12 research outputs found

    Cytology, biochemistry and molecular changes during coffee fruit development

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    Câncer de colo uterino: atenção integral à mulher nos serviços de saúde Cáncer del cuello del útero: la atención integral a la mujer en los servicios de salud Cervical cancer: integral attention to the woman in health services

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    Objetivou-se compreender como os serviços de saúde do Sistema Único de Saúde estão organizados para contemplar a integralidade na atenção à mulher com câncer de colo uterino. Pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva, com 20 mulheres. Utilizou-se na coleta dos dados a entrevista semiestruturada conjugada à observação participante. A análise temática evidenciou o tema "A procura pela assistência: o acesso ao Sistema Único de Saúde e a utilização dos serviços na busca de atenção integral". Identificou-se que, na utilização dos serviços de saúde, as mulheres expuseram concepções sobre a atenção recebida, as potencialidades e limites da integralidade nesse contexto. Conclui-se que a efetivação das ações de saúde, em busca da integralidade da atenção às mulheres, requer ousadia e a promoção do diálogo entre os atores sociais, como forma de construir uma consciência sanitária que permita o compromisso ético em direção às mudanças necessárias ao cuidado.<br>Se objetivó comprender cómo los servicios del Sistema Nacional de Salud están organizados para hacer frente a la integralidad de la atención a la mujer con cáncer de cuello uterino. Investigación cualitativa, descriptiva con veinte mujeres. Fue utilizado en la recolección de datos, la observación participante y la entrevista semiestructurada. El análisis temático reveló: La búsqueda de la atención: el acceso a SUS y el uso de los servicios de salud en la búsqueda de atención integral. Se identificó que las mujeres han puesto de manifiesto las concepciones acerca de la atención recibida, las potencialidades y los límites de la integralidad en este contexto. Se concluye que la eficacia de las acciones de salud en esta búsqueda requiere coraje y la promoción del diálogo entre los actores sociales, como una manera de construir una conciencia de salud que permita el compromiso ético hacia los cambios necesarios para el cuidado.<br>This study aims to understand how the health services of the Brazilian Public Health System (BPHS) are organized to give an integral care to the woman with cervical cancer. This is a descriptive, qualitative research with 20 women. Semistructured interviews were coupled with participant observation in data collection. The thematic analysis revealed the theme: "The search for care: access to BPHS and use of health services in the search for integral care". In the use of health services, women have exposed their views on the received care, and on the potentialities and limits of integrality in this context. The conclusion is that the effectivation of health actions that aim at the integrality of care for women requires courage and the promotion of a dialogue between social actors as a way to build a health awareness that allows an ethical commitment pointing towards the necessary changes in care

    A wrinkled ZnO/MCM-41 nanocomposite: hydrothermal synthesis and characterization

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    ZnO/MCM-41 composites consisting of loose particles with an irregular, wrinkled surface and flower-like morphology were obtained by adding MCM-41 to a mixture of zinc nitrate hexahydrate and hexamethylenetetramine under hydrothermal conditions. The physical properties of this composite were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). The XRD analysis showed the characteristic diffractogram corresponding to silica overlapped with ZnO peaks, with a reduction in the sharpness and peak intensity, which may be the result of spatial disorder and defects, combined with anisotropic preferential growth. The FTIR spectrum had the characteristic vibrations expected for a silica framework, containing adsorbed water molecules, nitrate ions, and Zn–O bonds. This novel structure may be of particular interest from both fundamental and applied perspectives. It can be advantageous for the adsorption and capture of small molecules. Therefore, it may improve the performance of some previously investigated uses for these ZnO/MCM-41composites, such as photocatalysis and adsorbents for pollutants removal. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that wrinkled ZnO/MCM-41 nanocomposite obtained by a low-cost and easy method is reported

    Suspeita da perda auditiva por familiares Hearing loss suspected by the family

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    OBJETIVOS: caracterizar e analisar a suspeita de perda auditiva, por parte de familiares, em crianças assistidas na Associação de Pais e Amigos do Deficiente Auditivo (APADA) em Teresina-PI. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo realizado na APADA no período de setembro a outubro de 2006, com aplicação de formulários para 14 mães e/ou responsáveis para levantamento das variáveis: identificar o familiar que suspeitou da perda auditiva na criança; o motivo que levou a suspeita; a idade da criança quando da detecção pelo familiar; a atitude da família após a descoberta da perda auditiva; a idade da criança quando ocorreu procura profissional e a orientação recebida; o tempo entre a suspeita da perda auditiva, por parte do familiar, e a confirmação profissional de diagnóstico. RESULTADOS: os dados apontam que 86% da suspeita foi percebido pelas mães. O motivo da suspeita foi pela não reação ao som por parte da criança (71%). 36% dos familiares perceberam o problema na idade de 7 a 12 meses. 79% tiveram como primeira atitude procurar o médico, 36% procuraram o profissional da saúde com até um ano de idade, 29% receberam a orientação do profissional para o uso do aparelho auditivo e tiveram a confirmação da perda auditiva de 7 meses a 1 ano de idade ou após os 4 anos. CONCLUSÃO: o diagnóstico da perda auditiva foi tardio frente a suspeita por parte dos familiares e dos profissionais de saúde e não estiveram relacionadas com os programas da triagem auditiva neonatal.<br>PURPOSE: to analyze and characterize children suspected by the family of hearing loss attended at Associação de Pais e Amigos do Deficiente Auditivo (APADA) in Teresina, PI. METHODS: a descriptive study was carried out at PFHIA from September to October 2006. Form were filled out by 14 mothers and/or the responsible adult to find the following variables: identify the family member who suspected hearing loss in the child; the reason which led to the suspicion; the age of the child when hearing loss was detected by the family member; the attitude of the family after discovering the hearing loss; the age of the child when professional help was obtained and the orientation received; the time lapse from suspicion of hearing loss by the family to professional confirmation. RESULTS: the data shows that hearing loss was suspected by the mothers in 86%. The reason for the suspicion was no reaction to sound from the child (71%). 36% of the families noticed the problem at the age of 7 to 12 months, 79% looked for medical help as their first attitude, 36% looked for a health professional before 1 year of age, 29% received the health orientation to use hearing aids and had the confirmation of hearing loss from 7 months to 1 year of age or after the age of 4. CONCLUSION: the diagnosis of hearing loss was late and discovered by members of the family and health professionals and was not related to newborn hearing screening programs

    Uso da Terra no Entorno do PARNA-Caparaó: Preocupação com Incêndios Florestais

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    RESUMO Considerando que o modo de ocupação das áreas agrícolas apresenta grande influência no risco de ocorrência de incêndios florestais, o objetivo deste estudo foi fotointerpretar o uso e ocupação da terra no entorno do Parque Nacional do Caparaó (PARNA-Caparaó), face capixaba, e analisar a ocorrência de focos de calor na área. Foi fotointerpretada no total uma área de 654,95 km2, dos quais 7,88 km2 cobertos por eucalipto, 89,10 km2, por fragmentos florestais, 314,60 km2, por pastagens, 13,03 km2, por reflorestamento de espécies nativas, 180,60 km2, por café e 49,74 km2, por outros usos. Há uma área relevante ocupada por reflorestamento em todos os municípios avaliados da zona de amortecimento do PARNA-Caparaó, quando comparada a outros estudos. Os focos de calor, em sua maioria, aconteceram em beiras de estradas, pastagens, capoeiras e próximo a fragmentos florestais

    Physical therapy combined with a laxative fruit drink for treatment of chagasic megacolon

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    CONTEXT: The treatment of Chagas' disease colopathy is limited to clinical management in the initial of the process, and for patients for whom surgery is not indicated or is not possible, anti-constipation diets are used, along with judicious administration of laxatives and enemas. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate over time the effects of physical-therapy interventions combined with daily ingestion of a laxative fruit drink in the treatment of chagasic megacolon. METHOD: In a quantitative, prospective, and comparative study, 12 patients of both sexes and with a mean age of 67 ± 12 years were clinically evaluated to receive 12 sessions of physical therapy twice a week, along with fruit drink, and were evaluated for intestinal constipation before and after treatment. RESULTS: A significant difference (P<0.0022) was observed in the constipation scores before and after 6 weeks of intervention in 91.7% of the patients, and in 72.7% after 12 months, with reduction of laxative medications, softer stools, and increased number of bowel movements. With respect to gender, age, and whether or not the patient had received surgical treatment, there was no significant difference (P>0.05). CONCLUSION: The proposed protocol is easy to implement, safe, non-invasive, and low-cost, with the potential to be deployed in health care by providing benefits independent of gender, age, or whether the participant has undergone surgery, improving the condition of patients with chagasic megacolon