115 research outputs found

    Efecto hipolipemiante del extracto etanólico de las hojas de Passiflora edulis (maracuyá) en ratas hipercolesterolémicas

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    El estudio realizado buscó determinar el efecto hipolipemiante del extracto etanólico de las hojas de Passiflora edulis (maracuyá) en ratas hipercolesterolémicas, para tal fin se emplearon 24 ratas albinas divididas en seis grupos, administrándose al primer grupo suero fisiológico 4 mL/Kg, el segundo grupo recibió colesterol 120 mg/kg, tercer grupo recibió atorvastatina 15 mg/Kg, el grupos cuatro recibió extracto 50 mg/Kg, el grupo cinco extracto 100 mg/Kg y el grupo seis 200 mg/kg, al finalizar los parámetros de bioquímica sanguínea evaluados fueron colesterol, triglicéridos y HDL. Se encontró que el grupo que recibió extracto de maracuyá a una concentración de 200 mg/Kg presentó mayor efecto hipolipemiante, cuya eficacia es similar al del estándar farmacológico atorvastatina 15 mg/kg. Concluyendo que el extracto etanólico de maracuyá tiene actividad hipolipemiante en ratas hipercolesterolémicasTesi

    CNTNAP2 is a direct FoxP2 target in vitro and in vivo in zebra finches: complex regulation by age and activity

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    Mutations of FOXP2 are associated with altered brain structure, including the striatal part of the basal ganglia, and cause a severe speech and language disorder. Songbirds serve as a tractable neurobiological model for speech and language research. Experimental downregulation of FoxP2 in zebra finch Area X, a nucleus of the striatal song control circuitry, affects synaptic transmission and spine densities. It also renders song learning and production inaccurate and imprecise, similar to the speech impairment of patients carrying FOXP2 mutations. Here we show that experimental downregulation of FoxP2 in Area X using lentiviral vectors leads to reduced expression of CNTNAP2, a FOXP2 target gene in humans. In addition, natural downregulation of FoxP2 by age or by singing also downregulated CNTNAP2 expression. Furthermore, we report that FoxP2 binds to and activates the avian CNTNAP2 promoter in vitro. Taken together these data establish CNTNAP2 as a direct FoxP2 target gene in songbirds, likely affecting synaptic function relevant for song learning and song maintenance

    Factores que contribuyen a la fuga de clientes en el proceso de renovaci?n del producto de seguro vehicular en la ciudad de Lima

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    La baja penetraci?n de seguro en comparaci?n con pa?ses de la regi?n de Am?rica Latina, y la reducci?n de renovaci?n de p?lizas de seguros vehiculares en Per?, no dio la oportunidad para realizar el siguiente trabajo de investigaci?n, que tiene como objetivo principal identificar el principal factor que contribuye a la fuga de clientes en el proceso de renovaci?n del producto de seguro vehicular, adem?s de analizar qu? otros factores pueden impactar en esta etapa de postventa. Para la siguiente investigaci?n, plantearon posibles hip?tesis que han surgido de la consulta bibliogr?fica y an?lisis de cada una de ellas, las cuales proyectan posibles proposiciones de factores que intervienen en la intenci?n de no renovaci?n de un seguro vehicular. La metodolog?a utilizada para el presente trabajo fue la aplicaci?n de encuestas a clientes de las cuatro empresas principales en Per? y una entrevista a un panel de cuatr expertos en customer experience y seguros. Finalmente, se identificaron temas para ampliar en futuras investigaciones, con el prop?sito de conseguir m?s informaci?n en el radar de impacto y con ello identificar mayores factores que puedan intervenir en la no renovaci?n de un seguro vehicular

    Crown cover of a dominant pioneer legume affects tree species regeneration in a secondary tropical dry forest

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    Background: Individual pioneer tree species often dominate early tropical dry forest succession and thereby affect possible successional pathways. Mimosa acantholoba var. eurycarpa is a highly dominant species in the tropical dry forest in Mexico. Hypothesis: Mimosa acantholoba var. eurycarpa exerts an inhibitory effect on the germination, establishment, survival, and early growth of light-demanding pioneers, while facilitating these processes for shade-tolerant old-growth forests species. Studied species: Lonchocarpus torresiorum, Lysiloma divaricatum, Mimosa acantholoba var. eurycarpa and Vachellia farnesiana. Study site and dates: Nizanda, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2020-2021. Methods: In 12 early successional plots, we applied three levels of crown cover removal (100, 50, and 0 %) of established trees of the dominant pioneer legume (M. acantholoba var. eurycarpa). We sowed seeds of the four study species in each experimental plot and recorded their germination, establishment, survival, and early growth over a 2-mo period. Results: The removal of crown cover of established M. acantholoba var. eurycarpa trees did not significantly affect germination. Lysiloma divaricatum had the highest germination probability, the fastest germination, and the highest establishment probability regardless of treatment. Lonchocarpus torresiorum had the highest establishment probability in plots where the crown cover of established M. acantholoba var. eurycarpa trees was removed The survival probability of both shade-tolerant species was highest in the 100 % removal treatment. Conclusions: Despite successful germination of shade-tolerant species, their survival is inhibited under the dense canopy of the dominant legume. Therefore, interventions to reduce the crown cover area of this dominant legume may stimulate forest recovery

    Curriculum planning in university teaching and professional performance of graduates in education

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    El contexto actual exige que la planificación curricular, sea de gran impacto social, cuyo efecto se evidencia en la formación integral del futuro profesional en educación, por ello requiere adaptarse a los cambios que se van generando en el entorno, teniendo en cuenta los avances tecnológicos y científicos, planteamiento de nuevas tendencias y estrategias didácticas. A lo cual el estudio tuvo por objetivo explicar la influencia de la planificación curricular en la enseñanza universitaria y su pertinencia en el desempeño profesional del egresado en educación. El método se circunscribe en la investigación cuantitativa, con un diseño transversal correlacional causal; respecto a la unidad de estudio, estuvo conformado por un total de 1772 egresados de la Escuela Profesional de Educación entre los años 2011 al 2019, seleccionándose a un total de 316 egresados a través del muestreo probabilístico sistemático, a quienes se aplicaron dos cuestionarios de respuesta en escala de Likert, habiendo revisado su validez y confiabilidad. Los hallazgos del estudio evidencian que la planificación curricular influye directamente en el desempeño profesional de los egresados en Educación, dado por el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson a 0,525 y un valor P significativo, la regresión lineal ha demostrado que la planificación curricular es pertinente y debidamente articulada con el desempeño profesional en un 27,6% de los egresados en Educación, mientras el 72,4% evidencia dificultades para lograr un adecuado desempeño.The current context requires that curricular planning be of great social impact, whose effect is evidenced in the comprehensive training of the future professional in education, therefore it requires adapting to the changes that are generated in the environment, taking into account technological advances and scientists, approach to new trends and teaching strategies. To which the objective of the study was to explain the influence of curricular planning in university education and its relevance in the professional performance of the graduate in education. The method is limited to quantitative research, with a causal correlational cross-sectional design; Regarding the study unit, it was made up of a total of 1,772 graduates of the professional school of education between the years 2011 to 2019, selecting a total of 316 graduates through systematic probability sampling, to whom two response questionnaires were applied in Likert scale, having reviewed its validity and reliability. The study findings show that curricular planning directly influences the professional performance of education graduates, given by Pearson's correlation coefficient at 0.525 and a significant P value, linear regression has shown that curricular planning is pertinent and duly articulated with professional performance in 27.6% of education graduates, while 72.4% show difficulties to achieve adequate performance

    Factors controlling plankton community production, export flux, and particulate matter stoichiometry in the coastal upwelling system off Peru

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    Eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUS) are among the most productive marine ecosystems on Earth. The production of organic material is fueled by upwelling of nutrient-rich deep waters and high incident light at the sea surface. However, biotic and abiotic factors can modify surface production and related biogeochemical processes. Determining these factors is important because EBUS are considered hotspots of climate change, and reliable predictions of their future functioning requires understanding of the mechanisms driving the biogeochemical cycles therein. In this field experiment, we used in situ mesocosms as tools to improve our mechanistic understanding of processes controlling organic matter cycling in the coastal Peruvian upwelling system. Eight mesocosms, each with a volume of ∼55 m3, were deployed for 50 d ∼6 km off Callao (12∘ S) during austral summer 2017, coinciding with a coastal El Niño phase. After mesocosm deployment, we collected subsurface waters at two different locations in the regional oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) and injected these into four mesocosms (mixing ratio ≈1.5 : 1 mesocosm: OMZ water). The focus of this paper is on temporal developments of organic matter production, export, and stoichiometry in the individual mesocosms. The mesocosm phytoplankton communities were initially dominated by diatoms but shifted towards a pronounced dominance of the mixotrophic dinoflagellate (Akashiwo sanguinea) when inorganic nitrogen was exhausted in surface layers. The community shift coincided with a short-term increase in production during the A. sanguinea bloom, which left a pronounced imprint on organic matter C : N : P stoichiometry. However, C, N, and P export fluxes did not increase because A. sanguinea persisted in the water column and did not sink out during the experiment. Accordingly, export fluxes during the study were decoupled from surface production and sustained by the remaining plankton community. Overall, biogeochemical pools and fluxes were surprisingly constant for most of the experiment. We explain this constancy by light limitation through self-shading by phytoplankton and by inorganic nitrogen limitation which constrained phytoplankton growth. Thus, gain and loss processes remained balanced and there were few opportunities for blooms, which represents an event where the system becomes unbalanced. Overall, our mesocosm study revealed some key links between ecological and biogeochemical processes for one of the most economically important regions in the oceans

    IV Simposio Internacional de Ingeniería Industrial

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    El IV Simposio Internacional de Ingeniería Industrial “La Responsabilidad Social del Ingeniero Industrial” organizado por el Grupo de investigación Gestión de la Innovación Tecnológica y Productividad “GINTECPRO” de la Universidad El Bosque, tuvo lugar el pasado 10 y 11 de noviembre de 2015 en el auditorio principal de la Universidad. Su objetivo general fue compartir con la comunidad universitaria las experiencias de investigadores nacionales e internacionales concernientes con el quehacer de la Ingeniería Industrial, específicamente en relación con la responsabilidad social del ingeniero industrial. El evento contó con la participación como ponentes de invitados internacionales procedentes de universidades de Suiza, Venezuela y Brasil, de docentes investigadores de la facultad de ingeniería de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, del delegado de la Maestría en Gestión Empresarial Ambiental de la Universidad El Bosque y de los miembros del grupo de investigación GINTECPRO. Al evento asistieron cerca de 250 personas entre directivos, estudiantes, docentes, ponentes e invitados. Compiladora y coordinadora: Anny Astrid Espitia Cubillos, Ingeniera Industrial, Magíster en Ingeniería Industrial, Doctorante en Ingeniería área industrial. Líder del grupo de investigación