dihydroxycholanoylglycine. The method can be similarly applied to samples derived from other parts of the intestine

    Sterols and oxysterols in plasma from Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome patients

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    Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is a severe autosomal recessive disorder resulting from defects in the cholesterol synthesising enzyme 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase (Δ7-sterol reductase, DHCR7, EC leading to a build-up of the cholesterol precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) in tissues and blood plasma. Although the underling enzyme deficiency associated with SLOS is clear there are likely to be multiple mechanisms responsible for SLOS pathology. In an effort to learn more of the aetiology of SLOS we have analysed plasma from SLOS patients to search for metabolites derived from 7-DHC which may be responsible for some of the pathology. We have identified a novel hydroxy-8-dehydrocholesterol, which is either 24- or 25-hydroxy-8-dehydrocholesterol and also the known metabolites 26-hydroxy-8-dehydrocholesterol, 4-hydroxy-7-dehydrocholesterol, 3β,5α-dihydroxycholest-7-en-6-one and 7α,8α-epoxycholesterol. None of these metabolites are detected in control plasma at quantifiable levels (0.5 ng/mL)

    Analytical strategies for characterization of oxysterol lipidomes: Liver X receptor ligands in plasma

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    Bile acids, bile alcohols, and hormonal steroids represent the ultimate biologically active products of cholesterol metabolism in vertebrates. However, intermediates in their formation, including oxysterols and cholestenoic acids, also possess known, e.g., as ligands to nuclear and G-protein-coupled receptors, and unknown regulatory activities. The potential diversity of molecules originating from the cholesterol structure is very broad and their abundance in biological materials ranges over several orders of magnitude. Here we describe the application of enzyme-assisted derivatization for sterol analysis (EADSA) in combination with liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization–mass spectrometry to define the oxysterol and cholestenoic acid metabolomes of human plasma. Quantitative profiling of adult plasma using EADSA leads to the detection of over 30 metabolites derived from cholesterol, some of which are ligands to the nuclear receptors LXR, FXR, and pregnane X receptor or the G-protein-coupled receptor Epstein–Barr virus-induced gene 2. The potential of the EADSA technique in screening for inborn errors of cholesterol metabolism and biosynthesis is demonstrated by the unique plasma profile of patients suffering from cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis. The analytical methods described are easily adapted to the analysis of other biological fluids, including cerebrospinal fluid, and also tissues, e.g., brain, in which nuclear and G-protein-coupled receptors may have important regulatory roles


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    This study was conducted in Niger state Nigeria to determine the effect of Fadama III AF development programme on women and youth sorghum farmers. A Multi-stage sampling technique was adopted for the sampling procedure. Two local government areas were selected and four villages were randomly selected from both local governments. A total of 78 respondents which included women and youths were selected from the villages which brought the total of the respondents to be 156. Structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents. The data collected were analyzed through the use of descriptive and inferential statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, propensity score matching analyzed the effect of Fadama III AF programme on the income, labor, output and area of land cultivated. The ordinary least square regression model was used to analyse the determinants of the income of the beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries. The study revealed that the average income, output and labour used of the beneficiaries increased after the participation of the development program depicting a positive impact on the beneficiaries. The study revealed that the mean age of the beneficiaries and non- beneficiaries were 34years and 37years respectively. The majority of the beneficiaries were females 62.80% and males 37.20% for the non- beneficiaries. The OLS estimates indicated that quantity of seeds at 1%, labour at 5%, farming experience at 5%, number of adopted technologies at 10% and transportation at 1% level of significance respectively were the determinants of income for the beneficiaries while price of sorghum at 1%, farm size at 1% and farming experience at 10% level of significance respectively were the determinants of income for the non- beneficiaries. Therefore it was recommended that the Federal Government, ADP’s, nongovernmental agency and financing institutions (World Bank) ensure the continuation of the programme and extension to the non-beneficiaries in order to improve the standard of living in the rural area

    Investigation of the Effects of Torrefaction Temperature and Residence Time on the Fuel Quality of Corncobs in a Fixed-Bed Reactor

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    Biomass from agriculture is a promising alternative fuel due to its carbon-neutral feature. However, raw biomass does not have properties required for its direct utilization for energy generation. Torrefaction is considered as a pretreatment method to improve the properties of biomass for energy applications. This study was aimed at investigating the effects of torrefaction temperature and residence time on some physical and chemical properties of torrefied corncobs. Therefore, a fixed-bed torrefaction reactor was developed and used in the torrefaction of corncobs. The torrefaction process parameters investigated were the torrefaction temperature (200, 240, and 280 °C) and the residence time (30, 60, and 90 min). The effects of these parameters on the mass loss, grindability, chemical composition, and calorific value of biomass were investigated. It was shown that the mass loss increased with increasing torrefaction temperature and residence time. The grinding throughput of the biomass was improved by increasing both the torrefaction temperature and the residence time. Torrefaction at higher temperatures and longer residence times had greater effects on the reduction in particle size of the milled corncobs. The calorific value was highest at a torrefaction temperature of 280 °C and a residence time of 90 min. The energy yield for all treatments ranged between 92.8 and 99.2%. The results obtained in this study could be useful in the operation and design of torrefaction reactors. They also provided insight into parameters to be investigated for optimization of the torrefaction reactor

    Empirical Models and Process Optimization for Prediction of Nutritional Parameters of Stored Cowpea Variety (IT96D-610K)

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    This paper presents a study carried out to develop empirical models and process optimization for prediction of nutritional parameters of stored cowpea variety (IT96D-610K). Twelve small scale prototype silos made of two different materials (wooden and galvanised mild steel) were constructed and used in the storage of the cowpea for a 4-month period. Seven kilograms of cowpea at 9.88% moisture content admixed with DE having two different particle sizes (7.5 × 10−5 m and 9 × 10−5 m) and three different concentrations (0.0001 kg, 0.00005 kg and 0 kg) in varying combinations were loaded into each prototype silo structure. The control (zero/no concentration) was set without the use of DE in each of the wooden and galvanised mild steel structures, respectively. Temperature, relative humidity and moisture content within the storage structures were monitored. Nutritional parameters such as ash, crude protein, fat, crude fibre, and carbohydrate content were also measured alongside moisture. Significant differences (P <0.05) were observed between the control sample and treated samples. Six model equations using Essential Regression Software package were further generated to determine the relationship between input and output parameters, and were checked for adequacy and validity. The model equations developed were used to get the optimum values of output parameters which are: minimum moisture content (8.87%), minimum ash content (4.07%), maximum crude protein (22.86%), maximum fat (2.04%), maximum crude fibre (2.26%) and maximum carbohydrate (60.31%) of the stored cowpea at various conditions. Study results show that all the storage conditions had significant effects at P <0.05

    Identification of Cholestenoic acids that Regulate Motor Neuron Survival via Liver X Receptors

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    Cholestenoic acids are intermediates in metabolism of cholesterol to bile acids and their biosynthetic enzymes are expressed in the mammalian CNS. Here we describe the cholestenoic acid profile of mammalian cerebrospinal fluid and show that specific cholestenoic acids, including 3β,7α-dihydroxycholest-5-en-26-oic (3β,7α-diHCA) and 3β-hydroxy-7-oxocholest-5-en-26-oic acids (3βH,7O-CA), activate the liver X receptors (Lxrs), enhance Islet-1 expression and protein levels in zebrafish in vivo, and increase the number of oculomotor neurons in the developing mouse in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, while 3β,7α-diHCA promoted motor neuron survival in an Lxr-dependent manner, 3βH,7O-CA promoted maturation of precursors into Islet1+ cells. Surprisingly, a weak Lxr ligand, 3β-hydroxycholest-5-en-26-oic acid (3β-HCA), caused motor neuron cell loss in vivo. Mutations in CYP7B1 or CYP27A1, two enzymes involved in cholestenoic acid metabolism, result in two different neurological diseases hereditary spastic paresis type 5 (SPG5) and cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (CTX), respectively. The former disease is characterized by spastic paresis and similar symptoms may sometimes occur also in some CTX patients. Analysis of CSF and plasma from patients with SPG5 revealed an excess of the toxic Lxr ligand, 3β-HCA, while patients with CTX and SPG5 exhibited low levels of the survival-promoting Lxr ligand, 3β,7α-diHCA in plasma. Combined, our results show that specific cholestenoic acids selectively work on motor neurons, via Lxr, to regulate the balance between survival and death. These findings suggest that efforts aimed at restoring the balance between toxic and pro-survival Lxr ligands, such as administration of 3β,7α-diHCA, can lead to potential treatments for motor neuron degeneration