2,139 research outputs found

    Use of deep multi-target prediction to identify learning styles

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    It is possible to classify students according to the manner they recognize, process, and store information. This classification should be considered when developing adaptive e-learning systems. It also creates a comprehension of the different styles students demonstrate while in the process of learning, which can help adaptive e-learning systems offer advice and instructions to students, teachers, administrators, and parents in order to optimize students’ learning processes. Moreover, e-learning systems using computational and statistical algorithms to analyze students’ learning may offer the opportunity to complement traditional learning evaluation methods with new ones based on analytical intelligence. In this work, we propose a method based on deep multi-target prediction algorithm using Felder–Silverman learning styles model to improve students’ learning evaluation using feature selection, learning styles models, and multiple target classification. As a result, we present a set of features and a model based on an artificial neural network to investigate the possibility of improving the accuracy of automatic learning styles identification. The obtained results show that learning styles allow adaptive e-learning systems to improve the learning processes of students105Applied machine learnin

    Integrated system architecture for decision-making and urban planning in smart cities

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    Research and development of applications for smart cities are extremely relevant considering the various problems that population growth will bring to large urban centers in the next few years. Although research on cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, embedded devices, sensor and actuator networks, and participatory sensing, among other paradigms, is driving the growth of solutions, there are a lot of challenges that need to be addressed. Based on these observations, in this work, we present an integrated system architecture for decision-making support and urban planning by introducing its building blocks (termed components): sensing/actuation, local processing, communication, cloud platform, and application components. In the sensing/actuation component, we present the major relevant resources for data collection, identification devices, and actuators that can be used in smart city solutions. Sensing/actuation component is followed by the local processing component, which is responsible for processing, decision-making support, and control in local scale. The communication component, as the connection element among all these components, is presented with an emphasis on the open-access metropolitan area network and cellular networks. The cloud platform is the essential component for urban planning and integration with electronic governance legacy systems, and finally, the application component, in which the government administrator and users have access to public management tools, citizen services, and other urban planning resources15

    História política e pensamento epidemiológico: Breilh e a economia política da saúde

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    O objetivo deste estudo é realizar uma aproximação entre o pensamento epidemiológico de Jaime Breilh e a economia política marxista, identificando os pontos de convergência entre suas análises sobre a saúde como um fenômeno social multideterminado. Para isso, foi realizado um ensaio teórico-conceitual, através de uma análise de conteúdo dos excertos dos dois primeiros capítulos do livro de Breilh intitulado Epidemiologia Crítica: ciência emancipadora e interculturalidade. Nestes, expôs-se a construção de seu pensamento epidemiológico cotejando com a conjuntura histórica e política da sua produção intelectual que justificam os tangenciamentos entre construto epidemiológico e economia política

    Democratização do acesso à banda larga nos municípios brasileiros: promovendo a inclusão digital da população pela construção da infovia municipal

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    Este artigo descreve os fatores restritivos para a democratização da banda larga no Brasil e apresenta propostas de Política Pública para promover a inclusão digital dos cidadãos de baixo poder aquisitivo que não tem renda disponível para adquirir as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs). As propostas discutidas neste artigo descrevem estratégias para permitir que os municípios construam suas próprias redes públicas de telecomunicações (Infovia Municipal) com o objetivo de democratizar o acesso à Internet e a rede mundial de computadores. O modelo proposto para a construção da Infovia Municipal é o da Rede Metropolitana de Acesso Aberto – RMAA (Open Access Metropolitan Area Network – Open MAN)122758

    An Investigation About the Absence of Validation on Security Quantification Methods

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    To understand the actions that lead to successful attacks and also how they can be mitigated, researchers should identify and measure the factors that influence both attackers and victims. Quantifying security is particularly important to construct relevant metrics that support the decisions that need to be made to protect systems and networks. In this work, we aimed at investigating the lack of validation in security quantification methods. Different approaches to security quantification were examined and 57 papers are classified. The results show that most of papers seek to measure generic and complex targets like measuring network security or the security of an entire organization, however, the incidence of validation attempts is higher in works that propose the quantification of specific targets

    Proposal of an architecture for sensor networks monitoring in Open Access Metropolitan Area Networks

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    Sensor networks have been used in a wide range of applications. In Digital Cities they play an important role in gathering real-time data in urban scale. However, the heterogeneous and complex technologies applied in such applications make it difficult to monitor and manage different sensor networks, and also prevents the interoperation between systems. Thus, this paper presents a proposal of a novel architecture based on service orientation for homogeneous interoperation among sensor networks used in a Digital City scenario. Based on the outlined architectural model, a case study took place in a Brazilian operational Digital City in the state of São Paulo. The objective of the study is to demonstrate that architecture can be used for monitoring heterogeneous environments in a unified way, promoting datasharing and interoperability.Keywords: Service-oriented architectures, Open Access Metropolitan Area Networks, ZigBee, sensor networks

    A relação entre o verbal e o visual em placas, anúncios publicitários e ilustrações

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    Diante da imensa diversidade de composições de caráter visual com que nos envolvemos diariamente, torna-se essencial refletir criticamente sobre os processos de linguagem por meio dos quais uma imagem produz sentidos, em especial em relação ao texto verbal que a acompanha. Tendo esse objetivo e atentando para a relação de composição que caracteriza as associações entre materialidades significantes, este trabalho apresenta a análise de três tipos de objetos simbólicos materialmente heterogêneos: placas de trânsito, anúncios publicitários e ilustrações de livros. Desenvolvido ao longo da produção de um material didático envolvendo os conceitos de interdiscurso, efeito metafórico e efeito metonímico, o estudo aponta para sua grande aplicabilidade na compreensão do funcionamento desse tipo de composição, cujo sentido só se dá efetivamente na relação entre as materialidades significantes envolvidas

    Genetic parameters and selection of black bean lines for resistance to fusarium wilt and yield

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos em linhagens de feijão-preto (Phaseolus vulgaris) para reação à murcha-de-fusário (RMF), produtividade e massa de 100 grãos (M100), em condições de campo naturalmente infestado por Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli, bem como selecionar linhagens que combinem os fenótipos desejáveis para as três características simultaneamente. Para tanto, 116 linhagens obtidas de duas populações segregantes e cinco cultivares-testemunha foram avaliadas em delineamento experimental látice triplo 11×11, nas safras de inverno de 2015 e 2016, com semeadura em maio. As estimativas de herdabilidade obtidas foram altas: 91, 75 e 92% para RMF, produtividade e M100, respectivamente. Correlações genéticas significativas de -0,93 foram detectadas entre RMF e produtividade e de -0,28 entre RMF e M100, o que indica que linhagens mais resistentes apresentam maior produtividade e maior tamanho de grão. A seleção direta para cada uma das características levou a aumentos de 34% na resistência à MF, 11% na produtividade e 9,0% na M100. A seleção simultânea para as três características também levou a altos ganhos de 22,1% para RMF, 6,6% para produtividade e 7,7% para M100. Assim, há variabilidade genética e alta possibilidade de sucesso com a seleção. Cinco linhagens – CNFP 19237, CNFP 19346, CNFP 19320, CNFP 19291, and CNFP 19306 – apresentam maior potencial genético.The objective of this work was to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters of black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) lines for reaction to fusarium wilt (RFW), yield, and 100-seed weight (100SW) under conditions of a field naturally infested by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli, as well as to select lines that combine the desirable phenotypes for the three traits simultaneously. For this, 116 lines obtained from two segregating populations and five check cultivars were evaluated using an 11×11 triple lattice experimental design, in the winter crop seasons of 2015 and 2016, with sowing in May. The obtained heritability estimates were high: 91, 75, and 92% for RFW, yield, and 100SW, respectively. Significant genetic correlations of -0.93 were detected between RFW and yield and of -0.28 between RFW and 100SW, indicating that more resistant lines have a higher yield and a larger grain size. Direct selection for each trait led to increases of 34% in resistance to FW, 11% in yield, and 9.0% in 100SW. Simultaneous selection for the three traits led to high gains of 22.1% for RFW, 6.6% for yield, and 7.7% for 100SW. Therefore, there is genetic variability and a high possibility of success from selection. Five lines – CNFP 19237, CNFP 19346, CNFP 19320, CNFP 19291, and CNFP 19306 – show a higher genetic potential

    Prediction of weight and percentage of salable meat from Brazilian market lambs by subjective conformation and fatness scores

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    This study assessed the use of conformation and fatness scores of the EUROP sheep carcass grading system to predict weight and percentage of salable meat from Brazilian market lambs. Data were collected from in vivo, carcass, and retail production from 252 uncastrated lambs. Evaluated models included single regressions, two multivariate models, and one determined by the stepwise procedure. Conformation was moderately correlated with weight of salable meat. Fatness scores were correlated with rump perimeter, carcass width, and thoracic depth with coefficients of -0.33, -0.32, and -0.23, respectively. Body weight was the best single predictor for weight of salable meat and cold carcass yield for percentage of salable meat. All multivariate models for weight of salable meat prediction were significant. Stepwise regression with body weight, leg perimeter, thoracic depth, rump perimeter, and fatness scores predicted 98% of weight of salable meat variation. For percentage of salable meat prediction, stepwise regression with cold carcass yield, leg perimeter, and conformation score was significant. The EUROP conformation and fatness scores can be used in Brazil for the prediction of lamb meat production.</p

    Ambientes Controlados de Geração de Anomalias: uma Reprodução de Ataques de Negação de Serviço

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    Nestes últimos 30 anos as redes de comunicação vem crescendo em tamanho e complexidade. Como consequência, cresceu também a necessidade de sistemas de gerência eficientes. Entretanto, os pesquisadores que trabalham com o desenvolvimento de métodos de gerência de redes tem encontrado dificuldade em obter dados para utilizar na avaliação de suas propostas. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor a construção de um ambiente controlado para gerar ataques de negação de serviço (Denial of Service, DoS) e apresentar variáveis que caracterizam estes ataques. Como resultados de nossa pesquisa, tivemos a construção do ambiente controlado e a realização de simulações de ataques de negação de serviço contra o servidor Web Apache Tomcat 7.0.25