121 research outputs found

    On the properties of the concave antiprisms of second sort

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    Rad se bavi ispitivanjem geometrijskih, statičkih i dinamičkih osobina jedne poliedarske strukture nastale nabiranjem dvorednog segmenta mreže jednakostraničnih trouglova. Osnove ovih konkavnih poliedara su pravilni, identični poligoni u paralelnim ravnima, povezani nizom naizmeničnih trouglova, kao i u slučaju konveksnih antiprizmi. Postoje dve varijante savijanja ovakve mreže, pa samim tim i dva tipa konkavnih antiprizmi druge vrste (KA II) za svaku posmatranu osnovu od n=5, n=∞. U radu su razmotreni načini dobijanja tačnog položaja temena i drugih linearnih parametara ovih poliedara, uz primenu algoritma za njihovo matematičko izračunavanje. Strukturalna analiza jednog predstavnika ovih poliedara data je korišćenjem aplikacija programa SolidWorks, kako bi se ispitala mogućnost primene ovih oblika u inženjerstvu.The paper examines geometrical, static and dynamic properties of the polyhedral structures obtained by folding and creasing the two-rowed segment of equilateral triangular net. Bases of these concave polyhedra are regular, identical polygons in parallel planes, connected by the alternating series of triangles, as in the case of convex antiprisms. There are two ways of folding such a net, and therefore the two types of concave antiprisms of second sort. The paper discusses the methods of obtaining the accurate position of the vertices and other linear parameters of these polyhedra, with the use of mathematical algorithm. Structural analysis of a representative of these polyhedra is presented using the SolidWorks program applications

    Лична проза у делима Џона Максвела Куција: Дечаштво, Младост, Летње доба, Елизабет Костело и Спор човек Личная проза в произведениях Джона Максвелла Кутзее: Детство, Мoлoдoсtь, Летнее время, Элизабет Костелло и Медленный человек

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    The poetics of postmodernism exudes elasticity of genre, and the Nobel-winning author John Maxwell Coetzee embodies the concept of the author at play with the boundaries of genre so much so that in his pen, they seem non-existent at times. Famous for transcending genre when its constraints become too tight, he mashes autobiographical discourse and autofiction into an original genre for his trilogy of life-based works summed up under the umbrella of the originally-named genre – autrebiography, or biography about the “Other.” This dissertation chimes in the vibrant conversation in the social sciences about autre-biography, but also accounts for what theory has neglected to highlight in an author dedicated to hiding his private life, which is that modern autobiographical discourse mainly discovers the public persona of the author as a carefully controlled and publicized construct. By using Coetzee’s autre-biography (Scenes from Provincial Life) and the intensely metafictional selected novels Elizabeth Costello and Slow Man, I argue that the author’s authentic voice and, by extension, true self appears rather in fiction than in carefully constructed fictionalizations of the truth aimed at public consummation. By first providing a theoretical revision of personal writing in the author’s own words and in comparison to relevant theory, I move on to a close reading of the autrebiography and selected novels with a particular turn towards their respective converging and diverging subjects and narratological methods, only to conclude with a discussion on how texts both supposedly fictional and non-fictional share a narrative of the self in motion. Through a series of methods such as close reading and deconstruction of the author’s interviews and essays, as well as autre-biography and novels, the conclusions inform that Coetzee simultaneously engages in writing all these genres for years on end. This procedure implies that the subjects intriguing the author become reworked in one piece of writing or another, as his topics of interest have a tendency of repeating themselves, even if characters do not. The theory of dialogism, if applied to one’s self, proves the identities in Coetzee converse with one another, and fiction only represents the truth of that moment. My dissertation expands the range of understanding Coetzee’s work by applying the logic of dialogism to the reading of both fiction and non-fiction as truths provided at the moment of their creation, narratives, and storytelling engagement within the self that all collectively provide insight into the author’s voice – Coetzee represents the embodiment of all his protagonist and characters not only of the select few, and especially not only of the one in his quasi-autobiographies.Поетика постмодернизма одише еластичношћу жанра, а нобеловац Џон Максвел Куци јесте отелотворење аутора који се поиграва границама жанра толико да у његовом перу оне понекад изгледају непостојеће. Познат по превазилажењу чврстих ограничења жанра, он спаја аутобиографски дискурс и аутофикцију у оригинални жанр за своју трилогију животно заснованих дела сажетих под кишобран жанра који он назива „аутобиографија о другоме”. Ова дисертација допринос је живописном разговору који се у друштвеним наукама води о „аутобиографији о другоме”, али такође покушава да укаже на оно што је теорија занемарила да истакне код аутора посвећеног скривању свог приватног живота, а то је да савремени аутобиографски дискурс углавном открива јавну личност аутора као пажљиво контролисан конструкт у јавности. Користећи Куцијева дела из „аутобиографије о другоме” (Сцене из провинцијског живота) и посебно метафикционалне одабране романе Елизабет Костело и Спор човек, доносим претпоставку да се прави ауторов глас и самим тим истинско сопство појављује пре у фикцији него у пажљиво конструисаној фикционализацији истине усмереној на потребе јавности. У раду сам прво покушала да укажем на оквире релевантних теорија о личној прози и представим ауторове личне ставове на ту тему. Потом сам се упустила у помно читање одабраних „аутобиографија о другоме”, посебно упућујући пажњу ка њиховим тачкама слагања и неслагања и наратолошким методама, како бих дошла до закључка да текстови, и наводно измишљени и истинити, деле наратив о сопству које се стално мења. Коришћењем метода попут пажљивог читања и деконструкције ауторових интервјуа и есеја, као и личне прозе и романа, долазимо до закључка да се Куци истовремено бави писањем свих ових жанрова. Овим поступаком се уочава да теме које интригирају аутора јесу прерађене у једном или другом делу, јер његове теме од интереса имају тенденцију да се понављају, чак и ако се ликови не понављају. Теорија дијалогизма, ако се примени на сопство, доказује да идентитети код Куција разговарају један са другим, а фикција само представља истину тог тренутка. Дисертацијом смо покушали да проширимо опсег разумевања Куцијевих дела применом логике дијалогизма на читање фикције и нефикције као истинe којa се пружа у тренутку стварања, наратива и приповедачког ангажовања унутар сопства, а која заједнички пружа увид у ауторски глас – Куци представља оличење свих његових протагониста и ликова не само неколицине одабраних, а посебно не само једног у његовим квази-аутобиографијама

    New Data on the Stratigraphic Position, Mineralogy and Chemistry of Nanos Bauxite Deposits and Adjacent Carbonate Rocks, Slovenia

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    The bauxite deposits occur along the Lower Kimmeridgian-Upper Kimmeridgian contact in the Nanos area. The main bauxite minerals are boehmite and gibbsite. The Nanos deposits are an example of bauxites deriving from limestone residuum, aeolian material and alluvium. Some Jurassic marly, calcareous rocks proved relatively high in alumina, iron and silica, and are probably a significant source of bauxite material. The Nanos bauxites are compared with late Jurassic bauxites from the western Istria

    Komparativna analiza tumora sjemenika pasa upotrebom histopatološke pretrage i metodom protočne citometrije

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    Tumori sjemenika pasa najčešći su tumori spolnog sustava te među najčešćim tumorima pasa uopće. Većinom se dijagnosticiraju u kasnijoj fazi, kada dođe do povećanja sjemenika, te se u svrhu liječenja obavlja kastracija nakon koje se postavlja dijagnoza na temelju histopatološke pretrage. U ovom je istraživanju provedena histopatološka analiza i klasifikacija arhiviranih uzoraka najčešćih tumora sjemenika pasa (9 uzoraka) i jednog uzorka nepromijenjenog sjemenika, te je provedena analiza DNK metodom protočne citometrije. Provedenom komparativnom analizom nastojala se utvrditi korelacija između tipova tumora i rezultata protočne citometrije, tj. jesu li promjene u genetičkim ili fizikalnim svojstvima tumorskih stanica povezane s histološkim tipom tumora. Utvrđeno je da je histopatološka pretraga objektivna dijagnostička metoda za razlikovanje pojedinih tipova tumora sjemenika u pasa. Dobiveni rezultati protočne citometrije, iako nisu bili dostatni i dovoljno precizni za donošenje definitivnog zaključka o karakteristikama istraživanih neoplastičnih promjena, pokazuju da je primjenom protočne citometrije na uzorcima sjemenika pasa moguće dobiti nove informacije o svojstvima stanica. Kako bi se protočna citometrija i njezini rezultati mogli objektivnije analizirati te koristiti u dijagnostici neoplazija testisa u pasa, potrebno je optimizirati i standardizirati metodu te postaviti detaljne dijagnostičke kriterije, za što je potrebno provesti istraživanje na znatno većem broju uzoraka tumorozno promijenjenih i patološki nepromijenjenih sjemenika. Metoda protočne citometrije može pomoći u dijagnostici tumora sjemenika pasa, osobito ako je kombinirana s do sada uhodanim metodama pretrage kao što je histopatološka analiza tumora sjemenika

    Portable Air Quality Monitor Based on Low-Cost Sensors

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    A geometric network model of intrinsic grey-matter connectivity of the human brain

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    Network science provides a general framework for analysing the large-scale brain networks that naturally arise from modern neuroimaging studies, and a key goal in theoretical neuro- science is to understand the extent to which these neural architectures influence the dynamical processes they sustain. To date, brain network modelling has largely been conducted at the macroscale level (i.e. white-matter tracts), despite growing evidence of the role that local grey matter architecture plays in a variety of brain disorders. Here, we present a new model of intrinsic grey matter connectivity of the human connectome. Importantly, the new model incorporates detailed information on cortical geometry to construct ‘shortcuts’ through the thickness of the cortex, thus enabling spatially distant brain regions, as measured along the cortical surface, to communicate. Our study indicates that structures based on human brain surface information differ significantly, both in terms of their topological network characteristics and activity propagation properties, when compared against a variety of alternative geometries and generative algorithms. In particular, this might help explain histological patterns of grey matter connectivity, highlighting that observed connection distances may have arisen to maximise information processing ability, and that such gains are consistent with (and enhanced by) the presence of short-cut connections

    Distinct and dissociable EEG networks are associated with recovery of cognitive function following anesthesia-induced unconsciousness

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    The temporal trajectories and neural mechanisms of recovery of cognitive function after a major perturbation of consciousness is of both clinical and neuroscientific interest. The purpose of the present study was to investigate network-level changes in functional brain connectivity associated with the recovery and return of six cognitive functions after general anesthesia. High-density electroencephalograms (EEG) were recorded from healthy volunteers undergoing a clinically relevant anesthesia protocol (propofol induction and isoflurane maintenance), and age-matched healthy controls. A battery of cognitive tests (motor praxis, visual object learning test, fractal-2-back, abstract matching, psychomotor vigilance test, digital symbol substitution test) was administered at baseline, upon recovery of consciousness (ROC), and at half-hour intervals up to 3 h following ROC. EEG networks were derived using the strength of functional connectivity measured through the weighted phase lag index (wPLI). A partial least squares (PLS) analysis was conducted to assess changes in these networks: (1) between anesthesia and control groups; (2) during the 3-h recovery from anesthesia; and (3) for each cognitive test during recovery from anesthesia. Networks were maximally perturbed upon ROC but returned to baseline 30-60 min following ROC, despite deficits in cognitive performance that persisted up to 3 h following ROC. Additionally, during recovery from anesthesia, cognitive tests conducted at the same time-point activated distinct and dissociable functional connectivity networks across all frequency bands. The results highlight that the return of cognitive function after anesthetic-induced unconsciousness is task-specific, with unique behavioral and brain network trajectories of recovery

    BOB-RED queue management for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor networks

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    This study is aimed at exploring why many economists propose a transfer scheme and debt mutualisation for the Eurozone. This would equip the Eurozone with better tools to deal with an economic shock, like the 2010-2012 sovereign debt crisis, thus making it more financially stable. After the theoretical presentation, the study presents a unique institutional design with an EU Treasury that manages debt mutualisation and a transfer scheme as well as other competences that address other present economic challenges. Crucial to the study are the issues of moral hazard and adverse selection that arise when thinking of European economic integration.L’objectiu del treball és explorar la raó per la qual molts economistes proposen un sistema de transferències fiscals i la mutualització del deute a l’Eurozona. Així se la dotaria amb eines més efectives per pal·liar un xoc econòmic, com la crisi del deute sobirà del 2010-2012. A continuació, es presenta un disseny institucional únic d’un Tresor de l’Euro que gestionaria les competències esmentades (i d’altres) per combatre alguns dels reptes econòmics actuals. El risc moral i de selecció adversa, qüestions que sorgeixen en pensar la drecera que ha de prendre la integració econòmica Europea, són cabdals per aquest estudi