197 research outputs found

    Simple Power-Law Characterization of Transient Ground-Borne Vibrations

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    Practical characterization of transient ground-borne vibrations in civil and geotechnical engineering problems is often a difficult and frustrating task. Some modem engineering seismographs now routinely permit the collection of histogram-type data where the peak vibration for a pre-set time interval can be measured and stored for significant time periods. Such data is amenable to analysis utilizing concepts of fractal geometry and self-ordered criticality. Resulting data trends tend to follow power-law relationships that plot as essentially straight lines in log-log space. This application is similar to the Gutenberg-Richter relationship for earthquakes where the relationship between magnitude and frequency is fractal. However, the largest vibrations appear to follow another power-law trend appropriate to characterizing extreme events. Four cases of monitoring apparently random transient ground-borne vibrations are examined using this power-law approach: traffic induced vibrations near the curb of an urban arterial street, an unidentified vibration interfering with a precision machining operation, vibrations induced by vacationing children using the front door of a residence, and vibrations induced by water transport in a pipeline. All cases could be characterized by this approach

    TMTDyn: A Matlab package for modeling and control of hybrid rigid-continuum robots based on discretized lumped systems and reduced-order models

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    A reliable, accurate, and yet simple dynamic model is important to analyzing, designing, and controlling hybrid rigid–continuum robots. Such models should be fast, as simple as possible, and user-friendly to be widely accepted by the ever-growing robotics research community. In this study, we introduce two new modeling methods for continuum manipulators: a general reduced-order model (ROM) and a discretized model with absolute states and Euler–Bernoulli beam segments (EBA). In addition, a new formulation is presented for a recently introduced discretized model based on Euler–Bernoulli beam segments and relative states (EBR). We implement these models in a Matlab software package, named TMTDyn, to develop a modeling tool for hybrid rigid–continuum systems. The package features a new high-level language (HLL) text-based interface, a CAD-file import module, automatic formation of the system equation of motion (EOM) for different modeling and control tasks, implementing Matlab C-mex functionality for improved performance, and modules for static and linear modal analysis of a hybrid system. The underlying theory and software package are validated for modeling experimental results for (i) dynamics of a continuum appendage, and (ii) general deformation of a fabric sleeve worn by a rigid link pendulum. A comparison shows higher simulation accuracy (8–14% normalized error) and numerical robustness of the ROM model for a system with a small number of states, and computational efficiency of the EBA model with near real-time performances that makes it suitable for large systems. The challenges and necessary modules to further automate the design and analysis of hybrid systems with a large number of states are briefly discussed

    TMTDyn: A Matlab package for modeling and control of hybrid rigid–continuum robots based on discretized lumped systems and reduced-order models

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    A reliable, accurate, and yet simple dynamic model is important to analyzing, designing, and controlling hybrid rigid–continuum robots. Such models should be fast, as simple as possible, and user-friendly to be widely accepted by the evergrowing robotics research community. In this study, we introduce two new modeling methods for continuum manipulators: a general reduced-order model (ROM) and a discretized model with absolute states and Euler–Bernoulli beam segments (EBA). In addition, a new formulation is presented for a recently introduced discretized model based on Euler–Bernoulli beam segments and relative states (EBR). We implement these models in a Matlab software package, named TMTDyn, to develop a modeling tool for hybrid rigid–continuum systems. The package features a new high-level language (HLL) text-based interface, a CAD-file import module, automatic formation of the system equation of motion (EOM) for different modeling and control tasks, implementing Matlab C-mex functionality for improved performance, and modules for static and linear modal analysis of a hybrid system. The underlying theory and software package are validated for modeling experimental results for (i) dynamics of a continuum appendage, and (ii) general deformation of a fabric sleeve worn by a rigid link pendulum. A comparison shows higher simulation accuracy (8–14% normalized error) and numerical robustness of the ROM model for a system with a small number of states, and computational efficiency of the EBA model with near real-time performances that makes it suitable for large systems. The challenges and necessary modules to further automate the design and analysis of hybrid systems with a large number of states are briefly discussed

    Kepler-16: A Transiting Circumbinary Planet

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    We report the detection of a planet whose orbit surrounds a pair of low-mass stars. Data from the Kepler spacecraft reveal transits of the planet across both stars, in addition to the mutual eclipses of the stars, giving precise constraints on the absolute dimensions of all three bodies. The planet is comparable to Saturn in mass and size, and is on a nearly circular 229-day orbit around its two parent stars. The eclipsing stars are 20% and 69% as massive as the sun, and have an eccentric 41-day orbit. The motions of all three bodies are confined to within 0.5 degree of a single plane, suggesting that the planet formed within a circumbinary disk.Comment: Science, in press; for supplemental material see http://www.sciencemag.org/content/suppl/2011/09/14/333.6049.1602.DC1/1210923.Doyle.SOM.pd

    Dual Electron Spectrometer for Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission: Results of the Comprehensive Tests of the Engineering Test Unit

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    The Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS) is designed to study fundamental phenomena in space plasma physics such as a magnetic reconnection. The mission consists of four spacecraft, equipped with identical scientific payloads, allowing for the first measurements of fast dynamics in the critical electron diffusion region where magnetic reconnection occurs and charged particles are demagnetized. The MMS orbit is optimized to ensure the spacecraft spend extended periods of time in locations where reconnection is known to occur: at the dayside magnetopause and in the magnetotail. In order to resolve fine structures of the three dimensional electron distributions in the diffusion region (reconnection site), the Fast Plasma Investigation's (FPI) Dual Electron Spectrometer (DES) is designed to measure three dimensional electron velocity distributions with an extremely high time resolution of 30 ms. In order to achieve this unprecedented sampling rate, four dual spectrometers, each sampling 180 x 45 degree sections of the sky, are installed on each spacecraft. We present results of the comprehensive tests performed on the DES Engineering & Test Unit (ETU). This includes main parameters of the spectrometer such as energy resolution, angular acceptance, and geometric factor along with their variations over the 16 pixels spanning the 180-degree tophat Electro Static Analyzer (ESA) field of view and over the energy of the test beam. A newly developed method for precisely defining the operational space of the instrument is presented as well. This allows optimization of the trade-off between pixel to pixel crosstalk and uniformity of the main spectrometer parameters
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