1,086 research outputs found

    Primeiro registo do tubarão-anão, Squaliolus laticaudus (Smith & Radcliffe, 1912) nos Açores, estendendo a sua distribuição ocidental no Atlântico Nordeste

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    A presente nota documenta a primeira observação do tubarão-anão, Squaliolus laticaudus (Smith & Radcliffe, 1912), nos Açores, estendendo a sua distribuição ocidental no Atlântico Nordeste até ao arquipélago. A ocorrência da espécie nos arquipélagos macaronésicos é igualmente discutida.ABSTRACT: This paper reports the first observation of the spined pygmy shark, Squaliolus laticaudus, from the Azores, extending its westernmost distribution in the North-eastern Atlantic as far as this archipelago. The occurrence of this species in the Macaronesian archipelagos is also discussed

    Diet-derived bioavailable metabolites to tackle diabetes

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    Funding Information: Funding: This study was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Ciência e do Ensino Superior, grant numbers PTDC/BIA-MOL/31104/2017 (RM) and UIDB/04567/2020 and UIDP/ 04567/2020 (CBIOS). iNOVA4Health Research Unit (LISBOA—01–0145—FEDER—007344), which is cofunded by FCT/Ministério da Ciência e do Ensino Superior, through national funds, and by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement, is also acknowledged. Authors would like to acknowledge FCT for the financial support of AFR (PD/BD/135504/2018); SF (UI/BD/151421/2021), and RM (CEEC/04567/CBIOS/2020).Diabetes remains one of the leading causes of deaths and co-morbidities in the world, with tremendous human, social and economic costs. Therefore, despite therapeutics and technological advancements, improved strategies to tackle diabetes management are still needed. One of the suggested strategies is the consumption of (poly)phenols. Positive outcomes of dietary (poly)phenols have been pointed out towards different features in diabetes. This is the case of ellagitannins, which are present in numerous foodstuffs such as pomegranate, berries, and nuts. Ellagitannins have been reported to have a multitude of effects on metabolic diseases. However, these compounds have high molecular weight and do not reach circulation at effective concentrations, being metabolized in smaller compounds. After being metabolized into ellagic acid in the small intestine, the colonic microbiota hydrolyzes and metabolizes ellagic acid into dibenzopyran-6-one derivatives, known as urolithins. These low molecular weight compounds reach circulation in considerable concentrations ranging until micromolar levels, capable of reaching target tissues. Different urolithins are formed throughout the metabolization process, but urolithin A, isourolithin A, and urolithin B, and their phase-II metabolites are the most frequent ones. In recent years, urolithins have been the focus of attention in regard to their effects on a multiplicity of chronic diseases, including cancer and diabetes. In this review, we will discuss the latest advances about the protective effects of urolithins on diabetes.publishersversionpublishe

    Annotated list of fishes caught by the R/V ARQUIPÉLAGO off the Cape Verde archipelago.

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    A prospective survey was carried out in October - November of 2000, in the Cape Verde archipelago, by the R/V ARQUIPÉLAGO. The main objective was to determine the species composition and relative abundance of the demersal fish resources living in the waters of the Cape Verde archipelago. A list of fishes caught with bottom longline during the survey is presented in this document, along with information about the area, depth limits and the relative abundance of the species in the catches. Ninety-seven different species from 49 families were identified from 20 long-line sets. To our knowledge, the following 12 species were recorded for the first time from the waters of Cape Verde islands: Etmopterus princeps, Etmopterus pusillus, Gymnothorax maderensis, Myroconger compressus, Laemonema robustum, Beryx splendens, Scorpaena elongata, Serranus atricauda, Taractes rubescens, Taracthichthys longipinnis, Pagrus africanus and Cathidermis sufflamen. The species Laemonema robustum, were new to the CLOFETA area

    Bayesian spatio-temporal CPUE standardization: Case study of European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) along the western coast of Portugal

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    Understanding the key factors influencing population dynamics of fish stocks requires knowledge of their spatial distribution and seasonal habitat selection, but these spatio-temporal dynamics are often not explicitly included in ecological studies and stock assessment models. This study standardized the data of sardine fishery-dependent catch-per- unit- effort (CPUE) from the west coast of Portugal using Bayesian hierarchical spatio-temporal models (BHSTM) with the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA). Sardine CPUE was best explained by length of the vessel, vessel ID, month, year, and location (latitude, longitude). In terms of spatio-temporal distribution, sardine biomass prediction maps showed a constant pattern that changed every quarter of the year. In addition, sardine CPUE index showed a cyclical trend along the year with minimum values in July and maximum peak in November. This approach provided insights on variables and corresponding modelling effects that may be relevant in spatio-temporal fishery-dependent data standardization, and that could be applied to other fish species and areas.En prens

    Bayesian spatio-temporal CPUE standardization: case study of European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) along the western coast of Portugal

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    Fishery data is one of the most accessible sources of information currently used for ecological studies and stock assessments. Unlike scientific surveys that are usually restricted to a given time of the year, fisheries dependent data is almost continuously available in time. Moreover, the information collected from the fisheries is less expensive and time consuming. However, for use as a relative abundance index, fishery-dependent data requires standardization as catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) in order to remove the impact of vessel-specific differences and fishing behavior. Understanding the key factors that influence the population dynamics of fish species implies assessment of their spatial distribution and seasonal habitat selection but, spatio-temporal dependence issues are often not explicitly included in the modeling process. This study standardizes sardine fishery-dependent data obtained from the west coast of Portugal as CPUE by means of a Bayesian hierarchical spatio-temporal model using integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA). This is one of the first studies of the region to provide maps of the relative abundance of this species for all months of the year. The best model included length of the vessel, vessel ID, month, year and location (latitude, longitude), while none of the five environmental covariates (Chl-a, SST, bathymetry, current velocity and direction) were relevant. In terms of spatial distribution, sardines were more abundant in the northern area, especially during the last quarter of the year. The applied methodology has contributed to improve our knowledge of European sardine distribution throughout the year, providing accurate predictive maps and insights into the standardization process of fishery-dependent data that could also be applied to other fish species and areas

    Interfaces entre a produção de conhecimentos ameríndios e as relações de gênero com os Guarani

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    O projeto “Aprendizagens interculturais com os Guarani e produção de conhecimentos ameríndios para a educação”, desenvolvido pela Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (Unisc) que reúne professores, estudantes de pós-graduação e graduação tem possibilitado a discussão e fomento à pesquisa com interfaces transdisciplinares. Este tem procurado abordar a reflexão sobre os processos educativos interculturais que permitam visualizar outros modos de pensar as “infâncias”. A partir das discussões da equipe do projeto, do conhecimento acumulado em pesquisas tendo os Guarani como principais interlocutores e da revisão bibliográfica efetuada, a seguir desenvolvemos algumas considerações sobre as relações de gênero em coletivos Guarani. Pois ao contemplar a educação das infâncias no plural priorizando a linguagem que busca recuperar a ação do corpo que a inscreve no mundo e lhe atribui sentido, identificamos a abertura do eixo analítico relacionado às relações de gênero no projeto, visto a necessidade de uma melhor compreensão deste tema nas práticas educativas interculturais que objetivam desenvolver metodologias que contemplem as especificidades dos saberes ameríndios

    A benchmark for validation of numerical results in sheet metal forming

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    Advances in FE codes for simulation of sheet metal forming processes have enabled its use during pre-production stage of a component. Some of recent developments include improvements and implementation of new material models of mechanical behaviour. However, these developments and corresponding results need to be validated, which means being compared with experimental results. On the other hand, in order that experimental results are a reference data, they need to be tested to repeatability and need to be obtained with such characteristic preferably by different institutions.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TGJ-4CS4NXC-M/1/11b425ff3006b6fcdad85f1f6b4fa57

    Humor in mathematics teaching

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    HUMOR: OUR VIEW FOR MATHEMATICS TEACHING Our assumptions and context. Process humor and be able to produce is clearly a sign of intelligence, revealing, when done well, complex reasoning. Humor has an important social role, assuming as a cognitive experience that as well as creating a sense of well-being, predisposes people to work and can improve the productivity of that work. Mathematics is a discipline in which the reasoning occupies a very prominent place, both as a science as a school area. At the same time, students' interest for mathematics is not always the same and some have initially not very favorable feelings (Toh, 2009; Wanzer, Frymier & Irwin, 2010). Recent curriculum changes to the teaching of mathematics have been, in most countries of the world, showing the need for students to develop skills of critical nature, such as communication, thinking and problem solving along with the acquisition of mathematical knowledge. Also in Portugal, it is claimed the importance of promoting learning that combine the construction of mathematical knowledge with its use, when performing mathematical tasks and communicating mathematical ideas and mathematical reasoning. In the early years of schooling, corresponding to primary education in many countries, the use of texts such as short stories or comics, from which we can develop challenging mathematical tasks, is reported in the literature as having potential to promote learning specified in curricular documents (Wanzer, Frymier., & Irwin, 2010). In particular, some texts focus on mathematical topics in a humorous way and to be understood, students must develop their mathematical competence. The development of mathematical tasks from stories and other humorous presents big challenges to teachers (Flores & Moreno, 2011). Our questions. In this context, we put some questions: Primary teachers use in their classes tasks or situations that present, in a humorous way, mathematical ideas? What resources do they use? Also: How to select, adapt or build texts and tasks which have, in a humorous way, mathematical ideas with didactic potential for education in the early years of schooling? If the resources for this purpose have been produced and if teachers have been sensitized for their use, are they able to integrate them in their classes? Our intentions. This research project seeks to address these questions, focused on: (i ) assessment of teachers’ practices and underlying knowledge, resources available for the use of texts with mathematical ideas presented in a humorous way; (ii) selection, adaptation and construction of mathematical tasks from texts that present, in a humorous way, mathematical ideas with didactic potential in education for the early years of schooling; and ( iii ) integration and use, by primary school teachers, of texts that present , in a humorous way, contexts for the teaching of mathematics. So, the project is organized into three tasks and as a methodological design that combines qualitative elements with quantitative elements, the first one prevailing

    The influence of lifestyle and gender on sickness absence in Brazilian workers

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    Background: Despite an increasing body of knowledge concerning gender and lifestyle factors as determinants of sickness absence in well-developed countries, the relationship between these variables has not been elucidated in emerging econ