20 research outputs found


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    Supusimos que la actitud consciente de la salud de una persona, cuando se actualiza en una acción específica, debe estar conectada a ciertas características psicofisiológicas objetivas, por ejemplo, al control inhibitorio. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue estudiar la interrelación del control inhibitorio y el cuadro de salud interna (también denominado IPH) en los escolares de primaria. Examinamos 72 escolares de primaria (edad media (DE): 10,3 (0,9) años). El control inhibitorio fue evaluado por la herramienta ReBOS (Vergunov, Nikolaeva, 2018). El nivel de IPH se midió mediante un cuestionario (Nikolaeva et al., 2014). Se descubrió que cuanto mayor es el nivel de IPH que tienen los niños, mejor controlan sus acciones. La forma en que las niñas responden a participar en una actividad está directamente relacionada con su desarrollo de IPH. Pero a diferencia de los datos obtenidos en el grupo de niños, el control inhibitorio de las niñas no está relacionado con su nivel de IPH.Supomos que a atitude consciente da saúde de uma pessoa, quando realizada em uma ação específica, deva estar conectada a certas características psicofisiológicas objetivas, por exemplo, ao controle inibitório. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi estudar a inter-relação do controle inibitório e do quadro interno de saúde (mais conhecido como IPH) em escolares do ensino fundamental. Foram examinados 72 escolares do ensino fundamental (idade média (DP): 10,3 (0,9) anos). O controle inibitório foi avaliado pela ferramenta ReBOS (Vergunov, Nikolaeva, 2018). O nível de IPH foi medido por um questionário (Nikolaeva et al., 2014). Verificou-se que quanto mais alto o nível de IPH, maior o controle sobre suas ações. A maneira como as meninas respondem à participação em uma atividade está diretamente relacionada ao seu desenvolvimento de IPH. Porém, diferentemente dos dados obtidos no grupo dos meninos, o controle inibitório das meninas não está relacionado ao seu nível de IPH.    We supposed that a person’s health-conscious attitude, when actualized in a specific action must be connected to certain objective psychophysiological characteristics, for example, to inhibitory control. The aim of the present research was to study the interrelation of the inhibitory control and the internal health picture (further referred to as IPH) in primary schoolchildren. We examined 72 primary schoolchildren (mean (SD) age: 10.3 (0.9) years). Inhibitory control was assessed by the ReBOS tool (Vergunov, Nikolaeva, 2018). The IPH level was measured by a questionnaire (Nikolaeva et al., 2014). It was found that the higher IPH level boys have, the better they control their actions. The way girls respond to participating in an activity is directly related to their IPH development. But unlike the data obtained in the boys' group, the girls' inhibitory control is not related to their IPH level

    Lecture 1. Natural Nanocrystals

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    Features of digital socialization of primary school students in the context of different levels of Internet involvement

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    Nowadays, human life is greatly influenced by digitalization and informatization, which requires the reinterpretation of the matter of social formation and human development in the context of ontogenesis. From the moment of birth, a child lives in a mixed social and digital environment, which influences traditional socialization in one way or another. The researchers identify both positive and negative aspects of digital socialization of the younger generation. The authors of the present research analyzed the features of digital socialization of primary school students with different levels of Internet involvement. The experiment on the identification of Internet addiction involved 540 parents. The sample on the study of digital socialization included 316 primary school students aged 7 to 9. On the one hand, the results showed the preservation and demonstration of the content and methods of traditional socialization among younger students of all levels of Internet involvement in terms of digital socialization. This fact indicates the integration and combination of digital and traditional socialization. On the other hand, the increase in the levels of Internet involvement contributes to the replacement and transition from traditional socialization to a digital one

    Optimization of cattle by-products amino acid composition formula

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    ArticleThe aim of this research was to develop optimal formulations of by-product mixtures in terms of biological value using MS Excel Solver standard software application. The objects of study were underutilized cattle by-products as tripe, ears, lips, lungs, and heart. Physical and chemical studies were carried out to compile a database of the by-products used. As a result, the protein content was 14.3% in tripe, 24.6% in lips, 24.9% in ears, 15.2% in lungs, and 16.8% in heart (P < 0.05). The content of essential amino acids in various by-products, determined by highperformance liquid chromatography, did not have significant differences compared with the results obtained by other researchers. While conducting optimization of the by-product formulation, focused on the physiologically-based content of the essential amino acids in the ‛ideal’ protein according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (FAO/WHO). Essential amino acids index (EAAI) was chosen as the goal function. In the process of optimization, indicators such as chemical score, EAAI, biological value, and coefficient of amino acid score differences (CAASD) were calculated. Several variants of the formulations with high biological value were obtained as a result of the optimization. According to the results of the research it was found that more balanced ratio of the essential amino acids was in the following formulations: 1 – tripe (4.9%), ears (28.4%) and heart (66.7%) or 2 – ears (25.4%), lips (8.9%) and heart (65.7%). According to the results, the highest in vitro protein digestibility was in compositions number 1 and 2 (78.2% and 76.8%), which correlated with the calculated biological value. Thus, the use of computer modeling allowed obtaining the formulations of the by-products composition with the highest possible biological value by varying the content of the various by-products

    The effect of starter cultures on the qualitative indicators of dry fermented sausages made from poultry meat

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    ArticleChanges in physicochemical, rheological and microbiological properties occurring throughout the ripening (on days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28) of dry fermented sausages made from poultry meat were studied. The effect of starter bacteria on the microstructure and sensory attributes of dry fermented sausages has also been determined. The results of physicochemical analysis of dry fermented sausage shows no significant difference (P 0.05) between the control and inoculated batches in lowering the pH level, changing the critical shear stress, growth of viable microorganisms, accumulation of amine nitrogen during ripening was established. The results show, that inculcation of starter cultures accelerates biochemical processes during fermentation and thereby provides the necessary functional and technological properties of minced meat. Sensory profiling showed a more significant (P < 0.05) acidic and spicy flavour and intensity of acidic and smoked meat aroma; and increased firmness and cohesiveness in inoculated sausage. The results of microstructural analysis showed that the dry fermented sausages that ripened with the starter bacteria (Lactobacillus curvatus, Staphylococcus carnosus, Pediococcus pentosaceus), differ from the control sample compacted as a thin surface layer which is formed during the drying, smoking and maturation, and that indicates more uniform moisture removal

    The influence of brood chickens by-products processing with probiotic culture starter on change of their functional and technological parameters.

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    By-products are the potential source of animal protein obtained from brood chickens and egg-laying hens. Certain by-products like gizzards and combs are quite tough and possess low nutritional and biological value due to their high content of connective tissue. Biotechnological processing improves the quality parameters of collagen-containing by-products. In this article a probiotic starter culture of propionic acid bacteria, which have high proteolytic activity, was used to treat the gizzards and combs of brood chickens. Before processing of by-products with starter culture, physical and chemical parameters and the yield of by-products in relation to poultry live weight were analyzed and recorded. 5%, 10% and 15% starter culture were added to the tested samples of chopped by-products, the samples were kept at a temperature of 30 °C, and every 4 hours the following functional and technological parameters were monitored: moisture binding capacity, water holding capacity (MBC and WHC) and yield of the product after heat treatment. The results proved that increase of starter culture amount and longer exposure of by-products to hydrolysis led to decrease of functional and technological parameters values, but for the combs those parameters remained at a sufficiently high level compared to the gizzards, as the gizzards were exposed to more intense hydrolysis than combs. The decrease in the pH value correlated with the dynamics of MBC and WHC changes; and dynamics of the product yield after the heat treatment. Also the stained histological preparations were studied in order to assess the influence of biotechnological processing on by-products microstructure, where significant differences were found in the morphological structure of muscle and collagen fibers of hydrolysates of combs and gizzards exposed to action of bacterial concentrate. The results of rheological studies showed that hydrolyzed chicken combs differed from gizzards; the combs were denser and featured more elastic structure due to a lower degree of hydrolysis by bacterial enzymes. In general, the properties of collagen-containing by-products (muscular gizzards and combs) change significantly after being exposed to enzymes of propionic acid bacteria

    Enrichment of meat products with dietary fibers: a review

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    ArticleIn recent years, much attention has been paid to the development of food products with properties that can promote well-being and prevent disease. Tested strategies to improve the functional value of meat products through the introduction of dietary fiber are reviewed here. Based on the literature reviewed, the addition of dietary fiber in meat products contributes to the fabrication of products which enhance physiological functions. Furthermore, fibers can be used to improve the quality and yield of meat products


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    Summary. For many years, the main drugs for the treatment of sarcoidosis remain glucocorticosteroids. On average, about 50 % of patients with sarcoidosis (from 30 to 80 %) are treated with corticosteroids. In cases of resistance, contraindications or serious side effects of corticosteroid therapy, second-line drugs are prescribed, the main place among which is held by immunosuppressants. It should be noted that in the course of therapy there may be different variants of the disease, and there are no criteria for the prognosis of regression, stabilization and progression of sarcoidosis. In this regard, the only correct principle of patient management is a personalized approach to therapy. The aim of the study – to develop an algorithm for personalized therapy of patients with sarcoidosis based on the study of the frequency of contraindications, serious side effects and cases of resistance to glucocorticosteroids, to determine the optimal drug for immunosuppressive therapy. Materials and Methods. 185 patients with newly diagnosed sarcoidosis with lesions of the lung parenchyma were examined. The study included patients only for newly diagnosed sarcoidosis without any prior specific therapy. The second, important selection criterion was the absence of computed tomography (CT) signs of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. All patients underwent CT of the thoracic cavity and assessment of lung function (spirometry, bodyplethysmography, diffusion capacity of the lungs). Results. The obtained results give grounds to consider methotrexate as the drug of choice in the treatment of patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis with contraindications or serious side effects of glucocorticosteroids. Based on the results, an algorithm for personalized therapy of patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis was developed, which considered the contraindications, serious side effects of corticosteroids and resistance to corticosteroid therapy, utilizing the immunosuppressive therapy with methotrexate due to its optimal level of efficacy and safety profile. Сonclusions. The use of this algorithm of therapy allows achieving clinical cure in the vast majority of patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis.Резюме. Протягом багатьох років основними препаратами для лікування саркоїдозу залишаються глюкокортикостероїди (ГКС). У середньому близько 50 % хворих на саркоїдоз (від 30 до 80 %) лікуються з використанням ГКС. У випадках резистентності, наявності протипоказань або серйозних побічних ефектів ГКС-терапії, призначають препарати другої лінії, основне місце серед яких займають імуносупресанти. Необхідно зазначити, що і в процесі терапії можуть спостерігатися різні варіанти перебігу захворювання, при цьому не існує критеріїв прогнозу регресії, стабілізації та прогресування саркоїдозу. У зв’язку з цим єдиним правильним принципом ведення хворих є персоніфікований підхід до терапії. Мета дослідження − розробити алгоритм персоніфікованої терапії хворих на саркоїдоз на основі вивчення частоти протипоказань до призначення, серйозних побічних дій і випадків резистентності до глюкокортикостероїдів, визначення оптимального препарату імуносупресивної терапії. Матеріали і методи. Обстежено 185 хворих на вперше виявлений саркоїдоз з ураженням паренхіми легень. У дослідження включили пацієнтів тільки на вперше виявлений саркоїдоз без будь-якої попередньої специфічної терапії; другим, важливим критерієм відбору, була відсутність КТ-ознак інтерстиціального фіброзу легень. Усім хворим проводили комп’ютерну томографію органів грудної порожнини та оцінювали стан функції зовнішнього дихання на основі аналізу даних спірометрії, бодіплетизмографії, дослідження дифузійної здатності легень. Результати. Отримані результати дають підставу вважати «Метотрексат» препаратом вибору в лікуванні хворих на саркоїдоз легень з протипоказаннями до призначення або серйозними побічними ефектами глюкокортикостероїдів. На підставі отриманих результатів розроблено алгоритм персоніфікованої терапії хворих на саркоїдоз легень, заснований на урахуванні протипоказань до призначення, серйозних побічних ефектів ГКС і резистентності до ГКС-терапії, застосуванні в якості імуносупресивної терапії метотрексату, що відрізняється оптимальним рівнем ефективності і профілем безпеки. Висновки. Застосування даного алгоритму терапії дозволяє досягти клінічного вилікування в абсолютної більшості хворих на саркоїдоз легень

    Relations of Sensorimotor Integration and Inhibitory Processes with Internal Position of Patient’s Personality

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    The article discusses the relations of the sensorimotor integration and inhibitory processes with the features of the internal position of the patient’s personality. Sensorimotor integration is considered as a characteristic of the mental processes, allowing us to estimate the peculiarities of the flexible rearrangements in the brain in the course of the formation of the new connections. Inhibitory control is considered as a psychophysiological characteristic responsible for cognitive inhibition and suppression of a certain type of behavior. The respondents were voluntary participants (a total of 98 people, 60 women and 38 men) with different levels of health, namely: (1) chronically ill (health group 3) - the total number of 50 people (average age 37 ± 11.1 years); (2) healthy people with certain functional abnormalities - 48 people (average age 34 ± 10.6 years). The types of attitudes to the disease were measured with the TOBOL inventory by L. Vasserman et al. The ReBOS technique by E. Vergunov was used to diagnose the orderliness of the sensory flow and the inhibitory processes level. It is shown that the representatives of the second and third health groups are diagnosed with an identical set of types of attitude to the disease, which is not constructive. That allowed us to divide them into groups according to the degree of adaptation. The respondents, whose mental and social adaptation is not impaired, are more difficult to adapt to the changing conditions, they have recorded rigidity and insufficient development of the inhibitory processes, they are capable of purposefully following the chosen model of behavior, but the underdevelopment of the inhibitory processes does not allow them to stop the implementation of the non-constructive attitude to health. In the respondents, whose type of response to the disease is characterized by the presence of mental maladaptation, the nervous system is more flexible and the inhibitory processes are better developed, they are able to purposefully follow the selected attitude to the disease, and are able to “slow down” the implementation of the chosen strategy. At the same time, the respondents are focused on their own condition, which prevents them from exercising conscious inhibitory control. The results suggest that the perception of the sensory flow and the level of inhibitory processes are related to the internal position of the individual, but the nature of the connections is determined by the degree of the constructive attitude to the disease