167 research outputs found

    A Conditional Strategy for Cell-Type-Specific Labeling of Endogenous Excitatory Synapses in Drosophila

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    Chemical neurotransmission occurs at specialized contacts where neurotransmitter release machinery apposes neurotransmitter receptors to underlie circuit function. A series of complex events underlies preand postsynaptic protein recruitment to neuronal connections. To better study synaptic development in individual neurons, we need cell-type-specific strategies to visualize endogenous synaptic proteins. Although presynaptic strategies exist, postsynaptic proteins remain less studied because of a paucity of cell-type-specific reagents. To study excitatory postsynapses with cell-type specificity, we engineered dlg1[4K], a conditionally labeled marker of Drosophila excitatory postsynaptic densities. With binary expression systems, dlg1[4K] labels central and peripheral postsynapses in larvae and adults. Using dlg1[4K], we find that distinct rules govern postsynaptic organization in adult neurons, multiple binary expression systems can concurrently label pre- and postsynapse in a cell-type-specific manner, and neuronal DLG1 can sometimes localize presynaptically. These results validate our strategy for conditional postsynaptic labeling and demonstrate principles of synaptic organization

    The Tenets of Teneurin: Conserved Mechanisms Regulate Diverse Developmental Processes in the Drosophila Nervous System

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    To successfully integrate a neuron into a circuit, a myriad of developmental events must occur correctly and in the correct order. Neurons must be born and grow out toward a destination, responding to guidance cues to direct their path. Once arrived, each neuron must segregate to the correct sub-region before sorting through a milieu of incorrect partners to identify the correct partner with which they can connect. Finally, the neuron must make a synaptic connection with their correct partner; a connection that needs to be broadly maintained throughout the life of the animal while remaining responsive to modes of plasticity and pruning. Though many intricate molecular mechanisms have been discovered to regulate each step, recent work showed that a single family of proteins, the Teneurins, regulates a host of these developmental steps in Drosophila – an example of biological adaptive reuse. Teneurins first influence axon guidance during early development. Once neurons arrive in their target regions, Teneurins enable partner matching and synapse formation in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Despite these diverse processes and systems, the Teneurins use conserved mechanisms to achieve these goals, as defined by three tenets: (1) transsynaptic interactions with each other, (2) membrane stabilization via an interaction with and regulation of the cytoskeleton, and (3) a role for presynaptic Ten-a in regulating synaptic function. These processes are further distinguished by (1) the nature of the transsynaptic interaction – homophilic interactions (between the same Teneurins) to engage partner matching and heterophilic interactions (between different Teneurins) to enable synaptic connectivity and the proper apposition of pre- and postsynaptic sites and (2) the location of cytoskeletal regulation (presynaptic cytoskeletal regulation in the CNS and postsynaptic regulation of the cytoskeleton at the NMJ). Thus, both the roles and the mechanisms governing them are conserved across processes and synapses. Here, we will highlight the contributions of Drosophila synaptic biology to our understanding of the Teneurins, discuss the mechanistic conservation that allows the Teneurins to achieve common neurodevelopmental goals, and present new data in support of these points. Finally, we will posit the next steps for understanding how this remarkably versatile family of proteins functions to control multiple distinct events in the creation of a nervous system

    SynLight: A Bicistronic Strategy for Simultaneous Active Zone and Cell Labeling in the Drosophila Nervous System

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    At synapses, chemical neurotransmission mediates the exchange of information between neurons, leading to complex movement, behaviors, and stimulus processing. The immense number and variety of neurons within the nervous system make discerning individual neuron populations difficult, necessitating the development of advanced neuronal labeling techniques. In Drosophila, Bruchpilot-Short and mCD8-GFP, which label presynaptic active zones and neuronal membranes, respectively, have been widely used to study synapse development and organization. This labeling is often achieved via the expression of 2 independent constructs by a single binary expression system, but expression can weaken when multiple transgenes are expressed by a single driver. Recent work has sought to circumvent these drawbacks by developing methods that encode multiple proteins from a single transcript. Self-cleaving peptides, specifically 2A peptides, have emerged as effective sequences for accomplishing this task. We leveraged 2A ribosomal skipping peptides to engineer a construct that produces both Bruchpilot-Short-mStraw and mCD8-GFP from the same mRNA, which we named SynLight. Using SynLight, we visualized the putative synaptic active zones and membranes of multiple classes of olfactory, visual, and motor neurons and observed the correct separation of signal, confirming that both proteins are being generated separately. Furthermore, we demonstrate proof of principle by quantifying synaptic puncta number and neurite volume in olfactory neurons and finding no difference between the synapse densities of neurons expressing SynLight or neurons expressing both transgenes separately. At the neuromuscular junction, we determined that the synaptic puncta number labeled by SynLight was comparable to the endogenous puncta labeled by antibody staining. Overall, SynLight is a versatile tool for examining synapse density in any nervous system region of interest and allows new questions to be answered about synaptic development and organization

    A new look at an old well-being construct: evaluating the psychometric properties of 9, 5, and 1-item versions of emotional exhaustion metrics

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    ObjectiveTo compare the relative strengths (psychometric and convergent validity) of four emotional exhaustion (EE) measures: 9- and 5-item scales and two 1-item metrics.Patients and methodsThis was a national cross-sectional survey study of 1409 US physicians in 2013. Psychometric properties were compared using Cronbach’s alpha, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), and Spearman’s Correlations. Convergent validity with subjective happiness (SHS), depression (CES-D10), work-life integration (WLI), and intention to leave current position (ITL) was assessed using Spearman’s Correlations and Fisher’s R-to-Z.ResultsThe 5-item EE scale correlated highly with the 9-item scale (Spearman’s rho = 0.828), demonstrated excellent internal reliability (alpha = 0.87), and relative to the 9-item, exhibited superior CFA model fit (RMSEA = 0.082, CFI = 0.986, TLI = 0.972). The 5-item EE scale correlated as highly as the 9-item scale with SHS, CES-D10, and WLI, and significantly stronger than the 9-item scale to ITL. Both 1-item EE metrics had significantly weaker correlation with SHS, CES-D10, WLI, and ITL (Fisher’s R-to-Z; p < 0.05) than the 5- and 9-item EE scales.ConclusionThe 5-item EE scale was repeatedly found equivalent or superior to the 9-item version across analyses, particularly with respect to the CFA results. As there is no cost to using the briefer 5-item EE scale, the burden on respondents is smaller, and widespread access to administering and interpreting an excellent wellbeing metric is enhanced at a critical time in global wellbeing research. The single item EE metrics exhibited lower convergent validity than the 5- and 9-item scales, but are acceptable for detecting a signal of EE when using a validated EE scale is not feasible. Replication of psychometrics and open-access benchmarking results for use of the 5-tem EE scale further enhance access and utility of this metric

    Solid-phase-assisted synthesis of targeting peptide-PEG-oligo(ethane amino)amides for receptor-mediated gene delivery.

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    In the forthcoming era of cancer gene therapy, efforts will be devoted to the development of new efficient and non-toxic gene delivery vectors. In this regard, the use of Fmoc/Boc-protected oligo(ethane amino)acids as building blocks for solid-phase-supported assembly represents a novel promising approach towards fully controlled syntheses of effective gene vectors. Here we report on the synthesis of defined polymers containing the following: (i) a plasmid DNA (pDNA) binding domain of eight succinoyl-tetraethylenpentamine (Stp) units and two terminal cysteine residues; (ii) a central polyethylene glycol (PEG) chain (with twenty-four oxyethylene units) for shielding; and (iii) specific peptides for targeting towards cancer cells. Peptides B6 and c(RGDfK), which bind transferrin receptor and αvβ3 integrin, respectively, were chosen because of the high expression of these receptors in many tumoral cells. This study shows the feasibility of designing these kinds of fully controlled vectors and their success for targeted pDNA-based gene transfer

    Knowledge translation to fitness trainers: A systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study investigates approaches for translating evidence-based knowledge for use by fitness trainers. Specific questions were: Where do fitness trainers get their evidence-based information? What types of interventions are effective for translating evidence-based knowledge for use by fitness trainers? What are the barriers and facilitators to the use of evidence-based information by fitness trainers in their practice?</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We describe a systematic review of studies about knowledge translation interventions targeting fitness trainers. Fitness trainers were defined as individuals who provide exercise program design and supervision services to the public. Nurses, physicians, physiotherapists, school teachers, athletic trainers, and sport team strength coaches were excluded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 634 citations, two studies were eligible for inclusion: a survey of 325 registered health fitness professionals (66% response rate) and a qualitative study of 10 fitness instructors. Both studies identified that fitness trainers obtain information from textbooks, networking with colleagues, scientific journals, seminars, and mass media. Fitness trainers holding higher levels of education are reported to use evidence-based information sources such as scientific journals compared to those with lower education levels, who were reported to use mass media sources. The studies identified did not evaluate interventions to translate evidence-based knowledge for fitness trainers and did not explore factors influencing uptake of evidence in their practice.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Little is known about how fitness trainers obtain and incorporate new evidence-based knowledge into their practice. Further exploration and specific research is needed to better understand how emerging health-fitness evidence can be translated to maximize its use by fitness trainers providing services to the general public.</p

    Generation tourism: towards a common identity

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    The purpose of this article is to highlight the implications of the indiscipline of tourism academia for a new generation of tourism academics. Generation Tourism is characterised by scholars with a multi-disciplinary education associated with a broad field of study and commonly considered to lack the advantages of a discipline-focused education with its strong theoretical and methodological foundations. The problem this article addresses relates to how new generations of scholars and their views on knowledge creation achieve ascendancy in ways that move on from existing paradigms and earlier cohorts of scholars. Our main argument is that Generation Tourism scholars would benefit from a more clearly developed and common academic identity. To begin the critical conversation around the identity of Generation Tourism we outline five possible points of departure. These points are: (1) learning from historical developments in parent disciplines; (2) spearheading inter-disciplinary scholarship; (3) working towards theoretical developments; (4) embracing mediating methodologies and (5) forming tourism nodes and networks. Recognising these as starting points rather than final statements, we hope that the conversation about Generation Tourism identity will continue in other forums

    Methods for specifying the target difference in a randomised controlled trial : the Difference ELicitation in TriAls (DELTA) systematic review

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    Delineating the psychiatric and behavioral phenotype of recurrent 2q13 deletions and duplications

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    Recurrent deletions and duplications at the 2q13 locus have been associated with developmental delay (DD) and dysmorphisms. We aimed to undertake detailed clinical characterization of individuals with 2q13 copy number variations (CNVs), with a focus on behavioral and psychiatric phenotypes. Participants were recruited via the Unique chromosomal disorder support group, U.K. National Health Service Regional Genetics Centres, and the DatabasE of genomiC varIation and Phenotype in Humans using Ensembl Resources (DECIPHER) database. A review of published 2q13 patient case reports was undertaken to enable combined phenotypic analysis. We present a new case series of 2q13 CNV carriers (21 deletion, 4 duplication) and the largest ever combined analysis with data from published studies, making a total of 54 deletion and 23 duplication carriers. DD/intellectual disabilities was identified in the majority of carriers (79% deletion, 70% duplication), although in the new cases 52% had an IQ in the borderline or normal range. Despite the median age of the new cases being only 9 years, 64% had a clinical psychiatric diagnosis. Combined analysis found attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to be the most frequent diagnosis (48% deletion, 60% duplication), followed by autism spectrum disorders (33% deletion, 17% duplication). Aggressive (33%) and self-injurious behaviors (33%) were also identified in the new cases. CNVs at 2q13 are typically associated with DD with mildly impaired intelligence, and a high rate of childhood psychiatric diagnosesparticularly ADHD. We have further characterized the clinical phenotype related to imbalances of the 2q13 region and identified it as a region of interest for the neurobiological investigation of ADHD

    Gender Differences in Aspirin use Among Adults With Coronary Heart Disease in the United States

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    BACKGROUND: Aspirin reduces mortality for men and women with coronary heart disease (CHD). Previous research suggests women with acute coronary syndromes receive less aggressive care, including less frequent early administration of aspirin. The presence of gender differences in aspirin use for secondary prevention is less clear. OBJECTIVE: To determine if a gender difference exists in the use of aspirin for secondary prevention among individuals with CHD. DESIGN: We analyzed data from the nationally representative 2000–2002 Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys to determine the prevalence of regular aspirin use among men and women with CHD. PARTICIPANTS: Participants, 1,869, 40 years and older who reported CHD or prior myocardial infarction. RESULTS: Women were less likely than men to use aspirin regularly (62.4% vs 75.6%, p < .001) even after adjusting for demographic, socioeconomic and clinical characteristics (adjusted OR = 0.62, 95% CI, 0.48–0.79). This difference narrowed but remained significant when the analysis was limited to those without self-reported contraindications to aspirin (79.8% vs 86.4%, P = .002, adjusted OR = 0.68, 95% CI, 0.48–0.97). Women were more likely than men to report contraindications (20.5% vs 12.5%, P < .001). Differences in aspirin use were greater between women and men with private health insurance (61.8% vs 79.0%, P < .001, adjusted OR = 0.48, 95% CI, 0.35–0.67) than among those with public coverage (62.5% vs 70.7%, P = .04, adjusted OR = 0.74, 95% CI, 0.50–1.11) (P < .001 for gender–insurance interaction). CONCLUSION: We found a gender difference in aspirin use among patients with CHD not fully explained by differences in patient characteristics or reported contraindications. These findings suggest a need for improved secondary prevention of cardiovascular events for women with CHD