34 research outputs found

    Tools to measure the technological capabilities of the aerospace industry

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    Purpose: The following article describes steps along with a mathematical model to determine the technological capability of the aerospace industry of Mexicali in the area of design (ICTD) and manufacturing (ICTM). Design/methodology/approach: This model was performed by weighted variables using factor analysis to identify technological capacities of Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and compare them with those that must be accomplish to become suppliers for transnational industry (TNCs). Findings: The results suggest that SMEs must realize a comparative table QFD of their current capabilities and the requirements established by transnational corporations, to create a strategic plan that includes; certifications (AS 9000, NAP CAP, Belts, ISO, Six Sigma), software acquisition and updated equipment necessary for reducing the technological gap. Additionally, it is recommended the integration of clusters of enterprises SMEs for the strengthening of technological capacities. Originality/value: Up to we know, there is not similar model for measuring technological capabilities of aerospace industry.Peer Reviewe

    Method engineering to increase labor productivity and eliminate downtime

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    Purpose: The purpose of this work is to present a method based on the application of method engineering, in order to eliminate downtime and improve the manufacturing cell. Design/methodology/approach: The research strategy employed was a case study applied to a manufacturing company to explore the causes of excessive dead time and low productivity. The methodology used was divided in five steps. The first corresponds to the analysis of the lathe and grinding process; the second is the elaboration of the man-machine diagram to identify dead times; the third is the application of the improvement proposal; the fourth is the redistribution of the cell to optimize the process; the fifth is to conclude from the results obtained. Findings: With the proposed method, the downtime was reduced by 41% and only 50% of the available labor is required, therefore, it is concluded that the method can be used to redesign manufacturing cells. Research limitations/implications: This research was limited to analyzing and improving humanmachine interaction, since work is not just the machine, or the individual alone, or the individual manipulating the machine, therefore, no other tools were used to improve the time of machines operation. Practical implications: Designing a manufacturing cell that allows the operator to do his job with less fatigue and not adapt the operator to the job, as commonly happens. Social implications: Companies must show a greater interest in occupational health by including human capital in their optimization plans to avoid future harm to workers. Originality/value: The key contribution of this paper focused on developing a novel and practical methodology to design or re-design manufacturing cells to improve productivity considering the human factor, inspired by the main concepts of method engineering.Peer Reviewe

    Análisis de los elementos principales en el diseño de placas de bloqueo en una fractura de 2-partes del cuello quirúrgico del húmero utilizando MEF y análisis estadístico

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    Un gran número de fracturas de húmero proximal están siendo tratadas con osteosíntesis. Sin embargo, lapérdida de reducción sigue siendo un problema grave, lo que lleva al recorte de tornillo en la articulaciónhumeral y la reoperación.De acuerdo con la teoría del strain interfragmentario, se debe considerar el equilibrio entre una fijación flexible,que estimula la formación de callos, y una fijación inestable, que conduce al fallo del implante. Los principaleselementos implicados en este caso son las condiciones fisiológicas de carga, la configuración de lostornillos de soporte, el material del implante y la calidad ósea. El objetivo de esta investigación es detectar lainfluencia de los elementos anteriores para formular una escena positiva que minimice el riesgo de fracaso.Se utilizó un diseño de experimentos de tipo factorial en combinación con el uso del método de elementosfinitos para dar lugar a la recogida de datos. Las condiciones de carga asemejan a: ―sostener un peso muerto‖(tensión), ―levantar frontalmente un peso muerto‖ (flexión) y torsión.Los resultados sugirieron que el material del implante es el elemento con mayor influencia y contribuye aestabilizar la fijación de la fractura, siguiendo la configuración de soporte. La práctica de incluir un soportemedial con tornillos calcar en diferentes calidades de tejido óseo ofrece una rigidez favorable que aquellosque no los utilizan. Esta afirmación es apoyada por resultados de informes publicados recientemente. Además,el soporte medial reduce el strain en la interfaz hueso-implante. Aunque estos resultados mostraron una evaluacióndemasiado moderada por el uso de un modelo isotrópico, son eficaces para conocer los elementosbiomecánicos y su influencia para describir una tendencia de comportamiento y crear una base para futurosestudios. Además, el tiempo de cálculo disminuyó considerablemente.Palabras clave: Biomecánica, fractura de húmero proximal, placas de bloqueo, tornillos de soporte medial

    ErgoVSM: a new tool that integrates ergonomics and productivity

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    Purpose: Identifying possible ergonomic risks generated by the implementation of Lean Manufacturing in organizations. Shows a need to integrate ergonomics and productivity indicators in process analysis, thus giving place to the ErgoVSM methodology, which is VSM (Value Stream Mapping) complemented with ergonomic analysis. Design/methodology/approach: This literature review aims to refer to the methodology and instruments used for its application, as well as the benefits obtained and the challenges that arise when applying it. Findings: This article presents a review of 26 publications regarding the ErgoVSM methodology. The ErgoVSM is mainly based on the VSM methodology developed by Rother & Shook that is most applied in the healthcare sector with ergonomic analysis instruments that focus on the physical and psychosocial factors of the workers. Originality/value: The review revealed that when using ErgoVSM, processes can be improved from the ergonomic perspective without negatively affecting productivity. Even though ErgoVSM requires more time for application compared to VSM, the value of the ergonomic data for decision making in process changes justifies the extra timePeer Reviewe

    Novedoso método para análisis de fallas eléctricas en tableros electrónicos utilizando la matriz GASE en la industria electrónica de Mexicali

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    The presence of electrical faults in electronic boards manufactured in the electronics industry causes great economic losses even with sophisticated equipment and machines in the manufacturing areas. The objective of this work was the application of the GASE matrix (Guide, Analysis, Solution and Evaluation), coupled with the automated detection system of electronic components that are used in cellular telephony. The study consisted of three phases: (1) evaluation of the main causes of the presence of electrical failures with the Ishikawa diagram, (2) design and application of the GASE matrix to detect defective electronic boards and (3) analysis of operability of electronics manufactured as new market products of the telecommunications industry. The investigation lasted from 2018 to 2019. With the Ishikawa diagram analysis, the main causes were determined, the most relevant being the lack of training of workers, either for manual or automated activities.La presencia de fallas eléctricas en las placas electrónicas fabricadas en la industria electrónica provoca grandes pérdidas económicas incluso con equipos y máquinas sofisticados en las áreas de fabricación. El objetivo de este trabajo fue la aplicación de la matriz GASE (Guía, Análisis, Solución y Evaluación), junto con el sistema de detección automatizada de componentes electrónicos que se utilizan en telefonía celular. El estudio constó de tres fases: (1) evaluación de las principales causas de presencia de fallas eléctricas con el diagrama de Ishikawa, (2) diseño y aplicación de la matriz GASE para detectar tableros electrónicos defectuosos y (3) análisis de operatividad de la electrónica fabricados como nuevos productos de mercado de la industria de las telecomunicaciones. La investigación se realizó de 2018 a 2019. Con el análisis del diagrama de Ishikawa se determinaron las principales causas, siendo la más relevante la falta de formación de los trabajadores, ya sea para actividades manuales o automatizadas. &nbsp


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    Algunas piezas fabricadas en el rubro aeroespacial requieren de operaciones de ensamble para formar una nueva entidad. Se espera que en las zonas donde la unión se lleva a cabo, esté presente una concentración de esfuerzos, lo que lleva a aumentar las posibilidades de presencia fallo estructural generado por las condiciones en las que la pieza montada está en funcionamiento. En este estudio se realizó una evaluación estructural a flexión entre un componente estructural ensamblado y una pieza maquinada en una etapa con las mismas características geométricas, siendo la propuesta para sustituir al componente ensamblado. Para verificar las propiedades mecánicas se utilizaron galgas extensométricas uniaxiales en conjunto con el método de los elementos finitos. Con los datos obtenidos en galgas, se realizó un análisis de varianza para evaluar si existe alguna diferencia significativa entre las medias muestrales. Se observa que el valor de P=0.236 es mayor al valor de α=0.05, por lo que se afirma con un 95% de confianza que no existe diferencia significativa entre las medias muestrales de las deformaciones entre los tratamientos de pieza unitaria y pieza ensamblada. Lo anterior sugiere que ambos componentes funcionan igual bajo la condición de flexión. 

    Capitulo 5. Ciencias Agrícolas, Pecuarias y del Medio Ambiente

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    El aumento de las concentraciones de GEI es considerado como el responsable del actual calentamiento global, siendo el CO2 el principal GEI debido a las emisiones antropogénicas y registrando un aumento de 2.2 ppm más que en 2016, llegando a alcanzar las 405 ppm de la concentración global en los últimos 58 años (Blunden, 2018). Por lo cual el objetivo de esta investigación fue estimar la capacidad de captura de CO2 de las especies de microalgas Chlorella Vulgaris. y Scenedesmus Obliquus. mediante el uso de fotobiorreactores como herramienta biotecnológica para el control de la contaminación atmosférica. Con los resultados de esta investigación, se pretende contribuir al desarrollo de biotecnologías para el control de la contaminación atmosférica enfocadas en las emisiones de CO2

    Espacio y territorios: razón, pasión e imaginarios

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    En este caleidoscopio de acercamientos hacia lo espacial y territorial, las visiones se mueven desde aquellas románticas y existencialistas, pasando por aquellas objetivistas y positivistas, hasta las estructuralistas y postestructuralistas. Por el espacio y el territorio se interesan con enfoques diversos numerosas disciplinas, desde la psicología, la etología o la literatura, y las ciencias naturales como la biología o la ecología, hasta las ciencias sociales y políticas, como la geografía, la antropología, la economía y la sociología. Este interés multidisciplinario demuestra la importancia y la complejidad del tema espacial y territorial, y reclama la necesidad de su estudio y comprensión interdisciplinarios, como se intenta con esta publicación

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Loop-mediated isothermal amplification for diagnosing marine pathogens in tissues of Crassostrea spp. and white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, farmed in Mexico

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    Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is an accurate, sensitive, rapid, and easy-to-perform method for gene amplification under isothermal conditions, and it has served as a powerful diagnostic tool. In this study, we used LAMP to develop a diagnostic protocol for detecting Vibrio parahaemolyticus and white spot syndrome virus in whiteleg shrimp, and Perkinsus spp. in Crassostrea spp. in Mexico. These pathogens are associated with different diseases and are considered a threat in the aquaculture industry. Infected and uninfected oysters and shrimp were obtained from farms in the northwest coast of Mexico to standardize the LAMP assay. We determined the candidate target genes in the first-round analysis of many sets of primers, and then we chose a set of primers that successfully amplified with Mexican samples. We optimized the LAMP reactions for each pathogen with the chosen primer sets using temperature gradients from 61 to 65 ºC, DNA concentrations from 2.5 pg to 250.0 ng, and reaction times from 10 to 60 min. This study established a diagnostic procedure for detecting pathogens in oysters and shrimp from Mexico. Early diagnosis and treatment of pathogens can immensely reduce disease transmission in aquaculture farms