396 research outputs found

    Lažne ili istinite? Percepcije studenata preddiplomskih studija o (dez)informacijama i kritičkom razmišljanju

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    In an increasingly challenging media environment of post-truth and fake news, disinformation may impact the way young people perceive the world. In this study, we seek to understand how young people engage with news, their perceptions around disinformation, and how they see the relevance of critical thinking for their civic and political lives. Using a mixed method model, we developed a focus group activity with a total of 45 participants, based on the analysis of 562 questionnaires previously administered to first-year undergraduates of two Portuguese universities. The results show that although most students report limited critical analysis of information, they do reveal concerns about disinformation in their lives, suggesting a set of actions in order to combat fake news spread. Furthermore, the findings reinforce the need for news and media literacy that concerns a post-fact culture.U sve izazovnijem medijskom okruženju tzv. post-istine i lažnih vijesti dezinformacija može utjecati na percepciju mladih ljudi o svijetu. U ovoj studiji nastojimo objasniti na koji način mladi ljudi pristupaju vijestima, kakva je njihova percepcija o dezinformacijama te koliko je, prema njihovu mišljenju, kritičko razmišljanje važno za njihov građanski i politički život. Na temelju analize 562 anketna upitnika koje su ispunili studenti prve godine preddiplomskih studija dvaju portugalskih sveučilišta formirane su fokus-grupe s ukupno 45 sudionika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da studenti, iako priznaju da nedovoljno kritički analiziraju informacije, izražavaju zabrinutost zbog dezinformacija, sugerirajući niz aktivnosti za borbu protiv širenja lažnih vijesti. Nadalje, nalazi potvrđuju potrebu za pojačanom medijskom pismenošću u svijetu post-činjenica

    The challenges in the development of technological research projects in generational gap contexts

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    The generational differences that exist in a society or community are not only evidence that one cannot be escape, but a plus for its development. Furthermore, this allows an existence of a connection to the past and as a way of continuity for the future. However, and to increase this importance, the analysis of generational gaps is considered as an aspect that allows development, innovation and creativity, considering the specific context of the research project LOCUS - playfuL cOnneCted rUral territorieS. The article aims to contextualize the generational gaps in Amiais, Sever do Vouga, Portugal and is part of the LOCUS project. The LOCUS project has as main goal to carry out a survey of cultural heritage of the village, with the purpose of developing and apply an Internet of Things (IoT) system for use by residents, stakeholders and visitors. The methodology described in the article is the analysis of the ethnographic research results, namely interviews with privileged informants and informal conversations with residents. Based on these results, it is intended to outline the challenges that are expected to be found in the technological development of the project and the way as it is expected to outcome them

    TSKY: a dependable middleware solution for data privacy using public storage clouds

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThis dissertation aims to take advantage of the virtues offered by data storage cloud based systems on the Internet, proposing a solution that avoids security issues by combining different providers’ solutions in a vision of a cloud-of-clouds storage and computing. The solution, TSKY System (or Trusted Sky), is implemented as a middleware system, featuring a set of components designed to establish and to enhance conditions for security, privacy, reliability and availability of data, with these conditions being secured and verifiable by the end-user, independently of each provider. These components, implement cryptographic tools, including threshold and homomorphic cryptographic schemes, combined with encryption, replication, and dynamic indexing mecha-nisms. The solution allows data management and distribution functions over data kept in different storage clouds, not necessarily trusted, improving and ensuring resilience and security guarantees against Byzantine faults and at-tacks. The generic approach of the TSKY system model and its implemented services are evaluated in the context of a Trusted Email Repository System (TSKY-TMS System). The TSKY-TMS system is a prototype that uses the base TSKY middleware services to store mailboxes and email Messages in a cloud-of-clouds

    Media sharing in situated displays : service design lessons from existing practices with paper leaflets

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    Serie : "Lecture notes in business information processing", ISSN 1865-1348, vol. 143Digital public displays have an enormous potential as a collaborative technology to socialize in public venues, especially when they are open to the participation of visitors. However, user-generated content is a form of control sharing that requires safeguards against the publication of content deemed inap-propriate. In this work, we study the perceptions of Café owners in regard to their acceptance of user-generated content displayed on their venue screens. Our goal is to inform the design of new media sharing services for public dis-plays by uncovering how existing practices with paper leaflets could be lever-aged as a conceptual framework for dealing with content appropriateness. Based on interviews with 10 café owners, we identify important insights into some of practices surrounding the distribution of paper leaflets and their impli-cations for the design of media sharing services for public displays

    A Causalidade Jurídica na Apuração das Consequências Danosas na Responsabilidade Civil Extracontratual

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    O presente trabalho trata da utilização e aplicação da causalidade jurídica na apuração, extensão e delimitação das consequências dos danos decorrentes da responsabilidade civil extracontratual subjetiva. A tese propõe a individualização de elementos que favoreçam uma nova leitura e abordagem da causalidade com vistas à determinação de uma zona circunscrita à reparação de danos e à criação de um modelo teórico de referência para a aplicação prática na seleção dos danos indenizáveis. Está dividido em duas partes. Na primeira, tratam da origem, da noção e do desenvolvimento conceitual da causalidade, até a assunção de uma causalidade jurídica e da aplicação das teorias da causalidade na solução de problemas de responsabilidade civil; a individualização de elementos integrantes da causalidade para a verificação e a aplicação na apuração de danos. Na segunda, a utilização da causalidade jurídica na seleção dos danos indenizáveis, a sua inserção no Código Civil brasileiro, em matéria de indenização, e a formulação de um regime de imputação; os casos difíceis, os danos por ricochete e os de perda de oportunidades, verificado na perda de uma chance, e a prova da causalidade, incluindo os casos de presunção.This work approaches the use and application of legal causality in the calculation, extent and delimitation of the consequences of damage from subjective extra-contractual liability. The thesis proposes the individualization of elements that favor a new reading and approach of causality in view of determining a restricted zone to repair damages and the creation of a theoretical model of reference for the practical application in the selection of compensable damage. It is divided into two parts. The first deals with the origin, development and conceptual notion of causality, to the assumption of a legal causality and application of causality theories in solving liability issues; individualization of integral elements of causality for the verification and application in the calculation of damages. Second, the use of legal causality in the selection of compensable damage, its insertion into the Brazilian Civil Code, relating to compensation, and the formulation of a charging system; difficult cases, rebound damages and lost opportunity damages, found with the loss of a chance, and proof of causality, including cases of presumption.La présente recherche aborde l’utilisation et l’application de la causalité juridique dans l’analyse, l’extension et la délimitation des conséquences des dommages résultant de la responsabilité civile extracontractuelle subjective. La thèse propose l’individualisation des éléments, favorisant une lecture et approche nouvelles de la causalité pour la détermination d’une zone circonscrite à la réparation de dommages et pour la création d’un modèle théorique de référence pour l’application pratique dans la sélection des dommages indemnisables. Elle a été divisée en deux parties. La première aborde l’origine, la notion et le développement conceptuel de la causalité, jusqu’à l’avènement d’une causalité juridique et l’application des théories de la causalité dans la résolution de problèmes à responsabilité civile ; l’individualisation d’éléments intégrants de la causalité pour la vérification et l’application dans l’analyse de dommages. Dans la deuxième, il est question de l’utilisation de la causalité juridique dans la sélection des dommages indemnisables, de son insertion dans le code civil brésilien en matière d’indemnisation, et de la formulation d’un régime d’imputation ; les cas difficiles, les dommages par ricochet et ceux de pertes d’opportunités, en étant vérifiée la perte d’une opportunité, et la preuve de la causalité, y compris les cas de présomption

    Modernization as an enhancer of access to Justice and of proximity between key actors

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    As claimed by Richard Susskind (2017, 2019), Justice is changing, not only as a necessity, but as consequence of society demands. This paper analyses the way public policies have changed in the last 10 years and how modernization can be perceived both as an enhancer and as a cause of that change, specifically regarding the judicial system. The paper focuses on the interviews conducted with key actors at the level of public policies’ definition, which aimed to understand Portuguese Public Administration in general, and the judicial system particularly. The major results of these interviews led to the conclusion that the judicial system is now at the center of a major development, enabled by the need to adapt to societal transformations and actors’ demands. Also, in what Portugal is concerned, because of the European Union (EU) integration and the adaptation to its goals

    Technological policies for education and digital literacy: the governmental program ‘e.escolinha’

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    Em 2008, o Governo português anunciou a iniciativa ‘e.escolinha’ que contemplou a distribuição de computadores ‘Magalhães’ aos alunos do 1º ciclo do ensino básico, durante três anos letivos consecutivos. Atualmente suspenso, o programa foi bandeira do XVII Governo Constitucional, liderado por José Sócrates, mas alvo de controvérsias por parte da oposição política e da comunidade escolar, sobretudo pela aparente tónica no acesso à tecnologia em vez de uma maior preocupação com a formação e as práticas pedagógicas. Ao abrigo do Plano Tecnológico da Educação, o ‘e.escolinha’ inseria-se numa política mais ampla para o desenvolvimento de uma economia competitiva e dinâmica, através das metas estabelecidas pela União Europeia na Estratégia de Lisboa 2000. A iniciativa foi apresentada ao país com objetivos ambiciosos, no que diz respeito às esperadas mudanças ao nível das práticas pedagógicas dos professores, do processo de aprendizagem das crianças e do sucesso escolar em geral. Porém, a face mais visível da política, embora possa compreender outros matizes, poderá ter ficado reduzida à questão do acesso, apostando pouco nas outras dimensões da literacia digital. Com base em entrevistas realizadas a atores-chave envolvidos no processo de conceção e implementação do ‘e.escolinha’, e nos documentos oficiais que enquadram o programa, o presente artigo pretende dar a conhecer a forma como decisores políticos e empresas enunciam e avaliam os objetivos desta iniciativa. Pretende-se, em particular, conhecer se partilham a ideia de uma deriva tecnológica desta medida governamental ou se entreveem, na mesma, objetivos de literacia digital. Este trabalho decorre do projeto de investigação “Navegando com o Magalhães: Estudo sobre o Impacto dos Media Digitais nas Crianças”, em curso no Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade da Universidade do Minho, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia ((PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008) ) e co-financiado pelo FEDER (COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009056).In 2008, the Portuguese government announced the initiative ’e.escolinha’ which included the distribution of computers ‘Magalhães’ to students of the 1st cycle of basic education for three consecutive school years. Currently suspended, the programme was a flagship of the XVII Constitutional Government, led by José Sócrates, but it was also subject of controversy from the opposition parties and from the school community, especially due to the apparent emphasis on access to technology rather than a greater concern with the training and pedagogical practices. Under the Technological Plan for Education, the ’e.escolinha’ initiative was part of a broader policy for the development of a competitive and dynamic economy, responding to the goals set by the EU in the Lisbon Strategy 2000. The initiative was presented to the country with ambitious goals regarding the expected changes to teachers’ pedagogical practices, the process of children’s learning and school success in general. However, the most visible face of the policy, although it may comprise other nuances, may have been reduced to the question of access, investing little in other dimensions of digital literacy. Based on interviews with key actors involved in the conception and implementation of the ’e.escolinha’ initiative, and on official programme documents, this paper intends to discuss how policy makers and companies set out and evaluate the objectives of this initiative. It is intended, in particular, to understand if they share the idea that this governmental measure follows a technological drift or if they discern any digital literacy objectives in it. This piece of work is part of a research project titled "Navigating with Magellan: Study on the Impact of Digital Media on Schoolchildren," that is being carried out at the Communication and Society Research Centre at the University of Minho, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology ((PTDC / CCICOM/101381/2008)) and co-financed by FEDER (COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124- FEDER-009056)

    Inter-fibre failure of through-thickness reinforced laminates in combined transverse compression and shear load

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    Extensive studies have been reported on the improvement of through-thickness reinforcement to inter-laminar performance of composite laminates; current understanding on the in-plane performance is relatively limited, although it is also concerned in industrial application. The influence of through-thickness reinforcement (Z-pinning) on the inter-fibre failure in compression of unidirectional laminates was investigated. Both unpinned and Z-pinned laminates were tested at four different off-axis angles, representing different combinations of transverse compression and in-plane shear stress. It was found that the stiffness of Z-pinned laminates decreased significantly in all off-axis angles. The failure strain and strength were reduced in shear dominated failure modes, while improved in the compression dominated failure modes by the presence of the Z-pins. A further investigation on the angle of failure plane was carried out and a comparison with analytical failure models is presented

    Os jovens e o acompanhamento da informação sobre a atualidade: questões a partir da análise de relatórios sobre usos e práticas mediáticas

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    Baseado em dados de relatórios estatísticos, procurou-se refletir sobre as tendências de acompanhamento da informação da atualidade no quotidiano dos jovens, nos últimos anos, e como tais tendências podem contribuir para uma maior participação cívica. Nos três estudos analisados, dois internacionais e um nacional (Pew Research Center (2012), Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (2013) e Marktest (2012), respetivamente), observou-se, de modo geral, um aumento pela preferência de conteúdos mediáticos situados entre a esfera da informação e do entretenimento, entre os jovens, em detrimento de assuntos políticos. Paralelamente, na literatura existente algumas correntes argumentam que o acompanhamento de soft news pode comprometer o futuro dos media e da democracia, enquanto outras defendem que aquelas poderão ter um impacto positivo na formação dos jovens cidadãos, encorajando-os a pensar criticamente acerca da atualidade. Apesar do debate controverso, argumenta-se que o caminho para a cidadania reside sobretudo no desenvolvimento de competências críticas sobre a informação e na capacidade dos jovens cidadãos exprimirem interesses e ideologias, fazendo uso das potencialidades das novas ferramentas. Este artigo insere-se na Bolsa de Doutoramento “O (des)interesse dos jovens pela atualidade: estudo sobre o papel dos media na informação sobre o mundo” (SFRH/BD/94791/2013) financiada pela FCT, QREN e POPH.Based on data from national and international statistical reports, we try to reflect on the trends about news uses in the daily lives of young people, in recent years, and how current practices contribute to an increase of civic participation. In the three studies analyzed (Pew Research Center (2012), Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (2013) and Marktest (2012), respectively), it was observed that there has been a decline in the interest of news in general and an increase in the preference for media content located between the sphere of information and entertainment, at the expense of political affairs. Reflecting upon news uses by young people, some authors argue that the infotainment or soft news could jeopardize the future of journalism and democracy (Mindich, 2005; Barbur & Goodnow, 2011; Barnhurst & Wartella, 1998; Currah and Franklin, cit in Nguyen, 2012; Baumgartner & Morris, 2006; among others), while others advocate a positive impact on the survival of the media and training of young citizens (Barnet, Schudson and Brewer & Marquardt cit in Nguyen, 2012; Armstrong, 2005; among others). Despite the controversial debate, it is stated that the path to citizenship resides on the development of critical skills about information and the ability of young citizens to express their interests and ideologies making use of the potentialities of new media (Dahlgreen, 2011; Buckingham, 2000). This article is part of the PhD Scholarship "The (dis)interest of young people in actuality: study on the role of the media in information about the world" (SFRH/BD/94791/2013) funded by FCT, QREN and POPH.(undefined