535 research outputs found

    Early maternal experience shapes offspring performance in the wild

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    Both the environments experienced by a mother as a juvenile and an adult can affect her investment in offspring. However, the implications of these maternal legacies, both juvenile and adult, for offspring fitness in natural populations are unclear. We investigated whether the juvenile growth rate and adult reproductive traits (length, body condition, and reproductive investment at spawning) of female wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were related to the growth and survival of their offspring. Adult salmon captured on their upstream migration were used to create experimental full-sib clutches of eggs, which were mixed and then placed in artificial nests in a natural stream that lacked salmon due to a migration barrier. Four months later we resampled the stream to obtain family-level estimates of offspring size and survival. Mothers that had grown slowly as juveniles (as determined by scalimetry) but had invested heavily in reproduction (egg production for a given body length) and were in relatively poor body condition (somatic mass for a given body length) at spawning produced the largest eggs. Larger eggs resulted in larger juveniles and higher juvenile survival. However, after controlling for egg size, offspring growth was positively related to maternal juvenile growth rate and reproductive investment. The predictors of offspring survival (i.e., reproductive success) varied with the juvenile growth rate of the mother: If females grew slowly as juveniles, their reproductive success was negatively related to their own body condition. In contrast, the reproductive success of females that grew quickly as juveniles was instead related positively to their own body condition. Our results show that maternal influences on offspring in the wild can be complex, with reproductive success related to the early life performance of the mother, as well as her state at the time of breeding

    Interactions between parental traits, environmental harshness and growth rate in determining telomere length in wild juvenile salmon

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    A larger body size confers many benefits, such as increased reproductive success, ability to evade predators and increased competitive ability and social status. However, individuals rarely maximise their growth rates, suggesting that this carries costs. One such cost could be faster attrition of the telomeres that cap the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes and play an important role in chromosome protection. A relatively short telomere length is indicative of poor biological state, including poorer tissue and organ performance, reduced potential longevity and increased disease susceptibility. Telomere loss during growth may also be accelerated by environmental factors, but these have rarely been subjected to experimental manipulation in the natural environment. Using a wild system involving experimental manipulations of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in Scottish streams, we found that telomere length in juvenile fish was influenced by parental traits and by direct environmental effects. We found that faster-growing fish had shorter telomeres and there was a greater cost (in terms of reduced telomere length) if the growth occurred in a harsher environment. We also found a positive association between offspring telomere length and the growth history of their fathers (but not mothers), represented by the number of years fathers had spent at sea. This suggests that there may be long term consequences of growth conditions and parental life history for individual longevity

    Recent advances in telemetry for estimating the energy metabolism of wild fishes

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    Metabolic rate is a critical factor in animal biology and ecology, providing an objective measure that can be used in attributing a cost to different activities and to assessing what animals do against some optimal behaviour. Ideally, metabolic rate would be estimated directly by measuring heat output but, until recently, this has not been easily tractable with shes so instead metabolic rate is usually esti- mated using indirect methods. In the laboratory, oxygen consumption rate is the indirect method most frequently used for estimating metabolic rate, but technical requirements preclude the measurement of either heat output or oxygen consumption rate in free-ranging shes. There are other eld methods for estimating metabolic rate that can be used with mammals and birds but, again, these cannot be used with shes. Here, the use of electronic devices that record body acceleration in three dimensions (accelerometry) is considered. Accelerometry is a comparatively new telemetric method for assessing energy metabolism in animals. Correlations between dynamic body acceleration (DBA) and oxygen consumption rate demonstrate that this will be a useful proxy for estimating activity-speci c energy expenditure from shes in mesocosm or eld studies over extended periods where other methods (e.g. oxygen consumption rate) are not feasible. DBA therefore has potential as a valuable tool for attribut- ing cost to different activities. This could help in gaining a full picture of how shes make energy-based trade-offs between different levels of activity when faced with con icting or competing demands aris- ing from increased and combined environmental stressors

    Dive angles for a green turtle (Chelonia mydas)

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    The depth and swim speed of a green turtle (Chelonia mydas) were measured during the internesting period in Cyprus. For dives to the seabed (U-dives) we used these data to determine dive angles. Typically the turtle initially descended at a steep angle ([similar]60°) but as the dive continued this angle lessened until the turtle approached the seabed at an average angle of [similar]15°. This systematic change in descent angle is consistent with the prediction that the energetic implications of dive angle are most important at the start of the dive when the turtle is fighting to overcome its positive buoyancy. On leaving the seabed, the turtle often seemed to rise passively

    Clouds, shadows, or twilight? Mayfly nymphs recognise the difference

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    1. We examined the relative changes in light intensity that initiate night-time locomotor activity changes in nymphs of the mayfly, Stenonema modestum (Heptageniidae). Tests were carried out in a laboratory stream to examine the hypothesis that nymphs increase their locomotion in response to the large and sustained reductions in relative light intensity that take place during twilight but not to short-term daytime light fluctuations or a minimum light intensity threshold. Ambient light intensity was reduced over a range of values representative of evening twilight. Light was reduced over the same range of intensities either continuously or in discrete intervals while at the same time nymph activity on unglazed tile substrata was video recorded. 2. Nymphs increased their locomotor activity during darkness in response to large, sustained relative light decreases, but not in response to short-term, interrupted periods of light decrease. Nymphs did not recognise darkness unless an adequate light stimulus, such as large and sustained relative decrease in light intensity, had taken place. 3. We show that nymphs perceive light change over time and respond only after a lengthy period of accumulation of light stimulus. The response is much lengthier than reported for other aquatic organisms and is highly adaptive to heterogeneous stream environments

    Stellar activity cycles and contribution of the deep layers knowledge

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    It is believed that magnetic activity on the Sun and solar-type stars are tightly related to the dynamo process driven by the interaction between rotation, convection, and magnetic field. However, the detailed mechanisms of this process are still incompletely understood. Many questions remain unanswered, e.g.: why some stars are more active than others?; why some stars have a flat activity?; why is there a Maunder minimum?; are all the cycles regular? A large number of prox- ies are typically used to study the magnetic activity of stars as we cannot resolve stellar discs. Recently, it was shown that asteroseismology can also be used to study stellar activity, making it an even more powerful tool. If short cycles are not so un- common, we expect to detect many of them with missions such as CoRoT, Kepler, and possibly the PLATO mission. We will review some of the latest results obtained with spectroscopic measurements. We will show how asteroseismology can help us to better understand the complex process of dynamo and illustrate how the CoRoT and Kepler missions are revolutionizing our knowledge on stellar activity. A new window is being opened over our understanding of the magnetic variability of stars.Comment: 7 pages. To appear in Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings series of the 20th Stellar pulsation conference held in Granada (Spain) from 6 to 10 September 2011

    Conservation physiology across scales: Insights from the marine realm

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    As the field of conservation physiology develops and becomes increasingly integrated with ecolog

    Conservation physiology of animal migration

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    Migration is a widespread phenomenon among many taxa. This complex behaviour enables animals to exploit many temporally productive and spatially discrete habitats to accrue various fitness benefits (e.g. growth, reproduction, predator avoidance). Human activities and global environmental change represent potential threats to migrating animals (from individuals to species), and research is underway to understand mechanisms that control migration and how migration responds to modern challenges. Focusing on behavioural and physiological aspects of migration can help to provide better understanding, management and conservation of migratory populations. Here, we highlight different physiological, behavioural and biomechanical aspects of animal migration that will help us to understand how migratory animals interact with current and future anthropogenic threats. We are in the early stages of a changing planet, and our und