423 research outputs found

    Why did European Radiology reject my radiomic biomarker paper? How to correctly evaluate imaging biomarkers in a clinical setting

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    This review explains in simple terms, accessible to the non-statistician, general principles regarding the correct research methods to develop and then evaluate imaging biomarkers in a clinical setting, including radiomic biomarkers. The distinction between diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers is made and emphasis placed on the need to assess clinical utility within the context of a multivariable model. Such models should not be restricted to imaging biomarkers and must include relevant disease and patient characteristics likely to be clinically useful. Biomarker utility is based on whether its addition to the basic clinical model improves diagnosis or prediction. Approaches to both model development and evaluation are explained and the need for adequate amounts of representative data stressed so as to avoid underpowering and overfitting. Advice is provided regarding how to report the research correctly

    An interferometric study of the post-AGB binary 89 Herculis. II Radiative transfer models of the circumbinary disk

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    The presence of disks and outflows is widespread among post-AGB binaries. In the first paper of this series, a surprisingly large fraction of optical light was found to be resolved in the 89 Her post-AGB system. The data showed this flux to arise from close to the central binary. Scattering off the inner rim of the circumbinary disk, or in a dusty outflow were suggested as two possible origins. With detailed dust radiative transfer models of the disk we aim to discriminate between these two configurations. By including Herschel/SPIRE photometry, we extend the SED such that it now fully covers UV to sub-mm wavelengths. The MCMax radiative transfer code is used to create a large grid of disk models. Our models include a self-consistent treatment of dust settling as well as of scattering. A Si-rich composition with two additional opacity sources, metallic Fe or amorphous C, are tested. The SED is fit together with mid-IR (MIDI) visibilities as well as the optical and near-IR visibilities of Paper I, to constrain the structure of the disk and in particular of its inner rim. The near-IR visibility data require a smooth inner rim, here obtained with a two-power-law parameterization of the radial surface density distribution. A model can be found that fits all the IR photometric and interferometric data well, with either of the two continuum opacity sources. Our best-fit passive models are characterized by a significant amount of mm-sized grains, which are settled to the midplane of the disk. Not a single disk model fits our data at optical wavelengths though, the reason being the opposing constraints imposed by the optical and near-IR interferometric data. A geometry in which a passive, dusty, and puffed-up circumbinary disk is present, can reproduce all the IR but not the optical observations of 89 Her. Another dusty, outflow or halo, component therefore needs to be added to the system.Comment: 15 pages, in pres

    Kalman-filter control schemes for fringe tracking. Development and application to VLTI/GRAVITY

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    The implementation of fringe tracking for optical interferometers is inevitable when optimal exploitation of the instrumental capacities is desired. Fringe tracking allows continuous fringe observation, considerably increasing the sensitivity of the interferometric system. In addition to the correction of atmospheric path-length differences, a decent control algorithm should correct for disturbances introduced by instrumental vibrations, and deal with other errors propagating in the optical trains. We attempt to construct control schemes based on Kalman filters. Kalman filtering is an optimal data processing algorithm for tracking and correcting a system on which observations are performed. As a direct application, control schemes are designed for GRAVITY, a future four-telescope near-infrared beam combiner for the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI). We base our study on recent work in adaptive-optics control. The technique is to describe perturbations of fringe phases in terms of an a priori model. The model allows us to optimize the tracking of fringes, in that it is adapted to the prevailing perturbations. Since the model is of a parametric nature, a parameter identification needs to be included. Different possibilities exist to generalize to the four-telescope fringe tracking that is useful for GRAVITY. On the basis of a two-telescope Kalman-filtering control algorithm, a set of two properly working control algorithms for four-telescope fringe tracking is constructed. The control schemes are designed to take into account flux problems and low-signal baselines. First simulations of the fringe-tracking process indicate that the defined schemes meet the requirements for GRAVITY and allow us to distinguish in performance. In a future paper, we will compare the performances of classical fringe tracking to our Kalman-filter control.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Constraining the cosmic ray spectrum in the vicinity of the supernova remnant W28:from sub-GeV to multi-TeV energies

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    Supernova remnants interacting with molecular clouds are ideal laboratories to study the acceleration of particles at shock waves and their transport and interactions in the surrounding interstellar medium. In this paper, we focus on the supernova remnant W28, which over the years has been observed in all energy domains from radio waves to very-high-energy gamma rays. The bright gamma-ray emission detected from molecular clouds located in its vicinity revealed the presence of accelerated GeV and TeV particles in the region. An enhanced ionization rate has also been measured by means of millimetre observations, but such observations alone cannot tell us whether the enhancement is due to low energy (MeV) cosmic rays (either protons or electrons) or the X-ray photons emitted by the shocked gas. The goal of this study is to determine the origin of the enhanced ionization rate and to infer from multiwavelength observations the spectrum of cosmic rays accelerated at the supernova remnant shock in the unprecedented range spanning from MeV to multi-TeV particle energies. We developed a model to describe the transport of X-ray photons into the molecular cloud, and we fitted the radio, millimeter, and gamma-ray data to derive the spectrum of the radiating particles. The contribution from X-ray photons to the enhanced ionization rate is negligible, and therefore the ionization must be due to cosmic rays. Even though we cannot exclude a contribution to the ionization rate coming from cosmic ray electrons, we show that a scenario where cosmic ray protons explain both the gamma-ray flux and the enhanced ionization rate provides the most natural fit to multiwavelength data. This strongly suggests that the intensity of CR protons is enhanced in the region for particle energies in a very broad range covering almost 6 orders of magnitude: from 100\lesssim 100 MeV up to several tens of TeV

    On the structure of the transition disk around TW Hya

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    For over a decade, the structure of the inner cavity in the transition disk of TW Hydrae has been a subject of debate. Modeling the disk with data obtained at different wavelengths has led to a variety of proposed disk structures. Rather than being inconsistent, the individual models might point to the different faces of physical processes going on in disks, such as dust growth and planet formation. Our aim is to investigate the structure of the transition disk again and to find to what extent we can reconcile apparent model differences. A large set of high-angular-resolution data was collected from near-infrared to centimeter wavelengths. We investigated the existing disk models and established a new self-consistent radiative-transfer model. A genetic fitting algorithm was used to automatize the parameter fitting. Simple disk models with a vertical inner rim and a radially homogeneous dust composition from small to large grains cannot reproduce the combined data set. Two modifications are applied to this simple disk model: (1) the inner rim is smoothed by exponentially decreasing the surface density in the inner ~3 AU, and (2) the largest grains (>100 um) are concentrated towards the inner disk region. Both properties can be linked to fundamental processes that determine the evolution of protoplanetary disks: the shaping by a possible companion and the different regimes of dust-grain growth, respectively. The full interferometric data set from near-infrared to centimeter wavelengths requires a revision of existing models for the TW Hya disk. We present a new model that incorporates the characteristic structures of previous models but deviates in two key aspects: it does not have a sharp edge at 4 AU, and the surface density of large grains differs from that of smaller grains. This is the first successful radiative-transfer-based model for a full set of interferometric data.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The orbits of subdwarf B + main-sequence binaries. I: The sdB+G0 system PG 1104+243

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    The predicted orbital period histogram of an sdB population is bimodal with a peak at short ( 250 days) periods. Observationally, there are many short-period sdB systems known, but only very few long-period sdB binaries are identified. As these predictions are based on poorly understood binary interaction processes, it is of prime importance to confront the predictions to observational data. In this contribution we aim to determine the absolute dimensions of the long-period sdB+MS binary system PG1104+243. High-resolution spectroscopy time-series were obtained with HERMES at the Mercator telescope at La Palma, and analyzed to obtain radial velocities of both components. Photometry from the literature was used to construct the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the binary. Atmosphere models were used to fit this SED and determine the surface gravity and temperature of both components. The gravitational redshift provided an independent confirmation of the surface gravity of the sdB component. An orbital period of 753 +- 3 d and a mass ratio of q = 0.637 +- 0.015 were found from the RV-curves. The sdB component has an effective temperature of Teff = 33500 +- 1200 K and a surface gravity of logg = 5.84 +- 0.08 dex, while the cool companion is found to be a G-type star with Teff = 5930 +- 160 K and logg = 4.29 +- 0.05 dex. Assuming a canonical mass of Msdb = 0.47 Msun, the MS component has a mass of 0.74 +- 0.07 Msun, and its Teff corresponds to what is expected for a terminal age main-sequence star with sub-solar metalicity. PG1104+243 is the first long-period sdB binary in which accurate physical parameters of both components could be determined, and the first sdB binary in which the gravitational redshift is measured. Furthermore, PG1104+243 is the first sdB+MS system that shows consistent evidence for being formed through stable Roche-lobe overflow.Comment: Accepted by A&A on 05-10-201

    Discovery of a TiO emission band in the infrared spectrum of the S star NP Aurigae

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    We report on the discovery of an infrared emission band in the Spitzer spectrum of the S-type AGB star NP Aurigae that is caused by TiO molecules in the circumstellar environment. We modelled the observed emission to derive the temperature of the TiO molecules (\approx 600 K), an upper limit on the column density (\approx 10^17.25 cm^{-2}) and a lower limit on the spatial extent of the layer that contains these molecules. (\approx 4.6 stellar radii). This is the first time that this TiO emission band is observed. A search for similar emission features in the sample of S-type stars yielded two additional candidates. However, owing to the additional dust emission, the identification is less stringent. By comparing the stellar characteristics of NP Aur to those of the other stars in our sample, we find that all stars with TiO emission show large-amplitude pulsations, s-process enrichment, and a low C/O ratio. These characteristics might be necessary requirements for a star to show TiO in emission, but they are not sufficient.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, letter to the edito

    A Tale of Two Stars: Interferometric Studies of Post-AGB Binaries

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    Binaries with circumbinary disks are commonly found among optically bright post-AGB stars. Although clearly linked to binary interaction processes, the formation, evolution and fate of these disks are still badly understood. Due to their compactness, interferometric techniques are required to resolve them. Here, we discuss our high-quality multiwavelength interferometric data of two prototypical yet very different post-AGB binaries, AC and 89 Herculis, as well as the modeling thereof with radiative transfer models. A detailed account of the data and models of both objects is published in three separate papers elsewhere; here we focus on comparing the modeling results for the two objects. In particular we discuss the successes and limitations of the models which were developed for protoplanetary disks around young stars. We conclude that multiwavelength high-angular-resolution observations and radiative transfer disk models are indispensible to understand these complex interacting objects and their place in the grand scheme of the (binary) evolution of low and intermediate mass stars.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Conference proceedings for contributed talk at "Why Galaxies care about AGB stars III

    Structural and Luminescence Properties of Silica-Based Hybrids Containing New Silylated-Diketonato Europium(III) Complex

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    A new betadiketonate ligand displaying a trimethoxysilyl group as grafting function and a diketone moiety as complexing site (TTA-Si = 4,4,4-trifluoro-2-(3-trimethoxysilyl)propyl)-1-3-butanedione (C4H3S)COCH[(CH2)3Si(OCH3)3]COCF3) and its highly luminescent europium(III) complex [Eu(TTA-Si)3] have been synthesized and fully characterized. Luminescent silica-based hybrids have been prepared as well with this new complex grafted on the surface of dense silica nanoparticles (28 (+/-3 nm) or on mesoporous silica particles. The covalent bonding of Eu(TTA-Si)3 inside the core of uniform silica nanoparticles (40 (+/- 5 nm) was also achieved. Luminescence properties are discussed in relation to the europium chemical environment involved in each of the three hybrids. The general methodology proposed allowed high grafting ratios and overcame chelate release and tendency to agglomeration, and it could be applied to any silica matrix (in the core or at the surface, nanosized or not, dense or mesoporous) and therefore numerous applications such as luminescent markers and luminophors could be foreseen