54 research outputs found

    Multi-objective optimal power flow based gray wolf optimization method

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    Introduction. One of predominant problems in energy systems is the economic operation of electric energy generating systems. In this paper, one a new evolutionary optimization approach, based on the behavior of meta-heuristic called grey wolf optimization is applied to solve the single and multi-objective optimal power flow and emission index problems. Problem. The optimal power flow are non-linear and non-convex very constrained optimization problems. Goal is to minimize an objective function necessary for a best balance between the energy production and its consumption, which is presented as a nonlinear function, taking into account of the equality and inequality constraints. Methodology. The grey wolf optimization algorithm is a nature inspired comprehensive optimization method, used to determine the optimal values of the continuous and discrete control variables. Practical value. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method have been examined and tested on the standard IEEE 30-bus test system with multi-objective optimization problem. The results of proposed method have been compared and validated with hose known references published recently. Originality. The results are promising and show the effectiveness and robustness of proposed approach.Вступ. Однією з головних проблем енергетичних системах є економічна експлуатація систем виробництва електроенергії. У цій статті один новий підхід до еволюційної оптимізації, заснований на поведінці метаевристики, яка називається оптимізацією сірого вовка, застосовується для вирішення одно- та багатокритеріальних завдань оптимального потоку потужності та індексу викидів. Проблема. Оптимальний потік потужності - це нелінійні та неопуклі задачі оптимізації з дуже обмеженнями. Метою є мінімізація цільової функції, необхідної для найкращого балансу між виробництвом та споживанням енергії, яка представлена у вигляді нелінійної функції з урахуванням обмежень рівності та нерівності. Методологія. Алгоритм оптимізації сірого вовка - це натхненний природою комплексний метод оптимізації, що використовується для визначення оптимальних значень безперервних і дискретних змінних, що управляють. Практична цінність. Ефективність та надійність запропонованого методу були перевірені та протестовані на стандартній 30-шинній тестовій системі IEEE із завданням багатокритеріальної оптимізації. Результати запропонованого методу були зіставлені та підтверджені нещодавно опублікованими відомими посиланнями. Оригінальність. Результати є багатообіцяючими та показують ефективність та надійність запропонованого підходу.

    Fuzzy extended Kalman filter for dynamic mobile localization in urban area using wireless network

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    The problem of accurate mobile positioning in cellular network is very challenging and still subject to intensive research, especially given the uncertainty pervading the signal strength measurements. This paper advocates the use of fuzzy based reasoning in conjunction with Kalman filtering like approach in order to enhance the localization accuracy. The methodology uses TEMS Investigation software to retrieve network information including signal strength and cell-identities of various base transmitter stations (BTS). The distances from the mobile station (MS) to each BTS are therefore generated using Walfish-Ikigami radio propagation model. The performances of the established hybrid estimator −fuzzy extended Kalman filter (FEKF)- are compared with extended Kalman filter approach and fuzzy-control based approach. Both simulation and real-time testing results demonstrate the feasibility and superiority of the FEKF localization based approach

    Proteomics and the search for welfare and stress biomarkers in animal production in the one-health context

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    Stress and welfare are important factors in animal production in the context of growing production optimization and scrutiny by the general public. In a context in which animal and human health are intertwined aspects of the one-health concept it is of utmost importance to define the markers of stress and welfare. These are important tools for producers, retailers, regulatory agents and ultimately consumers to effectively monitor and assess the welfare state of production animals. Proteomics is the science that studies the proteins existing in a given tissue or fluid. In this review we address this topic by showing clear examples where proteomics has been used to study stress-induced changes at various levels. We adopt a multi-species (cattle, swine, small ruminants, poultry, fish and shellfish) approach under the effect of various stress inducers (handling, transport, management, nutritional, thermal and exposure to pollutants) clearly demonstrating how proteomics and systems biology are key elements to the study of stress and welfare in farm animals and powerful tools for animal welfare, health and productivity

    Measurement and analysis of nuclear γ-ray production cross sections in proton interactions with Mg, Si, and Fe nuclei abundant in astrophysical sites over the incident energy range E = 30–66 MeV

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    The modeling of nuclear γ -ray line emission induced by highly accelerated particles in astrophysical sites (e.g., solar flares, the gas and dust in the inner galaxy) and the comparison with observed emissions from these sites needs a comprehensive database of related production cross sections. The most important reactions of protons and α particles are those with abundant target elements like C, O, N, Ne, Mg, Si, and Fe at projectile energies extending from the reaction threshold to a few hundred MeV per nucleon. In this work, we have measured γ -ray production cross section excitation functions for 30, 42, 54, and 66 MeV proton beams accelerated onto nat C , C + O (Mylar), nat Mg , nat Si , and 56 Fe targets of astrophysical interest at the Separated Sector Cyclotron (SSC) of iThemba LABS (near Cape Town, South Africa). The AFRODITE array equipped with eight Compton suppressed high-purity (HPGe) clover detectors was used to record γ -ray line energy spectra. For known, intense lines previously reported experimental data measured up to E p ≃ 25 MeV at the Washington and Orsay tandem accelerators were thus extended to higher proton energies. Our experimental data for the last three targets are reported here and discussed with respect to previous data and to the Murphy et al. compilation [Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 183, 142 (2009)]

    Monitoring of steel-concrete bond using pull-out test with the acoustic emission technique

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    Cracking in reinforced concrete structure is of major concern since it may impact their durability and their structural integrity. Cracking is mainly influenced by the stress distribution along the interface between steel and concrete which is responsible of transferring load from steel bar to the surrounding matrix. Thus, quantitative evaluation of the influence of steel-concrete bond on the fracture properties is important. An experimental investigation on pull-out and tensile tests on reinforced concrete ties is reported in this study. Pull-out and tensile tests are conducted on cubic specimens with different reinforcement diameters of high adhesion in parallel with a continuous monitoring using the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique and the Digital Image Correlation (DIC). The AE technique allows real time monitoring of the fracturing stages and can provide useful information about the location of defects and damage characteristics. Two failure modes are observed according to the steel bar section: concrete cover splitting and pull out with damage concentrated near the concrete rebar interface. The results show a good correlation between the loading force and the AE activity with AE signal of different characteristics indicating different active fracture mechanisms. The order of apparition of cracks, their width and their spacing was also measured in correlation with the loading level for short ties with different lengths and bar diameters. In addition, the location of AE events is consistent with the actual crack development

    Monitoring of steel-concrete bond using pull-out test with the acoustic emission technique

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    International audienceCracking in reinforced concrete structure is of major concern since it may impact their durability and their structural integrity. Cracking is mainly influenced by the stress distribution along the interface between steel and concrete which is responsible of transferring load from steel bar to the surrounding matrix. Thus, quantitative evaluation of the influence of steel-concrete bond on the fracture properties is important. An experimental investigation on pull-out and tensile tests on reinforced concrete ties is reported in this study. Pull-out and tensile tests are conducted on cubic specimens with different reinforcement diameters of high adhesion in parallel with a continuous monitoring using the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique and the Digital Image Correlation (DIC). The AE technique allows real time monitoring of the fracturing stages and can provide useful information about the location of defects and damage characteristics. Two failure modes are observed according to the steel bar section: concrete cover splitting and pull out with damage concentrated near the concrete rebar interface. The results show a good correlation between the loading force and the AE activity with AE signal of different characteristics indicating different active fracture mechanisms. The order of apparition of cracks, their width and their spacing was also measured in correlation with the loading level for short ties with different lengths and bar diameters. In addition, the location of AE events is consistent with the actual crack development

    Thickness dependence of dielectric properties in sub-nanometric Al2O3/ZnO laminates

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    International audienceIn recent years, laminates consisting of alternating layers of two binary oxides with layer thicknesses below 1 nm have attracted attention for their high dielectric constant values, reaching values of about 1000 in the case of Al2O3/TiO2 sub-nanometric laminates. This excellent dielectric performance of the sub-nanometric laminates relies on the Maxwell Wagner (MW) relaxation, exploiting the blocking of the mobile charge carriers of the semiconducting TiO2 at the interface with Al2O3. In this work, we explore the possibilities of enhancing the dielectric constant by MW relaxation in amorphous sub-nanometric laminates of Al2O3/ZnO. We demonstrate that the sublayer thickness and the interface of individual layers define the apparent dielectric constant of the laminates. In addition or further understanding, simulations and equivalent circuit analysis of the sub-nanometric laminates were conducted

    Thickness dependence of dielectric properties in sub-nanometric Al2O3/ZnO laminates

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    International audienceIn recent years, laminates consisting of alternating layers of two binary oxides with layer thicknesses below 1 nm have attracted attention for their high dielectric constant values, reaching values of about 1000 in the case of Al2O3/TiO2 sub-nanometric laminates. This excellent dielectric performance of the sub-nanometric laminates relies on the Maxwell Wagner (MW) relaxation, exploiting the blocking of the mobile charge carriers of the semiconducting TiO2 at the interface with Al2O3. In this work, we explore the possibilities of enhancing the dielectric constant by MW relaxation in amorphous sub-nanometric laminates of Al2O3/ZnO. We demonstrate that the sublayer thickness and the interface of individual layers define the apparent dielectric constant of the laminates. In addition or further understanding, simulations and equivalent circuit analysis of the sub-nanometric laminates were conducted

    Thickness dependence of dielectric properties in sub-nanometric Al2O3/ZnO laminates

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    International audienceIn recent years, laminates consisting of alternating layers of two binary oxides with layer thicknesses below 1 nm have attracted attention for their high dielectric constant values, reaching values of about 1000 in the case of Al2O3/TiO2 sub-nanometric laminates. This excellent dielectric performance of the sub-nanometric laminates relies on the Maxwell Wagner (MW) relaxation, exploiting the blocking of the mobile charge carriers of the semiconducting TiO2 at the interface with Al2O3. In this work, we explore the possibilities of enhancing the dielectric constant by MW relaxation in amorphous sub-nanometric laminates of Al2O3/ZnO. We demonstrate that the sublayer thickness and the interface of individual layers define the apparent dielectric constant of the laminates. In addition or further understanding, simulations and equivalent circuit analysis of the sub-nanometric laminates were conducted

    Use of PCR, IFAT and in vitro

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    The aim of this study was to assess the use of parasitological, serological and molecular methods for the detection of Leishmania infection in blood of 67 dogs and to investigate the prevalence of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) in Kairouan (central Tunisia), an area known to be of reduced endemicity and has not been studied since 1973. Veterinarians clinically examined all dogs, and the titer of anti-Leishmania antibodies was determined by indirect immune-fluorescence antibody test. The presence of Leishmania was performed by PCR and in vitro culture. IFAT was positive in 12% of dogs and promastigote form of the parasite was isolated by in vitro culture from only 4.5% of them. However, DNA of Leishmania was detected by PCR in 20.9% of dogs. PCR was more sensitive than IFAT (p = 0.004) and in vitro culture (p < 10–5). A prevalence of 21% was found in Kairouan, which is significant high (p < 10–3) when compared to that of thirty years ago. This state is in correlation with the increase in other Mediterranean countries. Furthermore, 50% of positive dogs were asymptomatic. Preventive measures must be taken against these dogs as for symptomatic ones since their role in the transmission of the infection to vectors has been proven