303 research outputs found

    In vitro vegetative growth and flowering of olive tree in response to GA3 treatment

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    The phytohormone gibberellin is involved in the regulation of many physiological process including flower induction and shoot growth. In this study, gibberellic acid (GA3) was used in order to induce thereversion of olive tree vegetative buds towards a floral ones in vitro. For this, six varieties (Marsaline, Chemchali, Picholine, Chemlali, Zalmati and Oueslati ) was tested and explants, consisting of a singlenode segments, were grown in media containing three concentrations of GA3 (1, 2 and 10 mg/l). Results show that Marsaline seems to be the most able variety in regenerating floral structures. For this variety,5 cases of reversion were observed mainly on the medium containing 10 mg/l GA3. This same medium was also favorable for this transformation for the other varieties (3 cases on Picholine, one each on Chemchali , Zalmati and Oueslati). The examination of the histological sections confirmed this transformation. In addition, this experiment showed that GA3 can be at the origin of an interestinggrowth rate of vegetative buds, which elongation depend on variety as well as GA3 concentration

    Effect of Annealing on the Properties of Nanocrystalline CdS Thin Films Prepared by CBD Method

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    The CdS thin films were deposited on glass substrate by chemical bath deposition (CBD). The effect of annealing temperature on the morphological, structural, optical and electrical properties of the crystalline CdS films were investigated for different annealing temperature (as deposited, 300, 400 and 500 °C).The annealing time is 1 h. The materials have been prepared using simple aqueous solutions containing cadmium sulfate, as source of cadmium, and thiourea as source of sulfur and ammonium hydroxide as the complexing agent. The temperature of the bath was maintained at low temperature of 80 °C. The surface morphological properties studied by SEM and AFM respectively. The structural properties of CdS thin film was studied by X-ray diffraction. The optical parameter such as transmittance and energy band gap of the films with thermal annealing temperature was investigated by UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The variation of band gap values of CdS thin film samples were found to be in the range of 2.37 to 2.5 eV. Electrical resistivity measurements were carried out in four-probe Van Der Pauw geometry at room temperature by the Hall measurement. SEM image confirmed that film of smooth surface morphology

    Building an XML document warehouse

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    International audienceData Warehouses and OLAP (On Line Analytical Processing) technologies are dedicated to analyzing structured data issued from organizations' OLTP (On Line Transaction Processing) systems. Furthermore, in order to enhance their decision support systems, these organizations need to explore XML (eXtensible Markup Language) documents as an additional and important source of unstructured data. In this context, this paper addresses the warehousing of document-centric XML documents. More specifically, we propose a two-method approach to build Document Warehouse conceptual schemas. The first method is for the unification of XML document structures; it aims to elaborate a global and generic view for a set of XML documents belonging to the same domain. The second method is for designing multidimensional galaxy schemas for Document Warehouses

    Cooperative inter-vehicle communication protocol with low cost differential GPS

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    This paper describes a cooperative MANET protocol dedicated to intelligent transport systems, named CIVIC (Communication Inter Véhicule Intelligente et Coopérative). The CIVIC protocol is an auto-configuration inter-vehicle communication protocol, which supports adhoc and infrastructure networks, contains reactive and proactive routing components, and adapts different wireless standards. It is a context-aware protocol reacting to vehicle status, road traffic, and geographic environment. It supports location-based communication. To improve the accuracy of GPS, it integrates a localization solution called LCD-GPS (Low Cost Differential GPS). It has been implemented and experimented on the LiveNode sensor developed by our lab. At the end of this paper, an application project MobiPlus is introduced

    Preliminary study of haplotypes linked to the rare cystic fibrosis E1104X mutation

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    The analysis of some extra- and intragenic markers within or closely linked to the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) gene is useful as a molecular method in clinical linkage analysis. Indeed, knowing that the molecular basis of cystic fibrosis (CF) is highly heterogeneous in our population, the study of haplotype association with normal and CF chromosomes could be very helpful in cases where one or both mutations remain unidentified. In this study, we analysed with PCR-RFLP and capillary electrophoresis some extra (pJ3.11, KM19 and XV2C) and intragenic (IVS8CA, IVS17bTA and IVS17bCA) polymorphic markers in 50 normal and 10 Tunisian patients carrying the rare E1104X mutation in order to determine the haplotype associated with this mutation. For the extragenic markers, 8 haplotypes were identified. The most frequent of them are the 221 and 112 accounting for 80% of total haplotypes. For the intragenic markers, five haplotypes were present on the E1104X chromosomes. One of them 16-31-13 accounted for 50%. To our knowledge, this is the first work to be interested to the haplotypes linked to the E1104X mutation. This preliminary study of haplotypes could be a helpful method to determine the molecular lesions responsible of this pathology

    Dramatic Shape Sensitivity of Directional Emission Patterns from Similarly Deformed Cylindrical Polymer Lasers

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    Recent experiments on similarly shaped polymer micro-cavity lasers show a dramatic difference in the far-field emission patterns. We show for different deformations of the ellipse, quadrupole and hexadecapole that the large differences in the far-field emission patterns is explained by the differing ray dynamics corresponding to each shape. Analyzing the differences in the appropriate phase space for ray motion, it is shown that the differing geometries of the unstable manifolds of periodic orbits are the decisive factors in determining the far-field pattern. Surprisingly, we find that strongly chaotic ray dynamics is compatible with highly directional emission in the far-field.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures (eps), RevTeX 4, submitted to JOSA

    A Methodology and Tool for Rapid Prototyping of Data Warehouses using Data Mining: Application to Birds Biodiversity

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    International audienceData Warehouses (DWs) are large repositories of data aimed at supporting the decision-making process by enabling flexible and interactive analyses via OLAP systems. Rapid prototyping of DWs is necessary when OLAP applications are complex. Some work about the integration of Data Mining and OLAP systems has been done to enhance OLAP operators with mined indicators, and/or to define the DW schema. However, to best of our knowledge, prototyping methods for DWs do not support this kind of integration. Then, in this paper we present a new prototyping methodology for DWs, extending [3], where DM methods are used to define the DW schema. We validate our approach on a real data set concerning bird biodiversity

    Conséquences de l’évolution de l’occupation des sols sur les lacs et les rivières d’un bassin versant de moyenne montagne: application au bassin versant de l’Ain (France)

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    The Ain river – tributary of the Rhone, is distinguished by a geological and geomorphological duality splitting it into two very clear parts: the mountainous (karstic-jura mountains) and the low alluvial valley of the Ain river, characterized by agricultural land use. The geographical boundary between the two zones is the dam of Vouglans (3rd water reserve of France). These geological differences give rise to two types of reserves: karstic reserves at the top of the watershed and an alluvial water table enclosed in the quaternary alluvium at the bottom. The last thirty years have been marked by the massive exodus of the rural populations of the Haut, which maintained a pastoral activity for the valleys holding most of the industries. A renewal of pastoral areas by mainly coniferous and deciduous forests, particularly in the upper part of the catchment area (Jura), reflects this phenomenon of exodus. This process was accompanied by an increase in the input of organic matter and marked deoxygenation of the deep (hypolimnion) levels of the water bodies, mostly located at the top. This physico-chemical manifestation is felt at the bottom in rivers and more particularly in the river Ain, one of the main tributaries of the Rhone. The management of water resources has been subjected to this geological and economic duality, giving rise to a SWMM (Scheme for Water Management and Management) based on the alluvial plain in the lower part of the watershed and the installation of numerous contracts of rivers on the affluent of the Ain in addition to the SWMM. One of the priority concerns of managers is the assessment of the extent of deoxygenation recorded in the plans to the rivers and especially its consequences on the lower rivers. The results of measurements and models applied show that the phenomenon is not very noticeable upstream and downstream of the Vouglans dam. Predictive simulations incorporating the GIEC recommendations (optimistic and pessimistic scenario) do not show a particular trend for 2050.The Ain river – tributary of the Rhone, is distinguished by a geological and geomorphological duality splitting it into two very clear parts: the mountainous (karstic-jura mountains) and the low alluvial valley of the Ain river, characterized by agricultural land use. The geographical boundary between the two zones is the dam of Vouglans (3rd water reserve of France). These geological differences give rise to two types of reserves: karstic reserves at the top of the watershed and an alluvial water table enclosed in the quaternary alluvium at the bottom. The last thirty years have been marked by the massive exodus of the rural populations of the Haut, which maintained a pastoral activity for the valleys holding most of the industries. A renewal of pastoral areas by mainly coniferous and deciduous forests, particularly in the upper part of the catchment area (Jura), reflects this phenomenon of exodus. This process was accompanied by an increase in the input of organic matter and marked deoxygenation of the deep (hypolimnion) levels of the water bodies, mostly located at the top. This physico-chemical manifestation is felt at the bottom in rivers and more particularly in the river Ain, one of the main tributaries of the Rhone. The management of water resources has been subjected to this geological and economic duality, giving rise to a SWMM (Scheme for Water Management and Management) based on the alluvial plain in the lower part of the watershed and the installation of numerous contracts of rivers on the affluent of the Ain in addition to the SWMM. One of the priority concerns of managers is the assessment of the extent of deoxygenation recorded in the plans to the rivers and especially its consequences on the lower rivers. The results of measurements and models applied show that the phenomenon is not very noticeable upstream and downstream of the Vouglans dam. Predictive simulations incorporating the GIEC recommendations (optimistic and pessimistic scenario) do not show a particular trend for 2050