296 research outputs found

    Avaliação das temperaturas de superfície e do ar a partir da intensificação do agronegócio no território quilombola de Morro de São João, Tocantins

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    The present research studies environmental changes due to the advance of Agricultural Business in the Quilombola Community Morro de São João (CQMSJ), in the State of Tocantins, and its repercussions on the surface and air temperatures. In the last 20 years, the community notices the consequences of environmental changes as large-scale profit crops fitting the agribusiness model replaces native vegetation, which was part of its authentic territory. Because of its interdisciplinary aspect, the methodology associates climatology and geographical information system to analyze climate issues. Regarding climatology, the collected data about air temperature comes from Laboratório de Análises Geoambientais (LGA/UFT) database, gathered with a mobile transect between the years 2019/2020 on the studied site, and from field data collection at fixed points on the data logger in episodes at the end of each season between the years 2020 and 2021. Composing NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and TST (Land Surface Temperature) maps by satellite images captured from the Landsat 5, 7, and 8 series. The maps refer to periods of the dry season (winter/fall) and a rainy season (spring/summer), in case scenarios referring to two distinct seasons back in (1999/2000) and then (2019/2020/2021), before and after agriculture expansion in the studied area. Results indicate variation in the surface temperature is mostly associated with changes and modifications in land use and occupation over the CQMSJ territory. Over the years, the TST changes were more expressive in places with more intense anthropic activities, such as in the restricted monoculture area in the west (near TO-458) and east of the study area (to the right of the São Felipe stream).Referring to air temperature, the spatial variations on the transect indicate that temperature differences between the points are not as high as those typically measured in studies of urban climate (heat islands), but suggest that the environmental changes lead to the formation of microclimatic mosaics can increase over time. The temporal performance of temperature differences observed in a simultaneous analysis at fixed points, the pattern is very to the documented in studies of urban climate i.e. some types of weather, with variances, in each season of the year can increase or mitigate temperature differences. Results point to the possible consequences of intensive exploration of this traditional territory located in the Cerrado biome, especially when comes to its microclimatic aspects with possible effects on the life of a quilombola community.A presente pesquisa busca estudar mudanças ambientais em virtude do avanço do agronegócio sobre o território da Comunidade Quilombola Morro de São João (CQMSJ), no Estado do Tocantins, e suas repercussões sobre as temperaturas de superfície e do ar. Nos últimos 20 anos, a comunidade percebe ter vivenciado diversas consequências ambientais em detrimento da substituição da vegetação nativa, que antes fazia parte de seu território original, por lavouras comerciais de grande escala, aos moldes do agronegócio. Por ser uma pesquisa de caráter interdisciplinar, os procedimentos metodológicos possuem abordagem no campo da climatologia e no uso de geotecnologias para estudos de temáticas relacionadas ao clima. Na parte climatológica, o trabalho possui duas frentes para aquisição e tratamento de dados de temperatura do ar: a primeira a partir de registros armazenados no banco de dados do Laboratório de Análises Geoambientais (LGA/UFT), coletados por meio de transecto móvel entre os anos de 2019/2020 sobre a área de estudo; e a segunda, a partir de coleta de campo em pontos fixos, por meio de datalogger, em episódios no final de cada estação, entre os anos de 2020 e 2021. A utilização de imagens de satélite da série Landsat 5, 7 e 8 serviu para a geração de mapas de Índice de Vegetação (NDVI) e Temperatura de superfície (TST). Os mapas se referem a momentos de período seco (inverno/ outono) e de período chuvoso (primavera/ verão), em cenários de observação referentes a duas épocas distintas, anterior (1999/2000) e posterior (2019/2020/2021) à expansão agrícola na área de estudo. Os resultados indicam que houve uma variação da temperatura de superfície associada principalmente às alterações no uso e ocupação da terra sobre o Território da CQMSJ. Ao longo dos anos, as alterações de TST se mostraram mais expressivas em locais com atividades antrópicas mais intensas, como nas áreas de monocultivo nas partes oeste (próximo à TO- 458) e leste da área de estudo (à direito do Córrego São Felipe). Já em termos de temperatura do ar, observa-se que as variações espaciais no transecto, indicam que as diferenças térmicas entre os pontos não alcançam valores tão elevados quanto aquelas normalmente verificadas em estudos de clima urbano (ilhas de calor), mas sugerem que as mudanças ambientais conduzem à formação de mosaicos microclimáticos que podem se intensificar ao longo do tempo. Em relação ao comportamento temporal das diferenças térmicas observados em análise simultânea em pontos fixos, o padrão é muito semelhante àquele verificado em estudos de clima urbano, ou seja, determinados tipos de tempo, mais ou menos presentes em cada estação do ano, podem elevar ou atenuar as diferenças térmicas. Dessa forma, os resultados sinalizam para prováveis consequências da exploração intensiva desse território tradicional inserido no bioma Cerrado, em especial quanto aos seus aspectos microclimáticos, com possíveis implicações sobre a vida de uma comunidade quilombola

    Cinomose Canina

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    The Curricular Supervisioned Internship was held at the Federal University of Mato Grosso, municipality of Sinop, Mato Grosso. Activities totaled 416 hours, realized in two sectors; Clinic of Dogs and Cats, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Adriana Alonso Novais, and in the area of Surgical Clinic of Small Animals, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Domingos de Faria Junior, during the period from August 14 to October 27, 2017. The objective of this report is to expose the activities developed during the required stage and to describe a clinical case of interest, addressing canine distemper, chosen theme because it is an infectious contagious disease, responsible for a large number of dog deaths, in a clinical routine. The Internship is a important fase in academics life; it elucidates the routine of a desired area, showing its advantages and difficulties, allowing to apply the acquired knowledge and add them to new experiences, as well as to know new realities.O presente trabalho descreve as atividades desenvolvidas no estágio curricular supervisionado realizado na Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso, campus de Sinop MT, no período de 14 de Agosto de 2017 a 27 de Outubro de 2017, nas áreas de clínica médica de cães e gatos, e clínica cirúrgica de pequenos animais, totalizando 416 horas, sob supervisão da professora de clínica medica, Drª Adriana Alonso Novais e do professor de clínica cirúrgica, Dr Domingos de Faria Junior. Este trabalho tem por objetivo relatar as atividades realizadas durante o estágio curricular, e descrever um caso clínico de interesse, que foi Cinomose canina, escolhido por ainda ser uma das afecções infectocontagiosa responsável por grande número dos óbitos de cães na rotina clínica. O estágio curricular é uma grande etapa na vida do acadêmico, pois elucida a rotina da área almejada, mostrando suas vantagens e dificuldades, podendo o aluno aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos e somá-los a novas experiências, além de conhecer novas realidades

    Effect of hormone replacement therapy on the bone mass and urinary excretion of pyridinium cross-links

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    CONTEXT: The menopause accelerates bone loss and is associated with an increased bone turnover. Bone formation may be evaluated by several biochemical markers. However, the establishment of an accurate marker for bone resorption has been more difficult to achieve. OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on bone mass and on the markers of bone resorption: urinary excretion of pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline.DESIGN: Cohort correlational study.SETTING: Academic referral center.SAMPLE: 53 post-menopausal women, aged 48-58 years.MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Urinary pyr and d-pyr were measured in fasting urine samples by spectrofluorometry after high performance liquid chromatography and corrected for creatinine excretion measured before treatment and after 1, 2, 4 and 12 months. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) before treatment and after 12 months of HRT.RESULTS: The BMD after HRT was about 4.7% (P < 0.0004); 2% (P < 0.002); and 3% (P < 0.01) higher than the basal values in lumbar spine, neck and trochanter respectively. There were no significant correlations between pyridinium cross-links and age, weight, menopause duration and BMD. The decrease in pyr and d-pyr was progressive after HRT, reaching 28.9% (P < 0.0002), and 42% (P < 0.0002) respectively after 1 year.CONCLUSIONS: Urinary pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline excretion decreases early in hormone replacement therapy, reflecting a decrease in the bone resorption rate, and no correlation was observed with the bone mass evaluated by densitometry.CONTEXTO: A perda óssea acelerada observada na pós menopausa é atribuída a um incremento do turnover ósseo, com predomínio da reabsorção em decorrência da falência ovariana. Ao contrário da formação tem sido difícil de estabelecer um marcador sensível de reabsorção.OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o efeito da terapia de reposicão hormonal (TRH) na densidade e nos marcadores urinários de reabsorção óssea, piridinolina (PIR) e deoxipiridinolina (D-PIR).TIPO DE ESTUDO: Estudo coorte de correlação.LOCAL: Centro universitário de referência.PACIENTES: 53 mulheres menopausadas há 3,6 ± 5 anos, idade mediana de 53 anos.VARIÁVEIS ESTUDADAS: A excreção urinária de PIR e D-PIR na urina de jejum ,analisada por HPLC e expressa em pmol /mmol de creatinina ,foi avaliada em condições basais e após 1,2,4 e 12 meses de TRH. Realizaram densitometria óssea (DO) em coluna e fêmur antes e após 12 meses de TRH.RESULTADOS: A DO após TRH foi 4.7%(P<0.0004); 2%(P<0.002); and 3%(P<0.01) maior que os valores basais na coluna , colo do fêmur e trocanter respectivamente. Observou-se um decréscimo dos valores de PIR e D-PIR precoce e progressivo, atingindo 28,9% (P<0.0002) e 42% (P<0.0002) após 1ano de TRH respectivamente. Não houve correlação entre os valores de DO e os de PIR E D-PIR.CONCLUSÕES: A excreção urinária de PIR e D-PIR constituem um marcador sensível da reabsorção óssea.O decréscimo precoce a torna útil na avaliação da eficácia terapeutica.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Programa de juegos en el desarrollo del esquema corporal en los niños de 5 años en la Institución Educativa Inicial N°555 Surco - 2013

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    Este estudio se titula “Programa de Juegos en el desarrollo del esquema corporal en los niños de 5 años en la Institución Educativa Inicial n°555 Surco – 2013”, tuvo el objetivo de determinar el mejoramiento del Programa de Juegos en el desarrollo del esquema corporal en los niños de 5 años en la Institución Educativa Inicial Nº 555 Surco – 2013. El tipo de investigación es cuasi experimental, para recoger los datos, se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta con dos momentos; Pre test y Post test sobre el desarrollo de esquema corporal; los test fueron aplicados a 48 alumnos del nivel inicial de la Institución Educativa Nº 555. La población está conformada por 72 alumnos y la muestra por 24 alumnos de la Institución Educativa Nº 555 Surco. Como resultado existe una relación positiva y significativa alta entre las variables de Programa de juegos y el desarrollo del esquema corporal de los estudiantes del nivel Inicial de la Institución Educativa Nº 555 Surco, 2013, con un nivel de significancia de α = 0.05, Z = 6.046 y p = 0.000

    Trigger and Target of Renal Functions

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    This work was supported by “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” – FCT to AP (PD/BD/136887/2018); MJM (PD/BD/114256/2016), MPM (PTDC/DTP-EPI/0207/2012), DOB e MPM (PTDC/BIM-MET/2115/2014); iNOVA4Health (UIDB/Multi/04462/2020), by the European Commission Marie Skłodowska -Curie Actions H2020 (grant agreements nos. 722619 and 734719), and by the Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia.Kidney function in metabolism is often underestimated. Although the word “clearance” is associated to “degradation”, at nephron level, proper balance between what is truly degraded and what is redirected to de novo utilization is crucial for the maintenance of electrolytic and acid–basic balance and energy conservation. Insulin is probably one of the best examples of how diverse and heterogeneous kidney response can be. Kidney has a primary role in the degradation of insulin released in the bloodstream, but it is also incredibly susceptible to insulin action throughout the nephron. Fluctuations in insulin levels during fast and fed state add another layer of complexity in the understanding of kidney fine-tuning. This review aims at revisiting renal insulin actions and clearance and to address the association of kidney dysmetabolism with hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, both highly prevalent phenomena in modern society.publishersversionpublishe

    Selective laser melting of Ti6Al4V sub-millimetric cellular structures: prediction of dimensional deviations and mechanical performance

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    Ti6Al4V sub-millimetric cellular structures arise as promising solutions concerning the progress of conventional orthopedic implants due to its ability to address a combination of mechanical, physical and topological properties. Such ability can improve the interaction between implant materials and surrounding bone leading to longterm successful orthopedic implants. Selective Laser Melting (SLM) capability to produce high quality Ti6Al4V porous implants is in great demand towards orthopedic biomaterials. In this study, Ti6Al4V cellular structures were designed, modeled, SLM produced and characterized targeting orthopedic implants. For that purpose, a set of tools is proposed to overcome SLM limited accuracy to produce porous biomaterials with desired dimensions and mechanical properties. Morphological analyses were performed to evaluate the dimensional deviations noticed between the model CAD and the SLM produced structures. Tensile tests were carried out to estimate the elastic modulus of the Ti6Al4V cellular structures. The present work proposes a design methodology showing the linear correlations found for the dimensions, the porosity and the elastic modulus when comparing the model CAD designs with Ti6Al4V structures by SLM.This work was supported by FCT through the grant SFRH/BD/ 128657/2017 and the projects PTDC/EMS-TEC/5422/2014_ADAPT PROSTHESIS, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000018 – HAMaBICo and UID/ EEA/04436/2019


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    Objective: The present study analyzed the effects of the use and perceived usefulness of bereavement rituals and marital satisfaction on perinatal bereavement.Method: 74 Portuguese women who attended a public hospital in Porto - Portugal, after experiencing one or more abortions in 2019, responded to a self-report survey. The effects of ritual utility and marital satisfaction on bereavement experience, as well as interaction effects, were analyzed.Results: With adjustment to bereavement after pregnancy loss as the dependent variable, a negative effect of marital satisfaction (b=.33) and a positive effect of ritual utility (b =.46) were observed. No significant moderation effect was observed.Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of addressing bereavement rituals and conjugality in providing emotional support for the loss, with the figure of the nurse being paramount in the contexts of abortion and neonatal loss

    Supercritical CO2 assisted impregnation of ibuprofen on medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates (mcl-PHA)

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    This work is financed by national funds from FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the project UIDB/50006/2020 of the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry-LAQV, the project UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences-UCIBIO and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy-i4HB. Liane Meneses and Alexandre Paiva would like to acknowledge FCT for the financial support through SFRH/BD/148510/2019 and IF/01146/2015.In this work, we propose the utilization of scCO2 to impregnate ibuprofen into the mcl- PHA matrix produced by Pseudomonas chlororaphis subs. aurantiaca (DSM 19603). The biopolymer has adhesive properties, is biocompatible and has a melting temperature of 45 °C. Several conditions, namely, pressure (15 and 20 MPa) and impregnation time (30 min, 1 h and 3 h) were tested. The highest ibuprofen content (90.8 ± 6.5 mg of ibuprofen/gPHA) was obtained at 20 MPa and 40 °C, for 1 h, with an impregnation rate of 89 mg/(g.h). The processed mcl-PHA samples suffered a plasticization, as shown by the decrease of 6.5 °C in the Tg, at 20 MPa. The polymer’s crystallinity was also affected concomitantly with the matrices’ ibuprofen content. For all the impregnation conditions tested the release of ibuprofen from the biopolymer followed a type II release profile. This study has demonstrated that the mcl-PHA produced by P. chlororaphis has a great potential for the development of novel topical drug delivery systems.publishersversionpublishe

    Monitoring and environmental control in a goat kid's room with forced ventilation

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    Although goats are not, in most cases, associated with intensive production, this practice has been increasingly common. With the intensification of production it has become important to develop a controlled environment to optimize resources and reduce costs. The objective of this study was to monitor and control air quality inside a room for artificial feeding of goat kids. We studied the temperature, humidity and concentrations of carbon dioxide and ammonia. Rates of ventilation and air circulation in the room were determined. The values of temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide and ammonia were within the recommended levels. The ventilation flow was sufficient to control the air qualit

    Implementación de medidas para el alivio del dolor en neonatos por el equipo de enfermería

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    Estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa, que objetivou identificar a implementação de medidas para o alívio da dor em neonatos pelos profissionais de Enfermagem, bem como caracterizá-las em tipo, frequência e finalidade da aplicação. Desenvolvido entre agosto e outubro de 2007 em quatro hospitais de referência no atendimento neonatal em Fortaleza-Ceará. Um formulário foi aplicado em 180 profissionais. Os dados foram analisados com estatística descritiva simples e apresentados em tabelas. A maioria dos profissionais (98,8%) afirmou implementar medidas para minimizar a dor do neonato, destacando-se: Chupeta de gaze com glicose (43,3%); Acalento (23,3%); Pacotinho (19,4%). Quanto às justificativas, a maioria (85%) relatou que executa tais medidas para acalmar/aliviar o sofrimento do bebê. Em conclusão, as entrevistadas demonstraram conhecer o efeito benéfico da glicose para o neonato e implementar estratégias que, aplicadas em conjunto antes dos procedimentos dolorosos, proporcionam alívio e tranquilidade para o bebê.It's a Cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, aiming to identify nursing team implementation of pain relief measures in neonates and characterize them as the purpose, type and frequency. Data collection took place between August and October 2007 at four neonatal care reference hospitals in Fortaleza, Ceará. A form was answered by 180 professionals. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics in tables. Most of professionals (98.8%) reported to implement measures to minimize pain in the newborn, pinpointing: gauze with glucose (43.3%); to tuck the baby (23.3%); to involve the baby in this blanket (19.4%). In a way of justification, the majority (85%) reported implementing such measures to relieve the baby's suffering. It is concluded that the subjects interviewed knew about the beneficial effect of glucose on the neonate, and implement strategies that, applied before painful procedures, provide relief and comfort to the baby.Estudio transversal con enfoque cuantitativo, que tuvo como objetivo identificar las medidas de ejecución para el alivio del dolor en recién nacidos por los profesionales de enfermería, bien cómo caracterizarlos por tipo, frecuencia y efectos de la aplicación. El estudio fue desarrollado en cuatro hospitales de referencia en la atención neonatal en Fortaleza-Ceará, entre agosto y octubre de 2007. Se aplicó una forma a 180 profesionales. Los datos fueron analizados con estadísticas descriptivas en tablas. La mayoría de los profesionales (98,8%) afirmó aplicar medidas para minimizar el dolor del neonato, incluyendo: chupete de gasa con la glucosa (43,3%); acunar el neonato (23,3%), envolver el neonato (19,4%). Como justificación, la mayoría (85%) reporta realizar las medidas para aliviar el sufrimiento del bebé. En conclusión, las entrevistadas demostraron conocer el efecto beneficioso de la glucosa para el neonato y ejecutar estrategias que, utilizadas en conjunto antes de los procedimientos dolorosos, proporcionan alivio y confort para el recién nacido