775 research outputs found

    Financing pioneering railways in São Paulo: the idiossyncratic case of the estrada de Ferro Sorocabana (1872- 1919)

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    A história da Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana é peculiar pelo fato de que empresários privados brasileiros, o governo federal e o governo do Estado de São Paulo foram sucessivamente seus proprietários e controladores, sendo arrendada entre 1907 e 1919 a um grupo estrangeiro. O transporte de café não representou, no início, uma parcela expressiva de suas receitas de frete, e mesmo depois não atingiria a importância que teve na Mogiana e Paulista, conside-radas as típicas "ferrovias de café." Diferentemente dessas empresas, que eram lucrativas, a Sorocabana manteve-se em situação financeira bastante difícil ao longo de quase todo o período entre 1872 e 1919. Este artigo explora as razões desta permanente precariedade financeira. A literatura sobre as ferrovias pioneiras no Brasil enfatiza que a lucratividade dependia crucialmente do tipo de proprietário e também se o café era a principal fonte de receita de frete. Essa e as seguintes hipóteses são avaliadas: expectativas exagera-damente otimistas sobre os fluxos futuros de caixa; má gestão; falta de governança engendrada pela estrutura de financiamento; má sorte; ou políticas governamentais equivocadas.The history of the Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana is highly idiosyncratic. Owned and run successively by Brazilian businessmen, the federal government, and the government of the State of São Paulo, it would be rented out to a foreign company over the period 1907-1919. When it began operating, coffee did not represent a significant share of its overall freight receipt, and even later it would not achieve the relevance it did in Mogiana and Paulista, considered the typical "coffee railways." Unlike these two profitable companies, Sorocabana remained in dire financial straits almost throughout the period 1872-1919. This paper focuses on what lay behind its financial distress. The literature on pioneering railway companies in Brazil emphasises that profitability hinged on the type of ownership as well as on whether coffee was the main source of freight receipt. Besides this, the following hypotheses are evaluated: oversanguine expectations about future cash flows; poor management; shortage of governance engendered by its financing structure; bad luck; and bad governmental policy

    Mesoscopic modelling of bipolar charge evolution in CN-PPV LEDs

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    Since various chances are possible in the molecular structure of the repeat unit, substituted poly(para-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) has ben used as active component in light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to obtain light emission in a wide range of colours.A major aspect determining device performance is the competition between current flow, trapping and recombination within the polymer layer. By suitable Monte Carlo calculations, we have performed computer experiments in which bipolar charge carriers are injected at constant rate in polymer networks made of cyano-substituted PPV chains with variable length and orientation. The intra-molecular electronic properties used in these simulations were calculated by a quantum molecular dynamics method. In order to assess the influence of cyano-substitution on the properties of single-layer PPV LEDs, we have focused our attention on bipolar charge evolution in time. Specifically addressed are the differences in electric field strength needed for intra-molecular charge mobility of electrons and holes and their consequences at mesoscopic scale. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Loss of mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 4 (SMAD4) expression and its correlation with clinicopathological parameters in pancreatic carcinoma

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    Abstract: Pancreatic cancer (PC) has an important role in the clinical and research area representing one of the lowest five-year rates as well as a global mortality rate of 4.8% due to its late and poor diagnosis. Therapeutic strategies have also an unsatisfactory response. Even after surgery, the recurrence or appearance of metastasis are frequent, leading to a poor overall survival. The PC has been related with several mutations, including K-RAS; P16; TP53; HER2. Besides, it is also associated with the deleted in pancreatic cancer locus 4 (DPC4), also known as the suppressor mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 4 (SMAD4) which is present in nearly 50% of the diagnosed patients with PC. Preceding studies proved that SMAD4 loss expression plays an important role in tumorigenesis and in the promotion of pancreatic carcinoma´s growth. Therefore, it is highly relevant in late stages suggesting that SMAD4 may be a molecular biomarker in prognostic results. The main goal of this review is to highlight the foregoing findings focused on SMAD4 deletion and its influence in clinicopathological parameters in pancreatic carcinoma by referring some of the investigations and clinical trials made in this field. Furthermore, it is also required to contemplate some of the therapeutical strategies and the influence of SMAD4 in future therapiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integrative Analysis of Response to Tamoxifen Treatment in ER-Positive Breast Cancer Using GWAS Information and Transcription Profiling

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    Variable response and resistance to tamoxifen treatment in breast cancer patients remains a major clinical problem. To determine whether genes and biological pathways containing SNPs associated with risk for breast cancer are dysregulated in response to tamoxifen treatment, we performed analysis combining information from 43 genome-wide association studies with gene expression data from 298 ER+ breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen and 125 ER+ controls. We identified 95 genes which distinguished tamoxifen treated patients from controls. Additionally, we identified 54 genes which stratified tamoxifen treated patients into two distinct groups. We identified biological pathways containing SNPs associated with risk for breast cancer, which were dysregulated in response to tamoxifen treatment. Key pathways identified included the apoptosis, P53, NFkB, DNA repair and cell cycle pathways. Combining GWAS with transcription profiling provides a unified approach for associating GWAS findings with response to drug treatment and identification of potential drug targets

    A solidão na terceira idade

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    A Solidão caracteriza-se por um sentimento no qual a pessoa sente uma sensação de vazio e de isolamento, ou seja, diz respeito ao facto de a pessoa estar sozinha ou afastada das outras pessoas. Esta pode, também, ser descrita como uma falta de identificação, compreensão e compaixão. Na terceira idade a solidão é um factor bastante visível, na medida em que, com o ninho vazio, a reforma e com o falecimento do cônjuge, muitos dos idosos que moram sozinhos isolam-se e sentem-se inúteis para as diferentes actividades diárias e sociais. Esta solidão muitas das vezes inclui o desejo do passado, a frustração com o presente e os medos acerca do futuro. Mesmo que não experienciaram a perda do marido, a solidão pode aparecer associada a uma vasta gama de sentimentos. Desta forma verifica-se que a população idosa preciso de todo o carinho e preocupação pois, a velhice não é o fim e sim o início de uma nova etapa da vida. Um projecto como o Mais Idade Mais Saúde permite uma melhor adaptação há́ população idosa para com a sua “nova vida” e também é uma forma de convívio e de combate à solidão de que alguns podem ou puderam vir a ser alvo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Estudo da associação entre receio de queda e análise postural na população sénior

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    Os factores biológicos, doenças e causas externas podem influenciar a fase de envelhecimento. A queda é considerada como uma causa externa já que é um evento não esperado, no qual o indivíduo muda de posição em relação à sua posição inicial, o que poderá acarretar sérios problemas para o idoso. A queda ocorre devido à perda total do equilíbrio postural, podendo estar relacionada à insuficiência súbita dos mecanismos neurais e osteoarticulares envolvidos na manutenção da postura. O objectivo deste estudo foi de analisar os resultados obtidos em diferentes tipos de testes de avaliação do equilíbrio em associação entre o receio de queda e a postura corporal de forma a observar ou não se existe uma correlação entre o risco de quedas e o equilíbrio em dois grupos distintos de idosas. Metodologia: A amostra foi constituída por 41 sujeitos do sexo feminino, 21 mulheres incluíram o grupo de força (GF, 67,33 ± 4,61 anos de idade, 1,55 ± 0,08 [m] de estatura e 74,08 ± 11,79 [kg] de massa corporal) e outras vinte no grupo aeróbio (GA, 65,35 ±3,01 anos de idade, 1,56 ± 0,09 [m] de estatura e 69,43 ± 10,03 [kg] de massa corporal). A avaliação postural estática foi feita pelo teste SAPo; os fatores de risco através da Escala de Berg; a avaliação dos problemas de mobilidade pelo Teste Tinetti; o risco de queda e a capacidade de transferência, relacionado com o equilíbrio dinâmico pelo Time Up & Go; o medo de cair o Falls Efficacy Scale. A normalidade da distribuição foi avaliada com o teste de Shapiro-Wilk, como analise exploratoria. Foram calculadas as estatísticas descritivas (média ± 1 DP) de todas as variáveis dependentes seleccionadas. Como estatística inferencial fez-se recurso ao teste T de Student para níveis de significância P ≤ 0,05. Os alinhamentos segmentares e ângulos articulares analisados sugerem que o GA tende apresentar uma postura ortostática que procura promover uma quantidade inferior de esforço e/ou de sobrecarga mecânica sobre o aparelho locomotor do que o GF. Relativamente aos testes de equilíbrio realizados às utentes do programa mais idade mais saúde, conclui-se que não existem diferenças significativas, quer a nível de equilíbrio estático ou dinâmico. Na avaliação da associação do risco de queda e da avaliação da postura corporal, pode-se observar nas tabelas acima, que não existem diferenças significativas intra-grupos, isto é, tanto o grupo de força como o grupo aeróbio não sofrem risco de queda segundo a avaliação da sua postura. Por outro lado, quando a avaliação foi realizada com a junção de ambos os grupos, podem-se observar diferenças significativas na associação do risco de queda com a postugrafia (*0,05). Conclusão: Tudo indica que as senhoras que frequentam o programa não estão sujeitas a riscos acrescidos de queda

    Predadores e parasitoides associados a entomofauna presente em fezes bovinas em areas de pastagens de Campo Grande, MS.

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    Postural balance in elderly evaluated in a force platform: the vestibular system and its importance in the aging process

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    Balance dysfunction remains a significant factor for disability in the elderly [1]. Several mechanisms have been proposed do explain the changes in balance during aging. Balance disorders represent a growing public health problem due to the association with falls and fall related injuries [2]. The complexity of the balance system, however, often requires a thorough, multidisciplinary approach to the evaluation and successful treatment of balance impairment [3]. The vestibular system detects head movement in space and in turn generates reflexes that are crucial for daily activities, such as stabilizing the visual axis and maintaining head and body posture [4]. To measure postural balance an accurate and reliable instrument is needed that can numerically reflect the importance of the different variables involved in human balance [5]. With this study it’s our aim to directly determine the balance of older people and to establish the importance of the vestibular system in aging. University of León, León, Spain The data of postural balance in three test conditions was collated with a Metitur® force platform (normal standing with eyes open, normal standing with eyes closed, foam standing with eyes open and foam standing with eyes closed, with 30 seconds duration each). Height was measured with a Seca® We evaluated 49 elderly (42 woman and 7 men) with a mean age of 68,73±9,39 years and with a BMI of 28,63±4,77. The postural balance data obtained was: stadiometer: subjects were asked to stand with back, buttocks and heels against the stadiometer. Subject’s feet were together and flat on the floor and their heads in the Frankfort plane. Mean x-axis speed in normal standing with eyes open – 3,56±1,39 mm/s Mean y-axis speed in normal standing with eyes open – 6,82±2,5 mm/s Mean x-axis speed in normal standing with eyes closed – 4,51±2,35 mm/s Mean y-axis speed in normal standing with eyes closed – 10,96±4,75 mm/s Mean x-axis speed in foam standing with eyes open – 4,37±1,67 mm/s Mean y-axis speed in foam standing with eyes open – 9,29±2,86 Mean x-axis speed in foam standing with eyes closed – 5,59±2,62 Mean y speed in foam standing with eyes closed – 15,01±4,29 Establishing correlations, we observed that the age is positively correlated to different types of evaluations in foam: mean x-axis speed in foam standing with eyes open (0,358*; p=0,011), mean y-axis speed in foam standing with eyes open (0,419**, p=0,002), mean x-axis speed in foam standing with eyes closed (0,331*, p=0,02) and mean y-axis speed in foam standing with eyes closed. Comparing the subjects studied with reference values of same age and sex [5], we can observe that our subjects achieve better results (less velocity) in both “x” and “y” axis (subjects versus references values): Mean x-axis speed in normal standing with eyes open – 3,56±1,39 mm/s vs. 4,18±081 mm/s Mean y-axis speed in normal standing with eyes open – 6,82±2,5 mm/s vs. 7,27±1,84 mm/s Mean x-axis speed in normal standing with eyes closed – 4,51±2,35 mm/s vs. 5,68±1,44 mm/s Mean y-axis speed in normal standing with eyes closed – 10,96±4,75 mm/s vs. 12,20±3,01 mm/s Taking into account the results in the different tests, the platform software assigns a classification to the importance of the different systems involved in balance. The vestibular system is itself responsible for 55,19% of the total balance of the studied subjects. The subjects of our sample had better results when compared with reference values of some age and sex. They also tended to have more pronounced sway with age in foam standing with eyes open and in foam standing with eyes closed, in both “x” and “y” axis, which means that the vestibular system has a very important role in the balance of the elderly subjects we have studied