10 research outputs found
ABSTRAKSistem resirkulasi akuaponik secara teknis dapat meningkatkan hasil produksi pembudidaya ikan dengan mengoptimalmakan fungsi dari air dan juga ruang yang terbatas untuk pemeliharaan ikan. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian adalah mengetahui apakah sistem resirkulasi akuaponik dengan jenis tanaman yang berbeda berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan gurame (Osphronemus gouramy). Penelitian yang dilakukan selama 21 hari, menunjukkan bahwa nilai pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan B yang menggunakan tanaman kangkung dengan pertumbuhan berat mutlak sebesar 0,9 g, pertambahan panjang sebesar 1,59 cm, laju pertumbuhan spesifik (SGR) sebesar 7,71 %/hari dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup ikan sebesar 100 %. Nilai terendah terdapat pada perlakuan kontrol. Hasil uji ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa pemeliharaan pada sistem akuaponik dengan tanaman yang berbeda berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan berat mutlak, pertambahan panjang dan laju pertumbuhan spesifik (SGR), tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap tingkat kelangsungan hidup ikan gurame (P>0,05). Kualitas air meliputi suhu, pH, Do dan amoniak pada setiap perlakuan secara umum menggambarkan kisaran yang masih dalam batas toleransi. Kata Kunci : Akuaponik, Benih Gurame (Osphronemus gouramy), pertumbuhan, kelangsungan hidup ikan.ABSTRACTThe aquaculture recirulation system can technically improve the production of fish farmers by optimizing the function of water and also limited space for fish maintenance. The purpose of research is to find out if the recirculation system with different plant types affects the growth and survival of seed gourami (Osphronemus gouramy). Research conducted for 21 days, showed that the highest growth and survival values were in treatment B using water spinach plants with absolute weight growth of 0.9 g, length increase of 1.59 cm, specific growth rate (SGR) of 7,71% / day and fish survival rate of 100%. The lowest value in the control treatment. The results of the ANOVA test showed that the maintenance of the aquaculture system with different plants has a real effect on the absolute weight growth, the increase in length and the rate of specific growth (SGR), but has no real effect on the Fish Survival Gurame (P > 0.05). The water quality includes the temperature, pH, Do and ammonia at each treatment in general describing the range that is still within the boundary of tolerance.Keywords : Aquaponics, Gourami (Osphronemus gouramy) seeds, growth, fish survival
Study of Public Open Space Circulation Patterns in Mall Building
The lack of open space due to land competition in the area which ultimately causes a lack of gathering activities for the community, so that with the movement of people who originally gathered in open spaces are now starting to move or turn into modern malls. This certainly encourages the development of malls that can be integrated with public open spaces as a gathering place for the community. There are several malls that have been tried to be integrated into malls with the concept of public open space, including The Park Mall Solo, Kelapa Gading Mall in Jakarta and Cihampelas Walk in Bandung. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of circulation patterns that can affect or form open spaces for malls. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. The analysis was carried out by analyzing and comparing the circulation patterns of the three malls in combining malls with open spaces. The results of this study indicate that the circulation pattern uses covert retail which is arranged in a linear manner, so that visitors can pass through a retail space that has a semi-open circulation form.Â
Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies in Cellulose Acetate-Polybutylene Succinate(CA-PBS)/Single Solvent/Water System for Desalination Membrane
The most important part of the membrane synthesis process so that it has the desired pores is the solidification process of the membrane, the process begins with a change from one liquid phase into two liquid phases (liquid-liquid demixing). At a certain period during demixing, the polymer-rich phase solidifies; thus, a dense membrane matrix is formed. Parameters that determine the mechanism of membrane formation are based on thermodynamics including phase separation of Solvent-Polymer-Non-solvent which is explained through a phase diagram (Flory-Huggins Theory). This study aims to determine the initial prediction of the formation of CA-PBS membranes with various solvents used and variations of non-solvents in the best system, which is proven by its characteristics and performance when applied to desalination membranes which include ternary diagrams using cloud point data, solubility parameters with Hansesn solubility, the solvent-non-solvent diffusivity using the Tyn Calus Equation approach and the morphological proofing of the membrane through SEM photos, and the performance of the resulting membrane through salt rejection and permeate flux. The results of the difference in solubility parameters are can be predicted that using DMF solvent on the CA-PBS membrane can reduce the pore size and eliminate voids and macrovoids in the membrane morphology
Optimasi Proses Penyulingan Minyak Sereh Desa Sungai Jalau, Kampar, untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Produk dan Proses
Tanaman sereh merupakan salah satu komoditas agraris yang berpotensi di dalam meningkatkan kualitas perekonomian Indonesia, khususnya melalui produksi minyak atsiri. Saat ini, Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara pengekspor minyak atsiri terbesar di skala internasional. Sebagai salah satu desa yang memiliki banyak perkebunan tanaman sereh, Desa Sungai Jalau memiliki potensi di dalam berkontribusi bagi Indonesia untuk menghasilkan minyak sereh. Desa Sungai Jalau memiliki satu unit proses penyulingan minyak atsiri yang beroperasi secara berkala yang terdiri dari beberapa perangkat yang tersusun secara terintegrasi: ruang pembakaran, tungku penyulingan, kolom penukar panas, dan pemisah gravitasi. Saat analisa awal dilakukan, proses penyulingan tersebut masih belum optimal. Efisiensi energi masih dipandang rendah akibat kebocoran uap dari tungku. Di samping itu, ampas hasil ekstraksi masih menumpuk dan tidak dikelola dengan baik. Optimasi proses dilakukan dengan mendesain ulang tungku dan meneliti kandungan organik dan inorganik di dalam ampas guna menentukan manfaat ampas tersebut. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah kebocoran aliran uap berkurang dan kuantitas rendeman minyak atsiri meningkat. Di samping itu, kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan semangat kelompok usaha lain di Desa Sungai Jalau untuk turut berkontribusi di dalam memproduksi minyak atsiri dari tanaman sereh
Analysis of Pyrolytic Product Distribution for B3 and Non-B3 Medical Waste Pyrolysis
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has badly impacted many sectors, particularly medical waste generation in healthcare facilities. The increasing amount of medical waste poses a serious threat to health and environmental sustainability. Traditional waste processing (burning) cannot be used for B3 medical waste and is often mixed with non-B3 medical waste. This is because it potentially generates dangerous chemicals emitted into the atmosphere. Meanwhile, pyrolysis as a superior thermochemical technology is an effective solution for treating both B3 medical waste and non-B3 medical waste. The waste used in this study has good characteristics, as indicated by the low water and high fixed carbon content. The pyrolysis process yields products with economic value, such as solid, liquid, and gas products. Therefore, this study aims to determine the levels of products that can be produced from B3 and non-B3 medical waste. The results showed that rubber bands produce the highest proportion of liquid products at 44%, the highest solid products were obtained from LDPE plastic waste with a proportion of 65%, while the highest gas product was produced by mask waste at 45%. Based on the results, waste with high product yields can be used as an alternative energy source, such as gasoline, LPG, briquettes, and battery-based materials
Water Quality and Heavy Metal Pollution Status in the Rupat Strait, Indonesia
Rupat strait is located in the north of Dumai, Riau, Indonesia. Rupat strait is the center of shipping, industry, farming, and urban activities. The vast activities are expected to give pressures to Rupat strait ecosystem and its water quality. This study aims to identify the status of Rupat strait water contamination via determination of the degree of heavy metal pollution in Rupat strait water. Samples was taken from 10 location across Rupat strait while the remaining 1 location is the reference location. Sampling was conducted according to SNI 6964.8:2015 in both dry and wet seasons in 2022. The respective physical and chemical parameters were also measured during sampling. Based on the measurement, significant distinction of physical and chemical parameters other than water salinity, TSS, and turbidity (p>0.05) were observed in between wet season and dry season. Rupat strait water was moderately polluted in dry season with Pij 4-8 and mildly polluted in wet season with Pj 3-5. For heavy metal contamination, Rupat strait water was mildly polluted for the whole year with PLI 0.3-0.6. This finding is expected to contribute as references for the surrounding community to maximize the socioeconomic productivity in Rupat strait
Modelling and evaluation of fate and occurrence of ash-forming and trace elements in combustion of virgin and treated biomass
The increase of global carbon emissions by 2.7% in 2018 from the 2015 level indicates that the utilisation of fossil fuel, particularly coal, as the primary energy source is still very significant worldwide. Many countries have made efforts to reduce their carbon emissions by replacing coal with biomass. The UK government has promoted the gradual transition from coal-firing to biomass-firing to achieve complete coal power plant shutdown by 2025. This transition program is also supported with several incentive schemes to encourage the current and planned future coal-firing power plants to utilise biomass.
However, several disadvantages are attributed to the utilisation of biomass as an energy source. Significant exploitation of woody biomass contributes to flooding, increasing carbon debts, and food security issues due to deforestation. Additionally, the use of herbaceous biomass causes operational problems in power plants due to severe ash deposition and corrosion.
Treated wood is abundantly available and is known to complement virgin biomass in combustion to mitigate the disadvantages associated with woody and herbaceous biomass combustion. In the EU, 52.9 million tonnes of waste wood is produced annually, 54% of which is utilised to produce electricity. However, treated wood contains trace elements (TE), e.g. arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, etc. sourced from prior anthropogenic treatment, e.g. preservatives and paints. These elements are relatively volatile at high temperatures and are released to the atmosphere during combustion. Ingestion of these elements may harm human metabolism and pose other health risks to wildlife.
This thesis aims to develop a comprehensive model to predict the fate and the occurrence of trace elements (TEs) and ash-forming elements (AFEs) in combustion of treated wood and virgin wood. The combustion process considered is based on the biomass combustion operation in the 250-kW entrained-flow boiler in the UKCCSRC Pilot-scale Advanced Capture Technology (PACT) facility in Sheffield, UK. The developed model is designed to predict the downstream concentrations, the fate profiles, and the occurrence profiles each AFE and TE. The modelled downstream concentrations as the element concentrations in uncooled downstream gas are well validated by the experimental downstream concentrations measured with the online inductively-coupled plasma â mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The modelled fate and occurrence profiles of each AFE and TE are in good agreement with the experimental results pertaining to the respective elements.Open Acces
Pra-Desain Pabrik Gamma Valerolactone (GVL) dari Limbah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit
Limbah TKKS dapat diolah menjadi berbagai macam produk, salah satunya adalah Gamma-Valerolakton (GVL). GVL adalah senyawa yang dihasilkan dari biomassa yang dianggap sebagai salah satu bahan kimia yang paling bernilai tambah. GVL adalah bahan baku ramah lingkungan yang dapat digunakan dalam sintesis organik untuk menyiapkan serangkaian bahan kimia penting seperti Δ-kaprolaktam, ester valerik, dan lain-lain. GVL memiliki banyak kegunaan. Dalam industri kimia, GVL digunakan sebagai bio-based green solvents. Dalam bidang energi, GVL digunakan sebagai bahan aditif bahan bakar. Konversi energi dari glukosa menjadi GVL adalah 97% dan energi pembakarannya mirip dengan etanol (29,7 MJ/kg). Nilai âHc,liq GVL adalah -2,65 MJ/mol, yang dapat langsung digunakan sebagai bahan bakar cair atau aditif bahan bakar berkualitas tinggi (nilai etanol dan metil tert-butil eter adalah -1,37 MJ/mol dan -3,37 MJ/mol, masing-masing). Berdasarkan DataIntelo, pasar global GVL diperkirakan akan tumbuh pada CAGR sebesar 5,02% dari tahun 2022 hingga 2030. Pertumbuhan di pasar ini dapat dikaitkan dengan meningkatnya permintaan GVL dari berbagai industri pengguna akhir seperti sebagai zat aditif untuk makanan, pelarut, intermediet monomer, dan lain-lain. Untuk memproduksi GVL dari limbah TKKS, diperlukan 4 tahap utama, yaitu tahap pre-treatment, bahan baku, pembentukan asam levulinat dari selulosa dan hemiselulosa, serta pembuatan GVL dari asam levulinat. Proses utama yang digunakan dalam sintesis GVL dari asam levulinat adalah hidrogenasi katalitik dengan katalis Cu/ZrO2. Pabrik dengan kapasitas 3372 Ton/tahun direncanakan didirikan di Kota Dumai, tepatnya di Kawasan Industri Dumai. Pabrik ini mulai dibangun pada tahun 2023 dan beroperasi pada tahun 2025. Total biaya bahan baku sebesar Rp709.518.494.203,00 per tahun. Rencana hasil penjualan GVL dari limbah TKKS sebesar Rp3.690.454.345.328,00 per tahun. Untuk Internal Rate of Return sebesar 32,3% dengan Pay Out Time selama 4,24 tahun. Break Even Point dari pabrik ini sebesar 43,69%. Pabrik direncanakan beroperasi dengan proses Continuous 24 jam selama 330 hari per tahun
Effect of Empty Bunch Fruits Biochar for Growth of Pakcoy (Brassica rapa) in Heavy Metals Contaminated Soil
Production of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) generates waste, one of which is Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB). EFB has a high potential for further utilization due to its carbon and nitrogen content. The abundant carbon content can be utilized and further processed into a value-added product such as biochar. This study aims to investigate the influence of waste mixtures from various parts of the oil palm and the effect of temperature in furnace pyrolysis and microwave pyrolysis methods on biochar production for remediating and reducing heavy metal pollution in soil. The preparation of oil palm waste materials consists of EFB, trunks, and oil palm shells, which are then crushed and refined. Through proximate and ultimate testing, two parts of oil palm waste with the highest carbon content were obtained and used in biochar production with a waste ratio of 80:20. Biochar production was carried out using the furnace pyrolysis method at temperatures of 200, 300, and 400°C for 3 hours. The biochar was added to soil media planted with Pakcoy (Brassica rapa). The effectiveness of biochar in the remediation of heavy metal pollution in soil was analyze
Feasibility assessment of Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) deployment with Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) co-combustion at New South Wales (NSW) coal power plants
Burning coal to produce electricity is one of the main contributors of carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. This study aims to find out if it is practical and cost-effective to reduce those emissions in NSW by burning waste materials along with the coal, separating the carbon dioxide from the rest of the combustion gases and storing the carbon dioxide deep underground Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), or rubbish, is a combination of many different materials, many of which cannot be burned (such as glass and metal), but also many that can burn. The materials this study is interested in are dry materials that were derived from plants, such as wood and paper waste, as they are easier to burn in a power plant and can be separated more easily than other wastes. When wood and paper are burned, the carbon in them just returns to the atmosphere because it was absorbed from the air when the plants were growing, but if that carbon is separated and stored deep underground, then the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is reduced. This technology is known as âBioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storageâ, or BECCS. For this study, BECCS involves burning coal along with wood and paper waste to generate electricity, while separating the carbon dioxide, transporting it via pipeline, compressing and storing it deep underground in western NSW, at a well site in the Darling Basin: Mena Murtee-1 in the Pondie Range Trough. We consider implementing this type of BECCS at the three younger coal power plants in NSW where wood and paper could be easily burned: Mt Piper, Eraring and Bayswater. We also consider burning different amounts of waste at each power plant, but even if all available wood and paper waste in NSW was used, it would only amount to about 5% of the fuel burned in those three plants. According to this study, burning paper and wood waste alongside coal reduces the amount of carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere, but produces more ash than burning coal alone. This means it will be necessary to add extra equipment to catch the extra dust before it is released to the atmosphere. If one-tenth of the fuel is wood and paper, carbon emissions are only slightly reduced (less than 3%), but if carbon capture and storage is also implemented (thereby implementing BECCS) then the power plant will only emit about one-fifth of the emissions of a normal coal plant over its whole life, which is similar to the overall emissions of electricity produced by solar panels. BECCS can also completely offset the carbon emissions from coal if more than a third of the fuel burned is wood and paper waste, thereby achieving negative emissions. Although the cost of getting rid of the carbon dioxide becomes lower as more waste is burned, the cost of the electricity is increased, because less electricity is produced. This study concludes that BECCS can help significantly reduce carbon emissions in NSW. Still, it is important to consider other waste sources (for example textiles, garden waste, agricultural waste), as availability of waste is a strong limitation for further use of this technology