452 research outputs found

    Exploiting Microfluidics for Extracellular Vesicle Isolation and Characterization: Potential Use for Standardized Embryo Quality Assessment

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    Recent decades have seen a growing interest in the study of extracellular vesicles (EVs), driven by their role in cellular communication, and potential as biomarkers of health and disease. Although it is known that embryos secrete EVs, studies on the importance of embryonic EVs are still very limited. This limitation is due mainly to small sample volumes, with low EV concentrations available for analysis, and to laborious, costly and time-consuming procedures for isolating and evaluating EVs. In this respect, microfluidics technologies represent a promising avenue for optimizing the isolation and characterization of embryonic EVs. Despite significant improvements in microfluidics for EV isolation and characterization, the use of EVs as markers of embryo quality has been held back by two key challenges: (1) the lack of specific biomarkers of embryo quality, and (2) the limited number of studies evaluating the content of embryonic EVs across embryos with varying developmental competence. Our core aim in this review is to identify the critical challenges of EV isolation and to provide seeds for future studies to implement the profiling of embryonic EVs as a diagnostic test for embryo selection. We first summarize the conventional methods for isolating EVs and contrast these with the most promising microfluidics methods. We then discuss current knowledge of embryonic EVs and their potential role as biomarkers of embryo quality. Finally, we identify key ways in which microfluidics technologies could allow researchers to overcome the challenges of embryonic EV isolation and be used as a fast, user-friendly tool for non-invasive embryo selection


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    Objetivo: compreender o cotidiano vivido pela equipe de Enfermagem no sistema penal. Método: pesquisa qualitativa realizada com quatro enfermeiros e dois técnicos de Enfermagem de um Centro de Remanejamento Prisional, em Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista entre junho e julho de 2018, e analisados com base no referencial de Minayo. Resultados: emergiram quatro categorias temáticas: “percepção do cuidado de Enfermagem à pessoa privada de liberdade”; “dificuldades para prestar assistência no presídio”; “sensação de invisibilidade do cuidado de Enfermagem no sistema prisional”; e “ambiguidade de sentimentos ao cuidar da saúde no sistema prisional.” Conclusão: o ambiente prisional não favorece ações concretas de promoção da saúde e prevenção de agravos. O enfrentamento viria com educação permanente, reuniões clínico-administrativas, além da construção de protocolos e diretrizes que sistematizem e sustentem as práticas.Descritores: Assistência à saúde. Enfermagem. Prisões. Prisioneiros. Descritores: Assistência à saúde. Enfermagem. Prisões. Prisioneiros.

    Evaluation of microhardness, sorption, solubility, and color stability of bulk fill resins : a comparative study

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    Due to the increasing popularity of bulk fill resins, there is a concern that their components can be leached; this is because these are inserted in a single 4-5 mm increment. This in vitro study evaluated the microhardness, sorption, solubility, and color stability of three restorative bulk fill resins, namely: Filtek Bulk Fill (FBF), Tetric N-Ceram Bulk Fill (TNC), and Opus Bulk Fill (OBF). Cylindrical samples were fabricated to be 15 mm in diameter and 1 mm thick (n = 10). For the microhardness test, three random indentations were formulated on the samples using a micro-durometer with a load of 300 gf for 15 s. Sorption and solubility were then evaluated (ISO 4049: 2009). Color stability was analyzed with a digital spectrophotometer three times (initially, after 24 h, and after 7 d) during immersion in coffee and distilled water (control). The Shapiro-Wilk test was applied to analyze normality. The Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to compare the groups and the immersion solution, with a significance level of 5%. There were a significant difference in microhardness (p<0.001), with the FBF group showing a higher value compared to the other groups (56.38). The highest average of sorption scores was observed in the OBF group (16.9 µg / mm3), followed by FBF (16.8 µg / mm3) and TNC (11.3 µg / mm3). Solubility was lowest in the OBF group (-2.83 µg / mm3), with a significant difference (p = 0.031). There was also a significant difference after 24 h in the mean ?E score of all groups (p<0.005). After one week of immersion, the group that pigmented most was OBF (p = 0.008). The three bulk fill resins had acceptable hardness, sorption, and solubility values. However, all groups showed a high pigmentation rate after 7 d of immersion in coffee

    Promotion of healthy eating habits by schools : a methodological proposal for training courses for educators and school cafeteria owners

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    O projeto A Escola Promovendo Hábitos Alimentares Saudáveis estimula, desde 2001 no Distrito Federal, Brasil, a formação de bons hábitos alimentares na comunidade escolar, no contexto da promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis e prevenção das doenças crônicas não- transmissíveis. Este trabalho apresenta e avalia uma metodologia desenvolvida em 2006, para capacitação de educadores do ensino infantil e fundamental até a 4a série e donos de cantina escolar. As oficinas tiveram aulas expositivas, atividades práticas, jogos educativos, entre outros. Como indicadores de avaliação analisaram-se itens relacionados à ampliação e aplicabilidade dos conhecimentos, além da implantação dos 10 passos da cantina escolar saudável. As atividades pedagógicas propostas foram verificadas pela análise dos portfólios dos educadores. A avaliação geral foi positiva, houve ampliação dos conhecimentos (p < 0,05) dos participantes em três módulos desenvolvidos. Os objetivos dos portfólios foram alcançados por 44% dos educadores. Na implantação da cantina saudável, resultados positivos foram observados comparando- se os períodos anterior e posterior à capacitação. A metodologia utilizada levou à ampliação de conhecimento nos dois públicos, destacando o ambiente escolar como espaço concreto de promoção da alimentação saudável.The project entitled Promotion of Health Eating Habits by Schools, operating in the Federal District of Brazil since 2001, encourages good eating habits in the school community within the context of promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing chronic non-communicable diseases. The current article presents and analyzes a methodology to train preschool and elementary educators and school cafeteria owners. The workshops included theoretical classes, practical activities, and educational games and were evaluated on the basis of expansion and applicability of knowledge, in addition to implementation of the 10 steps to a healthy school cafeteria. The proposed pedagogical activities were verified by an analysis of the teachers’ workshop folders. The overall evaluation was positive, with expansion of knowledge (p < 0.05) among participants for the three workshop modules. The objectives laid out in the workshop folders were reached by 44% of the teachers. In the implementation of the healthy cafeteria, positive results were observed when comparing the pre and posttraining periods. The methodology helped expand knowledge for both teachers and cafeteria owners, highlighting the school community as a prime space for promoting healthy eating


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    Objetivo: analisar as significâncias político-pedagógicas de experimentações de um estágio odontológico. Metodologia: estudo qualitativo, narrativo-descritivo e argumentativo. Resultados: o “Estágio de Clínica Integrada em Atenção Primária” foi didaticamente sistematizado em dois períodos, “Pré-intervenção” e “Intervenção”. Do primeiro, se desvendaram duas ações, a “Contextualização dos acadêmicos estagiários” e a “Estruturação, Ambientalização e Levantamento de necessidades do ambiente de trabalho”. Já o segundo foi guiado pelo instrumento “TPC” (Teorizar-Praticar-Criticar), onde todas as ações seguiram a lógica do planejamento estratégico, ou seja, contextualizadas ao cenário de prática (ambiente escolar). Conclusão: das vivências algumas inferências se destacaram: a efetividade do instrumento “TPC” no planejamento estratégico de ações de educação em saúde; o reconhecimento do ambiente escolar como território fértil para ações promotoras de saúde; a importância de se disseminar, em espaços científicos, os aprendizados advindos de experimentações práticas de estágios

    Applicability evaluation of Cupressus lusitanica for pulp production

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    This paper aimed to study Cupressus lusitanica wood tracheids biometrics along radial direction and chemical analysis in order to encourage the use of new forest species for pulp production in southern Brazil. Axial tracheids anatomical analysis was held in 3 positions, in the pith-periphery direction. Total length, total diameter and lumen diameter were analyzed, and wall thickness, flexibility coefficient, wall fraction, felting index and Runkel’s ratio were calculated based on these variables. Chemical analysis determined total extractives, sodium hydroxide attack degree, ash, lignin and holocellulose content. For anatomical variables, a statistically significant increase in the pith-periphery direction was observed for total length (L = 5,85mm), for total diameter (D = 47,18 μm), lumen diameter (d = 32,92μm) and wall thickness (e = 14,26μm) was observed stabilization from intermediate section. The species was characterized as with high rigidity tracheids (WF = 61,73%), although being considered “good” for wood pulp production (RI = 0,93). The chemical composition showed high lignin content (L = 36,21%) and low holocellulose content (H = 59,19%). Cupressus lusitanica wood showed appropriate anatomical characteristics to be part of the pulp industry raw material supply. However, chemical properties may compromise the species use due to high lignin content

    Tratamento de tuberculose pulmonar em paciente com esclerose múltipla: relato de caso / Pulmonary tuberculosis treatment in a patient with multiple sclerosis: case report

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    A esclerosemúltipla (EM) é uma doença crônica, autoimune, que compromete a bainha de mielina do sistema nervoso central (SNC), no caso clínico apresentado cursa com tuberculose (TB), doença infectocontagiosa grave, transmitida pelo ar e causada pela bactéria Mycobacterium tuberculosis ou Bacilo de Koch (BK).A identificação prévia da doença, assim como da etiologia e fatores de risco faz-se necessária, pois tal medida influenciará diretamente no curso do tratamento, podendo atingir um prognóstico de forma mais precisa e inclusive, ampliar a sobrevida do paciente. 

    valuation of the anatomic positions and situations of the appendix in pediatric patients with acute appendicitis

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar as diferentes posições e situações anatômicas do apêndice em pacientes pediátricos com apendicite aguda. MÉTODO: Estudo observacional do tipo corte transversal, realizado em Agosto de 2015 a Julho de 2016, na Emergência Pediátrica do Hospital da Restauração, na cidade do Recife. A amostra foi composta por 56 pacientes na faixa etária de 7 a 13 anos diagnosticados com apendicite aguda. Os dados clínico-epidemiológicos dos participantes foram obtidos antes do procedimento cirúrgico. Durante a cirurgia, foram coletadas as características anatômicas do apêndice (posição, situação, comprimento e fase da apendicite). RESULTADOS: As posições encontradas foram pélvica (37,5%), retrocecal (28,6%), pré-ileal (10,7%), pós-ileal (8,9%), subcecal (8,9%) e paracecal (5.4%). Quanto à situação, a mais vista foi descendente (46,4%), seguida por ascendente (28,6%), interna (19,6%) e externa (5,4%). As principais manifestações clínicas observadas foram dor em fossa ilíaca direita, vômitos e náuseas, independentemente da posição. Verificou-se que a fase inflamatória da apendicite foi a mais frequente em todas as posições, exceto na subcecal com 60% dos apêndices na fase perfurada. No entanto, não houve associação estatisticamente significante entre a posição subcecal e a fase da apendicite complicada (p=0,367). CONCLUSÃO: A posição pélvica e a situação descendente foram as mais frequentes na população de estudo. Não houve associação estatisticamente significante da posição do apêndice com a fase da apendicite e nem com o quadro clínico.OBJECTIVE: to access the different anatomic positions and situations of the appendix in pediatric patients diagnosed with acute appendicitis. METHOD: It´s an observational, cross-sectional study performed between august 2015 and July of 2016, at the Pediatric Emergency of the Restauration Hospital, in Recife, Brazil. The sample was composed of 56 patients from 7 to 13 years-old diagnosed with acute appendicitis. The clinic-epidemiologic data of the participants were collected before the surgical procedure. During the surgery, all anatomic characteristics of the appendices were gathered. (position, situation, length, period of the appendicitis). RFESULTS: The positions were: pelvic (37.5%), retrocecal (28.6%), pre-ileal (10.7%), post-ileal (8.9%), subcecal (8.9%), and paracecal (5.4%). Regarding situation, the most common was the descending (46.4%), followed by the ascending (28.6%), internal (19.6%), and external (5.4%). The main clinical manifestations observed were: pain in the lower right quadrant, vomits, and nausa, not related to the position of the appendix. The inflammatory period was the most frequent in all positions, except in the subcecal, with 60% being perforated. However, there was no statistically significant association between the subcecal position and the period of the complicated appendicitis (p = 0.367). CONCLUSION: The pelvic position and the descending situation were the most frequent in the studied population. There was no statistically significant association between the position of the appendix and the period of the appendicitis, and neither with the clinical case