15 research outputs found

    Gender differences in clinical profile and risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea in a public health care setting

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    Background: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome is an increasingly prevalent chronic condition which is, unfortunately, still underdiagnosed. It is peculiarity of this noisy disease that it announces itself to everyone within earshot-except its victims. The intermittent hypoxemia and sleep fragmentation caused by recurrent episodes of upper airway collapse are chiefly responsible for the pathophysiology associated with this condition.Methods: The present study was carried out from January 2014 to August 2015 in a tertiary care government hospital. In this comparative hospital based study 94 patients with Sleep Disordered Breathing and >13 years of age were included. There were 58 males and 36 females in the present study. All patients who satisfied inclusion criteria were studied after taking written consent. Collection of data was carried out with predesigned proforma.Results: Of all the 94 patients who underwent overnight Polysomnographic study,80 patients were diagnosed as Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Risk factor of OSA have gender differences in their distribution. Female patient is older with significantly higher mean age compared to male patients with OSA (52.9 vs 44.7 years). Females are having significantly higher BMI compared to male OSA(38.2 vs 31.5) but neck circumference is higher in males (44.7 Vs 38.1 cm).The prevalence of Smoking and Alcoholism as a risk factor is higher in male patients while endocrine disorder are more common in females. ENT abnormalities are present more or less equally in both the sexes.Conclusions: In the present study females’ patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea were mainly Older, Obese, Postmenopausal and endocrine disorder like Hypothyroidism were more prevalent while male patients were Smoker, Alcoholic and had higher neck circumference

    Study of Oxidative Stress in Relation with Antioxidant Status in Chronic Bronchitis

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    Lipid peroxide plays an important role in inflammatory lung diseases. Increased epithelial permeability produced by cigarette smoke is likely to be mediated though depletion of the Total Antioxidant Capacity .Oxidative stress has been recognized as a central feature of smoke induced chronic bronchitis. Imbalance between oxidants and Total Anioxidant Capacity is also an established fact in these patients. 60 patients with chronic bronchitis included in the study. Their base line clinical examination, malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide, alpha tochopherol and Total Antioxidant Capacity were measured. 100 healthy non-smokers’ were served as controls. The mean malondialdehyde levels and nitric oxide in the patients at base line were higher than Controls (p<0.001). Plasma alpha-tocopherol and total antioxidant capacity were lower (p<0.001) in the patients compared to controls. The present study shows that initially the plasma lipid peroxide (MDA) levels were high and antioxidants. (alpha- tocopherol, total antioxidant capacity) were low in patients with chronic bronchitis. Our results suggest the presence of oxidative stress and decrease in total antioxidant capacity in chronic bronchitis.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijphs.v1i1.52


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    Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of Charakokta sauvarchaladi churna and Theo-asthalin in Shwas”, it aimed at evaluating the efficacy of Sauvarchaladi Churna in Shwas. Materials and Methods: A study was conducted and 60 patients were randomly selected of Shwas, attending OPD or IPD department of Kayachikitsa OPD was included in study and divided into 2 groups. In Group A 30 patients were selected and trial drug was advocated in a dose of 3gm twice a day with Koshna Jal as Anupana. In Group B 30 patients were selected, Tab Theo-Asthalin was given twice a day. Treatment was given for 30 days with the result assessment recorded at every 5 days. Subjective and objective parameters were analyzed before and after the treatment. In subjective parameters Pinasa, Kasa veg, Kapha Sthivan, Shwas Veg gati, Asino Labhate Saukhyam, Ghurghurakam, while ESR, Chest Expansion, Breath holding time and Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) are considered as objective parameters. Results: Effect of the Sauverchaladi churn (Group A) and Tab. Theo-Asthalin (Group B) on symptoms observed in Shwas is statistically proved to be significant. But on comparison between two groups, group A is more effective in reducing the symptoms Kasa veg, Kapha Sthivan, Shwas Veg gati, Asino Labhate Saukhyam. In reducing the symptoms Pinasa and Ghurghurakam there is no significant difference between two groups i.e. both groups are equally effective. It was observed that total percentage of relief in symptoms in Group A is 75.24%, whereas in Group B it was found 63.86%. It shows that Group A therapy of Saauvarchaladi churna is more effective in relieving symptoms of Shwas. Conclusion: Comparison between two groups was statistically evaluated by chi- square test. The Chi-square value 7.929 at 2 degrees of freedom, P<0.001 which is statistically highly significant which suggest that Group A was more effective than Group B

    Study of Oxidative Stress in Relation with Antioxidant Status in Chronic Bronchitis

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    Lipid peroxide plays an important role in inflammatory lung diseases. Increased epithelial permeability produced by cigarette smoke is likely to be mediated though depletion of the Total Antioxidant Capacity .Oxidative stress has been recognized as a central feature of smoke induced chronic bronchitis. Imbalance between oxidants and Total Anioxidant Capacity is also an established fact in these patients. 60 patients with chronic bronchitis included in the study. Their base line clinical examination, malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide, alpha tochopherol and Total Antioxidant Capacity were measured. 100 healthy non-smokers\u27 were served as controls. The mean malondialdehyde levels and nitric oxide in the patients at base line were higher than Controls (p<0.001). Plasma alpha-tocopherol and total antioxidant capacity were lower (p<0.001) in the patients compared to controls. The present study shows that initially the plasma lipid peroxide (MDA) levels were high and antioxidants. (alpha- tocopherol, total antioxidant capacity) were low in patients with chronic bronchitis. Our results suggest the presence of oxidative stress and decrease in total antioxidant capacity in chronic bronchitis

    Study and Survey on Gesture Recognition Systems

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    In recent years, there has been a considerable amount of research in the Gesture Recognition domain, mainly owing to the technological advancements in Computer Vision. Various new applications have been conceptualised and developed in this field. This paper discusses the implementation of gesture recognition systems in multiple sectors such as gaming, healthcare, home appliances, industrial robots, and virtual reality. Different methodologies for capturing gestures are compared and contrasted throughout this survey. Various data sources and data acquisition techniques have been discussed. The role of gestures in sign language has been studied and existing approaches have been reviewed. Common challenges faced while building gesture recognition systems have also been explored.Comment: 6 pages, accepted at the ICCUBEA, IEEE 2023 conferenc


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    Any abnormality in Rutuchakra (menstrual rhythm) leads excessive and irregular uterine bleeding which is known as “Asrugdara” in classical text. In routine practice of Striroga and Prasutitantra number of patients present with excessive and irregular bleeding vaginally. To study the effect of Sharpunkhamulachurna with Tandulodak in Asrugdara. Asrugdara gives rise to various systemic and psychological disorders which needs treatment. 30 patients were diagnosed with symptoms of Asrugdara attending OPD of our institute and fulfilling criteria are taken for the study. A special proforma was prepared with all points of history taking, physical signs and symptoms and lab. Investigations. The parameters were scored on the basis of standard methods of statistical analysis.In the study, Artavapraman shows 78.8% of relief, Rajastarvaavadhi shows 49.0% of relief, Daha shows 36.9% of relief, Adhoudarshula shows 59.2% of relief, interval between 2 cycle shows 0% of relief, consistency of bleeding shows 44.8% of relief, Varna shows 41.1% of relief and by wilcoxon test it is found that it is highly significant. So it can be concluded that efficacy of Sharpunkhamula churna is significant in Asrugdara on this symptom.Among the available treatment for Asrugdara, Sharpunkhamulachurna is beneficial in curing the vitiated Doshas. The treatment which includes Sharpunkhamulachurna which have been used based on their properties like Tikta and Kashayarasatmak which helps in Stambankarma, it is also Vatakaphaghna - all these objectives are fulfilled to the greater extent


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    Ergonomics, the science that studies human stress and strain related to activities, has one primary objective-to prevent work related musculoskeletal disorders, or symptoms that aggravate these disorders. Repeated unnatural, deviated or inadequate working postures, forceful hand movements, inadequate equipment or workplace designs and inappropriate work patterns are likely to be the particular risk factors. The application of ergonomics to dentistry, or dento-ergonomics, can increase efficiency and prevent injury. Among the factors that need to be considered are the height and reach of staff members, the equipment being used and the distribution of tasks. By implementing the theories of ergonomics, dental care providers can prolong their interest and commitment to dentistry by making difficult or even painful tasks less stressful. The paper shows that ergonomics can have a large impact on the effectiveness of dental health care delivery systems. So we suggest the idea that the study of ergonomics should be included in the dental curriculum


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    This is a case study of Latakaranja in PCOS. PCOS (Polycystic Ovarion Syndrome) is heterogeneous disorder of unknown etiology affecting 5 to 10% women of reproductive age group. It is the disorder that affect the reproductive, endocrine and metabolic system. Also it is most common cause of infertility. Ayurvedic treatment of PCOS is specific to the individual. In majority of women with PCOS, there is a strong Kapha component. They often struggle with mysterious weight gain i.e., hard to lose even while maintaining light diet, healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. According to Ayurveda Latakaranja is Laghu, Ruksha, Ushna veeryatmaka and Kaphavatghna. A female pt of 23 years old was diagnosed with PCOS on the basis of clinical features and USG findings. This study was carried out on O.P.D. basis. Latakaranja vati of 500 mg. twice daily after meal with Koshna jala for 6 months. After three months complaints of pt like irregular, scanty menstrual bleeding, lower abdominal pain got reduced. It can be concluded that Latakaranja can be used for regulation of menstrual cycles and other complaints in PCOS