334 research outputs found

    Transcendental Meditation and the creation of soundscapes for storytelling in the work of David Lynch

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    The films of David Lynch are unique: unusual, strange and otherworldly. It is no secret that Transcendental Meditation is a huge part of Lynch's life; he has stated that Transcendental Meditation has been key to his work and promoting the establishment of the David Lynch Foundation. Despite this factor, scholars largely ignore it. In this thesis, I identify and analyse the visual and sound elements in Lynch’s films and television work that includes Eraserhead and Mulholland Drive. Fundamental to this investigation, I have used the concept of Transcendental Meditation, Hinduism and noise as a framework to examine these films. I will identify specific techniques and methods previously unnoticed before in Lynch’s work and argue that the symbolism and mythology of Transcendental Meditation creates specific atmospheric environments through sounds. This thesis aims to provide an insightful investigation on how Lynch’s use of TM helps create a specific way of using sound to tell his stories. This dissertation fills a gap in the scholarship on the films of David Lynch by providing a new perspective on his soundscapes. Each chapter that addresses a specific film includes a close analysis of the film’s narrative and stylistic elements. The focus of the study is an examination of how Lynch uses Hindu philosophy as an instrument

    The human Cranio Facial Development Protein 1 (Cfdp1) gene encodes a protein required for the maintenance of higher-order chromatin organization

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    The human Cranio Facial Development Protein 1 (Cfdp1) gene maps to chromosome 16q22.2-q22.3 and encodes the CFDP1 protein, which belongs to the evolutionarily conserved Bucentaur (BCNT) family. Craniofacial malformations are developmental disorders of particular biomedical and clinical interest, because they represent the main cause of infant mortality and disability in humans, thus it is important to understand the cellular functions and mechanism of action of the CFDP1 protein. We have carried out a multi-disciplinary study, combining cell biology, reverse genetics and biochemistry, to provide the first in vivo characterization of CFDP1 protein functions in human cells. We show that CFDP1 binds to chromatin and interacts with subunits of the SRCAP chromatin remodeling complex. An RNAi-mediated depletion of CFDP1 in HeLa cells affects chromosome organization, SMC2 condensin recruitment and cell cycle progression. Our findings provide new insight into the chromatin functions and mechanisms of the CFDP1 protein and contribute to our understanding of the link between epigenetic regulation and the onset of human complex developmental disorders

    Design of decorated self-assembling peptide hydrogels as architecture for mesenchymal stem cells

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    Hydrogels from self-assembling ionic complementary peptides have been receiving a lot of interest from the scientific community as mimetic of the extracellular matrix that can offer three-dimensional supports for cell growth or can become vehicles for the delivery of stem cells, drugs or bioactive proteins. In order to develop a 3D "architecture" for mesenchymal stem cells, we propose the introduction in the hydrogel of conjugates obtained by chemoselective ligation between a ionic-complementary self-assembling peptide (called EAK) and three different bioactive molecules: an adhesive sequence with 4 Glycine-Arginine-Glycine-Aspartic Acid-Serine-Proline (GRGDSP) motifs per chain, an adhesive peptide mapped on h-Vitronectin and the growth factor Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1). The mesenchymal stem cell adhesion assays showed a significant increase in adhesion and proliferation for the hydrogels decorated with each of the synthesized conjugates; moreover, such functionalized 3D hydrogels support cell spreading and elongation, validating the use of this class of self-assembly peptides-based material as very promising 3D model scaffolds for cell cultures, at variance of the less realistic 2D ones. Furthermore, small amplitude oscillatory shear tests showed that the presence of IGF-1-conjugate did not alter significantly the viscoelastic properties of the hydrogels even though differences were observed in the nanoscale structure of the scaffolds obtained by changing their composition, ranging from long, well-defined fibers for conjugates with adhesion sequences to the compact and dense film for the IGF-1-conjugate

    Expression of human Cfdp1 gene in Drosophila reveals new insights into the function of the evolutionarily conserved BCNT protein family

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    The Bucentaur (BCNT) protein family is widely distributed in eukaryotes and is characterized by a highly conserved C-terminal domain. This family was identified two decades ago in ruminants, but its role(s) remained largely unknown. Investigating cellular functions and mechanism of action of BCNT proteins is challenging, because they have been implicated in human craniofacial development. Recently, we found that YETI, the D. melanogaster BCNT, is a chromatin factor that participates to H2A.V deposition. Here we report the effects of in vivo expression of CFDP1, the human BCNT protein, in Drosophila melanogaster. We show that CFDP1, similarly to YETI, binds to chromatin and its expression results in a wide range of abnormalities highly reminiscent of those observed in Yeti null mutants. This indicates that CFDP1 expressed in flies behaves in a dominant negative fashion disrupting the YETI function. Moreover, GST pull-down provides evidence indicating that 1) both YETI and CFDP1 undergo homodimerization and 2) YETI and CFDP1 physically interact each other by forming inactive heterodimers that would trigger the observed dominant-negative effect. Overall, our findings highlight unanticipated evidences suggesting that homodimerization mediated by the BCNT domain is integral to the chromatin functions of BCNT proteins

    The ‘greedy southern woman’ as a national Italian cliché: A preliminary proposal

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    Unpacking the charged cliché of the ‘greedy southern woman’ involves analytical confrontation with some of the many axes of exclusion that characterize Italy, intended as a patriarchal, northern-centric and body-normative society. Furthermore, it involves a critical grasp of the violent modes of visualization that coordinate the exposure of bodies, practices and subjectivities that are considered anomalous within the ideal norms of the nation: on this premise, drawing upon the work of Perera and Feldman, we have previously deployed the concept of ‘scopic regimes’ to describe contemporary Italy. Among other things, our work on Italy as a ‘scopic regime’ briefly suggests that laughter has a crucial function in facilitating audience acceptance and digestion of these violent visualizations. Although not discussed in that publication, this theoretical insight is connected to the Bakhtinian notion of ‘ritual laughter’, intended as a powerful and ambivalent practice that...

    Influence of apico-coronal positioning of tissue-level implants on marginal bone stability during supracrestal tissue height establishment: A multi-center prospective study

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    Introduction Supracrestal tissue height establishment is a crucial factor influencing peri-implant marginal bone modifications prior to prosthesis delivery. If mucosal thickness is insufficient, peri-implant marginal bone resorption occurs to allow appropriate supracrestal tissue height formation. This study evaluates if marginal bone resorption occurring around tissue-level implants before prosthetic loading could be compensated by adapting apico-coronal positioning to mucosal thickness. Methods Patients requiring placement of one single implant in the posterior mandible were treated with tissue-level implants with a 3-mm high transmucosal machined component and moderately rough implant body. Based upon vertical mucosal thickness measured after buccal flap reflection, implants were placed with the treated part: (group 1) 2 mm below crestal level in presence of thin mucosa (<2.5 mm); (group 2) 1 mm below the crestal level in presence of medium mucosa (2.5-3.5 mm); (group 3) at equicrestal level in presence of thick mucosa (>3.5 mm). Results Forty-nine implants, placed in 49 patients were included in final analysis (group 1: 18 implants; group 2: 16 implants; group 3: 15 implants). Mean marginal bone resorption after 5 months of healing was 0.66 +/- 0.49 mm, 0.32 +/- 0.41 mm, and 0.22 +/- 0.52 mm in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Inter-group analysis highlighted significant differences between the three groups after ANOVA test (p = 0.025). However, adaptation of apico-coronal implant positioning in relation to mucosal thickness, allowed to avoid early exposure of the treated surface in 100%, 93.7%, and 53.3% of the implants in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Conclusion During supracrestal tissue height formation, tissue-level implants inserted adapting apico-coronal positioning in relation to mucosal thickness exhibited greater marginal bone resorption at sites with thin mucosa than at sites with medium or thick mucosa. However, anticipating supracrestal tissue height establishment by adapting apico-coronal implant positioning in relation to mucosal thickness may effectively prevent unwanted exposure of treated implant surface

    Corneal incision width after lens implantation: Comparing delivery systems: Corneal incision width and injector systems

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    Abstract Purpose To compare corneal incision width after phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation (IOL) using different delivery systems. Methods One hundred and seventeen patients with cataract and no other anterior segment pathological features or previous eye surgery underwent cataract surgery with IOL implantation through a 2.2 mm incision. Three foldable IOL were implanted with their recommended delivery systems: Acrysof© SN60WF with Monarch© III/cartridge D (Group A, 38 patients); Tecnis© ZCB00 with Unfolder Platinum/cartridge easy load (Group B, 38 patients); Acrysof© SN60WF with Ultrasert™ preloaded system (Group C, 42 patients). Incision width was measured before and after phacoemulsification and IOL implantation. Results Before and after phacoemulsification incision width was, respectively, 2.21 ± 0.02 mm and 2.34 ± 0.08 mm in group A; 2.20 ± 0.02 mm and 2.31 ± 0.06 mm in group B; 2.20 ± 0.02 mm and 2.30 ± 0.07 mm in group C. Incision width was not significantly enlarged after phacoemulsification. Before and after IOL implantation incision width was, respectively, 2.34 ± 0.07 mm and 2.47 ± 0.07 mm in group A; 2.32 ± 0.06 mm and 2.45 ± 0.08 mm in group B; 2.30 ± 0.07 mm and 2.39 ± 0.07 mm in group C. Incision widths in group C were significantly different to groups A and B. No relationship was found between incision sizes and phacoemulsification time, ultrasound energy and IOL powers. Conclusion In cataract surgery Ultrasert™ enlarges the corneal incision less than other delivery systems

    A Unique Case of Bilateral Thalamic High-Grade Glioma in a Pediatric Patient with LI-Fraumeni Syndrome: Case Presentation and Review of the Literature

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    Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is a rare high-penetrance and autosomal-dominant pathological condition caused by the germline mutation of the TP53 gene, predisposing to the development of tumors from pediatric age. We conducted a qualitative systematic review following the ENTREQ (Enhancing Transparency in Reporting the Synthesis of Qualitative Research) framework. A search was made in MEDLINE/Pubmed and MeSH Database using the terms “Li-Fraumeni” AND “pediatric high-grade glioma (HGG)”, identifying six cases of HGGs in pediatric patients with LFS. We added a further case with peculiar features such as no familiar history of LFS, association of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma and bithalamic HGG, whose immunohistochemical profile was accurately defined by Next Generation Sequencing. Knowledge synthesis and case analysis grounded the discussion about challenges in the management of this pathology in pediatric age

    Uso didáctico del error: Una experiencia de aula

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    Uno de los obstáculos con los que se encuentra un estudiante para comprender un asunto matemático tiene que ver con la aparición de los que comúnmente se denominan errores. Éstos pueden ser desde la falta de una tilde necesaria sobre la letra de una palabra hasta afirmaciones sin sustento lógico, pasando por cálculos incorrectos y razonamientos inesperados. Los alumnos comenten errores en los exámenes, en los escritos que producen o presentan, y en las respuestas a las preguntas que, como docentes, les hacemos. Pero no sólo los estudiantes cometen errores: los profesores no estamos exentos de hacerlo y también los libros de texto los contienen