1,828 research outputs found

    Periodic and discrete Zak bases

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    Weyl's displacement operators for position and momentum commute if the product of the elementary displacements equals Planck's constant. Then, their common eigenstates constitute the Zak basis, each state specified by two phase parameters. Upon enforcing a periodic dependence on the phases, one gets a one-to-one mapping of the Hilbert space on the line onto the Hilbert space on the torus. The Fourier coefficients of the periodic Zak bases make up the discrete Zak bases. The two bases are mutually unbiased. We study these bases in detail, including a brief discussion of their relation to Aharonov's modular operators, and mention how they can be used to associate with the single degree of freedom of the line a pair of genuine qubits.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; displayed abstract is shortened, see the paper for the complete abstrac

    Evidence for the intense exchange of MazG in marine cyanophages by horizontal gene transfer

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    Background: S-PM2 is a phage capable of infecting strains of unicellular cyanobacteria belonging to the genus Synechococcus. S-PM2, like other myoviruses infecting marine cyanobacteria, encodes a number of bacterial-like genes. Amongst these genes is one encoding a MazG homologue that is hypothesized to be involved in the adaption of the infected host for production of progeny phage. Methodology/Principal Findings: This study focuses on establishing the occurrence of mazG homologues in other cyanophages isolated from different oceanic locations. Degenerate PCR primers were designed using the mazG gene of S-PM2. The mazG gene was found to be widely distributed and highly conserved among Synechococcus myoviruses and podoviruses from diverse oceanic provinces. Conclusions/Significance: This study provides evidence of a globally connected cyanophage gene pool, the cyanophage mazG gene having a small effective population size indicative of rapid lateral gene transfer despite being present in a substantial fraction of cyanophage. The Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus phage mazG genes do not cluster with the host mazG gene, suggesting that their primary hosts are not the source of the mazG gene

    An 11.6 Micron Keck Search For Exozodiacal Dust

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    We have begun an observational program to search nearby stars for dust disks that are analogous to the disk of zodiacal dust that fills the interior of our solar system. We imaged six nearby main-sequence stars with the Keck telescope at 11.6 microns, correcting for atmosphere-induced wavefront aberrations and deconvolving the point spread function via classical speckle analysis. We compare our data to a simple model of the zodiacal dust in our own system based on COBE/DIRBE observations and place upper limits on the density of exozodiacal dust in these systems.Comment: 10 pages, figure1, figure2, figure3, and figures 4a-

    Subsonic longitudinal and lateral-directional characteristics of a forward-swept-wing fighter configuration at angles of attack up to 47 deg

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    Subsonic lateral-direction and longitudinal characteristics of a forward-swept-wing fighter configuration were examined in wind-tunnel tests at Mach numbers of 0.2 and 0.5 for angles of attack from -7 to 47 deg. and over a sidelslip range of +/- 15 deg. The effects of a canard, strakes, vertical tail, and leading- and trailing-edge flaps are examined. The canard and strakes both reduce asymmetric moments and side forces at zero sideslip for angles of attack up to about 30 deg. The canard has a small influence on lateral-directional stability; however, strakes produce a substantial reduction in lateral stability for angles of attack greater than about 20 deg. The vertical tail improves directional stability for angles of attack up to 30 deg. Deflection of the leading-edge flap to 20 deg. at high angles of attack on the strake and canard configurations degrades lateral and directional stability. Deflection of the trailing-edge flap to 20 deg. on the canard configuration generally increases lateral and directional stability at high angles of attack. Leading- and trailing-edge flaps on the wing-body and canard configurations are effective for increased lift only for angles of attack up to about 40 deg. The leading-edge flap remains effective on the strake configuration over the entire angle-of-attack range tested

    Lepton Mixing and Cancellation of the Dirac Mass Hierarchy in SO(10) GUTs with Flavor Symmetries T7 and Sigma(81)

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    In SO(10) grand unified theories (GUTs) the hierarchy which is present in the Dirac mass term of the neutrinos is generically as strong as the one in the up-type quark mass term. We propose a mechanism to partially or completely cancel this hierarchy in the light neutrino mass matrix in the seesaw context. The two main ingredients of the cancellation mechanism are the existence of three fermionic gauge singlets and of a discrete flavor symmetry G_f which is broken at a higher scale than SO(10). Two realizations of the cancellation mechanism are presented. The realization based on the Frobenius group T7 = Z7 x Z3 leads to a partial cancellation of the hierarchy and relates maximal 2-3 lepton mixing with the geometric hierarchy of the up-quark masses. In the realization with the group Sigma(81) the cancellation is complete and tri-bimaximal lepton mixing is reproduced at the lowest order. In both cases, to fully accommodate the leptonic data we take into account additional effects such as effects of higher-dimensional operators involving more than one flavon. The heavy neutral fermion mass spectra are considered. For both realizations we analyze the flavon potential at the renormalizable level as well as ways to generate the Cabibbo angle.Comment: 31 page

    Decay of a Yukawa fermion at finite temperature and applications to leptogenesis

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    We calculate the decay rate of a Yukawa fermion in a thermal bath using finite temperature cutting rules and effective Green's functions according to the hard thermal loop resummation technique. We apply this result to the decay of a heavy Majorana neutrino in leptogenesis. Compared to the usual approach where thermal masses are inserted into the kinematics of final states, we find that deviations arise through two different leptonic dispersion relations. The decay rate differs from the usual approach by more than one order of magnitude in the temperature range which is interesting for the weak washout regime. We discuss how to arrive at consistent finite temperature treatments of leptogenesis.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Ice-age megafauna in Arctic Alaska: extinction, invasion, survival

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    Radical restructuring of the terrestrial, large mammal fauna living in arctic Alaska occurred between 14,000 and 10,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age. Steppe bison, horse, and woolly mammoth became extinct, moose and humans invaded, while muskox and caribou persisted. The ice age mega fauna was more diverse in species and possibly contained 6x more individual animals than live in the region today. Mega faunal biomass during the last ice age may have been 30x greater than present. Horse was the dominant species in terms of number of individuals. Lions, short-faced bears, wolves, and possibly grizzly bears comprised the predator/scavenger guild. The youngest mammoth so far discovered lived ca 13,800 years ago, while horses and bison persisted on the North Slope until at least 12,500 years ago during the Younger Dry as cold interval. The first people arrived on the North Slope ca 13,500 years ago. Bone-isotope measurements and foot-loading characteristics suggest mega faunal niches were segregated along a moisture gradient, with the surviving species (muskox and caribou) utilizing the warmer and moister portions of the vegetation mosaic. As the ice age ended, the moisture gradient shifted and eliminated habitats utilized by the dry land, grazing species (bison, horse, mammoth). The proximate cause for this change was regional paludification, the spread of organic soil horizons and peat. End-Pleistocene extinctions in arctic Alaska represent local, not global extinctions since the mega faunal species lost there persisted to later times elsewhere. Hunting seems unlikely as the cause of these extinctions, but it cannot be ruled out as the final blow to mega faunal populations that were already functionally extinct by the time humans arrived in the region

    Measurement in Quantum Physics

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    The conceptual problems in quantum mechanics -- related to the collapse of the wave function, the particle-wave duality, the meaning of measurement -- arise from the need to ascribe particle character to the wave function. As will be shown, all these problems dissolve when working instead with quantum fields, which have both wave and particle character. Otherwise the predictions of quantum physics, including Bell's inequalities, coincide with those of the standard treatments. The transfer of the results of the quantum measurement to the classical realm is also discussed.Comment: 34 pages, in Latex, revised and expanded version with an extra appendix on decoherenc

    A Comprehensive Mechanism Reproducing the Mass and Mixing Parameters of Quarks and Leptons

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    It is shown that if, from the starting point of a universal rank-one mass matrix long favoured by phenomenologists, one adds the assumption that it rotates (changes its orientation in generation space) with changing scale, one can reproduce, in terms of only 6 real parameters, all the 16 mass ratios and mixing parameters of quarks and leptons. Of these 16 quantities so reproduced, 10 for which data exist for direct comparison (i.e. the CKM elements including the CP-violating phase, the angles θ12,θ13,θ23\theta_{12}, \theta_{13}, \theta_{23} in ν\nu-oscillation, and the masses mc,mμ,mem_c, m_\mu, m_e) agree well with experiment, mostly to within experimental errors; 4 others (ms,mu,md,mν2m_s, m_u, m_d, m_{\nu_2}), the experimental values for which can only be inferred, agree reasonably well; while 2 others (mν1,δCPm_{\nu_1}, \delta_{CP} for leptons), not yet measured experimentally, remain as predictions. In addition, one gets as bonuses, estimates for (i) the right-handed neutrino mass mνRm_{\nu_R} and (ii) the strong CP angle θ\theta inherent in QCD. One notes in particular that the output value for sin22θ13\sin^2 2 \theta_{13} from the fit agrees very well with recent experiments. By inputting the current experimental value with its error, one obtains further from the fit 2 new testable constraints: (i) that θ23\theta_{23} must depart from its "maximal" value: sin22θ230.935±0.021\sin^2 2 \theta_{23} \sim 0.935 \pm 0.021, (ii) that the CP-violating (Dirac) phase in the PMNS would be smaller than in the CKM matrix: of order only sinδCP0.31|\sin \delta_{CP}| \leq 0.31 if not vanishing altogether.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figur

    A Submillimetre Survey of the Hubble Deep Field: Unveiling Dust-Enshrouded Star Formation in the Early Universe

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    The advent of sensitive sub-mm array cameras now allows a proper census of dust-enshrouded massive star-formation in very distant galaxies, previously hidden activity to which even the deepest optical images are insensitive. We present the deepest sub-mm survey, taken with the SCUBA camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) and centred on the Hubble Deep Field (HDF). The high source density on this image implies that the survey is confusion-limited below a flux density of 2 mJy. However within the central 80 arcsec radius independent analyses yield 5 reproducible sources with S(850um) > 2 mJy which simulations indicate can be ascribed to individual galaxies. These data lead to integral source counts which are completely inconsistent with a no evolution model, whilst the combined brightness of the 5 most secure sources in our map is sufficient to account for 30-50% of the previously unresolved sub-mm background, and statistically the entire background is resolved at about the 0.3 mJy level. Four of the five brightest sources appear to be associated with galaxies which lie in the redshift range 2 < z < 4. With the caveat that this is a small sample of sources detected in a small survey area, these submm data imply a star-formation density over this redshift range that is at least five times higher than that inferred from the rest-frame ultraviolet output of HDF galaxies.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of `The Birth of Galaxies', Xth Rencontres de Blois, 4 pages, 1 postscript figure, uses blois.sty (included