4,246 research outputs found

    Red clover grown in a mixture with grasses: yield, persistence and dynamics of quality characteristics

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    Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) was grown in mixtures with timothy and meadow fescue in field experiments at four sites in Finland to broaden knowledge on its potential as a forage crop. The effects of cutting frequency, nitrogen fertilization in the spring and sward density were investigated. Forage yield quality was analyzed using standard methods. Red clover produced well in all swards during the two first seasons. In the third summer the proportion of red clover was greatly diminished except on sandy soil at the northernmost locality (64°40'N) where it remained productive. Linear regression adequately described the dependence of crude fibre content and crude protein content in dry matter of the primary growth and regrowth, both of red clover and grass, on accumulated temperature sum. The contents of P, K, Ca and Mg in clover and grass are given as a function of accumulated temperature to describe their changes during crop growth. The results give new knowledge about possibilities to grow red clover in the northern livestock region of Finland. They proved that soil type is more important for good persistence of red clover than latitude

    A bivariate chromatic polynomial for signed graphs

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    We study Dohmen--P\"onitz--Tittmann's bivariate chromatic polynomial cΓ(k,l)c_\Gamma(k,l) which counts all (k+l)(k+l)-colorings of a graph Γ\Gamma such that adjacent vertices get different colors if they are k\le k. Our first contribution is an extension of cΓ(k,l)c_\Gamma(k,l) to signed graphs, for which we obtain an inclusion--exclusion formula and several special evaluations giving rise, e.g., to polynomials that encode balanced subgraphs. Our second goal is to derive combinatorial reciprocity theorems for cΓ(k,l)c_\Gamma(k,l) and its signed-graph analogues, reminiscent of Stanley's reciprocity theorem linking chromatic polynomials to acyclic orientations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical properties of the Pascal adic transformation

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    We study the dynamics of a transformation that acts on infinite paths in the graph associated with Pascal's triangle. For each ergodic invariant measure the asymptotic law of the return time to cylinders is given by a step function. We construct a representation of the system by a subshift on a two-symbol alphabet and then prove that the complexity function of this subshift is asymptotic to a cubic, the frequencies of occurrence of blocks behave in a regular manner, and the subshift is topologically weak mixing

    Gendered Citizenship: Understanding Violence Against Women in Pakistan

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    From 2020 to 2021, there has been an increase in violence against women by 255 percent in Pakistan.1 As a democratic state, Pakistan constitutionally recognizes its women as equal citizens but the fear of gendered violence acts as an effective deterrent to women to exercise their rights. My thesis explores the question, why Muslim women who exercise their rights are potentially subject to violence in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. An examination of this question demonstrates the historical roots of violence and their continued effect on the Pakistani Muslim woman as a citizen. Starting from the colonial period, this thesis maps the nexus of the evolving understanding of the ‘Muslim Woman’ to the present gendered laws of the state. It demonstrates and explores the gap between rights given and rights exercised by showing the socio-political conception of the term ‘Muslim’ and ‘woman’ in Pakistan. Narratives of women from the South Asian subcontinent have been cast in the mold of the female character as the helpless victim and presented as human-interest stories to elicit sympathy and pity. This disingenuous label of the ‘victim’ disempowers these women and takes away their stories of resistance and resilience. Keeping this in mind, I have drawn from primary sources such as interviews, documentaries, and newspapers to highlight the voice of women as visible, autonomous beings and to bridge the gap between theory and praxis by focusing on situated experience. 1 Sustainable Social Organization, “Tracking Numbers.


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan suatu model pembelajaran sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk membantu masalah pembelajaran bercerita. Model pembelajaran yang dimaksud adalah model kooperatif tipe bercerita berpasangan berbasis kecerdasan kinestetik. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMP Negeri 1 Cikoneng tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 yang terdiri dari sembilan kelas. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari kelas kontrol yang diwakili oleh kelas VII A dan kelas eksperimen yang diwakili oleh kelas VII C, masing-masing kelas berjumlah 28 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian adalah teknik sampling purposive. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain The Matching-Only Posttest-Only Control Group Design. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini antara lain teknik pemberian tes, observasi, angket, dan wawancara. Setelah dilakukan penelitian dan datanya dianalisis, maka didapat nilai rata-rata prates kelas kontrol adalah 46,5 dan nilai rata-rata pascates kelas kontrol adalah 63,1. Nilai rata-rata prates kelas eksperimen adalah 46,5 dan nilai rata-rata pascates adalah 70,9. Kemudian data yang diperoleh, diolah atau dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 16. Berdasarkan perhitungan statistik diperoleh nilai Asymp. sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000<α = 0,05. Artinya, H0 ditolak. Atau dengan kata lain H1 diterima. Dengan demikian, kemampuan siswa kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi secara signifikan dari kelas kontrol. Apabila kemampuan siswa kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi secara signifikan dari kelas kontrol, maka ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan bercerita di kelas eksperimen dan di kelas kontrol. Artinya, model kooperatif tipe bercerita berpasangan berbasis kecerdasan kinestetik lebih efektif dari model terlangsung. --- This study aimed to test the effectiveness of learning model as one of the alternative to help the problem of storytelling learning. A purpose of learning model was kinesthetically intelligence-based cooperative model of paired story telling type. The population of this research was all the state of students’ junior high school of 1 Cikoneng at years of 2015-2016. It consists of nine classes. A sample of research consisted of the class control represented by seven A class and an experiment class represented by seven C class, each of the class are 28 students. The sample technique was a purposive sampling. The method used was the experiment by using a quantitative approach. The study design was using the design of The Matching-Only Posttest-Only Control Group Design. The technique data collections are techniques provision tests, observations, inquiries, and an interview. After done the research and analyzed of data, then to find pretest’s mean score at the control class about 46,5 and posttest’s mean score at the class control is 63,1. The mean score at experiments class is 46,5 and the posttest’s mean score is 70,9. Then data obtained, processed or analyzed using by SPSS 16th version. Based on the statistics obtained value Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed ) of 0,000 < α = 0,05. That is, H0 rejected. Or in other words H1 accepted. Thus, the students’ ability experiments class was higher significantly from class control. If the student’s ability experiments class higher significantly from class control, then no significant distinction between the ability to storytelling in the experiment and in the class control. In the other hand, kinesthetic intelligence-based cooperative model of paired storytelling type in storytelling learning is more effective than a regular model